Ms Jill Dykes

  • Business Development Executive (Computing Science Administration)

telephone: 01413302087

Room F162, School of Computing Science, Sir Alwyn Williams Building, Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RZ

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As Business Development Manager, I build connections between the School and industry to further our collaborative research, and to connect our teaching to industry needs. I provide guidance and support to academic colleagues on achieving impact from their research through the various models of knowledge exchange that the university engages in including commercialisation, consultancy, KTPs, CPD, and co-developed innovation.  I advise colleagues and industrial partners on how to work together and on funding that supports engagement. 

As co-Director of Glasgow Computing Science Innovation Lab (GLACSIL), I look after key industry relationships with our member companies, and run the Lab's event series.  I created and Deputy Chair our Industry Advisory Board, while leading a working group on the formation and delivery of Continuing Professional Development courses to technologists and others in the workplace.  

I co-founded Glasgow University Software Service (GUSS), helped attract, fund, develop, and deliver the School's Graduate Apprenticeship programme, and ran programmes to stimulate and support student-led startups from the School. 

I joined the School in 2014 from Scottish Enterprise’s Commercialisation Directorate where I had responsibility for the operation of the Proof of Concept Fund (now known as the High Growth Startup Fund) and Aid for Young Innovative Enterprises. I draw upon an eclectic career which spans the social enterprise sector, information technology and business development in a range of settings.

I graduated from the University of Stirling with a BSc Hons in Psychology (with 1 year of study at UCLA), and again from Stirling in 2002 with MSc in Information Systems Management.

My personal interests inside and outside of work are in advancing understanding of and support for neurodivergent people.

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