Research outputs
Research outputs
Mediating the local: Language change and the media, monograph in progress presenting an integrated account of the results, their theoretical and methodological context, our interpretation, and an initial model for understanding the influence of media on language.
- Television is a factor in language change in Glaswegian, journal article in progress, presenting the overall results for the correlational study, for all variables considered.
- NWAV 36, University of Pennsylvania, 11-14 October 2007
- '"Aye , I watch it but": Individuals, television and language change'. UKLVC 6, Lancaster University,11-13 September 2007
- '"Ah cannae talk like him": Television and accent change in urban Scots', ICLaVE 4, University of Cyprus, 17-19 June 2007
- Discussion of data on TV and accent changeat University of Toronto, 18 April 2007.
- 'The role of television in the spread of L-vocalization in Glaswegian vernacular, Northern Englishes Workshop II, University of Edinburgh, 16-17 March 2007
- 'Is Mockney creeping north? Investigating the impact of TV on language change', Centre for Mass Communications Research, University of Leicester, 7 March 2007
- 'A social basis for sound change? Television and accent change in Glasgow', Hauptseminar fuer Phonetik, Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universitaet Muenchen, 20 December 2006
- 'From Cockney to Jockney? The role of television in accent change in Modern Urb, History of Scots Seminar, University of Giessen, 14 December 2006
- 'We fink, so we are from Glasgow: TV and accent change in Glaswegian', Research Seminar, Department of Linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, 12 December 2006
- 'The Glasgow media project: accent change and television', Medien und Sprachwandel/Media and Language Change, Department of German, University of Hannover, 23 November 2006
- 'Investigating the role of TV in accent change: TH-fronting in Glaswegian', lecture as part of MA Seminar, Outline of a history of the Danish speech community, 1999-2000, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics and Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Copenhagen, 3 October 2006
- Stuart-Smith, J. (2006, forthcoming). ‘The influence of the media’, in Llamas, C., Stockwell, P. & Mullany, L. (eds.). The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics. London: Routledge.Stuart-Smith, J. and Timmins, C.
- ‘Tell her to shut her moof’: The role of the lexicon in TH-fronting in Glaswegian’. Full details to be released on publication of volume.
- ‘Explaining phonological variation and change in an urban vernacular: does television play a role?’ Paper to be presented at NWAV34, University of New York, October 20th-23rd 2005’
- ‘A question of life: Investigating the effects of television on accent variation in adolescents’, UKLVC05, University of Aberdeen, September 12th -14th 2005’
- ‘I wouldnae say that I’m a ned’: Social practices and social identities as explanatory factors of phonological variation and change in urban adolescents’, First International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Edinburgh, 23-26 June 2005
- ‘Bart Simpson lives in York and speaks Glaswegian: Accents, attitudes and imitation in urban adolescents’, Research Seminar, Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York , 24 May 2004
- ‘Investigating the effects of television on accent change: The story so far’, Research Seminar, Department of Linguistics and English Language, University of Lancaster, 15 March 2005 • ‘Investigating the role of television as a factor in language change’, Research Seminar, Fachbereich Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, University of Hannover, 16 November 2004
- 'Investigating the role of television as a factor in language change', Research Seminar, Fachbereich Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, University of Hannover, 16 November 2004
- 'Analysing the language of television : The case of media-Cockney', Paper presented as part of Seminar für Medienlinguistik, University of Hannover, 15 November 2004
- 'Investigating the effects of mobility on language variation and change', Research Seminar, Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex, 4 November 2004
- ‘An acoustic investigation of L-vocalization in Glaswegian adolescents’, paper presented at the Colloquium of British Association of Academic Phoneticians, University of Cambridge, 24 – 26 March 2004
- 'Language Variation and Change in Glaswegian: To what extent is dialect contact, presented at Sociolinguistics Symposium, University of Newcastle, April 1st – 4th, 2004