Postgraduate Members
Recent PhD and DFA Graduates
- Dr Taylor Driggers, Thesis title: “Faith, fairies, and floozies: deconstructing God, sex, and gender in fantasy”
- Dr Elizabeth Dulemba, Thesis title: "Tricksters, Witches, and Warriors: a Feminist Experiment in Rewriting a Patriarchal Narrative in Children’s Fantasy Literature"
- Dr Sally Gales, Thesis title: "iNSiDE, a Novel, and Dead Spaces: An Invitation to See the Forgotten, a Series of Essays"
- Dr Penelope Holdaway, Thesis title: "An exploration of Tolkien's changing visions of Faërie through his non-Middle-earth poetry"
- Dr Shelby Judge, Thesis title: "Contemporary feminist adaptations of Greek myth"
- Dr Oliver Langmead, Thesis title: "Writing at Earth Magnitude: Calypso and Terranauts"
- Dr Heidi A. Lawrence, Thesis title: "Continuums of fantasy, reality, and kinship: an ecopsychological reading of Madeleine L’Engle’s children’s and adolescent fiction"
- Dr Luke Shelton, Thesis title: “‘Small Hands Do Them Because They Must’: examining the reception of The Lord of the Rings among young readers”
- Dr Andy Tytler, Thesis title: "The Dragon in the Mirror, a novel, with Stepping Through the Mirror, a critical reflection on writing and revising a feminist portal-quest fantasy"
Current PhD and DFA Students working on fantasy/the fantastic:
- Maria Arvaniti: "Otherworlds on Stage: Theatre and Fantasy"
- Grace Borland Sinclair: "Feminist Fabulations: The Speculative Fiction of Scottish Women Writers 1860-1980"
- Francis Butterworth-Parr: "Video Games as Metaphor in the Contemporary Novel: 1984 to Writing Now"
- Gabriel Elvery: "Pieces of Heart: Video Games, Affect and The Digital Fantastic"
- Tom Emanuel: "The Tale We’ve Fallen Into: J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Fandom, and the Post-Christian Quest for Meaning"
- Emma French: "How do you want to do this? Dungeons and Dragons as transformative fantasy narrative"
- Robert Gabriel: "Socio-Economic Ideology in Contemporary ‘Tween’ Television Programming"
- Georgina Gale: "Gothic Realities: The Symbiotic Nature of Gothic Fiction and Late-Victorian Journalism"
- Lynn Genevieve: Creative writing project on centring on radical birth practices.
- Lucinda Holdsworth: "Divine Abuse in Modern Depictions of Lucifer"
- Azalea Binti Ahmad Kushairi: "Eco-aesthetics of Birds, Flowers, Others: A Freudian Analysis of Human Ecological Adaptations in Folkloric Tales of the Austronesian Regions"
- Alice Langley: "Beneath the Stone: How works of fiction employ transformation to illuminate the lived experience of women who have experienced miscarriage"
- Rachel Lewis: "Magic, Medicine, Metamorphosis: Representations of Medicine in the Victorian Fairy Tale"
- Christopher Lynch: "Terry Pratchett’s Ankh-Morpork and the Development of Urban Fantasy from the 1980s to the Present"
- Liz Macwhirter: Creative Writing project. Website: https://ljmacwhirter.com/
- Rhys Pasternack: "Dark Souls: A Contemporary Postmodern Fantasy"
- Mariana Rios Maldonado: "Ethics, Femininity and the Encounter with the Other in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth Narratives"
Luise Rössel: "End Without Hope? – ‘Post-modern fantasy’ and the millennial Change: re-writing truth(s), undercutting hierarchies and the narrative void in secularized Christian cultures"
- Kristine Ainsworth Swank: "The Creative Uses of Irish Literature in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien"
- Monica Vazquez: "There Be Dragons: Poetics of Immersion from Fantasy Literature to Virtual Reality"
- Hollie Willis: "Representations of Funerary Rites in Post-1990 Fantasy Literature"
- Grace Worm: "Female Fantasy: Tamora Pierce’s Influence on Contemporary Fantasy"