- Casper: Carbon-Aware Scalable Processing in Elastic Clusters (EPSRC NIA, 2025-2027). Led by Lauritz Thamsen.
- Cyber-Physical Teleoperation for Nuclear Decommissioning (Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Collaboration (RAICo) Programme, 2024-2025). Led by Emma Li and David Flynn.
- Digital Resilience for Critical National Infrastructure (RAEng, 2023-2028). Led by Dimitrios Pezaros.
- COoperative Cyber prOtectiON for modern power grids (Cocoon) (Horizon Europe, 2023-2026). Led by Dimitrios Pezaros and Awais Shah.
- M4Secure: making memory management more secure (EPSRC, 2023-2026). Led by Jeremy Singer.
- dAIEDGE: A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge (Horizon Europe, 2023-2026). Led by Jose Cano Reyes.
- Assessment of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Tools and Techniques for Computer Forensics Applied to PLC/SCADA Systems (Series of projects, EDF Energy & Control and Instrumentation Nuclear Industries Forum (CINIF), 2023 - 2024). Led by Dimitrios Pezaros.
- AppControl (EPSRC Security by Design 1, 2020 - 2024). Led by Wim Vanderbauwhede and Jose Cano Reyes. Joint with Essex and Imperial.
- Capable VMs (EPSRC Security by Design 1, 2020 - 2024). Led by Jeremy Singer.
- Knowledge exchange agreement (Rakuten Mobile, Inc., 2020 - present ). Led by Colin Perkins and Jeremy Singer.
- STARDUST (EPSRC 2020 - 2024). Phil Trinder Co-I. In partnership with Imperial College London and the University of Kent: Laura Bocchi, Simon Gay, Simon Thompson, and Nobuko Yoshida.
Past Projects
- Streamlining Social Decision Making for Improved Internet Standards (EPSRC 2020 - 2023). Led by Colin Perkins.
- Emergence of cybersecurity capability across interdependent critical infrastructure, from the nexus of business, engineering and public policy interests. (2021 - 2022). Researcher Co-I Tania Wallis.
- Border Patrol (EPSRC, 2017 - 2022). Led by Wim Vanderbauwhede. Joint with Imperial College and Heriot-Watt Universities and EDF, ABB and Xilinx.
- Privacy Regulation and Compliance (Scottish Enterprise, 2020 - 2021). Led by Inah Omoronyia.
- Industry-funded project on Edge Analytics and service-oriented architecture. (2020 - 2021).
- Establishing a Scientific Baseline for Measuring the Impact of the NIS Directive on Supply Chain Resilience (RITICS & NCSC, 2019 - 2021). Researcher Co-I Tania Wallis.
- HutZero6 Cybersecurity Entrepreneurs (DCMS, CYLON and Centre for Secured Information Technologies, 2020 - 2020) Led by Inah Omoronyia.
- CyberASAP 2: Privacy Engineering for Software Engineers (Innovate UK, 2019 - 2020). Led by Inah Omoronyia.
- BEST (2019 - 2020). Co-lead with Jeremy Singer, and Pieter Koopman.
- Improving Protocol Standards for a more Trustworthy Internet” (EPSRC 2018-2020). Led by Colin Perkins.
- CyberASAP 1: Privacy Engineering for Software Engineers (Innovate UK, 2019 - 2019). Led by Inah Omoronyia.
- Distributed swarm intelligence for network control over centrally-orchestrated future infrastructures (Huawei Innovation 2018 - 2019). Led by Dimitris Pezaros.
- FRUIT project, (EPSRC, 2017-2019) Chaired by Jeremy Singer.
- Glasgow Network Functions for Unmanned Vehicles. (EU H2020 2018 - 2018). Led by Christos Anagnostopoulos.
- Network Measurement as a Service (NMaaS) (EPSRC 2016 - 2020). Led by Dimitris Pezaros.
- MaRIONet Network (EPSRC 2016-2019). Led by Jeremy Singer and Phil Trinder.
- A Situtation-Aware Information Infrastructure (SAI2) (EPSRC 2015 - 2017). Co-I Dimitris Pezaros.
- Exploiting Parallelism through Type Transformations for Hybrid Manycore Systems (TyTra) (EPSRC SADEA 2014 - 2019). Led by Wim Vanderbauwhede.
- Instrumentation, Measurement, and Control for the Cloud (IMC2) (EPSRC 2014 - 2015). Led by Dimitris Pezaros
- From Data Types to Session Types: A Basis for Concurrency and Distribution (EPSRC 2013 - 2018) Led by Simon Gay.
- Adaptive JIT-based Parallelism (AJITPar) (EPSRC SADEA 2013 - 2017). Led by Phil Trinder.
- AnyScale Apps (EPSRC SADEA 2013 - 2017). Led by Jeremy Singer.
- COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY) (EC, 2012 - 2016). Chaired by Simon Gay.
- The University of Glasgow Raspberry Pi Cloud project (2012-2016). Led by Jeremy Singer.
- CLOPEMA (EC FP7 2012 - April 2015).
- WebRTC: Media Transport Protocols and Adaption (Ericsson, 2012 - 2015). Led by Colin Perkins.
- RELEASE: A High-Level Paradigm for Reliable Large-Scale Server Software (EU FP7, 2011 - 2015). Co-I Phil Trinder
- Robust Video Streaming over IP (Cisco, 2010 - 2012).
- Understanding and Reporting on IPTV Behaviour (Cisco, 2010-2012).
- HPC-GAP: High Performance Computational Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (EPSRC 2009 - 2013). Co-I Phil Trinder.
Research Software
- YewPar: Members of GLASS built YewPar: software aimed at providing general-purpose, distributed memory, parallel skeletons for combinatorial search problems, e.g. finding the largest clique in a graph.
- Glasgow Parallel Haskell: Members of the Systems section helped design and build Glasgow Parallel Haskell (GpH). It's one of the early robust parallel functional languages, and remains one of the most widely used parallel Haskell models, e.g. the most popular Haskell compiler, GHC supports it on multicores. The sophisticated GUM runtime system supports GpH on distributed-memory machines like clusters. The new GUMSMP runtime system supports GpH on hierarchical architectures like NUMAs or clusters of multicores.
- Haskell distributed parallel Haskell: Members of the Systems section helped design and build Haskell distributed parallel Haskell (HdpH). It's a parallel Haskell for large scale distributed-memory machines like clusters or HPC platforms. Crucially, HdpH is implemented in vanilla (GHC) Haskell.
- Glasgow Network Functions (GNF): Members of the section have developed an open-source, container-based Network Function Virtualization (NFV) framework that allows the transparent attachment of virtual Network Functions (NF)s to selected traffic in Software-Defined Networks.
- Extending the matching abilities of OpenFlow: Members of the section have developed a protocol-independent, flexible alternative to today’s OpenFlow fixed match fields based on the Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF) for packet classification.
- SDN-based Virtual Machine Management for Cloud Data Centers: Members of the section have developed a SDN-based software orchestration framework for live Virtual Machine (VM) management that exploits temporal network information to migrate VMs and minimise the network-wide communication cost of the resulting traffic dynamics.