Dr Awais Aziz Shah
- Lecturer (School of Computing Science)
308, Sir Alwyn Williams Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8RZ
I am currently a lecturer within the school of computing science. I am a member of the Glasgow Systems Section (GLASS). My research is focused towards using Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and virtualisation technologies such as containers to virtualise the modern network infrastructures in achieving low-latency, high energy efficiency, Quality of Service (QoS) and optimal Virtual Network Functions (VNF) chain deployments.
During my PhD at the Telematics Lab, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, I developed an SDN-based hierarchical framework for the orchestration and management of VNFs in Optical Transport Networks. Through this work, in collaboration with industrial partners from Telco industry in Italy (SMOptics and Experis), I performed simulating large-scale optical nodes been monitored by multiple levels of SDN controllers and centeralised network service orchestrator (OSMANO) inside OpenStack Cloud. Furthermore, I have worked on developing a routing strategy for Transport Networks using SDN to ensure energy efficiency and at the same time QoS. Moreover, I worked as a Research Fellow from December 2021 to September 2022 in the Communication, Sensing and Imaging group on several use cases under the umbrella of Scotland 5G testbed that includes orchestration of services on the 5G testbed using SDN and Internet of Things frameworks.
Research interests
Laboratory (netlab) website: http://netlab.dcs.gla.ac.uk
Research Interests:
- Software-Defined Networks (SDN)
- Network Function Virtualisation (NFV)
- Internet-of-Space Things
- Container networking
- Resilience and CyberSecurity
- Cloud and Edge Computing
- Anomaly detection in Networks
- Network Routing Algorithms
Research groups
COCOON: COoperative Cyber PrOtectiON for Modern Power Grids - HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01-01 - Horizon Europe Innovation Action (CoI)
ECO-INSIGHT: AI and IoT-enabled Sustainability Driven Recommender System for Carbon and Energy Footprint Monitoring -EPSRC IAA
ORBICULAR: Containerisation-Based Image Recognition Algorithms in CubeSats for Autonomous Surveillance of Geographical Locations - EPSRC IAA
Future PhD Projects and RA Opportunities
Check out our lab webpages for PhD project ideas and opportunities:
- Performance Verification for Virtualized and Cloud Infrastructures
- Securing Future Networked Infrastructures through Dynamic Normal Behaviour Profiling
- Future Programmable Networks and Services
Current PhD Student Supervision
- Alshammary, Dhiab Muneef S
Virtual Reality for Healthcare and Education: Exploring the Challenges and Benefits - Alshammary, Nasser Muneef S
Virtual Reality for Contactless Sensing Modelling - Karkashina, Teodor
A framework for designing and deploying heterogenous modular Network Functions for next generation networks - Yang, Jinming
Energy Efficient NFV Orchestration using Machine Learning
Current RA Supervision
- Harsh Vivek Shah
- Arif, Muhammad
Enhancing Privacy, Resilience and Resource Allocation in Big Data Processing at the Edge using Machine Learning - Karkashina, Teodor
A framework for designing and deploying heterogenous modular Network Functions for next generation networks - Yang, Jinming
Energy Efficient NFV Orchestration using Machine Learning
Previous RA Supervision
- Li, Mingwei
- Durci, Adrian
- Advanced Networked Systems H (Fall 2023; 2024; 2025)
- Networks and Operating Systems Essentials 2 H (Fall 2023; 2024; 2025)
- Secured Software Engineering H (Fall 2022;2023)
- Advanced Professional Software Engineering H Apprenticeship Program (Fall 2022;2023)