Date: Tuesday 25 November

Time: 5-7pm

Venue: Yudowitz Lecture Theatre and Atrium, Wolfson Medical School Building, University of Glasgow


Rhythms in Scotland is an interdisciplinary network founded in 2012 with Royal Society of Edinburgh funding. Highlights from our conference and workshops have recently been published in a theme issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Communicative rhythms in brain and behaviourincluding articles on rhythm in joint music-making and conversation, speech timing, EEG frequency-tagging and entrainment to music, speech and auditory disorders following Parkinson’s and cerebellar damage, as well as whether being bounced to a beat makes babies more cooperative and why some people can’t dance to the beat.

We'd like to invite you to a special gathering of the network to mark the publication of the theme issue and discuss future plans. We are keen to involve all colleagues interested in rhythm, whether in music, literature, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, speech and music therapy, education, or any other area. Please circulate to interested colleagues.

Programme: There will be talks from Fred Cummins (University College Dublin), Nigel Fabb (University of Strathclyde), and a performance from award-winning poet Hannah Silva. Over a glass of wine there will be a chance to discuss plans for the network, talks, interdisciplinary training possibilities, and collaborative ventures.


We hope to see you on 25 November!

With all best wishes

Rachel Smith, Tamara Rathcke, Fred Cummins, Katie Overy, Sophie Scott (editors)

Communicative rhythms in brain and behaviour:

Twitter: @RiS_2012  

First published: 14 November 2014