Software Engineering Laboratory
The laboratory investigates the tools, methods and practices for engineering contemporary software systems.
Our research includes:
- Novel applications of agile principles and practices
- Sustainability in software engineering
- Automated software engineering
- Software engineering for AI and AI for software engineering
- Modelling and simulation of socio-technical systems
- Software engineering education
Much of our work begins from the perspective of practitioners, using methods drawn from psychology and social sciences to conduct studies in practice. We often go on to build and validate novel tools and methods to address the challenges our studies identify. We work closely with the Centre for Computer Science Education, and frequently collaborate with the Graduate Apprenticeship programme to conduct apprentice-led research studies in industry.
The lab also hosts the Glasgow University Software Service, providing affordable in-house software development across the University and beyond. The service is staffed by students and led by professional software engineers. The service supports
Our work is funded by a variety of sources, including EPSRC, InnovateUK, Scottish Funding Council, UK and Scottish Government and private industry.
PhD Studentships
We are always looking for applications from students with backgrounds in Computing Science and/or Software Engineering. A typical applicant will have a first or upper-second class Honours degree. Experience of software engineering in practice in industry is also an asset. Please contact a member of academic staff to discuss possible projects.