Uchida Go

Poet and Graphic designer. Born in Hiroshima Japan in 1983. Studied law at university as well as writing poems and designing graphic images on his own. His first book of poems “Backyard” and second book of poems “Confession” were privately published in 2003 and 2004. His picture book “Raven the storyteller” was published in 2009, and his allegory “Okonomori” was published in 2011, by the Sloth Club. His third book of poems “Akichi-no-Katte (Rules in the vacant land)” was published in 2012, and his poetry card series “flower in the garden of poetry” was published in 2013. He held a poetry exhibition with poetry posters at a art shop in Edinburgh Scotland 2014. My creative works are full of allegory, satire, and humor.


First published: 14 February 2019