Dr Michael Jarvis

  • Honorary Research Fellow (School of Chemistry)

email: Michael.Jarvis@glasgow.ac.uk

RC504 Level C5, Chemistry, Joseph Black Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts

Research interests

Mike Jarvis's research group works on biological materials like wood and on their constituent  polymers like cellulose and lignin. The aim is to understand their structures, how these structures are assembled in living organisms and how they determine the remarkable mechanical performance of wood, textile fibres and biopolymer films. Understanding how mechanical strength emerges from structure has required the development of novel spectroscopic and scattering methods.

Publication Highlights

  • C.M. Altaner, L.H. Thomas, A.N. Fernandes & M.C. Jarvis. How cellulose stretches: synergism between covalent and hydrogen bonding. Biomacromolecules 15, 791-798 (2014). DOI:10.1021/bm401616n
  • F.P. Bouxin, S.D. Jackson & M.C. Jarvis. Isolation of high quality lignin as a by-product from ammonia percolation pretreatment of poplar wood. Bioresource Technology 162, 236-242 (2014). DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.03.082
  • L.H. Thomas, V.T. Forsyth, A. Šturcová, C.J. Kennedy, R.P. May, C.M. Altaner, D.C. Apperley, T.J. Wess and M.C. Jarvis. Structure of cellulose microfibrils in primary cell-walls from collenchyma. Plant Physiology, 161, 465-476 (2013).  doi: http:/​/​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1104/​pp.​112.​206359
  • M.C. Jarvis. Cellulose crystallinity: perspectives from spectroscopy and diffraction. In S.E. Harding (Ed)Stability of Complex Carbohydrate Structures. Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2012. Pp.125-136. RSC Special Publication no 341. ISBN 1849735638
  • A.N. Fernandes, L.H. Thomas, C.M. Altaner, P. Callow, V.T. Forsyth, D.C. Apperley, C.J. Kennedy and M.C. Jarvis. Nanostructure of cellulose microfibrils in spruce wood Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108, E1195-E1203 (2011).  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1108942108 
  • C. Altaner & M.C. Jarvis.  Modelling polymer interactions of the ‘molecular Velcro’ type in wood under mechanical stress. Journal of Theoretical Biology  253, 434-445 (2008).  DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.03.010    



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Number of items: 63.


Ghildiyal, V., Altaner, C. M., Heffernan, B. and Jarvis, M. C. (2024) Electrical phenomena in trees and wood: a review. Current Forestry Reports, (Accepted for Publication)

Jarvis, M. C. (2024) Forces on and in the cell walls of living plants. Plant Physiology, 194(1), pp. 8-14. (doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiad387) (PMID:37403192)


Jarvis, M. (2022) Hydrogen bonding and other non-covalent interactions at the surfaces of cellulose microfibrils. Cellulose,


Jarvis, M. C. (2021) Drying of virus-containing particles: Modelling effects of droplet origin and composition. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 19(2), pp. 1987-1996. (doi: 10.1007/s40201-021-00750-6)

Thomas, L. H., Altaner, C. M., Forsyth, V. T., Mossou, E., Kennedy, C. J., Martel, A. and Jarvis, M. C. (2021) Nanostructural deformation of high-stiffness spruce wood under tension. Scientific Reports, 11, 453. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79676-2) (PMID:33432070) (PMCID:PMC7801420)


Guo, F., Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2020) Thickness-dependent stiffness of wood: potential mechanisms and implications. Holzforschung, 74(12), pp. 1079-1087. (doi: 10.1515/hf-2019-0311)

Jarvis, M. C. (2020) Aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2: physical principles and implications. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 590041. (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.590041)

Thomas, L. H., Martel, A., Grillo, I. and Jarvis, M. C. (2020) Hemicellulose binding and the spacing of cellulose microfibrils in spruce wood. Cellulose, 27, pp. 4249-4254. (doi: 10.1007/s10570-020-03091-z)

Hudson-McAulay, K., Kennedy, C. J. and Jarvis, M. (2020) Chemical and mechanical differences between historic and modern Scots pine wood. Heritage, 3(1), pp. 116-127. (doi: 10.3390/heritage3010007)


Jarvis, M. C. (2018) Structure of native cellulose microfibrils, the starting point for nanocellulose manufacture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2112), 20170045. (doi: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0045) (PMID:29277742)

Hudson-McAulay, K., Auty, D. and Jarvis, M. C. (2018) FTIR measurement of cellulose microfibril angle in historic Scots pine wood and its use to detect fungal decay. Studies in Conservation, 63(6), pp. 375-382. (doi: 10.1080/00393630.2017.1353282)


McVeigh, A., Bouxin, F. P., Jarvis, M. C. and Jackson, S. (2016) Catalytic depolymerisation of isolated lignin to fine chemicals: part 2 – process optimisation. Catalysis Science and Technology, 6(12), pp. 4142-4150. (doi: 10.1039/C5CY01896J)

McLean, J. P., Moore, J. R., Gardiner, B. A., Lee, S. J., Mochan, S. J. and Jarvis, M. C. (2016) Variation of radial wood properties from genetically improved Sitka spruce growing in the UK. Forestry, 89(2), pp. 109-116. (doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpv035)


Lee, C. M., Kubicki, J. D., Fan, B., Zhong, L., Jarvis, M. C. and Kim, S. H. (2015) Hydrogen-bonding network and OH stretch vibration of cellulose: comparison of computational modeling with polarized IR and SFG spectra. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(49), pp. 15138-15149. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b08015) (PMID:26615832)

Bouxin, F. P., McVeigh, A., Tran, F., Westwood, N. J., Jarvis, M. C. and Jackson, S. D. (2015) Catalytic depolymerisation of isolated lignins to fine chemicals using a Pt/alumina catalyst: part 1—impact of the lignin structure. Green Chemistry, 17(2), pp. 1235-1242. (doi: 10.1039/C4GC01678E)

Thomas, L. H., Forsyth, V. T., Martel, A., Grillo, I., Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2015) Diffraction evidence for the structure of cellulose microfibrils in bamboo, a model for grass and cereal celluloses. BMC Plant Biology, 15, 153. (doi: 10.1186/s12870-015-0538-x) (PMID:26099632) (PMCID:PMC4477487)


Thomas, L. H., Forsyth, V. T., Martel, A., Grillo, I., Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Structure and spacing of cellulose microfibrils in woody cell walls of dicots. Cellulose, 21(6), pp. 3887-3895. (doi: 10.1007/s10570-014-0431-z)

Altaner, C. M., Horikawa, Y., Sugiyama, J. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Cellulose Iβ investigated by IR-spectroscopy at low temperatures. Cellulose, 21(5), pp. 3171-3179. (doi: 10.1007/s10570-014-0360-x)

Bouxin, F. P., Jackson, S. D. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Isolation of high quality lignin as a by-product from ammonia percolation pretreatment of poplar wood. Bioresource Technology, 162, pp. 236-242. (doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.03.082) (PMID:24755321)

Altaner, C. M., Thomas, L. H., Fernandes, A. N. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) How cellulose stretches: synergism between covalent and hydrogen bonding. Biomacromolecules, 15(3), pp. 791-798. (doi: 10.1021/bm401616n)

Bouxin, F. P., Jackson, S. D. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Organosolv pretreatment of Sitka spruce wood: conversion of hemicelluloses to ethyl glycosides. Bioresource Technology, 151, pp. 441-444. (doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.10.105) (PMID:24269088)


Thomas, L.H., Forsyth, V.T., Sturcova, A., Kennedy, C.J., May, R.P., Altaner, C.M., Apperley, D.C., Wess, T.J. and Jarvis, M.C. (2013) Structure of cellulose microfibrils in primary cell-walls from collenchyma. Plant Physiology, 161(1), pp. 465-476. (doi: 10.1104/pp.112.206359)

Thomas, L.H., Altaner, C.M. and Jarvis, M.C. (2013) Identifying multiple forms of lateral disorder in cellulose fibres. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 46(4), pp. 972-979. (doi: 10.1107/S002188981301056X)


Cosgrove, D.J. and Jarvis, M.C. (2012) Comparative structure and biomechanics of plant primary and secondary cell walls. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, pp. 204-209. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00204)

Jarvis, M.C. (2012) Cellulose crystallinity: perspectives from spectroscopy and diffraction. In: Harding, S.E. (ed.) Stability of Complex Carbohydrate Structures Biofuels, Foods, Vaccines and Shipwrecks. Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK, pp. 125-136. ISBN 9781849735636


Jarvis, M.C. (2011) Plant cell walls: supramolecular assemblies. Food Hydrocolloids, 25(2), pp. 257-262. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2009.09.010)

Fernandes, A.N., Thomas, L.H., Altaner, C.M., Callow, P., Forsyth, V.T., Apperley, D.C., Kennedy, C.J. and Jarvis, M.C. (2011) Nanostructure of cellulose microfibrils in spruce wood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(47), E1195-E1203. (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1108942108)


Leonardon, M., Altaner, C.M., Vihermaa, L. and Jarvis, M.C. (2010) Wood shrinkage: influence of anatomy, cell wall architecture, chemical composition and cambial age. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 68(1), pp. 87-94. (doi: 10.1007/s00107-009-0355-8)

Altaner, C.M., Jarvis, M.C., Fisher, J.B. and Marler, T.B. (2010) Molecular xylem cell wall structure of an inclined Cycas micronesica stem, a tropical gymnosperm. IAWA Journal, 31(1), pp. 3-11.

Altaner, C.M., Tokareva, E.N., Jarvis, M.J. and Harrison, P.J. (2010) Distribution of (1→4)-β-galactans, arabinogalactan proteins, xylans and (1→3)-β-glucans in tracheid cell walls of softwoods. Tree Physiology, 30(6), pp. 782-793. (doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpq021)

Ho, P., Jarvis, M. and MacKinnon, G. (2010) Application of a new ultrasound-assisted method to extract organic fractions from peat. Oculus, 21(Spring), pp. 95-100.


Altaner, C.M., Tokareva, E.N., Wong, J.C.T., Hapca, A.I., McLean, J.P. and Jarvis, M.C. (2009) Measuring compression wood severity in spruce. Wood Science and Technology, 43(3-4), pp. 279-290. (doi: 10.1007/s00226-008-0226-1)

Jarvis, M.C. (2009) Plant cell walls: supramolecular assembly, signalling and stress. Structural Chemistry, 20(2), pp. 245-253.

Awoyemi, L., Jarvis, M.C. and Hapca, A. (2009) Effects of preboiling on the acidity and strength properties of heat-treated wood. Wood Science and Technology, 43(1-2), pp. 97-103. (doi: 10.1007/s00226-008-0231-4)

Moore, J., Gardiner, B., Ridley-Ellis, D., Jarvis, M., Mochan, S. and Macdonald, E. (2009) Getting the most out of the United Kingdom’s timber resource. Scottish Forestry, 63(3), pp. 3-8.


Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2008) Modelling polymer interactions of the 'molecular Velcro' type in wood under mechanical stress. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 253(3), pp. 434-445. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.03.010)

Fernandes, A. N., Jarvis, M. C. and Altaner, C. (2008) CELL 47-Study of cellulose/wood samples in deuterated conditions under tensile stress. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235, 47-CELL.

Fernandes, A. N., Jarvis, M. C., Sturcova, A., Apperley, D. C., Kennedy, C. J., Parkin, A., Wess, T. J. and Altaner, C. (2008) CELL 156-Dimensions and structure of wood and primary cell wall cellulose microfibrils. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235, 156-CELL.


Altaner, C., Knox, J.P. and Jarvis, M.C. (2007) In situ detection of cell wall polysaccharides in sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carrière) wood tissue. Bioresources, 2(2), pp. 284-295.

Altaner, C., Hapca, A., Knox, J. and Jarvis, M. (2007) Detection of beta-1-4-galactan in compression wood of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carriere] by immunofluorescence. Holzforschung, 61, pp. 311-316. (doi: 10.1515/HF.2007.049)

Altaner, C., Knox, J. P. and Jarvis, M. C. (2007) In Situ Detection of Cell Wall Polysaccharides in Sitka Spruce (Picea Sitchensis (Bong.) Carriere) Wood Tissue. Bioresources, 2(2), pp. 284-295.

Richardson, A., Wojciechowski, T., Franke, R., Schreiber, L., Kerstiens, G., Jarvis, M. and Fricke, W. (2007) Cuticular permeance in relation to wax and cutin development along the growing barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf. Planta, 225, pp. 1471-1481. (doi: 10.1007/s00425-006-0456-0)


Altaner, C., Apperley, D.C. and Jarvis, M.C. (2006) Spatial relationships between polymers in Sitka spruce: proton spin-diffusion studies. Holzforschung, 60(6), pp. 665-673. (doi: 10.1515/HF.2006.112)

MacKinnon, I., Sturcova, A., Sugimoto-Shirasu, K., His, I., McCann, M. and Jarvis, M. (2006) Cell-wall structure and anisotropy in procuste, a cellulose synthase mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta, 224, pp. 438-448. (doi: 10.1007/s00425-005-0208-6)

Marry, M., Roberts, K., Jopson, S., Huxham, I., Jarvis, M., Corsar, J., Robertson, E. and McCann, M. (2006) Cell-cell adhesion in fresh sugar-beet root parenchyma requires both pectin esters and calcium cross-links. Physiologia Plantarum, 126, pp. 243-256. (doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2005.00591.x)

Sturcova, A., Eichhorn, S. and Jarvis, M. (2006) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biopolymers under mechanical stress: Processing cellulose spectra using bandshift difference integrals. Biomacromolecules, 7, pp. 2688-2691. (doi: 10.1021/bm060457m)


Ha, M., Vietor, R., Jardine, G., Apperley, D. and Jarvis, M. (2005) Conformation and mobility of the arabinan and galactan side-chains of pectin. Phytochemistry, 66, pp. 1817-1824. (doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2005.06.001)

Richardson, A., Franke, R., Kerstiens, G., Jarvis, M., Schreiber, L. and Fricke, W. (2005) Cuticular wax deposition in growing barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves commences in relation to the point of emergence of epidermal cells from the sheaths of older leaves. Planta, 222, pp. 472-483. (doi: 10.1007/s00425-005-1552-2)


Sturcova, A., His, I., Apperley, D., Sugiyama, J. and Jarvis, M. (2004) Structural details of crystalline cellulose from higher plants. Biomacromolecules, 5, pp. 1333-1339. (doi: 10.1021/bm034517p)

Szyjanowicz, P., McKinnon, I., Taylor, N., Gardiner, J., Jarvis, M. and Turner, S. (2004) The irregular xylem 2 mutant is an allele of korrigan that affects the secondary cell wall of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 37, pp. 730-740. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2003.02000.x)


Evans, B., Snape, C. and Jarvis, M. (2003) Lignification in relation to the biennial growth habit in brassicas. Phytochemistry, 63, pp. 765-769. (doi: 10.1016/S0031-9422(03)00327-3)

Jarvis, M., Briggs, S. and Knox, J. (2003) Intercellular adhesion and cell separation in plants. Plant Cell and Environment, 26, pp. 977-989.

Muller, S., Jardine, W., Evans, B., Vietor, R., Snape, C. and Jarvis, M. (2003) Cell wall composition of vascular and parenchyma tissues in broccoli stems. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83, pp. 1289-1292. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1441)

Sturcova, A., His, I., Wess, T., Cameron, G. and Jarvis, M. (2003) Polarized vibrational Spectroscopy of fiber polymers: Hydrogen bonding in cellulose II. Biomacromolecules, 4, pp. 1589-1595. (doi: 10.1021/bm034295v)


Ha, M., MacKinnon, I., Sturcova, A., Apperley, D., McCann, M., Turner, S. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Structure of cellulose-deficient secondary cell walls from the irx3 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry, 61, pp. 7-14.

Jardine, W., Doeswijk-Voragen, C., MacKinnon, I., van den Broek, L., Ha, M., Jarvis, M. and Voragen, A. (2002) Methods for the preparation of cell walls from potatoes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 834-839. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1121)

MacKinnon, I., Jardine, W., OKennedy, N., Renard, C. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Pectic methyl and nonmethyl esters in potato cell walls. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, pp. 342-346. (doi: 10.1021/jf010597h)

Vietor, R., Newman, R., Ha, M., Apperley, D. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Conformational features of crystal-surface cellulose from higher plants. Plant Journal, 30, pp. 721-731.

Wilson, W., MacKinnon, I. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Transfer of heat and moisture during microwave baking of potatoes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 1070-1073. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1129)

Wilson, W., MacKinnon, I. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Transfer of heat and moisture during oven baking of potatoes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 1074-1079. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1130)


Bush, M., Marry, M., Huxham, I., Jarvis, M. and McCann, M. (2001) Developmental regulation of pectic epitopes during potato tuberisation. Planta, 213, pp. 869-880.

Orfila, C., Seymour, G., Willats, W., Huxham, I., Jarvis, M., Dover, C., Thompson, A. and Knox, J. (2001) Altered middle lamella homogalacturonan and disrupted deposition of (1 -> 5)-alpha-L-arabinan in the pericarp of Cnr, a ripening mutant of tomato. Plant Physiology, 126, pp. 210-221.

Thellier, M., Chevallier, A., His, I., Jarvis, M., Lovell, M., Ripoll, C., Robertson, D., Sauerwein, W. and Verdus, M. (2001) Methodological developments for application to the study of physiological boron and to boron neutron capture therapy. Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, 19, pp. 623-657.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 17:12:38 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 63.


Ghildiyal, V., Altaner, C. M., Heffernan, B. and Jarvis, M. C. (2024) Electrical phenomena in trees and wood: a review. Current Forestry Reports, (Accepted for Publication)

Jarvis, M. C. (2024) Forces on and in the cell walls of living plants. Plant Physiology, 194(1), pp. 8-14. (doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiad387) (PMID:37403192)

Jarvis, M. (2022) Hydrogen bonding and other non-covalent interactions at the surfaces of cellulose microfibrils. Cellulose,

Jarvis, M. C. (2021) Drying of virus-containing particles: Modelling effects of droplet origin and composition. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 19(2), pp. 1987-1996. (doi: 10.1007/s40201-021-00750-6)

Thomas, L. H., Altaner, C. M., Forsyth, V. T., Mossou, E., Kennedy, C. J., Martel, A. and Jarvis, M. C. (2021) Nanostructural deformation of high-stiffness spruce wood under tension. Scientific Reports, 11, 453. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79676-2) (PMID:33432070) (PMCID:PMC7801420)

Guo, F., Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2020) Thickness-dependent stiffness of wood: potential mechanisms and implications. Holzforschung, 74(12), pp. 1079-1087. (doi: 10.1515/hf-2019-0311)

Jarvis, M. C. (2020) Aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2: physical principles and implications. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 590041. (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.590041)

Thomas, L. H., Martel, A., Grillo, I. and Jarvis, M. C. (2020) Hemicellulose binding and the spacing of cellulose microfibrils in spruce wood. Cellulose, 27, pp. 4249-4254. (doi: 10.1007/s10570-020-03091-z)

Hudson-McAulay, K., Kennedy, C. J. and Jarvis, M. (2020) Chemical and mechanical differences between historic and modern Scots pine wood. Heritage, 3(1), pp. 116-127. (doi: 10.3390/heritage3010007)

Jarvis, M. C. (2018) Structure of native cellulose microfibrils, the starting point for nanocellulose manufacture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2112), 20170045. (doi: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0045) (PMID:29277742)

Hudson-McAulay, K., Auty, D. and Jarvis, M. C. (2018) FTIR measurement of cellulose microfibril angle in historic Scots pine wood and its use to detect fungal decay. Studies in Conservation, 63(6), pp. 375-382. (doi: 10.1080/00393630.2017.1353282)

McVeigh, A., Bouxin, F. P., Jarvis, M. C. and Jackson, S. (2016) Catalytic depolymerisation of isolated lignin to fine chemicals: part 2 – process optimisation. Catalysis Science and Technology, 6(12), pp. 4142-4150. (doi: 10.1039/C5CY01896J)

McLean, J. P., Moore, J. R., Gardiner, B. A., Lee, S. J., Mochan, S. J. and Jarvis, M. C. (2016) Variation of radial wood properties from genetically improved Sitka spruce growing in the UK. Forestry, 89(2), pp. 109-116. (doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpv035)

Lee, C. M., Kubicki, J. D., Fan, B., Zhong, L., Jarvis, M. C. and Kim, S. H. (2015) Hydrogen-bonding network and OH stretch vibration of cellulose: comparison of computational modeling with polarized IR and SFG spectra. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(49), pp. 15138-15149. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b08015) (PMID:26615832)

Bouxin, F. P., McVeigh, A., Tran, F., Westwood, N. J., Jarvis, M. C. and Jackson, S. D. (2015) Catalytic depolymerisation of isolated lignins to fine chemicals using a Pt/alumina catalyst: part 1—impact of the lignin structure. Green Chemistry, 17(2), pp. 1235-1242. (doi: 10.1039/C4GC01678E)

Thomas, L. H., Forsyth, V. T., Martel, A., Grillo, I., Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2015) Diffraction evidence for the structure of cellulose microfibrils in bamboo, a model for grass and cereal celluloses. BMC Plant Biology, 15, 153. (doi: 10.1186/s12870-015-0538-x) (PMID:26099632) (PMCID:PMC4477487)

Thomas, L. H., Forsyth, V. T., Martel, A., Grillo, I., Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Structure and spacing of cellulose microfibrils in woody cell walls of dicots. Cellulose, 21(6), pp. 3887-3895. (doi: 10.1007/s10570-014-0431-z)

Altaner, C. M., Horikawa, Y., Sugiyama, J. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Cellulose Iβ investigated by IR-spectroscopy at low temperatures. Cellulose, 21(5), pp. 3171-3179. (doi: 10.1007/s10570-014-0360-x)

Bouxin, F. P., Jackson, S. D. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Isolation of high quality lignin as a by-product from ammonia percolation pretreatment of poplar wood. Bioresource Technology, 162, pp. 236-242. (doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.03.082) (PMID:24755321)

Altaner, C. M., Thomas, L. H., Fernandes, A. N. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) How cellulose stretches: synergism between covalent and hydrogen bonding. Biomacromolecules, 15(3), pp. 791-798. (doi: 10.1021/bm401616n)

Bouxin, F. P., Jackson, S. D. and Jarvis, M. C. (2014) Organosolv pretreatment of Sitka spruce wood: conversion of hemicelluloses to ethyl glycosides. Bioresource Technology, 151, pp. 441-444. (doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.10.105) (PMID:24269088)

Thomas, L.H., Forsyth, V.T., Sturcova, A., Kennedy, C.J., May, R.P., Altaner, C.M., Apperley, D.C., Wess, T.J. and Jarvis, M.C. (2013) Structure of cellulose microfibrils in primary cell-walls from collenchyma. Plant Physiology, 161(1), pp. 465-476. (doi: 10.1104/pp.112.206359)

Thomas, L.H., Altaner, C.M. and Jarvis, M.C. (2013) Identifying multiple forms of lateral disorder in cellulose fibres. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 46(4), pp. 972-979. (doi: 10.1107/S002188981301056X)

Cosgrove, D.J. and Jarvis, M.C. (2012) Comparative structure and biomechanics of plant primary and secondary cell walls. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, pp. 204-209. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00204)

Jarvis, M.C. (2011) Plant cell walls: supramolecular assemblies. Food Hydrocolloids, 25(2), pp. 257-262. (doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2009.09.010)

Fernandes, A.N., Thomas, L.H., Altaner, C.M., Callow, P., Forsyth, V.T., Apperley, D.C., Kennedy, C.J. and Jarvis, M.C. (2011) Nanostructure of cellulose microfibrils in spruce wood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(47), E1195-E1203. (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1108942108)

Leonardon, M., Altaner, C.M., Vihermaa, L. and Jarvis, M.C. (2010) Wood shrinkage: influence of anatomy, cell wall architecture, chemical composition and cambial age. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 68(1), pp. 87-94. (doi: 10.1007/s00107-009-0355-8)

Altaner, C.M., Jarvis, M.C., Fisher, J.B. and Marler, T.B. (2010) Molecular xylem cell wall structure of an inclined Cycas micronesica stem, a tropical gymnosperm. IAWA Journal, 31(1), pp. 3-11.

Altaner, C.M., Tokareva, E.N., Jarvis, M.J. and Harrison, P.J. (2010) Distribution of (1→4)-β-galactans, arabinogalactan proteins, xylans and (1→3)-β-glucans in tracheid cell walls of softwoods. Tree Physiology, 30(6), pp. 782-793. (doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpq021)

Ho, P., Jarvis, M. and MacKinnon, G. (2010) Application of a new ultrasound-assisted method to extract organic fractions from peat. Oculus, 21(Spring), pp. 95-100.

Altaner, C.M., Tokareva, E.N., Wong, J.C.T., Hapca, A.I., McLean, J.P. and Jarvis, M.C. (2009) Measuring compression wood severity in spruce. Wood Science and Technology, 43(3-4), pp. 279-290. (doi: 10.1007/s00226-008-0226-1)

Jarvis, M.C. (2009) Plant cell walls: supramolecular assembly, signalling and stress. Structural Chemistry, 20(2), pp. 245-253.

Awoyemi, L., Jarvis, M.C. and Hapca, A. (2009) Effects of preboiling on the acidity and strength properties of heat-treated wood. Wood Science and Technology, 43(1-2), pp. 97-103. (doi: 10.1007/s00226-008-0231-4)

Moore, J., Gardiner, B., Ridley-Ellis, D., Jarvis, M., Mochan, S. and Macdonald, E. (2009) Getting the most out of the United Kingdom’s timber resource. Scottish Forestry, 63(3), pp. 3-8.

Altaner, C. M. and Jarvis, M. C. (2008) Modelling polymer interactions of the 'molecular Velcro' type in wood under mechanical stress. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 253(3), pp. 434-445. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.03.010)

Fernandes, A. N., Jarvis, M. C. and Altaner, C. (2008) CELL 47-Study of cellulose/wood samples in deuterated conditions under tensile stress. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235, 47-CELL.

Fernandes, A. N., Jarvis, M. C., Sturcova, A., Apperley, D. C., Kennedy, C. J., Parkin, A., Wess, T. J. and Altaner, C. (2008) CELL 156-Dimensions and structure of wood and primary cell wall cellulose microfibrils. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235, 156-CELL.

Altaner, C., Knox, J.P. and Jarvis, M.C. (2007) In situ detection of cell wall polysaccharides in sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carrière) wood tissue. Bioresources, 2(2), pp. 284-295.

Altaner, C., Hapca, A., Knox, J. and Jarvis, M. (2007) Detection of beta-1-4-galactan in compression wood of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carriere] by immunofluorescence. Holzforschung, 61, pp. 311-316. (doi: 10.1515/HF.2007.049)

Altaner, C., Knox, J. P. and Jarvis, M. C. (2007) In Situ Detection of Cell Wall Polysaccharides in Sitka Spruce (Picea Sitchensis (Bong.) Carriere) Wood Tissue. Bioresources, 2(2), pp. 284-295.

Richardson, A., Wojciechowski, T., Franke, R., Schreiber, L., Kerstiens, G., Jarvis, M. and Fricke, W. (2007) Cuticular permeance in relation to wax and cutin development along the growing barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaf. Planta, 225, pp. 1471-1481. (doi: 10.1007/s00425-006-0456-0)

Altaner, C., Apperley, D.C. and Jarvis, M.C. (2006) Spatial relationships between polymers in Sitka spruce: proton spin-diffusion studies. Holzforschung, 60(6), pp. 665-673. (doi: 10.1515/HF.2006.112)

MacKinnon, I., Sturcova, A., Sugimoto-Shirasu, K., His, I., McCann, M. and Jarvis, M. (2006) Cell-wall structure and anisotropy in procuste, a cellulose synthase mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta, 224, pp. 438-448. (doi: 10.1007/s00425-005-0208-6)

Marry, M., Roberts, K., Jopson, S., Huxham, I., Jarvis, M., Corsar, J., Robertson, E. and McCann, M. (2006) Cell-cell adhesion in fresh sugar-beet root parenchyma requires both pectin esters and calcium cross-links. Physiologia Plantarum, 126, pp. 243-256. (doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2005.00591.x)

Sturcova, A., Eichhorn, S. and Jarvis, M. (2006) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biopolymers under mechanical stress: Processing cellulose spectra using bandshift difference integrals. Biomacromolecules, 7, pp. 2688-2691. (doi: 10.1021/bm060457m)

Ha, M., Vietor, R., Jardine, G., Apperley, D. and Jarvis, M. (2005) Conformation and mobility of the arabinan and galactan side-chains of pectin. Phytochemistry, 66, pp. 1817-1824. (doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2005.06.001)

Richardson, A., Franke, R., Kerstiens, G., Jarvis, M., Schreiber, L. and Fricke, W. (2005) Cuticular wax deposition in growing barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves commences in relation to the point of emergence of epidermal cells from the sheaths of older leaves. Planta, 222, pp. 472-483. (doi: 10.1007/s00425-005-1552-2)

Sturcova, A., His, I., Apperley, D., Sugiyama, J. and Jarvis, M. (2004) Structural details of crystalline cellulose from higher plants. Biomacromolecules, 5, pp. 1333-1339. (doi: 10.1021/bm034517p)

Szyjanowicz, P., McKinnon, I., Taylor, N., Gardiner, J., Jarvis, M. and Turner, S. (2004) The irregular xylem 2 mutant is an allele of korrigan that affects the secondary cell wall of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 37, pp. 730-740. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2003.02000.x)

Evans, B., Snape, C. and Jarvis, M. (2003) Lignification in relation to the biennial growth habit in brassicas. Phytochemistry, 63, pp. 765-769. (doi: 10.1016/S0031-9422(03)00327-3)

Jarvis, M., Briggs, S. and Knox, J. (2003) Intercellular adhesion and cell separation in plants. Plant Cell and Environment, 26, pp. 977-989.

Muller, S., Jardine, W., Evans, B., Vietor, R., Snape, C. and Jarvis, M. (2003) Cell wall composition of vascular and parenchyma tissues in broccoli stems. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83, pp. 1289-1292. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1441)

Sturcova, A., His, I., Wess, T., Cameron, G. and Jarvis, M. (2003) Polarized vibrational Spectroscopy of fiber polymers: Hydrogen bonding in cellulose II. Biomacromolecules, 4, pp. 1589-1595. (doi: 10.1021/bm034295v)

Ha, M., MacKinnon, I., Sturcova, A., Apperley, D., McCann, M., Turner, S. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Structure of cellulose-deficient secondary cell walls from the irx3 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry, 61, pp. 7-14.

Jardine, W., Doeswijk-Voragen, C., MacKinnon, I., van den Broek, L., Ha, M., Jarvis, M. and Voragen, A. (2002) Methods for the preparation of cell walls from potatoes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 834-839. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1121)

MacKinnon, I., Jardine, W., OKennedy, N., Renard, C. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Pectic methyl and nonmethyl esters in potato cell walls. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, pp. 342-346. (doi: 10.1021/jf010597h)

Vietor, R., Newman, R., Ha, M., Apperley, D. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Conformational features of crystal-surface cellulose from higher plants. Plant Journal, 30, pp. 721-731.

Wilson, W., MacKinnon, I. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Transfer of heat and moisture during microwave baking of potatoes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 1070-1073. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1129)

Wilson, W., MacKinnon, I. and Jarvis, M. (2002) Transfer of heat and moisture during oven baking of potatoes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82, pp. 1074-1079. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1130)

Bush, M., Marry, M., Huxham, I., Jarvis, M. and McCann, M. (2001) Developmental regulation of pectic epitopes during potato tuberisation. Planta, 213, pp. 869-880.

Orfila, C., Seymour, G., Willats, W., Huxham, I., Jarvis, M., Dover, C., Thompson, A. and Knox, J. (2001) Altered middle lamella homogalacturonan and disrupted deposition of (1 -> 5)-alpha-L-arabinan in the pericarp of Cnr, a ripening mutant of tomato. Plant Physiology, 126, pp. 210-221.

Thellier, M., Chevallier, A., His, I., Jarvis, M., Lovell, M., Ripoll, C., Robertson, D., Sauerwein, W. and Verdus, M. (2001) Methodological developments for application to the study of physiological boron and to boron neutron capture therapy. Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, 19, pp. 623-657.

Book Sections

Jarvis, M.C. (2012) Cellulose crystallinity: perspectives from spectroscopy and diffraction. In: Harding, S.E. (ed.) Stability of Complex Carbohydrate Structures Biofuels, Foods, Vaccines and Shipwrecks. Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK, pp. 125-136. ISBN 9781849735636

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Additional information


BSc, PhD

Selected Recent Talks

  • "Characterising and modeling structural disorder in microfibrils of Sitka spruce wood". Keynote lecture, COST-FP0802 Workshop, Vila Real, 2011
  • "Plant cell walls: Biomechanics, growth and development". Invited lecture, Centre for Integrated Plant Biology, Nottingham University, 2011
  • "Structure of wood cellulose microfibrils". Invited lecture, ILL, Grenoble, 2009
  • "Plant cell walls: supramolecular assembly, signalling and stress". Invited lecture, Hydrocolloids Workshop, St Tropez 2008
  • "Dimensions of primary-wall cellulose microfibrils isolated from celery collenchyma strands ". Invited lecture, COST-E50 meeting, Warsaw, 2006

External Appointments & Positions

  • Management Board, Scottish Integrated Research on Timber (SIRT) Programme
  • Programme Manager, EC COST project FP0901
  • Programme Manager, EC COST project FP0802
  • International Assessor, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Cellulose Chemistry, BOKU, Vienna
  • Professiorial appointment adviser, University of Aachen