
Current Projects:

Viajero: The aim of ViAjeRo (Traveller in Spanish) is to radically improve all passenger journeys by facilitating the use of immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality (together called XR) to support entertainment, work and collaboration when on the move (2019 – 2024) – Prof Stephen Brewster (PI). Funded by ERC #835197 (€2,443,657). 

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Socially Intelligent Artificial Agents: The centre will train 50 PhD students in Artificial Social Intelligence, the domain aimed at endowing machines with the ability to understand social interactions like people do (2019-2027) - Prof Alessandro Vinciarelli (PI). Funded by UKRI (£4,902,252). 

A toolkit for identification and mitigation of XR dark patterns (2023-2024). Funded by Meta Labs. Mohamed Khamis (PI), Pejman Saeghe (Co-I), Mark McGill (Co-I). ($75,000).

MetaSafeChild: Assessing Child Safety in the Metaverse and Developing Safety-Enhancing Technologies (2023-2024). Funded by REPHRAIN. Mohamed Khamis (PI), Mark McGill (Co-I), Mathieu Chollet (Co-I). (£79,877.82)

Personalised Acceptance and Commitment Therapy through app-based micro- content (PACT-am) – funded by Parkinson’s UK 2022-2024. Dr Simone Stumpf. 

RadioMe: Real-time Radio Remixing for people with mild to moderatedementia who live alone, incorporating Agitation Reduction, and Reminders (2019 – 2024) – Prof Stephen Brewster (PI).  Funded by EPSRC EP/S026991/1 (£541,362)

FETProact Sonicom: Transforming auditory-based social interaction and communication in AR/VR. Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program - Prof Alessandro Vinciarelli and Prof Stephen Brewster (€499,876.25)

Horizon digital economy research hub: - Prof Matthew Chalmers

Facilitating Parental Insight and Moderation for Safe Social VR (2021-2024) - Dr Mark McGill (Co-I) and Dr Mohamed Khamis (PI). Funded by Facebook Reality Labs ($75,000).

Using AI-Enhanced Social Robots to Improve Children’s Healthcare Experiences - Dr Mary Ellen Foster (UKRI/Canada joint project). 

Horizon: Trusted Data-Driven Products (2020-2025) - Professor Matthew Chalmers (affiiate). Funded by EPSRC EP/T022493/1 (£4M).

Past Projects:

CoDesigning Fair AI (COFAI) – funded by Fujitsu 2019-2021. Dr Simone Stumpf.

PriXR: Protecting Extended Reality (XR) user and bystander privacy by supporting legibility of XR sensing and processing (2022-2023) - Dr Mark McGill (PI), Dr Mohamed Khamis (Co-I). Funded by REPHRAIN (£79,997.14).

Human Data Interaction: Legibility, Agency, Negotiability (2018-2022) - Prof Matthew Chalmers. Funded by EPSRC EP/R045178/1 (£1.04M).

Emergence of Cybersecurity Capability across Critical National Infrastructure (2021-2022) - Dr Mohamed Khamis. Funded by the National Cybersecurity Centre (£140,731 out of which £133,659 for UofG).

EuroFIT: Social innovation to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour through elite European football (2013-2017) – Prof Matthew Chalmers. Funded by EU FP7.

SoCoRo: Socially Competent Robots (2016 - 2020) - Prof Alessandro Vinciarelli. Funded by the EPSRC (£355,000).

SAM: School Attachment Monitor (2015-2018) - Professor Stephen Brewster. Funded by the EPSRC (£776,875).

MuMMER: MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot (2016 – 2020) – Dr Mary Ellen Foster. Funded by EU Horizon 2020. 

Populations: A Software Populations Approach to UbiComp Systems Design (2011 – 2016) – Prof Matthew Chalmers. Funded by EPSRC (£4M).

EuroFIT: Social innovation to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour through elite European football (2013-2017) – Prof Matthew Chalmers. Funded by EU FP7 (€5M).

Anyscale Apps (2013 – 2017 - Prof Matthew Chalmers. Funded by EPSRC EP/L000725/1 (£1.1M)

ABBI: Audio Bracelet for Blind Interaction (2014 – 2017) – Prof Stephen Brewster. Funded by EU FP7

HAPPINESS: Haptic Printed Patterned Interfaces for Sensitive Surfaces (2015 – 2018) – Prof Stephen Brewster. Funded by EU Horizon 2020. 

Zoo Devices for Animal Welfare and Visitor Education. Funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2022-2023). Dr Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas (PI). (£65,000).

Effi: End-users fixing fairness issues: Industry-funded investigation into the role and impact of end-user human-in-the-loop tools in ensuring fair Artificial Intelligence (2022-2023) - Dr Simone Stumpf (PI). Funded by Fujitsu Ltd., Japan (£163,000). 

A toolkit for identification and mitigation of XR dark patterns - Mohamed Khamis (PI), Pejman Saeghe (Co-I), Mark McGill (Co-I). Funded by Meta Labs ($75,000). 

Interaction Design for Trusted Sharing of Personal Health Data to live Well with HIV (INTUIT) – funded by EPSRC 2018-2022. Dr Simone Stumpf. 

First RespondXR: Digital vulnerability of immersive training for first responders - Dr Mark McGill. Funded by SPRITE+ (2021-2022)

PT.HEAT: Preventing THErmal ATtacks (2021-2023) - Dr Mohamed Khamis (PI). Funded by PETRAS (£177,075).

TAPS: Assessing, Mitigating and Raising Awareness of the Security and Privacy Risks of Thermal Imaging (2021-2023) - Dr Mohamed Khamis (PI). Funded by EPSRC EP/V008870/1 (£262,119).