Computing Science Heads of Department/School

The Head of School of Computing Science is Professor Simon Gay who took up office on 1st June 2020 for a four-year appointment and was reappointed for a further two years.

Details of the current, recent and past Heads are outlined in the table below.

NameStart dateEnd Date
Gay, Professor Simon 1st June 2020 31st July 2026
Johnson, Professor Chris 1st August 2014 31st May 2020
Sventek, Professor Joe 1st August 2010 31st July 2014
Welland, Professor Ray 1st August 2008 31st July 2010
Calder, Professor Muffy 1st August 2003 31st July 2007
Welland, Professor Ray 1st April 1996 31st July 2003
Watt, Professor David 1st April 1993 31st March 1996
van Rijsbergen, Professor C J Keith 1st April 1990 31st March 1993
Atkinson, Professor Malcolm 1st April 1987 31st March 1990