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The Antiquary


Abune, above.
Again-e'en, by the evening.
Aiblins, perhaps.
Aik, oak.
Aitmeal, oatmeal
Ava', at all.
Awmous, alms.

Bain or Bane, a bone.
Bairn, a child.
Ban, curse.
Bannock-fluke, turbot.
Barm, yeast.
Barns-breaking, frolic.
Baudron, a cat.
Bedral, beadle, grave-digger.
Belyve, directly.
Ben, in, within.
Bennison, blessing.
Bicker, a wooden vessel
Bide, wait.
Bield, shelter.
Bigging, building.
Bink, beach.
Binna, be not.
Blythe, merry.
Boddle, a small copper coin.
Bole, window, aperture.
Bonny, pretty.
Bourd, a joke.
Bourock, a mound, heap.
Bowse, pull.
Braid, broad.
Braw, fine, brave.
Braws, fine clothing.
Breeks, breeches.
Brock, a badger.
Butter in the black
dog's hause (throat), irrecoverable.

Ca' thro, an ado.
Callant, a lad.
Caller, fresh.
Canny, quiet.
Cantrip, a frolic, trick.
Car-cake, small cake baked with eggs,
and eaten on Eastern's even.
Carfuffle, excitement.
Carle, fellow.
Cast, lot, fate.
Certie, good gracious.
Claes, clothes.
Clartier the cosier, the dirtier the warmer.
Cleugh, a rugged precipice.
Clink, to strike.
Coble, a little boat.
Cockpaddle, a lump-lish.
Corbie, a crow.
Coronach, highland lament for the dead.
Craft or Croft, grazing field.
Crack, to gossip.
Crappit-heads, haddock-heads stuffed
with oatmeal, onions, pepper, etc.
Creel, basket for the back.
Cummer, a gossip, midwife.

Daft, crazy.
Daunder, gaunter.
Deil, devil.
Deil went o'er
Jock Wabster, everything went to the devil.
Devvil, a stroke with a pick.
Ding, bring down.
Div, do.
Doited, dotard.
Donnard, stupid.
Doup, the end, bottom.
Dour, stubborn.
Dowed, liked.
Downa, do not like.
Dreeing a sair weird, enduring a sore misfortune.
Droukit, drenched.
Drudging-box, kitchen flour-box.

Earded, buried.
Easel, eastward.
Ee, eye.
Een, eyes.
E'en, evening.
Eilding, fuel
Eithly, easily.
Ewking, itching.
Exies, hysterics.

Fa'ard, favoured.
Farrant, sagacious.
Fashious, troublesome.
Fending, provision.
Fickle, to puzzle.
Fish-guts. _See_ ``Gie.''
Fit, foot.
Flaughter, flicker.
Flaughter-spade, turf-spade.
Flit, remove.
Fliskmahoy, silly flirt.
Flyting, badgering, scolding.
Forbye, besides.
Fire-flaught, flash.
Forfain, exhausted.
Founder, stun.
Fugie, fugitive.

Gaberlunzie, a beggar.
Gae-doun, a rout or spree.
Gait or Gate, way, manner, direction
Ganging, going.
Gar, to make, oblige.
Gear, property.
Gecked, jeered.
Gieing, giving.
Gien, given.
Gie our ain fish-guts
to our ain
sea-maws (sea-gulls), don't put the water past your own mill.
Gin, if.
Gleg, sharp.
Gliff, a fright.
Gloamin, twilight.
Glower, gaze.
Glum, gloomy.
Glunch, sour-looking.
Gowk, goose, fool.
Greet, cry, weep.
Gudewife, wife.
Guffaw, a loud laugh.
Gully, knife.
Gyre-carlin, an ogre.
Gyte, a crack-brained fellow.

Haddie, a haddock.
Haena, has not.
Hail, whole.
Hallan, the partition at the doorway.
Hallenshaker, a beggar.
Hantle, a number of.
Harns, brains.
Harry, rob.
Haud, hold.
Hause or Hals, the throat.
Heugh, a dell.
Hinny, honey.
Hirple, hobble.
Houst or Hoast, cough.
Hoodie-craw, hooded crow.
Hooly, softly.
Houdie, midwife.
Howk, dig.
Howlit, an owL
Hussie, a jade.

Ilka, each.
Ingle, the flre.

Jaloused, suspected.
Jimp, hardly.
Jowing, rolling.

Kale, greens, broth.
Kale-yard, cabbage-garden.
Kale-supper, a great eater.
Keelyvine, a pencil.
Kemping, fighting and striving.
Ken, know.
Kist, a chest.
Kittle, ticklish

Laigh, low.
Landlouper, charlatan.
Landward town, a country house or farm, with adjoining cottages.
Lapper, curdled milk.
Lauch, laugh.
Lee, a lie.
Lift, the sky.
Likewake, a burial entertainment.
Like mutton weel, that
lick where the yowe
(ewe) lies, a saying applicable to dogs too fond of mutton
Lilt, play, fun.
Limmer, jade.
Loaning, meadow.
Loe, love.
Loom, vessel, case
Loon, lout.
Lound, sheltered.
Luckie, Goodie! addressed to a woman.
Lug, the ear.
Lunzie, the guilemot, sea-bird.

Maen, to complain.
Mailing, a farm.
Manse, parsonage.
Maun, must.
Maunder, palaver.
Mear, more.
Merk, Scotch silver coin, value 1s. 1<1/4>d.
Midden, a dunghill.
Minnie, mama, mammy.
Mirk, dark.
Misca', to abuse.
Moul, the sod.
Moust, a crop.
Muckle, much.
My certie! my faith.

Neb, nose.
N'er be lickit, not a vestige.
Niffer, exchange.

Oe, grandchild.
Orra, odd.

Paraffle, mummery.
Partan, a crab.
Peer, poor.
Peery, a peg-top.
Pictarnie, the great tern, sea-bird.
Plainstanes, the pavement.
Pock, a poke, bag.
Poind, to distrain.
Popple, etrickle.
Pose, a hoard.
Pouting, game-shooting.
Powny, pony.
Prent buke, a printed book.
Propine, a gift.
Pound scots, 1s. 8d.

Quean, a flirt.

Rampauging, roaring.
Randy, a scold.
Rath, early.
Rattlin, a rope ladder.
Reist, to stop suddenly and stubbornly, as applied to
a horse.
Rickle, a confused heap.
Rudas, haggard.
Rugging, driving, pulling, and tearing.

Sackless, innocent.
Sampler, a piece of sewing.
Saulie, a mute.
Scart, a cormorant, sea-bird.
Scull, a flsh-basket for the back.
Scunner, disgust.
Sea-maw, a sea-gull.
Seer, sure.
Shank, the leg.
Shaw, a turnip-top.
Shirra, sheriff.
Shoon, shoes.
Shule, shovel.
Sib, related by blood.
Sic, such.
Siller, money.
Skeely, skilful.
Skirl, scream.
Skreigh, shriek.
Slaistering, making a mess.
Sneeshin, snuff.
Snood, a hood or fillet for bining up the hair.
Soncy, stout, comfortable.
Soothfast, honest.
Sough, sigh, whisper.
Soupled, made supple.
Sowder, solder.
Speel, to scale.
Spunk, spark.
Stang, a long pole.
Steek, keep shut.
Steer, stir.
Steever, stiffer.
Sting and ling, entirely.
Stirra, a stout lad; a young fellow.
Stouth and route, plenty.
Strae, straw.
Streek, stretch out for burial
Sweer, unwilling.
Syne, since, ago.

Tae, the one.
Talepyet, a telltale.
Tammie-norie, a puffin, sea-fowl
Tawpie, an awkward girl.
Tent, care.
Thae, these.
Threep, threaten, accuse, persist.
Through-stane, gravestone.
Thrum, to tell, to prose over.
Till, hard clay.
Tirl, turn over.
Tirlie-wirlie, twisting.
Tocher, a dowry.
Toom, empty.
Touzled, disordered.
Tow, a rope.
Tripple, ill made.
Trimmer, a vixen.
Troth, sure.
Trow, to trust.
Twal, twelve.

Ugsome, noisome.
Ulyie, oil.
Unbrizzed, unbroken.
Unco, particularly.

Wadna', would not.
Wale o' the country, the toast of the country-side.
Wallace straiks, strokes as powerful as those said to have been dealt
by Sir William Wallace.
Wame, womb, hollow.
Wan, won
Warp, four, applied to the counting of oysters.
Wanle, strong.
Waur, worse.
Waured, to be worsted.
Wean, infant.
Wee, little.
Weize, direct, twist.
Wheen, a few.
Whilk, which.
Whomle, turn over.
Winna, will not.
Winsome, winning.
Worricow, hobgoliun.
Wussing, wishing.

Yald, active.
Yestreen, yesterday.
Yowe, a ewe.

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