Dr Marwa Mahmoud

  • Lecturer in Socially Intelligent Technologies (School of Computing Science)


Marwa Mahmoud is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Socially Intelligent Technologies in the School of Computing Science at University of Glasgow, and a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at University of Cambridge, UK. Prior to joining University of Glasgow, she spent 10 years at University of Cambridge, where she obtained her PhD in 2015, held a postdoctoral researcher post from 2015-2016, then got awarded the prestigious King’s College Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) from 2016-2021. Her research interests focus on computer vision for social signal processing, multimodal perception and behavioural modelling, especially within the context of aective computing, behaviour analytics, human behaviour understanding and animal behaviour understanding. She applied her research in the areas of automotive applications, mental healthcare, and animal welfare. 

She pioneered research directions on affective gestures analysis (especially hand-over-face gestures and self-adaptors/ fidgeting behaviour) as well as vision-based AI for automatic detection of signs of pain in the facial expressions of sheep for early diagnosis of disease.

As the director of “Behavioural AI Lab – for human and animal behaviour modelling”, her current research vision is to build technologies for ‘AI for Social Good’, combining computer vision research and multimodal machine learning for human well-being and animal welfare applications.

She is the President of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC), Network Member of Cambridge Trust & Technology Initiative and a member of Cambridge Neuroscience. She has previously served as topic editor for "Multimodal Behavioural AI for Wellbeing" issue in Frontiers in Computer Science and the special issue “AI and Interaction Technologies for Social Sustainability” in the Journal of Sustainability.

Research interests

- Computer vision for behaviour understanding

- Multimodal representation learning

- Social signal processing

- Digital Health


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009
Number of items: 38.


Li, X. and Mahmoud, M. (2024) Unlocking the Black Box: Concept-Based Modeling for Interpretable Affective Computing Applications. In: The 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, 27-31 May 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Feng, Z., Karaskova, M. and Mahmoud, M. (2024) Open-Sheep-Face: A Comprehensive Application for Sheep Face Analysis and Pain Estimation. In: ACII 2023, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA, 10-13 September 2023, ISBN 9798350327458 (doi: 10.1109/ACIIW59127.2023.10388128)


Tafur, B., Weiss, S. and Mahmoud, M. (2023) Towards Early Prediction of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Computational Model for Face Touch and Self-adaptors in Infants. In: ICMI 2023 Workshop on Bridging Social Sciences and AI for Understanding Child Behavior, Paris, France, 9-13 October 2023, pp. 426-434. ISBN 9798400703218 (doi: 10.1145/3610661.3616238)

Lin, W., Orton, I., Li, Q., Pavarini, G. and Mahmoud, M. (2023) Looking at the body: automatic analysis of body gestures and self-adaptors in psychological distress. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 14(2), pp. 1175-1187. (doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2021.3101698)

Broomé, S., Feighelstein, M., Zamansky, A., Carreira Lencioni, G., Haubro Andersen, P., Pessanha, F., Mahmoud, M. , Kjellström, H. and Salah, A. A. (2023) Going deeper than tracking: a survey of computer-vision based recognition of animal pain and emotions. International Journal of Computer Vision, 131(2), pp. 572-590. (doi: 10.1007/s11263-022-01716-3)


Ceccarelli, F. and Mahmoud, M. (2022) Multimodal temporal machine learning for bipolar disorder and depression recognition. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 25(3), pp. 493-504. (doi: 10.1007/s10044-021-01001-y)


Danial, J. S. H., Shalaby, R., Cosentino, K., Mahmoud, M. M. , Medhat, F., Klenerman, D. and Garcia Saez, A. J. (2021) DeepSinse: deep learning-based detection of single molecules. Bioinformatics, 37(21), pp. 3998-4000. (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab352) (PMID:33964131)


Lin, W., Orton, I., Liu, M. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) Automatic Detection of Self-Adaptors for Psychological Distress. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 371-378. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00032)

Pessanha, F., McLennan, K. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) Towards Automatic Monitoring of Disease Progression in Sheep: a Hierarchical Model for Sheep Facial Expressions Analysis from Video. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 387-393. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00107)

Yuan, X. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) ALANet:Autoencoder-LSTM for Pain and Protective Behaviour Detection. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 824-828. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00063)

Zhang, Z., Lin, W., Liu, M. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Mental Disorder Recognition. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 344-350. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00033)


Hewitt, C. and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Pose-Informed Face Alignment for Extreme Head Pose Variations in Animals. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Cambridge, UK, 3-6 Sept 2019, pp. 22-27. ISBN 9781728138886 (doi: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925472)

Marchi, E. et al. (2019) The ASC-inclusion perceptual serious gaming platform for autistic children. IEEE Transactions on Games, 11(4), pp. 328-339. (doi: 10.1109/TG.2018.2864640)

Pavarini, G., Sun, R., Mahmoud, M. , Cross, I., Schnall, S., Fischer, A., Deakin, J., Ziauddeen, H., Kogan, A. and Vuillier, L. (2019) The role of oxytocin in the facial mimicry of affiliative vs. non-affiliative emotions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 109, 104377. (doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104377) (PMID:31493677)

Mahmoud, M. , Lu, Y., Hou, X., McLennan, K. and Robinson, P. (2019) Estimation of pain in sheep using computer vision. In: Moore, Rhonda J. (ed.) Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care: Biopsychosocial and Environmental Approaches for the Life Course. Springer: Cham, pp. 145-157. ISBN 9783319953687 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-95369-4_9)

McLennan, K. and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Development of an automated pain facial expression detection system for sheep (Ovis Aries). Animals, 9(4), 196. (doi: 10.3390/ani9040196) (PMID:31027279) (PMCID:PMC6523241)

Khan, A. and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Considering Race a Problem of Transfer Learning. In: 2019 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 07-11 Jan 2019, pp. 100-106. ISBN 9781728113920 (doi: 10.1109/WACVW.2019.00022)


Wang, B., Mahmoud, M. , Cuesta, J. E., Close, H., Stafford-Fraser, Q. and Robinson, P. (2018) Enhanced Traffic Simulation for Improved Realism in Driving Simulators. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomativeUI '18), Toronto, ON, Canada, 23-25 Sep 2018, pp. 170-174. ISBN 9781450359474 (doi: 10.1145/3239092.3265962)

Jie, Z., Mahmoud, M. , Stafford-Fraser, Q., Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2018) Analysis of Yawning Behaviour in Spontaneous Expressions of Drowsy Drivers. In: 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), Xi'an, China, 15-19 May 2018, pp. 571-576. ISBN 9781538623350 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2018.00091)


Wright, J., Stafford-Fraser, Q., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2017) Intelligent Scheduling for In-Car Notifications. In: 2017 IEEE 3rd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI), Modena, Italy, 11-13 Sep 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3906-1 (doi: 10.1109/RTSI.2017.8065957)

Baumann, D., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2017) Multimodal Classification of Driver Glance. In: 2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), San Antonio, TX, USA, 23-26 Oct 2017, pp. 389-394. ISBN 9781538605639 (doi: 10.1109/ACII.2017.8273629)

Ma, Z., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2017) Automatic detection of a driver’s complex mental states. In: Gervasi, Osvaldo, Murgante, Beniamino, Misra, Sanjay, Borruso, Guiseppe, Torre, Carmelo M., Rocha, Ana Maria A.C., Taniar, David, Apduhan, Bernady O., Stankova, Elena and Cuzzocrea, Alfredo (eds.) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017: 17th International Conference, Trieste, Italy, July 3-6, 2017, Proceedings, Part III. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (10406). Springer: Cham, pp. 678-691. ISBN 9783319623979 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62398-6_48)

Lu, Y., Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2017) Estimating Sheep Pain Level Using Facial Action Unit Detection. In: 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), Washington, D.C., USA, 30 May - 03 Jun 2017, pp. 394-399. ISBN 9781509040230 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2017.56)


Wiles, O., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2016) Towards a User-Centric In-Vehicle Navigational System. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (Automotive'UI 16), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 24-26 Oct 2016, pp. 27-34. ISBN 9781450345330 (doi: 10.1145/3003715.3005457)

Mahmoud, M. , Baltrušaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2016) Automatic analysis of naturalistic hand-over-face gestures. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, 6(2), 19. (doi: 10.1145/2946796)

Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2016) Towards Automatic Analysis of Gestures and Body Expressions in Depression. In: 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth '16), Cancun, Mexico, 16-19 May 2016, pp. 276-277. ISBN 9781631900518


Adams, A., Mahmoud, M. , Baltrušaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2015) Decoupling Facial Expressions and Head Motions in Complex Emotions. In: 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Xi'an, China, 21-24 Sept 2015, pp. 274-280. ISBN 9781479999538 (doi: 10.1109/ACII.2015.7344583)

Baltrušaitis, T., Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2015) Cross-dataset Learning and Person-specific Normalisation for Automatic Action Unit Detection. In: 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04-08 May 2015, ISBN 9781479960262 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2015.7284869)

Schuller, B., Marchi, E., Baron-Cohen, S., Lassalle, A., O’Reilly, H., Pigat, D., Robinson, P., Davies, I., Baltrusaitis, T. and Mahmoud, M. (2015) Recent Developments and Results of ASC-Inclusion: an Integrated Internet-based Environment for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions. In: 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2015), Atlanta, GA, USA, 29 Mar 2015,


Mahmoud, M. M. , Baltrušaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2014) Automatic Detection of Naturalistic Hand-over-Face Gesture Descriptors. In: 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-16 Nov 2014, pp. 319-326. ISBN 9781450328852 (doi: 10.1145/2663204.2663258)

Scherer, S., Stratou, G., Lucas, G., Mahmoud, M. , Boberg, J., Gratch, J., Rizzo, A. (S.) and Morency, L.-P. (2014) Automatic audiovisual behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis. Image and Vision Computing, 32(10), pp. 648-658. (doi: 10.1016/j.imavis.2014.06.001)


Mahmoud, M. , Morency, L.-P. and Robinson, P. (2013) Automatic Multimodal Descriptors of Rhythmic Body Movement. In: 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '13), Sydney, Australia, 09-13 Dec 2013, pp. 429-436. ISBN 9781450321297 (doi: 10.1145/2522848.2522895)

Scherer, S., Stratou, G., Mahmoud, M. , Boberg, J., Gratch, J., Rizzo, A. and Morency, L.-P. (2013) Automatic Behavior Descriptors for Psychological Disorder Analysis. In: 2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Shanghai, China, 22-26 Apr 2013, ISBN 9781467355469 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2013.6553789)


Mahmoud, M. M. , Baltrusaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2012) Crowdsouring in Emotion Studies Across Time and Culture. In: ACM Multimedia 2012 Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia, Nara, Japan, 29 Oct 2012, pp. 15-16. ISBN 9781450315890 (doi: 10.1145/2390803.2390810)


Mahmoud, M. , Baltrušaitis, T., Robinson, P. and Riek, L. D. (2011) 3D corpus of spontaneous complex mental states. In: D'Mello, Sidney, Graesser, Arthur, Schuller, Björn and Martin, Jean-Claude (eds.) Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: 4th International Conference, ACII 2011, Memphis, TN, USA, October 9–12, 2011, Proceedings, Part I. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (6874). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 205-214. ISBN 9783642245992 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24600-5_24)

Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2011) Interpreting hand-over-face gestures. In: D'Mello, Sidney, Graesser, Arthur, Schuller, Björn and Martin, Jean-Claude (eds.) Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: 4th International Conference, ACII 2011, Memphis, TN, USA, October 9–12, 2011, Proceedings, Part II. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (6975). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 248-255. ISBN 9783642245701 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24571-8)

Baltrušaitis, T., McDuff, D., Banda, N., Mahmoud, M. , El Kaliouby, R., Robinson, P. and Picard, R. (2011) Real-time Inference of Mental States From Facial Expressions and Upper Body Gestures. In: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 21-25 Mar 2011, pp. 909-914. ISBN 9781424491414 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2011.5771372)


Mahmoud, M. , El-Kaliouby, R. and Goneid, A. (2009) Towards communicative face occlusions: machine detection of hand-over-face gestures. In: Kamel, Mohamed and Campilho, Aurélio (eds.) Image Analysis and Recognition: 6th International Conference, ICIAR 2009, Halifax, Canada, July 6-8, 2009. Proceedings. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (5627). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 481-490. ISBN 9783642026102 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02611-9_48)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 09:30:42 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 38.


Lin, W., Orton, I., Li, Q., Pavarini, G. and Mahmoud, M. (2023) Looking at the body: automatic analysis of body gestures and self-adaptors in psychological distress. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 14(2), pp. 1175-1187. (doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2021.3101698)

Broomé, S., Feighelstein, M., Zamansky, A., Carreira Lencioni, G., Haubro Andersen, P., Pessanha, F., Mahmoud, M. , Kjellström, H. and Salah, A. A. (2023) Going deeper than tracking: a survey of computer-vision based recognition of animal pain and emotions. International Journal of Computer Vision, 131(2), pp. 572-590. (doi: 10.1007/s11263-022-01716-3)

Ceccarelli, F. and Mahmoud, M. (2022) Multimodal temporal machine learning for bipolar disorder and depression recognition. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 25(3), pp. 493-504. (doi: 10.1007/s10044-021-01001-y)

Danial, J. S. H., Shalaby, R., Cosentino, K., Mahmoud, M. M. , Medhat, F., Klenerman, D. and Garcia Saez, A. J. (2021) DeepSinse: deep learning-based detection of single molecules. Bioinformatics, 37(21), pp. 3998-4000. (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab352) (PMID:33964131)

Marchi, E. et al. (2019) The ASC-inclusion perceptual serious gaming platform for autistic children. IEEE Transactions on Games, 11(4), pp. 328-339. (doi: 10.1109/TG.2018.2864640)

Pavarini, G., Sun, R., Mahmoud, M. , Cross, I., Schnall, S., Fischer, A., Deakin, J., Ziauddeen, H., Kogan, A. and Vuillier, L. (2019) The role of oxytocin in the facial mimicry of affiliative vs. non-affiliative emotions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 109, 104377. (doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104377) (PMID:31493677)

McLennan, K. and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Development of an automated pain facial expression detection system for sheep (Ovis Aries). Animals, 9(4), 196. (doi: 10.3390/ani9040196) (PMID:31027279) (PMCID:PMC6523241)

Mahmoud, M. , Baltrušaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2016) Automatic analysis of naturalistic hand-over-face gestures. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, 6(2), 19. (doi: 10.1145/2946796)

Scherer, S., Stratou, G., Lucas, G., Mahmoud, M. , Boberg, J., Gratch, J., Rizzo, A. (S.) and Morency, L.-P. (2014) Automatic audiovisual behavior descriptors for psychological disorder analysis. Image and Vision Computing, 32(10), pp. 648-658. (doi: 10.1016/j.imavis.2014.06.001)

Book Sections

Mahmoud, M. , Lu, Y., Hou, X., McLennan, K. and Robinson, P. (2019) Estimation of pain in sheep using computer vision. In: Moore, Rhonda J. (ed.) Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care: Biopsychosocial and Environmental Approaches for the Life Course. Springer: Cham, pp. 145-157. ISBN 9783319953687 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-95369-4_9)

Ma, Z., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2017) Automatic detection of a driver’s complex mental states. In: Gervasi, Osvaldo, Murgante, Beniamino, Misra, Sanjay, Borruso, Guiseppe, Torre, Carmelo M., Rocha, Ana Maria A.C., Taniar, David, Apduhan, Bernady O., Stankova, Elena and Cuzzocrea, Alfredo (eds.) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017: 17th International Conference, Trieste, Italy, July 3-6, 2017, Proceedings, Part III. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (10406). Springer: Cham, pp. 678-691. ISBN 9783319623979 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-62398-6_48)

Mahmoud, M. , Baltrušaitis, T., Robinson, P. and Riek, L. D. (2011) 3D corpus of spontaneous complex mental states. In: D'Mello, Sidney, Graesser, Arthur, Schuller, Björn and Martin, Jean-Claude (eds.) Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: 4th International Conference, ACII 2011, Memphis, TN, USA, October 9–12, 2011, Proceedings, Part I. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (6874). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 205-214. ISBN 9783642245992 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24600-5_24)

Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2011) Interpreting hand-over-face gestures. In: D'Mello, Sidney, Graesser, Arthur, Schuller, Björn and Martin, Jean-Claude (eds.) Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: 4th International Conference, ACII 2011, Memphis, TN, USA, October 9–12, 2011, Proceedings, Part II. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (6975). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 248-255. ISBN 9783642245701 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24571-8)

Mahmoud, M. , El-Kaliouby, R. and Goneid, A. (2009) Towards communicative face occlusions: machine detection of hand-over-face gestures. In: Kamel, Mohamed and Campilho, Aurélio (eds.) Image Analysis and Recognition: 6th International Conference, ICIAR 2009, Halifax, Canada, July 6-8, 2009. Proceedings. Series: Lecture notes in computer science (5627). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 481-490. ISBN 9783642026102 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02611-9_48)

Conference Proceedings

Li, X. and Mahmoud, M. (2024) Unlocking the Black Box: Concept-Based Modeling for Interpretable Affective Computing Applications. In: The 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Istanbul, Turkey, 27-31 May 2024, (Accepted for Publication)

Feng, Z., Karaskova, M. and Mahmoud, M. (2024) Open-Sheep-Face: A Comprehensive Application for Sheep Face Analysis and Pain Estimation. In: ACII 2023, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA, 10-13 September 2023, ISBN 9798350327458 (doi: 10.1109/ACIIW59127.2023.10388128)

Tafur, B., Weiss, S. and Mahmoud, M. (2023) Towards Early Prediction of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Computational Model for Face Touch and Self-adaptors in Infants. In: ICMI 2023 Workshop on Bridging Social Sciences and AI for Understanding Child Behavior, Paris, France, 9-13 October 2023, pp. 426-434. ISBN 9798400703218 (doi: 10.1145/3610661.3616238)

Lin, W., Orton, I., Liu, M. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) Automatic Detection of Self-Adaptors for Psychological Distress. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 371-378. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00032)

Pessanha, F., McLennan, K. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) Towards Automatic Monitoring of Disease Progression in Sheep: a Hierarchical Model for Sheep Facial Expressions Analysis from Video. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 387-393. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00107)

Yuan, X. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) ALANet:Autoencoder-LSTM for Pain and Protective Behaviour Detection. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 824-828. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00063)

Zhang, Z., Lin, W., Liu, M. and Mahmoud, M. (2020) Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Mental Disorder Recognition. In: 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16-20 Nov 2020, pp. 344-350. ISBN 9781728130798 (doi: 10.1109/FG47880.2020.00033)

Hewitt, C. and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Pose-Informed Face Alignment for Extreme Head Pose Variations in Animals. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Cambridge, UK, 3-6 Sept 2019, pp. 22-27. ISBN 9781728138886 (doi: 10.1109/ACII.2019.8925472)

Khan, A. and Mahmoud, M. (2019) Considering Race a Problem of Transfer Learning. In: 2019 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 07-11 Jan 2019, pp. 100-106. ISBN 9781728113920 (doi: 10.1109/WACVW.2019.00022)

Wang, B., Mahmoud, M. , Cuesta, J. E., Close, H., Stafford-Fraser, Q. and Robinson, P. (2018) Enhanced Traffic Simulation for Improved Realism in Driving Simulators. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomativeUI '18), Toronto, ON, Canada, 23-25 Sep 2018, pp. 170-174. ISBN 9781450359474 (doi: 10.1145/3239092.3265962)

Jie, Z., Mahmoud, M. , Stafford-Fraser, Q., Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2018) Analysis of Yawning Behaviour in Spontaneous Expressions of Drowsy Drivers. In: 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), Xi'an, China, 15-19 May 2018, pp. 571-576. ISBN 9781538623350 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2018.00091)

Wright, J., Stafford-Fraser, Q., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2017) Intelligent Scheduling for In-Car Notifications. In: 2017 IEEE 3rd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI), Modena, Italy, 11-13 Sep 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-3906-1 (doi: 10.1109/RTSI.2017.8065957)

Baumann, D., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2017) Multimodal Classification of Driver Glance. In: 2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), San Antonio, TX, USA, 23-26 Oct 2017, pp. 389-394. ISBN 9781538605639 (doi: 10.1109/ACII.2017.8273629)

Lu, Y., Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2017) Estimating Sheep Pain Level Using Facial Action Unit Detection. In: 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), Washington, D.C., USA, 30 May - 03 Jun 2017, pp. 394-399. ISBN 9781509040230 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2017.56)

Wiles, O., Mahmoud, M. , Robinson, P., Dias, E. and Skrypchuk, L. (2016) Towards a User-Centric In-Vehicle Navigational System. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (Automotive'UI 16), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 24-26 Oct 2016, pp. 27-34. ISBN 9781450345330 (doi: 10.1145/3003715.3005457)

Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2016) Towards Automatic Analysis of Gestures and Body Expressions in Depression. In: 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth '16), Cancun, Mexico, 16-19 May 2016, pp. 276-277. ISBN 9781631900518

Adams, A., Mahmoud, M. , Baltrušaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2015) Decoupling Facial Expressions and Head Motions in Complex Emotions. In: 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Xi'an, China, 21-24 Sept 2015, pp. 274-280. ISBN 9781479999538 (doi: 10.1109/ACII.2015.7344583)

Baltrušaitis, T., Mahmoud, M. and Robinson, P. (2015) Cross-dataset Learning and Person-specific Normalisation for Automatic Action Unit Detection. In: 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04-08 May 2015, ISBN 9781479960262 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2015.7284869)

Schuller, B., Marchi, E., Baron-Cohen, S., Lassalle, A., O’Reilly, H., Pigat, D., Robinson, P., Davies, I., Baltrusaitis, T. and Mahmoud, M. (2015) Recent Developments and Results of ASC-Inclusion: an Integrated Internet-based Environment for Social Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions. In: 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (IDGEI 2015), Atlanta, GA, USA, 29 Mar 2015,

Mahmoud, M. M. , Baltrušaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2014) Automatic Detection of Naturalistic Hand-over-Face Gesture Descriptors. In: 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-16 Nov 2014, pp. 319-326. ISBN 9781450328852 (doi: 10.1145/2663204.2663258)

Mahmoud, M. , Morency, L.-P. and Robinson, P. (2013) Automatic Multimodal Descriptors of Rhythmic Body Movement. In: 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '13), Sydney, Australia, 09-13 Dec 2013, pp. 429-436. ISBN 9781450321297 (doi: 10.1145/2522848.2522895)

Scherer, S., Stratou, G., Mahmoud, M. , Boberg, J., Gratch, J., Rizzo, A. and Morency, L.-P. (2013) Automatic Behavior Descriptors for Psychological Disorder Analysis. In: 2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Shanghai, China, 22-26 Apr 2013, ISBN 9781467355469 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2013.6553789)

Mahmoud, M. M. , Baltrusaitis, T. and Robinson, P. (2012) Crowdsouring in Emotion Studies Across Time and Culture. In: ACM Multimedia 2012 Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia, Nara, Japan, 29 Oct 2012, pp. 15-16. ISBN 9781450315890 (doi: 10.1145/2390803.2390810)

Baltrušaitis, T., McDuff, D., Banda, N., Mahmoud, M. , El Kaliouby, R., Robinson, P. and Picard, R. (2011) Real-time Inference of Mental States From Facial Expressions and Upper Body Gestures. In: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 21-25 Mar 2011, pp. 909-914. ISBN 9781424491414 (doi: 10.1109/FG.2011.5771372)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 09:30:42 2025 GMT.


PhD students: 

Monica Duta

Xinyu Li

Zejian Feng

Professional activities & recognition

Research fellowships

  • 01/10/2016 - 30/09/2021: Junior Research Fellowship, King's college , Cambridge
  • 01/10/2013 - 01/10/2014: Qualcomm Innovation fellowship

Editorial boards

  • 2020 - present: Frontiers in Computer Science, Topic editor "Multimodal Behavioural AI for Wellbeing"
  • 2020 - present: Sustainability journal special issue on "AI and Interaction Technologies for Social Sustainability"

Professional & learned societies

  • 2019 - present: Executive Committee, AAAC (Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing)