Professor Laurence Barron

  • Emeritus Gardiner Professor (School of Chemistry)


RA313 Level A3, Chemistry, Joseph Black Building

Import to contacts


Laurence Barron was born in 1944 in Southampton, England, where he attended King Edward VI Grammar School, and then studied chemistry at the Northern Polytechnic, London University. After graduating with first class honours in 1965, he moved to Oxford University to undertake Ph.D. work under the supervision of Professor Peter Atkins on the theory of nonlinear optical activity and birefringence, and polarized light scattering generally. From 1969 to 1975 he carried out postdoctoral work with Professor David Buckingham at Cambridge University, holding a Ramsay Memorial Fellowship 1974-75. He moved to the Chemistry Department of the University of Glasgow in 1975, initially as a Lecturer and finally as the Gardiner Professor (Emeritus from 2008). From 1995 to 2000 he held an EPSRC Senior Fellowship. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Institute of Physics and The Royal Society of Chemistry. He was awarded the prestigious Chirality Medal by the Societa Chimica Italiana for 2011.



Telephone:  02084550977 (home)


Research interests

Laurence Barron works on the electric, magnetic and optical properties of molecules. A special interest in chirality brings a wide range of topics into his work, from the physics of elementary particles to the structure and behaviour of the molecules of life. His widely cited book, Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity (1), is a unique and essential resource that has contributed to the growing impact of chirality on many areas of modern science.

chirality concept illustration 

Vibrational Optical Activity. In 1969 during his Ph.D. work (with P.W. Atkins) in Oxford, he discovered a new circular polarization-dependent scattering mechanism from chiral molecules responsible for the new phenomenon he called Raman optical activity (ROA), and went on to make the first observations (with A.D. Buckingham) in Cambridge in 1972. This was the first observation of vibrational optical activity in individual chiral molecules. Barron’s group in Glasgow subsequently developed ROA into a powerful chiroptical spectroscopy applicable to a vast range of chiral molecular structures, now used in academic and industrial laboratories around the world. Comparison of experimental with ab initio calculated ROA spectra can provide the complete three-dimensional structure and conformational populations of chiral molecules in solution, from small organics to biopolymers, and is a powerful method for determining absolute configuration (including the first for CHFClBr which he achieved in 1997 using ROA). His Glasgow group applied ROA to problems in biomolecular science including protein fold determination, protein misfolding and disease, intrinsically unstructured proteins, protein and carbohydrate structure of intact glycoproteins, and protein and nucleic acid structure of intact viruses. Like cryo-electron microscopy, ROA is especially valuable for the many proteins inaccessible to X-ray and NMR techniques. Ref. 2 reviews this work. His group also pioneered a magnetic version of ROA (analogous to the Faraday effect) which functions, inter alia, as Raman EPR in paramagnetic species originating in spin-flip transitions via antisymmetric scattering (see Ref. 1 for details).

Raman Optical Activity examples

A New Definition of Chirality.In the 1980s he extended Lord Kelvin’s definition of chirality to situations where motion is an essential ingredient (e.g. spinning translating particles), pointing out that the hallmark of genuine chirality is that the two distinguishable mirror-image enantiomers are interconverted by parity P (space inversion) but not by time reversal T (motion reversal) and so exhibit a time-invariant enantiomorphism. This ‘true chirality’ must be distinguished from the ‘false chirality’ of systems such as collinear electric and magnetic fields where the enantiomers are interconverted by both P and T and so exhibit a time-noninvariant enantiomorphism and which support quite different phenomena. This removed the confusion since Pasteur’s time concerning the nature of physical influences able to induce absolute enantioselection, and has been widely adopted in areas ranging from origin of biomolecular homochirality and astrobiology to novel optical and transport properties of chiral media. Introduction of symmetry violations provides analogies between the physics of elementary particles and chiral molecules including the concept that, in the presence of parity violation, the strict enantiomer (exactly degenerate) of a chiral molecule is generated by CP where C is charge conjugation (particle-antiparticle exchange). Ref. 3 reviews this work. 

charge conjugation and parity 

Other Work. Theory of nonlinear optics of chiral molecules, including prediction of intensity-dependent optical rotation and of a linear intensity difference in second harmonic scattering from chiral surfaces. His work on the electric dipole-electric quadrupole contribution to optical activity in oriented chiral systems underpinned the first observation in 1998 by Alagna et al. at ESRF of natural CD in the X-ray region, attributed entirely to this mechanism (see Ref. 1). He developed (with J. Vrbancich) the definitive molecular theory of new ‘magnetochiral’ optical phenomena involving the subtle interplay of chirality and magnetism, subsequently observed in 1997 by G.L.J.A. Rikken at the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (see Ref. 1). He also contributes to the development of a new spectroscopy (discovered by his Glasgow colleague M. Kadodwala), based on sculpted fields generated by optical excitation of plasmonic chiral metamaterials, that can detect and structurally characterize biomolecules at the picogram level with potential for ultrasensitive detection and characterization of amyloid diseases and viruses (4).


  1. Barron, L. D. (2004) Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity. 2nd. ed. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, U.K.. ISBN 9780521813419
  2. Barron, L. D. (2015) The development of biomolecular Raman optical activity spectroscopy. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 4(3), pp. 223-253. (doi:10.3233/BSI-150113)
  3. Barron, L. D. (2013) True and false chirality and absolute enantioselection. Rendiconti Lincei, 24(3), pp. 179-189. (doi:10.1007/s12210-013-0224-6)
  4. Hendry, E., Carpy, T., Johnston, J., Popland, M., Mikhaylovskiy, R.V., Lapthorn, A., Kelly, S.M., Barron, L.D., Gadegaard, N. and Kadodwala, M. (2010) Ultrasensitive detection and characterization of biomolecules using superchiral fields. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(11), pp. 783-787. (doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.209)


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1971 | 1970 | 1969 | 1968
Number of items: 289.


Barron, L. D. (2023) 'A careful disorderliness' in biomolecular structure revealed by Raman optical activity. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 300, 122959. (doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2023.122959)


Koyroytsaltis-McQuire, D. J.P., Gilroy, C., Barron, L. D., Gadegaard, N. , Karimullah, A. S. and Kadodwala, M. (2022) Detecting antibody–antigen interactions with chiral plasmons: factors influencing chiral plasmonic sensing. Advanced Photonics Research, 3(1), 2100155. (doi: 10.1002/adpr.202100155)


Barron, L. D. (2021) Symmetry and chirality: where physics shakes hands with chemistry and biology. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 61(9-10), pp. 517-529. (doi: 10.1002/ijch.202100044)

Barron, L. D. and Cintas, P. (2021) Comments on "Molecular chirality in classical spacetime: solving the controversy about the spinning cone model of rotating molecules". Chemistry: A European Journal, 27(4), pp. 1476-1477. (doi: 10.1002/chem.202000427) (PMID:33355960)


Kakkar, T. et al. (2020) Superchiral near fields detect virus structure. Light: Science and Applications, 9(1), 195. (doi: 10.1038/s41377-020-00433-1) (PMID:33298854) (PMCID:PMC7705013)

Kelly, C. et al. (2020) Controlling the symmetry of inorganic ionic nanofilms with optical chirality. Nature Communications, 11, 5169. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18869-9) (PMID:33057000) (PMCID:PMC7560753)

Barron, L. (2020) False chirality, absolute enantioselection and CP violation: Pierre Curie’s legacy. Magnetochemistry, 6, e5. (doi: 10.3390/magnetochemistry6010005)

Rodier, M., Keijzer, C., Milner, J. , Karimullah, A. S. , Barron, L., Gadegaard, N. , Lapthorn, A. J. and Kadodwala, M. (2020) Biomacromolecular charge chirality detected using chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Nanoscale Horizons, 5, pp. 336-344. (doi: 10.1039/C9NH00525K)


Pendrill, R., Mutter, S. T., Mensch, C., Barron, L. D., Blanch, E. W., Popelier, P. L. A., Widmalm, G. and Johannessen, C. (2019) Solution structure of mannobioses unravelled by means of Raman optical activity. ChemPhysChem, 20(5), pp. 695-705. (doi: 10.1002/cphc.201801172) (PMID:30688397)

Gilroy, C., Hashiyada, S., Endo, K., Karimullah, A. S. , Barron, L., Okamoto, H., Togawa, Y. and Kadodwala, M. (2019) Roles of superchirality and interference in chiral plasmonic biodetection. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(24), pp. 15195-15203. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b02791)

Rodier, M., Keijzer, C., Milner, J. , Karimullah, A. , Barron, L., Gadegaard, N. , Lapthorn, A. and Kadodwala, M. (2019) Probing specificity of protein-protein interactions with chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, pp. 6105-6111. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02288) (PMID:31549842)


Kelly, C., Tullius, R., Lapthorn, A. J. , Gadegaard, N. , Cooke, G. , Barron, L. D., Karimullah, A. S. , Rotello, V. M. and Kadodwala, M. (2018) Chiral plasmonic fields probe structural order of biointerfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(27), pp. 8509-8517. (doi: 10.1021/jacs.8b03634) (PMID:29909628)

Kelly, C., Khorashad, L. K., Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D., Govorov, A. O., Karimullah, A. S. and Kadodwala, M. (2018) Controlling metamaterial transparency with superchiral fields. ACS Photonics, 5(2), pp. 535-543. (doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01071)

Ostovar pour, S., Barron, L. D., Mutter, S. T. and Blanch, E. W. (2018) Raman optical activity. In: Polavarapu, Prasad L. (ed.) Chiral Analysis. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 249-291. ISBN 9780444640277 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64027-7.00006-9)


Tullius, R. et al. (2017) Superchiral plasmonic phase sensitivity for fingerprinting of protein interface structure. ACS Nano, 11(12), pp. 12049-12056. (doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b04698) (PMID:29220155)


Mensch, C., Barron, L. D. and Johannessen, C. (2016) Ramachandran mapping of peptide conformation using a large database of computed Raman and Raman optical activity spectra. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(46), pp. 31757-31768. (doi: 10.1039/c6cp05862k) (PMID:27841400)

Jack, C., Karimullah, A. S. , Leyman, R., Tullius, R., Rotello, V. M., Cooke, G. , Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D. and Kadodwala, M. (2016) Biomacromolecular stereostructure mediates mode hybridization in chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Nano Letters, 16(9), pp. 5806-5814. (doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02549) (PMID:27547978)

Jack, C. et al. (2016) Spatial control of chemical processes on nanostructures through nano-localized water heating. Nature Communications, 7, 10946. (doi: 10.1038/ncomms10946) (PMID:26961708) (PMCID:PMC4792951)


Karimullah, A. S. , Jack, C., Tullius, R., Rotello, V. M., Cooke, G. , Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D. and Kadodwala, M. (2015) Disposable plasmonics: plastic templated plasmonic metamaterials with tunable chirality. Advanced Materials, 27(37), pp. 5610-5616. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201501816)

Tullius, R., Karimullah, A. S. , Rodier, M., Fitzpatrick, B., Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D., Rotello, V. M., Cooke, G. , Lapthorn, A. and Kadodwala, M. (2015) "Superchiral” spectroscopy: detection of protein higher order hierarchical structure with chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(26), pp. 8380-8383. (doi: 10.1021/jacs.5b04806) (PMID:26102606)

Kapitán, J., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (2015) A novel Raman optical activity instrument operating in the deep ultraviolet spectral region. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46(4), pp. 392-399. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.4665)

Barron, L. D. (2015) The development of biomolecular Raman optical activity spectroscopy. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 4(3), pp. 223-253. (doi: 10.3233/BSI-150113)


Barron, L. D. (2014) Biochirality: Origins, Evolution and Molecular Recognition. Edited by Pedro Cintas. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 44(1), pp. 61-62. (doi: 10.1007/s11084-014-9356-7)[Book Review]


Kadodwala, M. , Abdulrahman, N., Syme, C. D. , Jack, C., Barron, L. D., Karimullah, A. and Gadegaard, N. (2013) The origin of off–resonance non-linear optical activity of a gold chiral nanomaterial. Nanoscale, 5(24), pp. 12651-12657. (doi: 10.1039/c3nr04746f)

Thomson, A. J. and Barron, L. D. (2013) Philip John Stephens. 9 October 1940 - 31 July 2012. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 59, pp. 359-382. (doi: 10.1098/rsbm.2013.0013)

Barron, L. D. (2013) True and false chirality and absolute enantioselection. Rendiconti Lincei, 24(3), pp. 179-189. (doi: 10.1007/s12210-013-0224-6)

Barron, L. (2013) Raman optical activity studies of structure and behavior of biomolecules. In: Roberts, Gordon C.K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biophysics. Springer: Heidelberg, pp. 2169-2172. ISBN 9783642167119 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16712-6_129)


Barron, L. D. (2012) Cosmic chirality both true and false. Chirality, 24(12), pp. 957-958. (doi: 10.1002/chir.22106) (PMID:22930646)

Barron, L. D. (2012) From cosmic chirality to protein structure: Lord Kelvin's legacy. Chirality, 24(11), pp. 879-893. (doi: 10.1002/chir.22017) (PMID:22522780)

Barron, L. D. (2012) Chirality: spin and gravity give a helping hand. Nature Chemistry, 4(3), pp. 150-152. (doi: 10.1038/nchem.1278) (PMID:22354423)

Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (2012) Structure and behaviour of biomolecules from Raman optical activity. In: Berova, Nina, Polavarapu, Prasad L., Nakanishi, Koji and Woody, Robert W. (eds.) Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Volume 2, Applications in Stereochemical Analysis of Synthetic Compounds, Natural Products, and Biomolecules. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 759-793. ISBN 9781118012925

Hendry, E., Mikhaylovskiy, R., Barron, L., Kadodwala, M. and Davis, T.J. (2012) Chiral electromagnetic fields generated by arrays of nanoslits. Nano Letters, 12(7), pp. 3640-3644. (doi: 10.1021/nl3012787)


Merten, C., Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Johannessen, C. (2011) Determination of the helical screw sense and side-group chirality of a synthetic chiral polymer from Raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 50(42), pp. 9973-9976. (doi: 10.1002/anie.201104345)

Johannessen, C., Pendrill, R., Widmalm, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (2011) Glycan structure of a high mannose glycoprotein from raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 50(23), pp. 5349-5341. (doi: 10.1002/anie.201008258) (PMID:21523866)


Hendry, E., Carpy, T., Johnston, J., Popland, M., Mikhaylovskiy, R.V., Lapthorn, A. , Kelly, S.M., Barron, L.D., Gadegaard, N. and Kadodwala, M. (2010) Ultrasensitive detection and characterization of biomolecules using superchiral fields. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(11), pp. 783-787. (doi: 10.1038/nnano.2010.209)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (2010) Vibrational optical activity. Chemical Physics Letters, 492(4-6), pp. 199-213. (doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2010.03.090)

Kapitan, J., Johannessen, C., Bour, P., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2010) Vibrational Raman Optical Activity of 1-Phenylethanol and 1-Phenylethylamine: Revisiting Old Friends. Chirality, 21(1E), E4-E12. (doi: 10.1002/chir.20747)


Kapitan, J., Gallo, D., Goasdoue, N., Nicaise, M., Desmadril, M., Hecht, L., Leclercq, G., Barron, L.D. and Jacquot, Y. (2009) Identification of a human estrogen receptor α-derived antiestrogenic peptide that adopts a polyproline II conformation. Journal of Peptide Science, 15(7), pp. 455-464. (doi: 10.1002/psc.1136)

Barron, L., Johannessen, C., Kapitan, J. and Hecht, L. (2009) Structure and behaviour of folded and unfolded proteins from Raman optical activity. Book of Abstracts of the Twelfth International Conference on Circular Dichroism, p. 26.

Barron, L. D. (2009) An Introduction to chirality at the nanoscale. In: Amabilino, David B. (ed.) Chirality at the Nanoscale: Nanoparticles, Surfaces, Materials and more. Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, pp. 1-27. ISBN 9783527625345 (doi: 10.1002/9783527625345.ch1)

Johannessen, C., Kapitan, J., Collet, H., Commeyras, A., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2009) Poly(L-proline) II Helix Propensities in Poly(L-lysine) Dendrigraft Generations from Vibrational Raman Optical Activity. Biomacromolecules, 10(6), pp. 1662-1664. (doi: 10.1021/bm9002249)


Kapitan, J., Zhu, F.J., Hecht, L., Gardiner, J., Seebach, D. and Barron, L.D. (2008) Solution structures of beta peptides from Raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 47(34), pp. 6392-6394. (doi: 10.1002/anie.200801111)

Aubrey, A. D. et al. (2008) The Urey instrument: an advanced in situ organic and oxidant detector for Mars exploration. Astrobiology, 8(3), pp. 583-595. (doi: 10.1089/ast.2007.0169) (PMID:18680409)

Bada, J. L. et al. (2008) Urey: Mars Organic and Oxidant Detector. Space Science Reviews, 135(1-4), pp. 269-279. (doi: 10.1007/s11214-007-9213-3)

Barron, L. D. (2008) Chirality and life. Space Science Reviews, 135(1-4), pp. 187-201. (doi: 10.1007/s11214-007-9254-7)

Barron, L. D. (2008) Magnetic molecules - Chirality and magnetism shake hands. Nature Materials, 7(9), pp. 691-692. (doi: 10.1038/nmat2263 Univ Glasgow, Dept Chem, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland.)

Deplazes, E., van Bronswijk, W., Zhu, F., Barron, L. D., Ma, S., Nafie, L. A. and Jalkanen, K. J. (2008) A combined theoretical and experimental study of the structure and vibrational absorption, vibrational circular dichroism, Raman and Raman optical activity spectra of the L-histidine zwitterion. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 119(1-3), pp. 155-176. (doi: 10.1007/s00214-007-0276-8)

Gheorghe, R., Chamoreau, L.M., Kapitan, J., Ovanesyan, N.S., Aldoshin, S.M., Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Train, C. and Gruselle, M. (2008) Enantiomerically Pure Quaternary Ammonium Salts with a Chiral Alkyl Chain N(CH3)(n-C3H7)(2)(sec-C4H9)I: Synthesis and Physical Studies. Chirality, 20(10), pp. 1085-1091. (doi: 10.1002/chir.20577)

Jalkanen, K. J., Degtyarenko, I. M., Nieminen, R. M., Cao, X., Nafie, L. A., Zhu, F. and Barron, L. D. (2008) Role of hydration in determining the structure and vibrational spectra of L-alanine and N-acetyl L-alanine N '-methylamide in aqueous solution: a combined theoretical and experimental approach. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 119(1-3), pp. 191-210. (doi: 10.1007/s00214-007-0361-z)

Zhu, F., Davies, P., Thompsett, A.R., Kelly, S.M., Tranter, G.E., Hecht, L., Isaacs, N.W., Brown, D.R. and Barron, L.D. (2008) Raman optical activity and circular dichroism reveal dramatic differences in the influence of divalent copper and manganese ions on prion protein folding. Biochemistry, 47(8), pp. 2510-2517. (doi: 10.1021/bi7022893)

Zhu, F., Kapitan, J., Tranter, G.E., Pudney, P.D.A., Isaacs, N.W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2008) Residual structure in disordered peptides and unfolded proteins from multivariate analysis and ab initio simulation of Raman optical activity data. Proteins: Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 70(3), pp. 823-833. (doi: 10.1002/prot.21593)


Barron, L. (2007) Life is not even-handed. Chemistry World, [Book Review]

Barron, L. D. (2007) Chemistry: compliments from Lord Kelvin. Nature, 446(7135), pp. 505-506. (doi: 10.1038/446505a) (PMID:17392777)

Ashton, L., Barron, L., Hecht, L., Hyde, J. and Blanch, E. (2007) Two-dimensional Raman and Raman optical activity correlation analysis of the alpha-helix-to-disordered transition in poly(L-glutamic acid). Analyst, 132, pp. 468-479. (doi: 10.1039/b700421d)

Barron, L. D., Zhu, F., Hecht, L. and Isaacs, N. W. (2007) Structure and behavior of proteins from Raman optical activity. In: Uversky, Vladimir N. and Permyakov, Eugene A. (eds.) Methods in Protein Structure and Stability Analysis: Vibrational Spectroscopy. Series: Molecular anatomy and physiology of proteins. Nova Biomedical Books: New York, pp. 27-68. ISBN 9781600217036

Barron, L., Zhu, F., Hecht, L., Tranter, G. and Isaacs, N. (2007) Raman optical activity: An incisive probe of molecular chirality and biomolecular structure. Journal of Molecular Structure, 834, pp. 7-16. (doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2006.10.033)


Ashtony, L., Barron, L.D., Czarnik-Matusewicz, B., Hecht, L., Hyde, J. and Blanch, E.W. (2006) Two-dimensional correlation analysis of Raman optical activity data on the α-helix-to-β-sheet transition in poly(L-lysine). Molecular Physics, 104(9), pp. 1429-1445. (doi: 10.1080/00268970500493425)

Barron, L. D. (2006) A new light on proteins, carbohydrates and glycoproteins. Biochemist, 28(3), pp. 27-31.

Barron, L. (2006) Structure and behaviour of biomolecules from Raman optical activity. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 16, pp. 638-643. (doi: 10.1016/

Barron, L., Zhu, F. and Hecht, L. (2006) Raman optical activity: An incisive probe of chirality, and of biomolecular structure and behaviour. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 42, pp. 15-24. (doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2006.04.020)

Blanch, E. W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (2006) Raman optical activity. In: Busch, Kenneth W. and Busch, Marianna A. (eds.) Chiral Analysis. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 545-594. ISBN 9780444516695 (doi: 10.1016/B978-044451669-5/50016-8)

Macleod, N., Johannessen, C., Hecht, L., Barron, L. and Simons, J. (2006) From the gas phase to aqueous solution: Vibrational spectroscopy, Raman optical activity and conformational structure of carbohydrates. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 253, pp. 193-200. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2006.01.031)

Zhu, F., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L., Tranter, G. and Barron, L. (2006) Raman optical activity of proteins, carbohydrates and glycoproteins. Chirality, 18, pp. 103-115. (doi: 10.1002/chir.20225)

Zhu, F., Tranter, G., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2006) Delineation of protein structure classes from multivariate analysis of protein Raman optical activity data. Journal of Molecular Biology, 363, pp. 19-26. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2006.08.038)


Zhu, F., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2005) Polypeptide and carbohydrate structure of an intact glycoprotein from Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, pp. 6142-6143.

Zhu, F., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2005) Raman optical activity: A tool for protein structure analysis. Structure, 13, pp. 1409-1419. (doi: 10.1016/j.str.2005.07.009)


Barron, L. D., Hecht, L., McColl, I. H. and Blanch, E. W. (2004) Raman optical activity comes of age. Molecular Physics, 102(8), pp. 731-744. (doi: 10.1080/00268970410001704399)

Ashton, L., Barron, L.D., Czarnik-Matusewicz, B., Hyde, J.R., Hecht, L. and Blanch, E.W. (2004) Two Novel Spectroscopic Techniques: 2D ROA and 2D Raman/ROA. In: Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Queensland, Australia, 08-13 Aug 2004, ISBN 9780643091221

Barron, L. (2004) Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, U.K.. ISBN 9780521813419

Blanch, E.W., Dobson, P., Doig, A.J., McColl, I.H., Nielsen, K., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2004) Protein Fold Recognition and Structure Elucidation Using Raman Optical Activity. In: Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Queensland, Australia, 08-13 Aug 2004, ISBN 9780643091221

Blanch, E., Gill, A., Rhie, A., Hope, J., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2004) Raman optical activity demonstrates poly(L-proline) II helix in the N-terminal region of the ovine prion protein: Implications for function and misfunction. Journal of Molecular Biology, 343, pp. 467-476. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2004.08.058)

Blanch, E., McColl, I., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2004) Structural characterization of proteins and viruses using Raman optical activity. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 35, pp. 87-92. (doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2003.12.005)

McColl, I., Blanch, E., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2004) A study of alpha-helix hydration in polypeptides, proteins, and viruses using vibrational Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, pp. 8181-8188. (doi: 10.1021/ja048991u)

McColl, I., Blanch, E., Hecht, L., Kallenbach, N. and Barron, L. (2004) Vibrational Raman optical activity characterization of poly(L-proline) II helix in alanine oligopeptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, pp. 5076-5077. (doi: 10.1021/ja049271q)

Toniolo, C. et al. (2004) The complete chirospectroscopic signature of the peptide 3(10)-helix in aqueous solution. Biopolymers, 75, pp. 32-45. (doi: 10.1002/bip.20109)


Barron, L.D., Blanch, E.W., McColl, I.H., Syme, C.D. , Hecht, L. and Nielsen, K. (2003) Structure and behaviour of proteins, nucleic acids and viruses from vibrational Raman optical activity. Spectroscopy, 17(2-3), pp. 101-126. (doi: 10.1155/2003/787940)

Blanch, E., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2003) Vibrational Raman optical activity of proteins, nucleic acids, and viruses. Methods, 29, pp. 196-209.

Blanch, E., Kasarda, D., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2003) New insight into the solution structures of wheat gluten proteins from Raman optical activity. Biochemistry, 42, pp. 5665-5673. (doi: 10.1021/bo027059y)

McColl, L., Blanch, E., Gill, A., Rhie, A., Ritchie, M., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2003) A new perspective on beta-sheet structures using vibrational Raman optical activity: From poly(L-lysine) to the prion protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125, pp. 10019-10026. (doi: 10.1021/ja021464v)


Barron, L.D., Blanch, E.W., Bell, A.F., Syme, C.D., Hecht, L. and Day, L.A. (2002) New insight into solution structure and dynamics of proteins, nucleic acids, and viruses from Raman optical activity. In: Chirality: Physical Chemistry. Series: ACS symposium series, 810. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, pp. 34-49. ISBN 9780841237377 (doi: 10.1021/bk-2002-0810.ch003)

Blanch, E.W., Robinson, D.J., Hecht, L., Syme, C.D. , Nielsen, K. and Barron, L.D. (2002) Solution structures of potato virus X and narcissus mosaic virus from Raman optical activity. Journal of General Virology, 83(1), pp. 241-246.

Syme, C.D. , Blanch, E.W., Holt, C., Jakes, R., Goedert, M., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2002) A Raman optical activity study of rheomorphism in caseins, synucleins and tau - New insight into the structure and behaviour of natively unfolded proteins. European Journal of Biochemistry, 269(1), pp. 148-156. (doi: 10.1046/j.0014-2956.2001.02633.x)

Barron, L.D. (2002) Chirality at the sub-molecular level: true and false chirality. In: Lough, W.J. and Wainer, I. (eds.) Chirality in Natural and Applied Science. CRC Press/Blackwell Science: Oxford, pp. 53-86. ISBN 9780849324345

Barron, L.D., Blanch, E.W., Syme, C.D., Nielsen, K. and Hecht, L. (2002) Structure and behaviour of proteins and viruses from Raman optical activity. In: Mink, János, Jalsovszky, György and Keresztury, Gábor (eds.) Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: 25-30th August 2002, Budapest, Hungary. Wiley: Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ, pp. 729-780. ISBN 9780471491897

Barron, L., Blanch, E. and Hecht, L. (2002) Unfolded proteins studied by raman optical activity. Unfolded Proteins, 62, pp. 51-90.

Blanch, E.W., Hecht, L., Syme, C.D. , Volpetti, V., Lomonossoff, G.P., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L.D. (2002) Molecular structures of viruses from Raman optical activity. Journal of General Virology, 83(10), pp. 2593-2600.

McColl, I.H., Blanch, E.W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2002) Raman optical activity studies of model polypeptide conformations. In: Mink, János, Jalsovszky, György and Keresztury, Gábor (eds.) Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: 25-30th August 2002, Budapest, Hungary. Wiley: Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ, p. 425. ISBN 9780471491897


Smyth, E., Syme, C.D. , Blanch, E.W., Hecht, L., Vasak, M. and Barron, L.D. (2001) Solution structure of native proteins with irregular folds from Raman optical activity. Biopolymers, 58(2), pp. 138-151. (doi: 10.1002/1097-0282(200102)58:2<138::AID-BIP30>3.0.CO;2-W)

Barron, L. and Buckingham, A. (2001) Time reversal and molecular properties. Accounts of Chemical Research, 34, pp. 781-789. (doi: 10.1021/ar0100576)

Blanch, E.W., Robinson, D.J., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2001) A comparison of the solution structures of tobacco rattle and tobacco mosaic viruses from Raman optical activity. Journal of General Virology, 82, pp. 1499-1502.

Blanch, E., Hecht, L., Day, L., Pederson, D. and Barron, L. (2001) Tryptophan absolute stereochemistry in viral coat proteins from Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123, pp. 4863-4864.


Blanch, E. W., Morozova-Roche, L. A., Cochran, D. A.E., Doig, A. J., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (2000) Is polyproline II helix the killer conformation? A raman optical activity study of the amyloidogenic prefibrillar intermediate of human lysozyme. Journal of Molecular Biology, 301(2), pp. 553-563. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.2000.3981) (PMID:10926527)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Blanch, E.W. and Bell, A.F. (2000) Solution structure and dynamics of biomolecules from Raman optical activity. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 73(1), pp. 1-49. (doi: 10.1016/S0079-6107(99)00017-6) (PMID:10781828)

Barron, L.D. (2000) Chirality, magnetism and light. Nature, 405(6789), pp. 895-896. (doi: 10.1038/35016183)

Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (2000) Vibrational Raman optical activity: from fundamentals to biochemical applications. In: Berova, Nina, Nakanishi, Koji and Woody, Robert W. (eds.) Circular Dichroism: Principles and Applications, Second Edition. Wiley-VCH: New York ; Chichester, pp. 667-701. ISBN 9780471330035

Blanch, E. W., Morozova-Roche, L. A., Hecht, L., Noppe, W. and Barron, L. D. (2000) Raman optical activity characterization of native and molten globule states of equine lysozyme: comparison with hen lysozyme and bovine α-lactalbumin. Biopolymers, 57(4), pp. 235-248. (doi: 10.1002/1097-0282(2000)57:4<235::AID-BIP5>3.0.CO;2-H) (PMID:10861388)


Hecht, L., Barron, L. D., Blanch, E. W., Bell, A. F. and Day, L. A. (1999) Raman optical activity instrument for studies of biopolymer structure and dynamics. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 30(9), pp. 815-825. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199909)30:9<815::AID-JRS453>3.0.CO;2-1)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1999) Evidence for a new transition in polyribonucleotides from raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 30(8), pp. 651-656. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199908)30:8<651::AID-JRS406>3.0.CO;2-F)

Blanch, E. W., Bell, A. F., Hecht, L., Day, L. A. and Barron, L. D. (1999) Raman optical activity of filamentous bacteriophages: hydration of α-helices. Journal of Molecular Biology, 290(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1999.2871) (PMID:10388553)

Barron, L. D., Blanch, E. W., Smyth, E., Bell, A. F., Day, L. A. and Hecht, L. (1999) Raman optical activity studies of the influence of water on structure and dynamics of proteins, viruses and nucleic acids. In: Greve, J., Puppels, G.J. and Otto, C. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. Springer Netherlands, pp. 643-646. ISBN 9789401059190 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-4479-7_290)

Blanch, E. W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1999) New insight into the pH-dependent conformational changes in bovine β-lactoglobulin from Raman optical activity. Protein Science, 8(6), pp. 1362-1367. (doi: 10.1110/ps.8.6.1362) (PMID:10386887) (PMCID:PMC2144349)


Avalos, M., Babiano, R., Cintas, P., Jiménez, J. L., Palacios, J. C. and Barron, L. D. (1998) Absolute asymmetric synthesis under physical fields: facts and fictions. Chemical Reviews, 98(7), pp. 2391-2404. (doi: 10.1021/cr970096o) (PMID:11848967)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1998) Vibrational Raman optical activity of DNA and RNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120(23), pp. 5820-5821. (doi: 10.1021/ja980851v)

Teraoka, J., Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1998) Loop structure in human serum albumin from Raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 29(1), pp. 67-71. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199801)29:1<67::AID-JRS207>3.0.CO;2-U)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Bell, A.F. (1998) Raman optical activity: an incisive new probe of the structure and dynamics of biomolecules. Science Progress, 81(Pt 1), pp. 17-34. (PMID:9567775)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1998) Evidence for global mobility in the premelting of a polynucleotide from temperature-dependent Raman optical activity. Biospectroscopy, 4(2), pp. 107-111. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6343(1998)4:2<107::AID-BSPY3>3.0.CO;2-2) (PMID:9557905)


Barron, L.D. (1997) From cosmic chirality to protein structure and function: Lord Kelvin's legacy. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 90(12), pp. 793-800. (doi: 10.1093/qjmed/90.12.793) (PMID:9536345)

Barron, L. D., Hecht, L. and Wilson, G. (1997) The lubricant of life: a proposal that solvent water promotes extremely fast conformational fluctuations in mobile heteropolypeptide structure. Biochemistry, 36(43), pp. 13143-13147. (doi: 10.1021/bi971323j) (PMID:9376374)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) New evidence for conformational flexibility in cyclodextrins from vibrational Raman optical activity. Chemistry: A European Journal, 3(8), pp. 1292-1298. (doi: 10.1002/chem.19970030817)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Vibrational Raman optical activity as a probe of polyribonucleotide solution stereochemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119(26), pp. 6006-6013. (doi: 10.1021/ja9704388)

Costante, J., Hecht, L., Polavarapu, P. L., Collet, A. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Absolute configuration of bromochlorofluoromethane from experimental and Ab initio theoretical vibrational Raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 36(8), pp. 885-887. (doi: 10.1002/anie.199708851)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Evidence for a new cooperative transition in native lysozyme from temperature-dependent Raman optical activity. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101(4), pp. 694-698. (doi: 10.1021/jp962480f)

Barron, L.D., Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Blanch, E.W. (1997) A new perspective on protein structure and dynamics from Raman optical activity. In: Carmona, P., Navarro, R. and Hernanz, A. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends. Springer Netherlands, pp. 9-10. ISBN 9789401063692 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-5622-6_109)

Barron, L. (1997) Vibrational optical activity. In: Clary, David C. and Orr, Brian J. (eds.) Optical, Electric and Magnetic Properties of Molecules: A Review of the Work of A.D. Buckingham. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 283-289. ISBN 9780444825964 (doi: 10.1016/B978-044482596-4/50037-3)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1997) Vibrational Raman optical activity of polynucleotides. In: Carmona, P., Navarro, R. and Hernanz, A. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends. Springer Netherlands, pp. 245-246. ISBN 9789401063692 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-5622-6_109)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Vibrational Raman optical activity of pyrimidine nucleosides. Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions, 93(4), pp. 553-562. (doi: 10.1039/A606531G)


MacDermott, A.J. et al. (1996) Homochirality as the signature of life: the SETH Cigar. Planetary and Space Science, 44(11), pp. 1441-1446. (doi: 10.1016/S0032-0633(96)00057-8) (PMID:11541123)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) Residual structure in unfolded proteins revealed by Raman optical activity. Biochemistry, 35(38), pp. 12518-12525. (doi: 10.1021/bi961314v) (PMID:8823188)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) The native-like tertiary fold in molten globule α-lactalbumin appears to be controlled by a continuous phase transition. Journal of Molecular Biology, 261(3), pp. 341-347. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1996.0467) (PMID:8780777)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) Raman optical activity. In: Laserna, J.J. (ed.) Modern Techniques in Raman Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, pp. 265-304. ISBN 9780471957744

Barron, L. D. (1996) On the definition of chirality. Chemistry: A European Journal, 2(6), pp. 743-744. (doi: 10.1002/chem.19960020619)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Bell, A.F. and Wilson, G. (1996) Recent developments in Raman optical activity of biopolymers. Applied Spectroscopy, 50(5), pp. 619-629.

Deng, Z., Polavarapu, P.L., Ford, S.J., Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Ewig, C.S. and Jalkanen, K. (1996) Solution-phase conformations of N-acetyl-N‘-methyl-l-alaninamide from vibrational Raman optical activity. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(6), pp. 2025-2034. (doi: 10.1021/jp951865f)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Bell, A.F. and WIlson, G. (1996) Raman optical activity: an incisive probe of chirality and biomolecular structure and dynamics. In: Asher, S.A. and Stein, P. (eds.) Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, August 11-16, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. John Wiley: New York, pp. 1212-1215. ISBN 9780471967477

Barron, L. D. (1996) True and False Chirality, CP Violation, and the Breakdown of Microscopic Reversibility in Chiral Molecular and Elementary Particle Processes. In: Physical Origin of Homochirality in Life, Santa Monica, CA, USA, Feb 1995, pp. 162-182. ISBN 9781563965074 (doi: 10.1063/1.51240)

Barron, L. D., Hecht, L. and Bell, A. F. (1996) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biomolecules. In: Fasman, Gerald D. (ed.) Circular Dichroism and the Conformational Analysis of Biomolecules. Plenum Press: New York, pp. 653-695. ISBN 9781441932495 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-4757-2508-7_19)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1996) Vibrational Raman optical activity of polynucleotides. In: Asher, S.A. and Stein, P. (eds.) Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, August 11-16, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. John Wiley: New York, pp. 482-483. ISBN 9780471967477

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1996) Recent developments in Raman optical activity instrumentation. In: Asher, S.A. and Stein, P. (eds.) Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, August 11-16, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. John Wiley: New York, pp. 1232-1233. ISBN 9780471967477

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) New aspects of second-harmonic optical activity from chiral surfaces and interfaces. Molecular Physics, 89(1), pp. 61-80. (doi: 10.1080/002689796174010)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) Vibrational Raman optical activity of α-helical and unordered poly(L-lysine). Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions, 92(9), pp. 1503-1509. (doi: 10.1039/FT9969201503)


Wilson, G., Ford, S. J., Cooper, A., Hecht, L., Wen, Z. Q. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of α-lactalbumin: comparison with lysozyme, and evidence for native tertiary folds in molten globule states. Journal of Molecular Biology, 254(4), pp. 747-760. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1995.0652) (PMID:7500347)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Polysaccharide vibrational Raman optical activity: laminarin and pullulan. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 26(12), pp. 1071-1074. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250261209)

Hecht, L., Phillips, A. L. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Determination of enantiomeric excess using Raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 26(8-9), pp. 727-732. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250260820)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of ketose monosaccharides. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 51(8), pp. 1367-1378. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(94)00250-9)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Ford, S.J., Bell, A.F. and Wilson, G. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biopolymers. Journal of Molecular Structure, 349, pp. 397-400. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08793-U)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of disaccharides. Journal of Molecular Structure, 349, pp. 401-404. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08794-V)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1995) Rayleigh and Raman optical activity from chiral surfaces and interfaces. Journal of Molecular Structure, 348, pp. 217-220. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08628-9)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1995) Instrumentation for Raman optical activity measurements. Journal of Molecular Structure, 347, pp. 449-458. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08567-F)

Barron, L.D. (1995) False chirality, CP violation and the breakdown of microscopic reversibility in chiral molecular and elementary particle processes. Journal of Biological Physics, 20, pp. 235-239. (doi: 10.1007/BF00700441)

Ford, S. J., Cooper, A., Hecht, L., Wilson, G. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of lysozyme: hydrogen–deuterium exchange, unfolding and ligand binding. Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions, 91(14), pp. 2087-2093. (doi: 10.1039/FT9959102087)


Barron, L.D. (1994) Can a magnetic field induce absolute asymmetric synthesis? Science, 266(5190), pp. 1491-1492. (doi: 10.1126/science.266.5190.1491) (PMID:17841711)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Linear polarization Raman optical activity. The importance of the non-resonant term in the Kramers—Heisenberg—Dirac dispersion formula under resonance conditions. Chemical Physics Letters, 225(4-6), pp. 519-524. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(94)87121-3)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Rayleigh and Raman optical activity from chiral surfaces. Chemical Physics Letters, 225(4-6), pp. 525-530. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(94)87122-1)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Instrument for natural and magnetic Raman optical activity studies in right-angle scattering. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 25(7-8), pp. 443-451. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250250703)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Disaccharide solution stereochemistry from vibrational Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116(12), pp. 5155-5161. (doi: 10.1021/ja00091a019)

Barron, L.D. (1994) CP violation and molecular physics. Chemical Physics Letters, 221(3-4), pp. 311-316. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(94)00253-3)

Bell, A. F., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity study of d-glucose. Carbohydrate Research, 257(1), pp. 11-24. (doi: 10.1016/0008-6215(94)84104-7)

Ford, S. J., Wen, Z. Q., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity of alanyl peptide oligomers: A new perspective on aqueous solution conformation. Biopolymers, 34(3), pp. 303-313. (doi: 10.1002/bip.360340302)

Wen, Z.Q., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1994) β-sheet and associated turn signatures in vibrational Raman optical activity spectra of proteins. Protein Science, 3(3), pp. 435-439. (doi: 10.1002/pro.5560030308) (PMID:7912598) (PMCID:PMC2142703)

Wen, Z.Q., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1994) α-Helix and associated loop signatures in vibrational Raman optical activity spectra of proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116(2), pp. 443-445. (doi: 10.1021/ja00081a003)

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity: from fundamentals to biochemical applications. In: Nakanishi, K., Berova, N. and Woody, R.W. (eds.) Circular Dichroism, Principles and Applications. VCH: New York, pp. 179-215. ISBN 9781560816188

Barron, L. D. (1994) Summary and forward look (on vibrational optical activity). Faraday Discussions, 99, pp. 401-403. (doi: 10.1039/FD9949900401)

Barron, L. D., Ford, S. J., Bell, A. F., Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Cooper, A. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biopolymers. Faraday Discussions, 99, pp. 217-232. (doi: 10.1039/FD9949900217)

Bell, A. F., Ford, S. J., Hecht, L., Wilson, G. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity of glycoproteins. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 16(5), pp. 277-278. (doi: 10.1016/0141-8130(94)90033-7) (PMID:7893631)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Recent developments in Raman optical activity instrumentation. Faraday Discussions, 99, pp. 35-47. (doi: 10.1039/FD9949900035)


Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Time reversal and the law of reciprocity in Raman scattering. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, 97(11), pp. 1453-1457. (doi: 10.1002/bbpc.19930971106)

Polavarapu, P. L., Bose, P. K., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity in (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclopentanone: experimental and ab initio theoretical studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(43), pp. 11211-11215. (doi: 10.1021/j100145a016)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Low-wavenumber vibrational Raman optical activity of carbohydrates. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 24(9), pp. 633-635. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250240913)

Polavarapu, P. L., Black, T. M., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity in (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone: experimental and ab initio theoretical studies and the origins of the unusual couplets. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 115(17), pp. 7736-7742. (doi: 10.1021/ja00070a018)

Barron, L.D. (1993) Charge conjugation symmetry and the nonexistence of the photon's static magnetic field. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 190(2-3), pp. 307-309. (doi: 10.1016/0921-4526(93)90478-O)

Polavarapu, P. L., Pickard, S. T., Smith, H. E., Black, T. M., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Determination of absolute configurations from vibrational raman optical activity: trans-2,3-dimethylthiirane. Talanta, 40(4), pp. 545-549. (doi: 10.1016/0039-9140(93)80015-J) (PMID:18965664)

Polavarapu, P.L., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity in substituted oxiranes. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(9), pp. 1793-1799. (doi: 10.1021/j100111a014)

Gargaro, A.R., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity of simple amino acids. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 24(2), pp. 91-96. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250240206)

Wen, Z. Q., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity of monosaccharides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 115(1), pp. 285-292. (doi: 10.1021/ja00054a041)

Barron, L.D. (1993) True and false chirality. In: Ponnamperuma, C. and Chela Flores, J. (eds.) Chemical Evolution: Origin of Life. A. Deepak Publishing: Hampton, Virginia, pp. 267-283.

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Biomolecular conformational studies with vibrational Raman optical activity. Advances in Spectroscopy, 21, pp. 235-266.

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Ford, S.J., Bell, A.F. and Wen, Z.Q. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity: from small organics to biopolymers. In: Lectures and Posters of the 5th International Conference on Circular Dichroism, Fort Collins, CO, USA, 18-22 Aug 1993, pp. 158-163.

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Optical activity operators with ill defined time reversal and Hermiticity characteristics. Molecular Physics, 80(3), pp. 601-606. (doi: 10.1080/00268979300102481)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Time reversal and Hermiticity characteristics of polarizability and optical activity operators. Molecular Physics, 79(4), pp. 887-897. (doi: 10.1080/00268979300101711)


Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Wen, Z.Q., Ford, S.J. and Bell, A.F. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. Proceedings of the SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1922, pp. 2-11. (doi: 10.1117/12.146174)

Ford, S.J., Barron, L.D., Cooper, A., Hecht, L. and Wen, Z.Q. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of proteins. Proceedings of the SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1922, pp. 46-50. (doi: 10.1117/12.146179)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L., Polavarapu, P.L. and Sugeta, H. (1992) Experimental and ab initio theoretical vibrational Raman optical activity of tartaric acid. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 48(8), pp. 1051-1066. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(92)80115-D)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1992) Methyl torsion Raman optical activity in trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane and trans-2,3-dimethylthiirane. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 48(8), pp. 1193-1195. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(92)80133-H)

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Wen, Z.Q. and Hug, W. (1992) Raman optical activity instrument for biochemical studies. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 23(7), pp. 401-411. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250230706)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of alanine as a function of pH. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 48(2), pp. 261-263. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(92)80034-T)

Barron, L.D., Wen, Z.Q. and Hecht, L. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114(2), pp. 784-786. (doi: 10.1021/ja00028a069)

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1992) Time reversal and Hermiticity characteristics of polarizability and optical activity tensors. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 50-51. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1992) Time reversal and the law of reciprocity in Raman scattering. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 48-49. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Allison, K.A. (1992) Managing Raman optical activity and Raman EPR. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 1078-1079. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Wen, Z.Q., Ford, S.J., Bell, A.F. and Cooper, A. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 462-463. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L. D., Cooper, A., Ford, S. J., Hecht, L. and Wen, Z. Q. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of enzymes. Faraday Discussions, 93, pp. 259-268. (doi: 10.1039/FD9929300259) (PMID:1290937)

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Wen, Z.Q. and Ford, S.J. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of nucleosides and nucleotides. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 1089-1099. ISBN 9780471933359

Polavarapu, P.L., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1992) Ab initio theoretical and experimental vibrational Raman optical activity in methyl and trans-dimethyl oxiranes. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 64-65. ISBN 9780471933359


Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L., Wen, Z.Q. and Hug, W. (1991) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. Proceedings of the SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1403, pp. 66-75. (doi: 10.1117/12.57291)

Barron, L. D., Gargaro, A. R. and Wen, Z. Q. (1991) Vibrational Raman optical activity of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate Research, 210, pp. 39-49. (doi: 10.1016/0008-6215(91)80111-Y) (PMID:1878886)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1991) Experimental and ab initio theoretical vibrational Raman optical activity of alanine. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 47(8), pp. 1001-1016. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(91)80031-D)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L. and Wen, Z.Q. (1991) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. In: Hester, R.E. and Girling, R.B. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Series: Special publication, 94. Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, pp. 117-120. ISBN 9780851864372

Barron, L. D. (1991) Fundamental symmetry aspects of molecular chirality. In: Mezey, Paul G. (ed.) New Developments in Molecular Chirality. Series: Understanding chemical reactivity (5). Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, pp. 1-55. ISBN 9789401056441 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-3698-3_1)


Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Gargaro, A.R. and Hug, W. (1990) Vibrational Raman optical activity in forward scattering: Trans-pinane and β-pinene. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 21(6), pp. 375-379. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250210609)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1990) An analysis of modulation experiments for Raman optical activity. Applied Spectroscopy, 44(3), pp. 483-491. (doi: 10.1366/0003702904086335)

Bose, P.K., Polavarapu, P.L., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1990) Ab initio and experimental Raman optical activity in (+)-(R)-methyloxirane. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 94(5), pp. 1734-1740. (doi: 10.1021/j100368a006)

Black, T. M., Bose, P. K., Polavarapu, P. L., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1990) Vibrational optical activity in trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 112(4), pp. 1479-1489. (doi: 10.1021/ja00160a028)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R. and Hecht, L. (1990) Raman optical activity of amino acids. In: Durig, James Robert and Sullivan, Joann F. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 13-17 August 1990, Columbia, South Carolina. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 834-835. ISBN 9780471927853

Barron, L. D. (1990) Chirality of molecular structures- basic principles and their consequences. In: Maksić, Z.B. (ed.) Atomic Hypothesis and the Concept of Molecular Structure. Series: Theoretical models of chemical bonding (Part 1). Springer-Verlag: Berlin ; London, pp. 115-152. ISBN 9783540515784

Barron, L. D., Gargaro, A. R. and Wen, Z. Q. (1990) Vibrational Raman optical activity of peptides and proteins. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1990(15), pp. 1034-1036. (doi: 10.1039/C39900001034)

Barron, L. D., Gargaro, A. R., Wen, Z. Q., MacNicol, D. D. and Butters, C. (1990) Vibrational Raman optical activity of cyclodextrins. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1(8), pp. 513-516. (doi: 10.1016/S0957-4166(00)80537-6)


Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Hug, W. and MacIntosh, M.J. (1989) Backscattered Raman optical activity with a CCD detector. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 111(23), pp. 8731-8732. (doi: 10.1021/ja00205a031)

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D. and Hug, W. (1989) Vibrational Raman optical activity in backscattering. Chemical Physics Letters, 158(5), pp. 341-344. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)87348-8)

Bose, P.K., Barron, L.D. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1989) Ab initio and experimental vibrational Raman optical activity in (+)-(R)-methylthiirane. Chemical Physics Letters, 155(4-5), pp. 423-429. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)87180-5)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1989) Polarized Raman optical activity in methyl antisymmetric deformations: influence of heteroatom Rydberg orbitals. Chemical Physics Letters, 154(3), pp. 251-254. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)87458-5)

Barron, L.D. (1989) Raman optical activity. Vibrational Spectra and Structure, 17B, pp. 343-368.

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Blyth, S.M. (1989) Polarized Raman optical activity of menthol and related molecules. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 45(3), pp. 375-379. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(89)80104-7)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1989) Magic angle Raman optical activity: β-pinene and nopinone. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 45(6), pp. 671-674. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(89)80176-X)


Barron, L.D. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1988) Raman optical activity in ring deformations of methyloxirane, methylthiirane and trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane. Molecular Physics, 65(3), pp. 659-667. (doi: 10.1080/00268978800101311)

Escribano, J. R. and Barron, L. D. (1988) Valence optical theory of vibrational circular dichroism and Raman optical activity. Molecular Physics, 65(2), pp. 327-344. (doi: 10.1080/00268978800101061)

Barron, L.D. (1988) Laser Raman spectroscopy. In: Alves, Antonio C.P., Brown, John M. and Hollas, J. Michael (eds.) Frontiers of Laser Spectroscopy of Gases. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, pp. 241-280. ISBN 9789027727480

Barron, L.D. (1988) Raman optical activity. In: Schmid, E.D., Schneider, F.W. and Siebert, F. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Advances: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Freiburg, West Germany, 1987. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 63-68. ISBN 9780471919346

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1988) Polarized Raman optical activity. In: Clark, R.J.H. and Long, D.A. (eds.) Eleventh International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, pp. 937-938. ISBN 9780471920946

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Linder, M. and Schrader, B. (1988) Raman optical activity of crystals. In: Clark, R.J.H. and Long, D.A. (eds.) Eleventh International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, pp. 945-946. ISBN 9780471920946


Barron, L.D. and Johnston, C.J. (1987) Discrimination in the dispersion interaction between odd-electron chiral molecules. Molecular Physics, 62(4), pp. 987-1001. (doi: 10.1080/00268978700102721)

Barron, L.D., Torrance, J.F. and Cutler, D.J. (1987) A new multichannel Raman optical activity instrument. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 18(4), pp. 281-287. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250180410)

Barron, L.D. (1987) Reactions of chiral molecules in the presence of a time-non-invariant enantiomorphous influence: a new kinetic principle based on the breakdown of microscopic reversibility. Chemical Physics Letters, 135(1-2), pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(87)87207-X)

Barron, L.D. (1987) Fundamental symmetry aspects of chirality. BioSystems, 20(1), pp. 7-14. (doi: 10.1016/0303-2647(87)90014-1) (PMID:3580536)

Barron, L.D. (1987) Raman optical activity: a new probe of stereochemistry and magnetic structure. In: Stepánek, Josef, Anzenbacher, Pavel and Sedlácek, B. (eds.) Laser Scattering Spectroscopy of Biological Objects: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 6-10 July 1986. Series: Studies in physical and theoretical chemistry (45). Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 281-287. ISBN 9780444989741


Barron, L.D. (1986) True and false chirality and absolute asymmetric synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 108(18), pp. 5539-5542. (doi: 10.1021/ja00278a029)

Barron, L.D. and Escribano, J.R. (1986) Polarized raman optical activity of β-pinene: electric quadrupole contributions. Chemical Physics Letters, 126(5), 461 - 464. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2614(86)80136-1)

Barron, L.D. (1986) True and false chirality and parity violation. Chemical Physics Letters, 123(5), 423 - 427. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(86)80035-5)

Barron, L.D. (1986) Symmetry and molecular chirality. Chemical Society Reviews, 15(2), pp. 189-223. (doi: 10.1039/CS9861500189)

Barron, L.D., Escribano, J.R. and Torrance, J.F. (1986) Polarized raman optical activity and the bond polarizability model. Molecular Physics, 57(3), pp. 653-660. (doi: 10.1080/00268978600100481)

Escribano, J. R. and Barron, L. D. (1986) Influence of electric quadrupole versus magnetic dipole in Raman optical activity. In: Peticolas, W.L. and Hudson, B. (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: 31 August-5 September 1986, Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A. University Print. Deptartment, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR, pp. 9-10. ISBN 9780871141767


Barron, L.D. and Escribano, J.R. (1985) Stokes—antiStokes asymmetry in natural Raman optical activity. Chemical Physics, 98(3), 437 - 446. (doi: 10.1016/0301-0104(85)87100-7)

Barron, L.D. and Johnston, C.J. (1985) Rotational Raman optical activity in chiral symmetric tops. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 16(3), pp. 208-218. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250160314)

Barron, L. D. (1985) Magnetic Raman optical activity and Raman electron paramagnetic resonance. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 57(2), pp. 215-223. (doi: 10.1351/pac198557020215)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1985) Magnetic Raman optical activity. Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, 12, pp. 215-272.


Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1984) On the theory of the dominant artefacts in natural and magnetic Raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 15(1), pp. 47-50. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250150111)

Barron, L.D. (1984) Magnetic Raman optical activity and Raman EPR. In: Ninth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Tokyo, Japan, 27 Aug - 01 Sep 1984,

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1984) Magneto-chiral birefringence and dichroism. Molecular Physics, 51(3), pp. 715-730. (doi: 10.1080/00268978400100481)

Barron, L. D. and Vrbancich, J. (1984) Natural vibrational Raman optical activity. Structural Chemistry, 123, pp. 151-182. (doi: 10.1007/3-540-13099-3_4)


Barron, L.D. and Torrance, J.F. (1983) On the sign convention for Raman optical activity. Chemical Physics Letters, 102(2-3), pp. 285-286. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(83)87409-0)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1983) Magnetic electronic Raman optical activity of osmium (IV) hexabromide, iridium (IV) hexachloride and uranocene. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 14(2), pp. 118-125. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250140212)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1983) Methyl torsion Raman optical activity in (2S,3S)-(-)2,3-epoxybutane. Molecular Physics, 48(4), pp. 833-845. (doi: 10.1080/00268978300100601)


Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1982) Anti-stokes magnetic Raman optical activity and time reversal. Chemical Physics Letters, 92(5), pp. 466-470. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(82)87041-3)

Barron, L.D. and Clark, B.P. (1982) Bond polarizability calculations of the Raman optical activity of (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 13(2), pp. 155-159. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250130211)

Barron, L.D., Torrance, J.F. and Vrbancich, J. (1982) Raman optical activity in carbonyl deformations. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 13(2), pp. 171-177. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250130213)

Barron, L.D., Vrbancich, J. and Watts, R.S. (1982) Magnetic resonance-Raman optical activity of IrBr2−6. Chemical Physics Letters, 89(1), pp. 71-74. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(82)83345-9)

Barron, L.D., Meehan, C. and Vrbancich, J. (1982) Magnetic resonance-Raman optical activity of ferrocytochrome c theory and experiment. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 12(3), pp. 251-261. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250120311)

Barron, L.D. and Clark, B.P. (1982) The bond polarizability theory of Raman optical activity calculations on (R) - (+) bromochlorofluoromethane. Molecular Physics, 46(4), pp. 839-851. (doi: 10.1080/00268978200101621)

Barron, L. D. (1982) Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9780521246026


Barron, L.D. (1981) Fundamental symmetry aspects of optical activity. Chemical Physics Letters, 79(2), pp. 392-394. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(81)80228-X)

Barron, L.D. (1981) Optical activity and time reversal. Molecular Physics, 43(6), pp. 1395-1406. (doi: 10.1080/00268978100102151)

Barron, L.D. and Nørby Svendsen, E. (1981) Antisymmetric light scattering and time reversal. Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, 8, pp. 322-339.

Barron, L. D. and Vrbancich, J. (1981) Temperature dependence of the low-frequency vibrational optical activity of α-phellandrene. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1981(15), pp. 771-772. (doi: 10.1039/C39810000771)


Barron, L. D. (1980) Raman optical activity: a new probe of stereochemistry and magnetic structure. Accounts of Chemical Research, 13(3), pp. 90-96. (doi: 10.1021/ar50147a005)

Barron, L.D. (1980) Raman optical activity: spectroscopy for the study of chiral molecules. International Laboratory, 10, pp. 39-45.

Barron, L.D., Meehan, C. and Vrbancich, J. (1980) Experimental confirmation that the isotropicg-factor of IrCl62-is negative. Molecular Physics, 41(4), pp. 945-947. (doi: 10.1080/00268978000103291)


Barron, L.D. and Meehan, C. (1979) Magnetic optical activity in the resonance Raman spectra of metal halides: optical detection of ground-state Zeeman splittings. Chemical Physics Letters, 66(3), pp. 444-448. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(79)80313-9)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1979) The inertial contribution to vibrational optical activity in methyl torsion modes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101(8), pp. 1979-1987. (doi: 10.1021/ja00502a009)

Barron, L.D. (1979) Optical activity as a mixed parity phenomenon. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101(1), pp. 269-270. (doi: 10.1021/ja00495a071)

Barron, L.D. (1979) Raman optical activity. In: Mason, Stephen F. (ed.) Optical Activity and Chiral Discrimination: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Held at the University of Sussex, Falmer, England, September 10-22, 1978. D. Reidel Pub. Co.: Dordrecht, Holland ; London, pp. 219-262. ISBN 9789027709820

Barron, L.D. and Clark, B.P. (1979) Raman optical activity of (+)-1-phenylethyl isocyanate. Journal of Chemical Research, Synopses, 1979, pp. 36-37.

Barron, L. D. and Clark, B. P. (1979) Raman optical activity of menthol and related molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1979(9), pp. 1164-1170. (doi: 10.1039/P29790001164)

Barron, L. D. and Clark, B. P. (1979) Raman optical activity of pinenes, carenes, and related molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1979(9), pp. 1171-1175. (doi: 10.1039/P29790001171)


Barron, L.D. (1978) Raman optical activity. Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, 4, pp. 271-331.

Barron, L.D. (1978) Raman optical activity of tartaric acid and related molecules. Tetrahedron, 34(5), pp. 607-610. (doi: 10.1016/0040-4020(78)80061-1)

Barron, L. D., Numan, H. and Wynberg, H. (1978) Raman optical activity due to isotopic substitution: (1S)-4,4-dideuterioadamantan-2-one. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1978(6), pp. 259-260. (doi: 10.1039/C39780000259)


Barron, L.D. (1977) Magnetic resonance raman optical activity of ferrocytochrome e at different laser wavelengths. Chemical Physics Letters, 46(3), pp. 579-581. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(77)80656-8)

Barron, L. D. (1977) Raman optical activity due to isotopic substitution: [α-2H]benzyl alcohol. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1977(9), pp. 305-306. (doi: 10.1039/C39770000305)

Barron, L. D. (1977) Raman optical activity of simple chiral molecules; methyl and trifluoromethyl asymmetric deformations. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1977(13), pp. 1790-1794. (doi: 10.1039/P29770001790)

Barron, L. D. (1977) Raman optical activity of camphor and related molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1977(8), pp. 1074-1079. (doi: 10.1039/P29770001074)


Barron, L.D. (1976) Anti-stokes Raman optical activity. Molecular Physics, 31(6), pp. 1929-1931. (doi: 10.1080/00268977600101521)

Barron, L.D. (1976) Rayleigh and Raman scattering of polarized light. In: Barrow, R.F., Long, Derek A. and Sheridan, J. (eds.) Molecular Spectroscopy. Chemical Society: London, pp. 96-124. ISBN 9780851865362 (doi: 10.1039/9781847556714-00096)

Barron, L.D. (1976) A vibronic theory of the Raman effect and its application to antisymmetric resonance Raman scattering. Molecular Physics, 31(1), pp. 129-145. (doi: 10.1080/00268977600100101)


Barron, L.D. (1975) Magnetic vibrational optical activity in the resonance Raman spectrum of ferrocytochrome c. Nature, 257(5525), pp. 372-374. (doi: 10.1038/257372a0) (PMID:170530)

Barron, D. (1975) Methyl group as a probe of chirality in Raman optical activity. Nature, 255(5508), pp. 458-460. (doi: 10.1038/255458a0)

Szabo, A. and Barron, L.D. (1975) Resonance Raman studies of nitric oxide hemoglobin. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 97(3), pp. 660-662. (doi: 10.1021/ja00836a043) (PMID:1133367)

Linnett, J.W., Barron, L.D. and Bhattacharya, A.K. (1975) Novel Raman spectra of metal surfaces. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 3(1), pp. 3-5. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250030102)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1975) Rayleigh and Raman optical activity. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 26, pp. 381-396. (doi: 10.1146/annurev.pc.26.100175.002121)

Barron, L. D. (1975) Theoretical optical rotation of oriented hexahelicene. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, 70, pp. 293-300. (doi: 10.1039/F29757100293)


Barron, L.D. (1974) Theoretical Rayleigh optical activity of hexahelicene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96(21), pp. 6761-6762. (doi: 10.1021/ja00828a038)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1974) A simple two-group model for Rayleigh and Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96(15), pp. 4769-4773. (doi: 10.1021/ja00822a008)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1974) Raman optical activity of bromocamphor solutions. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1974(24), pp. 1028-1029. (doi: 10.1039/C39740001028)


Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Spin-orbit coupling and the interaction of molecules with the radiation field. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6(7), pp. 1295-1300. (doi: 10.1088/0022-3700/6/7/023)

Barron, L.D., Bogaard, M.P. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Differential Raman scattering of right and left circularly polarized light by asymmetric molecules. Nature, 241(5385), pp. 113-114. (doi: 10.1038/241113a0)

Barron, L.D., Bogaard, M.P. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Raman scattering of circularly polarized light by optically active molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95(2), pp. 603-605. (doi: 10.1021/ja00783a058)

Barron, L.D. and Gray, C.G. (1973) The multipole interaction Hamiltonian for time dependent fields. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General, 6(1), pp. 59-61. (doi: 10.1088/0305-4470/6/1/006)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Raman circular intensity differential observations on some monoterpenes. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1973(5), pp. 152-153. (doi: 10.1039/C39730000152)


Barron, L.D. (1972) Parity and optical activity. Nature, 238(5358), pp. 17-19. (doi: 10.1038/238017a0) (PMID:12635259)

Barron, L.D. (1972) The polarization dependence of the multipole absorption probability and the optical activity of racemic mixtures. Molecular Physics, 23(5), pp. 1027-1030. (doi: 10.1080/00268977200101011)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1972) Rayleigh and Raman scattering by molecules in magnetic fields. Molecular Physics, 23(1), pp. 145-150. (doi: 10.1080/00268977200100121)


Barron, L.D. (1971) Comments on light scattering from optically active molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 55(4), p. 2001. (doi: 10.1063/1.1676356)

Barron, L.D. (1971) Electric quadrupole contributions to the optical activity of crystalline transition metal complexes. Molecular Physics, 21(2), pp. 241-246. (doi: 10.1080/00268977100101381)

Barron, L.D. (1971) Symmetry rules for the differential Raman scattering of circularly polarized light by optically active molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1971, pp. 2899-2904. (doi: 10.1039/J19710002899)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1971) Rayleigh and Raman scattering from optically active molecules. Molecular Physics, 20(6), pp. 1111-1119. (doi: 10.1080/00268977100101091)


Barron, L.D. (1970) Polarization effects in stimulated Raman scattering and related phenomena. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, 3(11), pp. 1558-1568. (doi: 10.1088/0022-3700/3/11/017)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1970) Forward scattering of a beam of photons. Molecular Physics, 18(6), pp. 729-736. (doi: 10.1080/00268977000100791)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1970) A polarization density matrix description of birefringent photon scattering. Molecular Physics, 18(6), pp. 721-727. (doi: 10.1080/00268977000100781)


Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1969) Rayleigh scattering of polarized photons by molecules. Molecular Physics, 16(5), pp. 453-466. (doi: 10.1080/00268976900100501)


Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1968) Quantum field Ttheory of optical birefringence phenomena. II. Birefringence induced by static and optical electric fields. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 306(1484), pp. 119-134. (doi: 10.1098/rspa.1968.0140)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1968) Quantum field theory of optical birefringence phenomena. I. Linear and nonlinear optical rotation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 304(1478), pp. 303-317. (doi: 10.1098/rspa.1968.0088)

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 00:05:58 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 289.


Barron, L. D. (2023) 'A careful disorderliness' in biomolecular structure revealed by Raman optical activity. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 300, 122959. (doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2023.122959)

Koyroytsaltis-McQuire, D. J.P., Gilroy, C., Barron, L. D., Gadegaard, N. , Karimullah, A. S. and Kadodwala, M. (2022) Detecting antibody–antigen interactions with chiral plasmons: factors influencing chiral plasmonic sensing. Advanced Photonics Research, 3(1), 2100155. (doi: 10.1002/adpr.202100155)

Barron, L. D. (2021) Symmetry and chirality: where physics shakes hands with chemistry and biology. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 61(9-10), pp. 517-529. (doi: 10.1002/ijch.202100044)

Barron, L. D. and Cintas, P. (2021) Comments on "Molecular chirality in classical spacetime: solving the controversy about the spinning cone model of rotating molecules". Chemistry: A European Journal, 27(4), pp. 1476-1477. (doi: 10.1002/chem.202000427) (PMID:33355960)

Kakkar, T. et al. (2020) Superchiral near fields detect virus structure. Light: Science and Applications, 9(1), 195. (doi: 10.1038/s41377-020-00433-1) (PMID:33298854) (PMCID:PMC7705013)

Kelly, C. et al. (2020) Controlling the symmetry of inorganic ionic nanofilms with optical chirality. Nature Communications, 11, 5169. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18869-9) (PMID:33057000) (PMCID:PMC7560753)

Barron, L. (2020) False chirality, absolute enantioselection and CP violation: Pierre Curie’s legacy. Magnetochemistry, 6, e5. (doi: 10.3390/magnetochemistry6010005)

Rodier, M., Keijzer, C., Milner, J. , Karimullah, A. S. , Barron, L., Gadegaard, N. , Lapthorn, A. J. and Kadodwala, M. (2020) Biomacromolecular charge chirality detected using chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Nanoscale Horizons, 5, pp. 336-344. (doi: 10.1039/C9NH00525K)

Pendrill, R., Mutter, S. T., Mensch, C., Barron, L. D., Blanch, E. W., Popelier, P. L. A., Widmalm, G. and Johannessen, C. (2019) Solution structure of mannobioses unravelled by means of Raman optical activity. ChemPhysChem, 20(5), pp. 695-705. (doi: 10.1002/cphc.201801172) (PMID:30688397)

Gilroy, C., Hashiyada, S., Endo, K., Karimullah, A. S. , Barron, L., Okamoto, H., Togawa, Y. and Kadodwala, M. (2019) Roles of superchirality and interference in chiral plasmonic biodetection. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(24), pp. 15195-15203. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b02791)

Rodier, M., Keijzer, C., Milner, J. , Karimullah, A. , Barron, L., Gadegaard, N. , Lapthorn, A. and Kadodwala, M. (2019) Probing specificity of protein-protein interactions with chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, pp. 6105-6111. (doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02288) (PMID:31549842)

Kelly, C., Tullius, R., Lapthorn, A. J. , Gadegaard, N. , Cooke, G. , Barron, L. D., Karimullah, A. S. , Rotello, V. M. and Kadodwala, M. (2018) Chiral plasmonic fields probe structural order of biointerfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(27), pp. 8509-8517. (doi: 10.1021/jacs.8b03634) (PMID:29909628)

Kelly, C., Khorashad, L. K., Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D., Govorov, A. O., Karimullah, A. S. and Kadodwala, M. (2018) Controlling metamaterial transparency with superchiral fields. ACS Photonics, 5(2), pp. 535-543. (doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01071)

Tullius, R. et al. (2017) Superchiral plasmonic phase sensitivity for fingerprinting of protein interface structure. ACS Nano, 11(12), pp. 12049-12056. (doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b04698) (PMID:29220155)

Mensch, C., Barron, L. D. and Johannessen, C. (2016) Ramachandran mapping of peptide conformation using a large database of computed Raman and Raman optical activity spectra. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(46), pp. 31757-31768. (doi: 10.1039/c6cp05862k) (PMID:27841400)

Jack, C., Karimullah, A. S. , Leyman, R., Tullius, R., Rotello, V. M., Cooke, G. , Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D. and Kadodwala, M. (2016) Biomacromolecular stereostructure mediates mode hybridization in chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Nano Letters, 16(9), pp. 5806-5814. (doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02549) (PMID:27547978)

Jack, C. et al. (2016) Spatial control of chemical processes on nanostructures through nano-localized water heating. Nature Communications, 7, 10946. (doi: 10.1038/ncomms10946) (PMID:26961708) (PMCID:PMC4792951)

Karimullah, A. S. , Jack, C., Tullius, R., Rotello, V. M., Cooke, G. , Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D. and Kadodwala, M. (2015) Disposable plasmonics: plastic templated plasmonic metamaterials with tunable chirality. Advanced Materials, 27(37), pp. 5610-5616. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201501816)

Tullius, R., Karimullah, A. S. , Rodier, M., Fitzpatrick, B., Gadegaard, N. , Barron, L. D., Rotello, V. M., Cooke, G. , Lapthorn, A. and Kadodwala, M. (2015) "Superchiral” spectroscopy: detection of protein higher order hierarchical structure with chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(26), pp. 8380-8383. (doi: 10.1021/jacs.5b04806) (PMID:26102606)

Kapitán, J., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (2015) A novel Raman optical activity instrument operating in the deep ultraviolet spectral region. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46(4), pp. 392-399. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.4665)

Barron, L. D. (2015) The development of biomolecular Raman optical activity spectroscopy. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 4(3), pp. 223-253. (doi: 10.3233/BSI-150113)

Kadodwala, M. , Abdulrahman, N., Syme, C. D. , Jack, C., Barron, L. D., Karimullah, A. and Gadegaard, N. (2013) The origin of off–resonance non-linear optical activity of a gold chiral nanomaterial. Nanoscale, 5(24), pp. 12651-12657. (doi: 10.1039/c3nr04746f)

Thomson, A. J. and Barron, L. D. (2013) Philip John Stephens. 9 October 1940 - 31 July 2012. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 59, pp. 359-382. (doi: 10.1098/rsbm.2013.0013)

Barron, L. D. (2013) True and false chirality and absolute enantioselection. Rendiconti Lincei, 24(3), pp. 179-189. (doi: 10.1007/s12210-013-0224-6)

Barron, L. D. (2012) Cosmic chirality both true and false. Chirality, 24(12), pp. 957-958. (doi: 10.1002/chir.22106) (PMID:22930646)

Barron, L. D. (2012) From cosmic chirality to protein structure: Lord Kelvin's legacy. Chirality, 24(11), pp. 879-893. (doi: 10.1002/chir.22017) (PMID:22522780)

Barron, L. D. (2012) Chirality: spin and gravity give a helping hand. Nature Chemistry, 4(3), pp. 150-152. (doi: 10.1038/nchem.1278) (PMID:22354423)

Hendry, E., Mikhaylovskiy, R., Barron, L., Kadodwala, M. and Davis, T.J. (2012) Chiral electromagnetic fields generated by arrays of nanoslits. Nano Letters, 12(7), pp. 3640-3644. (doi: 10.1021/nl3012787)

Merten, C., Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Johannessen, C. (2011) Determination of the helical screw sense and side-group chirality of a synthetic chiral polymer from Raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 50(42), pp. 9973-9976. (doi: 10.1002/anie.201104345)

Johannessen, C., Pendrill, R., Widmalm, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (2011) Glycan structure of a high mannose glycoprotein from raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 50(23), pp. 5349-5341. (doi: 10.1002/anie.201008258) (PMID:21523866)

Hendry, E., Carpy, T., Johnston, J., Popland, M., Mikhaylovskiy, R.V., Lapthorn, A. , Kelly, S.M., Barron, L.D., Gadegaard, N. and Kadodwala, M. (2010) Ultrasensitive detection and characterization of biomolecules using superchiral fields. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(11), pp. 783-787. (doi: 10.1038/nnano.2010.209)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (2010) Vibrational optical activity. Chemical Physics Letters, 492(4-6), pp. 199-213. (doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2010.03.090)

Kapitan, J., Johannessen, C., Bour, P., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2010) Vibrational Raman Optical Activity of 1-Phenylethanol and 1-Phenylethylamine: Revisiting Old Friends. Chirality, 21(1E), E4-E12. (doi: 10.1002/chir.20747)

Kapitan, J., Gallo, D., Goasdoue, N., Nicaise, M., Desmadril, M., Hecht, L., Leclercq, G., Barron, L.D. and Jacquot, Y. (2009) Identification of a human estrogen receptor α-derived antiestrogenic peptide that adopts a polyproline II conformation. Journal of Peptide Science, 15(7), pp. 455-464. (doi: 10.1002/psc.1136)

Barron, L., Johannessen, C., Kapitan, J. and Hecht, L. (2009) Structure and behaviour of folded and unfolded proteins from Raman optical activity. Book of Abstracts of the Twelfth International Conference on Circular Dichroism, p. 26.

Johannessen, C., Kapitan, J., Collet, H., Commeyras, A., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2009) Poly(L-proline) II Helix Propensities in Poly(L-lysine) Dendrigraft Generations from Vibrational Raman Optical Activity. Biomacromolecules, 10(6), pp. 1662-1664. (doi: 10.1021/bm9002249)

Kapitan, J., Zhu, F.J., Hecht, L., Gardiner, J., Seebach, D. and Barron, L.D. (2008) Solution structures of beta peptides from Raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 47(34), pp. 6392-6394. (doi: 10.1002/anie.200801111)

Aubrey, A. D. et al. (2008) The Urey instrument: an advanced in situ organic and oxidant detector for Mars exploration. Astrobiology, 8(3), pp. 583-595. (doi: 10.1089/ast.2007.0169) (PMID:18680409)

Bada, J. L. et al. (2008) Urey: Mars Organic and Oxidant Detector. Space Science Reviews, 135(1-4), pp. 269-279. (doi: 10.1007/s11214-007-9213-3)

Barron, L. D. (2008) Chirality and life. Space Science Reviews, 135(1-4), pp. 187-201. (doi: 10.1007/s11214-007-9254-7)

Barron, L. D. (2008) Magnetic molecules - Chirality and magnetism shake hands. Nature Materials, 7(9), pp. 691-692. (doi: 10.1038/nmat2263 Univ Glasgow, Dept Chem, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland.)

Deplazes, E., van Bronswijk, W., Zhu, F., Barron, L. D., Ma, S., Nafie, L. A. and Jalkanen, K. J. (2008) A combined theoretical and experimental study of the structure and vibrational absorption, vibrational circular dichroism, Raman and Raman optical activity spectra of the L-histidine zwitterion. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 119(1-3), pp. 155-176. (doi: 10.1007/s00214-007-0276-8)

Gheorghe, R., Chamoreau, L.M., Kapitan, J., Ovanesyan, N.S., Aldoshin, S.M., Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Train, C. and Gruselle, M. (2008) Enantiomerically Pure Quaternary Ammonium Salts with a Chiral Alkyl Chain N(CH3)(n-C3H7)(2)(sec-C4H9)I: Synthesis and Physical Studies. Chirality, 20(10), pp. 1085-1091. (doi: 10.1002/chir.20577)

Jalkanen, K. J., Degtyarenko, I. M., Nieminen, R. M., Cao, X., Nafie, L. A., Zhu, F. and Barron, L. D. (2008) Role of hydration in determining the structure and vibrational spectra of L-alanine and N-acetyl L-alanine N '-methylamide in aqueous solution: a combined theoretical and experimental approach. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 119(1-3), pp. 191-210. (doi: 10.1007/s00214-007-0361-z)

Zhu, F., Davies, P., Thompsett, A.R., Kelly, S.M., Tranter, G.E., Hecht, L., Isaacs, N.W., Brown, D.R. and Barron, L.D. (2008) Raman optical activity and circular dichroism reveal dramatic differences in the influence of divalent copper and manganese ions on prion protein folding. Biochemistry, 47(8), pp. 2510-2517. (doi: 10.1021/bi7022893)

Zhu, F., Kapitan, J., Tranter, G.E., Pudney, P.D.A., Isaacs, N.W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2008) Residual structure in disordered peptides and unfolded proteins from multivariate analysis and ab initio simulation of Raman optical activity data. Proteins: Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 70(3), pp. 823-833. (doi: 10.1002/prot.21593)

Barron, L. D. (2007) Chemistry: compliments from Lord Kelvin. Nature, 446(7135), pp. 505-506. (doi: 10.1038/446505a) (PMID:17392777)

Ashton, L., Barron, L., Hecht, L., Hyde, J. and Blanch, E. (2007) Two-dimensional Raman and Raman optical activity correlation analysis of the alpha-helix-to-disordered transition in poly(L-glutamic acid). Analyst, 132, pp. 468-479. (doi: 10.1039/b700421d)

Barron, L., Zhu, F., Hecht, L., Tranter, G. and Isaacs, N. (2007) Raman optical activity: An incisive probe of molecular chirality and biomolecular structure. Journal of Molecular Structure, 834, pp. 7-16. (doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2006.10.033)

Ashtony, L., Barron, L.D., Czarnik-Matusewicz, B., Hecht, L., Hyde, J. and Blanch, E.W. (2006) Two-dimensional correlation analysis of Raman optical activity data on the α-helix-to-β-sheet transition in poly(L-lysine). Molecular Physics, 104(9), pp. 1429-1445. (doi: 10.1080/00268970500493425)

Barron, L. D. (2006) A new light on proteins, carbohydrates and glycoproteins. Biochemist, 28(3), pp. 27-31.

Barron, L. (2006) Structure and behaviour of biomolecules from Raman optical activity. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 16, pp. 638-643. (doi: 10.1016/

Barron, L., Zhu, F. and Hecht, L. (2006) Raman optical activity: An incisive probe of chirality, and of biomolecular structure and behaviour. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 42, pp. 15-24. (doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2006.04.020)

Macleod, N., Johannessen, C., Hecht, L., Barron, L. and Simons, J. (2006) From the gas phase to aqueous solution: Vibrational spectroscopy, Raman optical activity and conformational structure of carbohydrates. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 253, pp. 193-200. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2006.01.031)

Zhu, F., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L., Tranter, G. and Barron, L. (2006) Raman optical activity of proteins, carbohydrates and glycoproteins. Chirality, 18, pp. 103-115. (doi: 10.1002/chir.20225)

Zhu, F., Tranter, G., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2006) Delineation of protein structure classes from multivariate analysis of protein Raman optical activity data. Journal of Molecular Biology, 363, pp. 19-26. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2006.08.038)

Zhu, F., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2005) Polypeptide and carbohydrate structure of an intact glycoprotein from Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, pp. 6142-6143.

Zhu, F., Isaacs, N., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2005) Raman optical activity: A tool for protein structure analysis. Structure, 13, pp. 1409-1419. (doi: 10.1016/j.str.2005.07.009)

Barron, L. D., Hecht, L., McColl, I. H. and Blanch, E. W. (2004) Raman optical activity comes of age. Molecular Physics, 102(8), pp. 731-744. (doi: 10.1080/00268970410001704399)

Blanch, E., Gill, A., Rhie, A., Hope, J., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2004) Raman optical activity demonstrates poly(L-proline) II helix in the N-terminal region of the ovine prion protein: Implications for function and misfunction. Journal of Molecular Biology, 343, pp. 467-476. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2004.08.058)

Blanch, E., McColl, I., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2004) Structural characterization of proteins and viruses using Raman optical activity. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 35, pp. 87-92. (doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2003.12.005)

McColl, I., Blanch, E., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2004) A study of alpha-helix hydration in polypeptides, proteins, and viruses using vibrational Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, pp. 8181-8188. (doi: 10.1021/ja048991u)

McColl, I., Blanch, E., Hecht, L., Kallenbach, N. and Barron, L. (2004) Vibrational Raman optical activity characterization of poly(L-proline) II helix in alanine oligopeptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, pp. 5076-5077. (doi: 10.1021/ja049271q)

Toniolo, C. et al. (2004) The complete chirospectroscopic signature of the peptide 3(10)-helix in aqueous solution. Biopolymers, 75, pp. 32-45. (doi: 10.1002/bip.20109)

Barron, L.D., Blanch, E.W., McColl, I.H., Syme, C.D. , Hecht, L. and Nielsen, K. (2003) Structure and behaviour of proteins, nucleic acids and viruses from vibrational Raman optical activity. Spectroscopy, 17(2-3), pp. 101-126. (doi: 10.1155/2003/787940)

Blanch, E., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. (2003) Vibrational Raman optical activity of proteins, nucleic acids, and viruses. Methods, 29, pp. 196-209.

Blanch, E., Kasarda, D., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2003) New insight into the solution structures of wheat gluten proteins from Raman optical activity. Biochemistry, 42, pp. 5665-5673. (doi: 10.1021/bo027059y)

McColl, L., Blanch, E., Gill, A., Rhie, A., Ritchie, M., Hecht, L., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L. (2003) A new perspective on beta-sheet structures using vibrational Raman optical activity: From poly(L-lysine) to the prion protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125, pp. 10019-10026. (doi: 10.1021/ja021464v)

Blanch, E.W., Robinson, D.J., Hecht, L., Syme, C.D. , Nielsen, K. and Barron, L.D. (2002) Solution structures of potato virus X and narcissus mosaic virus from Raman optical activity. Journal of General Virology, 83(1), pp. 241-246.

Syme, C.D. , Blanch, E.W., Holt, C., Jakes, R., Goedert, M., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2002) A Raman optical activity study of rheomorphism in caseins, synucleins and tau - New insight into the structure and behaviour of natively unfolded proteins. European Journal of Biochemistry, 269(1), pp. 148-156. (doi: 10.1046/j.0014-2956.2001.02633.x)

Barron, L., Blanch, E. and Hecht, L. (2002) Unfolded proteins studied by raman optical activity. Unfolded Proteins, 62, pp. 51-90.

Blanch, E.W., Hecht, L., Syme, C.D. , Volpetti, V., Lomonossoff, G.P., Nielsen, K. and Barron, L.D. (2002) Molecular structures of viruses from Raman optical activity. Journal of General Virology, 83(10), pp. 2593-2600.

Smyth, E., Syme, C.D. , Blanch, E.W., Hecht, L., Vasak, M. and Barron, L.D. (2001) Solution structure of native proteins with irregular folds from Raman optical activity. Biopolymers, 58(2), pp. 138-151. (doi: 10.1002/1097-0282(200102)58:2<138::AID-BIP30>3.0.CO;2-W)

Barron, L. and Buckingham, A. (2001) Time reversal and molecular properties. Accounts of Chemical Research, 34, pp. 781-789. (doi: 10.1021/ar0100576)

Blanch, E.W., Robinson, D.J., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2001) A comparison of the solution structures of tobacco rattle and tobacco mosaic viruses from Raman optical activity. Journal of General Virology, 82, pp. 1499-1502.

Blanch, E., Hecht, L., Day, L., Pederson, D. and Barron, L. (2001) Tryptophan absolute stereochemistry in viral coat proteins from Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123, pp. 4863-4864.

Blanch, E. W., Morozova-Roche, L. A., Cochran, D. A.E., Doig, A. J., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (2000) Is polyproline II helix the killer conformation? A raman optical activity study of the amyloidogenic prefibrillar intermediate of human lysozyme. Journal of Molecular Biology, 301(2), pp. 553-563. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.2000.3981) (PMID:10926527)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Blanch, E.W. and Bell, A.F. (2000) Solution structure and dynamics of biomolecules from Raman optical activity. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 73(1), pp. 1-49. (doi: 10.1016/S0079-6107(99)00017-6) (PMID:10781828)

Barron, L.D. (2000) Chirality, magnetism and light. Nature, 405(6789), pp. 895-896. (doi: 10.1038/35016183)

Blanch, E. W., Morozova-Roche, L. A., Hecht, L., Noppe, W. and Barron, L. D. (2000) Raman optical activity characterization of native and molten globule states of equine lysozyme: comparison with hen lysozyme and bovine α-lactalbumin. Biopolymers, 57(4), pp. 235-248. (doi: 10.1002/1097-0282(2000)57:4<235::AID-BIP5>3.0.CO;2-H) (PMID:10861388)

Hecht, L., Barron, L. D., Blanch, E. W., Bell, A. F. and Day, L. A. (1999) Raman optical activity instrument for studies of biopolymer structure and dynamics. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 30(9), pp. 815-825. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199909)30:9<815::AID-JRS453>3.0.CO;2-1)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1999) Evidence for a new transition in polyribonucleotides from raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 30(8), pp. 651-656. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199908)30:8<651::AID-JRS406>3.0.CO;2-F)

Blanch, E. W., Bell, A. F., Hecht, L., Day, L. A. and Barron, L. D. (1999) Raman optical activity of filamentous bacteriophages: hydration of α-helices. Journal of Molecular Biology, 290(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1999.2871) (PMID:10388553)

Blanch, E. W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1999) New insight into the pH-dependent conformational changes in bovine β-lactoglobulin from Raman optical activity. Protein Science, 8(6), pp. 1362-1367. (doi: 10.1110/ps.8.6.1362) (PMID:10386887) (PMCID:PMC2144349)

Avalos, M., Babiano, R., Cintas, P., Jiménez, J. L., Palacios, J. C. and Barron, L. D. (1998) Absolute asymmetric synthesis under physical fields: facts and fictions. Chemical Reviews, 98(7), pp. 2391-2404. (doi: 10.1021/cr970096o) (PMID:11848967)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1998) Vibrational Raman optical activity of DNA and RNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120(23), pp. 5820-5821. (doi: 10.1021/ja980851v)

Teraoka, J., Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1998) Loop structure in human serum albumin from Raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 29(1), pp. 67-71. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199801)29:1<67::AID-JRS207>3.0.CO;2-U)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Bell, A.F. (1998) Raman optical activity: an incisive new probe of the structure and dynamics of biomolecules. Science Progress, 81(Pt 1), pp. 17-34. (PMID:9567775)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1998) Evidence for global mobility in the premelting of a polynucleotide from temperature-dependent Raman optical activity. Biospectroscopy, 4(2), pp. 107-111. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6343(1998)4:2<107::AID-BSPY3>3.0.CO;2-2) (PMID:9557905)

Barron, L.D. (1997) From cosmic chirality to protein structure and function: Lord Kelvin's legacy. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 90(12), pp. 793-800. (doi: 10.1093/qjmed/90.12.793) (PMID:9536345)

Barron, L. D., Hecht, L. and Wilson, G. (1997) The lubricant of life: a proposal that solvent water promotes extremely fast conformational fluctuations in mobile heteropolypeptide structure. Biochemistry, 36(43), pp. 13143-13147. (doi: 10.1021/bi971323j) (PMID:9376374)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) New evidence for conformational flexibility in cyclodextrins from vibrational Raman optical activity. Chemistry: A European Journal, 3(8), pp. 1292-1298. (doi: 10.1002/chem.19970030817)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Vibrational Raman optical activity as a probe of polyribonucleotide solution stereochemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119(26), pp. 6006-6013. (doi: 10.1021/ja9704388)

Costante, J., Hecht, L., Polavarapu, P. L., Collet, A. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Absolute configuration of bromochlorofluoromethane from experimental and Ab initio theoretical vibrational Raman optical activity. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 36(8), pp. 885-887. (doi: 10.1002/anie.199708851)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Evidence for a new cooperative transition in native lysozyme from temperature-dependent Raman optical activity. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101(4), pp. 694-698. (doi: 10.1021/jp962480f)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1997) Vibrational Raman optical activity of pyrimidine nucleosides. Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions, 93(4), pp. 553-562. (doi: 10.1039/A606531G)

MacDermott, A.J. et al. (1996) Homochirality as the signature of life: the SETH Cigar. Planetary and Space Science, 44(11), pp. 1441-1446. (doi: 10.1016/S0032-0633(96)00057-8) (PMID:11541123)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) Residual structure in unfolded proteins revealed by Raman optical activity. Biochemistry, 35(38), pp. 12518-12525. (doi: 10.1021/bi961314v) (PMID:8823188)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) The native-like tertiary fold in molten globule α-lactalbumin appears to be controlled by a continuous phase transition. Journal of Molecular Biology, 261(3), pp. 341-347. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1996.0467) (PMID:8780777)

Barron, L. D. (1996) On the definition of chirality. Chemistry: A European Journal, 2(6), pp. 743-744. (doi: 10.1002/chem.19960020619)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Bell, A.F. and Wilson, G. (1996) Recent developments in Raman optical activity of biopolymers. Applied Spectroscopy, 50(5), pp. 619-629.

Deng, Z., Polavarapu, P.L., Ford, S.J., Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Ewig, C.S. and Jalkanen, K. (1996) Solution-phase conformations of N-acetyl-N‘-methyl-l-alaninamide from vibrational Raman optical activity. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(6), pp. 2025-2034. (doi: 10.1021/jp951865f)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) New aspects of second-harmonic optical activity from chiral surfaces and interfaces. Molecular Physics, 89(1), pp. 61-80. (doi: 10.1080/002689796174010)

Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) Vibrational Raman optical activity of α-helical and unordered poly(L-lysine). Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions, 92(9), pp. 1503-1509. (doi: 10.1039/FT9969201503)

Wilson, G., Ford, S. J., Cooper, A., Hecht, L., Wen, Z. Q. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of α-lactalbumin: comparison with lysozyme, and evidence for native tertiary folds in molten globule states. Journal of Molecular Biology, 254(4), pp. 747-760. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1995.0652) (PMID:7500347)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Polysaccharide vibrational Raman optical activity: laminarin and pullulan. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 26(12), pp. 1071-1074. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250261209)

Hecht, L., Phillips, A. L. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Determination of enantiomeric excess using Raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 26(8-9), pp. 727-732. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250260820)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of ketose monosaccharides. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 51(8), pp. 1367-1378. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(94)00250-9)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Ford, S.J., Bell, A.F. and Wilson, G. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biopolymers. Journal of Molecular Structure, 349, pp. 397-400. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08793-U)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of disaccharides. Journal of Molecular Structure, 349, pp. 401-404. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08794-V)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1995) Rayleigh and Raman optical activity from chiral surfaces and interfaces. Journal of Molecular Structure, 348, pp. 217-220. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08628-9)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1995) Instrumentation for Raman optical activity measurements. Journal of Molecular Structure, 347, pp. 449-458. (doi: 10.1016/0022-2860(95)08567-F)

Barron, L.D. (1995) False chirality, CP violation and the breakdown of microscopic reversibility in chiral molecular and elementary particle processes. Journal of Biological Physics, 20, pp. 235-239. (doi: 10.1007/BF00700441)

Ford, S. J., Cooper, A., Hecht, L., Wilson, G. and Barron, L. D. (1995) Vibrational Raman optical activity of lysozyme: hydrogen–deuterium exchange, unfolding and ligand binding. Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions, 91(14), pp. 2087-2093. (doi: 10.1039/FT9959102087)

Barron, L.D. (1994) Can a magnetic field induce absolute asymmetric synthesis? Science, 266(5190), pp. 1491-1492. (doi: 10.1126/science.266.5190.1491) (PMID:17841711)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Linear polarization Raman optical activity. The importance of the non-resonant term in the Kramers—Heisenberg—Dirac dispersion formula under resonance conditions. Chemical Physics Letters, 225(4-6), pp. 519-524. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(94)87121-3)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Rayleigh and Raman optical activity from chiral surfaces. Chemical Physics Letters, 225(4-6), pp. 525-530. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(94)87122-1)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Instrument for natural and magnetic Raman optical activity studies in right-angle scattering. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 25(7-8), pp. 443-451. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250250703)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Disaccharide solution stereochemistry from vibrational Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116(12), pp. 5155-5161. (doi: 10.1021/ja00091a019)

Barron, L.D. (1994) CP violation and molecular physics. Chemical Physics Letters, 221(3-4), pp. 311-316. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(94)00253-3)

Bell, A. F., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity study of d-glucose. Carbohydrate Research, 257(1), pp. 11-24. (doi: 10.1016/0008-6215(94)84104-7)

Ford, S. J., Wen, Z. Q., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity of alanyl peptide oligomers: A new perspective on aqueous solution conformation. Biopolymers, 34(3), pp. 303-313. (doi: 10.1002/bip.360340302)

Wen, Z.Q., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1994) β-sheet and associated turn signatures in vibrational Raman optical activity spectra of proteins. Protein Science, 3(3), pp. 435-439. (doi: 10.1002/pro.5560030308) (PMID:7912598) (PMCID:PMC2142703)

Wen, Z.Q., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1994) α-Helix and associated loop signatures in vibrational Raman optical activity spectra of proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116(2), pp. 443-445. (doi: 10.1021/ja00081a003)

Barron, L. D. (1994) Summary and forward look (on vibrational optical activity). Faraday Discussions, 99, pp. 401-403. (doi: 10.1039/FD9949900401)

Barron, L. D., Ford, S. J., Bell, A. F., Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Cooper, A. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biopolymers. Faraday Discussions, 99, pp. 217-232. (doi: 10.1039/FD9949900217)

Bell, A. F., Ford, S. J., Hecht, L., Wilson, G. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity of glycoproteins. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 16(5), pp. 277-278. (doi: 10.1016/0141-8130(94)90033-7) (PMID:7893631)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1994) Recent developments in Raman optical activity instrumentation. Faraday Discussions, 99, pp. 35-47. (doi: 10.1039/FD9949900035)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Time reversal and the law of reciprocity in Raman scattering. Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, 97(11), pp. 1453-1457. (doi: 10.1002/bbpc.19930971106)

Polavarapu, P. L., Bose, P. K., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity in (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclopentanone: experimental and ab initio theoretical studies. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(43), pp. 11211-11215. (doi: 10.1021/j100145a016)

Bell, A. F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Low-wavenumber vibrational Raman optical activity of carbohydrates. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 24(9), pp. 633-635. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250240913)

Polavarapu, P. L., Black, T. M., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity in (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone: experimental and ab initio theoretical studies and the origins of the unusual couplets. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 115(17), pp. 7736-7742. (doi: 10.1021/ja00070a018)

Barron, L.D. (1993) Charge conjugation symmetry and the nonexistence of the photon's static magnetic field. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 190(2-3), pp. 307-309. (doi: 10.1016/0921-4526(93)90478-O)

Polavarapu, P. L., Pickard, S. T., Smith, H. E., Black, T. M., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Determination of absolute configurations from vibrational raman optical activity: trans-2,3-dimethylthiirane. Talanta, 40(4), pp. 545-549. (doi: 10.1016/0039-9140(93)80015-J) (PMID:18965664)

Polavarapu, P.L., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity in substituted oxiranes. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(9), pp. 1793-1799. (doi: 10.1021/j100111a014)

Gargaro, A.R., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity of simple amino acids. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 24(2), pp. 91-96. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250240206)

Wen, Z. Q., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity of monosaccharides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 115(1), pp. 285-292. (doi: 10.1021/ja00054a041)

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1993) Biomolecular conformational studies with vibrational Raman optical activity. Advances in Spectroscopy, 21, pp. 235-266.

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Optical activity operators with ill defined time reversal and Hermiticity characteristics. Molecular Physics, 80(3), pp. 601-606. (doi: 10.1080/00268979300102481)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1993) Time reversal and Hermiticity characteristics of polarizability and optical activity operators. Molecular Physics, 79(4), pp. 887-897. (doi: 10.1080/00268979300101711)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Wen, Z.Q., Ford, S.J. and Bell, A.F. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. Proceedings of the SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1922, pp. 2-11. (doi: 10.1117/12.146174)

Ford, S.J., Barron, L.D., Cooper, A., Hecht, L. and Wen, Z.Q. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of proteins. Proceedings of the SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1922, pp. 46-50. (doi: 10.1117/12.146179)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L., Polavarapu, P.L. and Sugeta, H. (1992) Experimental and ab initio theoretical vibrational Raman optical activity of tartaric acid. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 48(8), pp. 1051-1066. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(92)80115-D)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1992) Methyl torsion Raman optical activity in trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane and trans-2,3-dimethylthiirane. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 48(8), pp. 1193-1195. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(92)80133-H)

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Wen, Z.Q. and Hug, W. (1992) Raman optical activity instrument for biochemical studies. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 23(7), pp. 401-411. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250230706)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of alanine as a function of pH. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 48(2), pp. 261-263. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(92)80034-T)

Barron, L.D., Wen, Z.Q. and Hecht, L. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114(2), pp. 784-786. (doi: 10.1021/ja00028a069)

Barron, L. D., Cooper, A., Ford, S. J., Hecht, L. and Wen, Z. Q. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of enzymes. Faraday Discussions, 93, pp. 259-268. (doi: 10.1039/FD9929300259) (PMID:1290937)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L., Wen, Z.Q. and Hug, W. (1991) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. Proceedings of the SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1403, pp. 66-75. (doi: 10.1117/12.57291)

Barron, L. D., Gargaro, A. R. and Wen, Z. Q. (1991) Vibrational Raman optical activity of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate Research, 210, pp. 39-49. (doi: 10.1016/0008-6215(91)80111-Y) (PMID:1878886)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1991) Experimental and ab initio theoretical vibrational Raman optical activity of alanine. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 47(8), pp. 1001-1016. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(91)80031-D)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Gargaro, A.R. and Hug, W. (1990) Vibrational Raman optical activity in forward scattering: Trans-pinane and β-pinene. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 21(6), pp. 375-379. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250210609)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1990) An analysis of modulation experiments for Raman optical activity. Applied Spectroscopy, 44(3), pp. 483-491. (doi: 10.1366/0003702904086335)

Bose, P.K., Polavarapu, P.L., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1990) Ab initio and experimental Raman optical activity in (+)-(R)-methyloxirane. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 94(5), pp. 1734-1740. (doi: 10.1021/j100368a006)

Black, T. M., Bose, P. K., Polavarapu, P. L., Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (1990) Vibrational optical activity in trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 112(4), pp. 1479-1489. (doi: 10.1021/ja00160a028)

Barron, L. D., Gargaro, A. R. and Wen, Z. Q. (1990) Vibrational Raman optical activity of peptides and proteins. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1990(15), pp. 1034-1036. (doi: 10.1039/C39900001034)

Barron, L. D., Gargaro, A. R., Wen, Z. Q., MacNicol, D. D. and Butters, C. (1990) Vibrational Raman optical activity of cyclodextrins. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 1(8), pp. 513-516. (doi: 10.1016/S0957-4166(00)80537-6)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Hug, W. and MacIntosh, M.J. (1989) Backscattered Raman optical activity with a CCD detector. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 111(23), pp. 8731-8732. (doi: 10.1021/ja00205a031)

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D. and Hug, W. (1989) Vibrational Raman optical activity in backscattering. Chemical Physics Letters, 158(5), pp. 341-344. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)87348-8)

Bose, P.K., Barron, L.D. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1989) Ab initio and experimental vibrational Raman optical activity in (+)-(R)-methylthiirane. Chemical Physics Letters, 155(4-5), pp. 423-429. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)87180-5)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1989) Polarized Raman optical activity in methyl antisymmetric deformations: influence of heteroatom Rydberg orbitals. Chemical Physics Letters, 154(3), pp. 251-254. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)87458-5)

Barron, L.D. (1989) Raman optical activity. Vibrational Spectra and Structure, 17B, pp. 343-368.

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Blyth, S.M. (1989) Polarized Raman optical activity of menthol and related molecules. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 45(3), pp. 375-379. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(89)80104-7)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1989) Magic angle Raman optical activity: β-pinene and nopinone. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy, 45(6), pp. 671-674. (doi: 10.1016/0584-8539(89)80176-X)

Barron, L.D. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1988) Raman optical activity in ring deformations of methyloxirane, methylthiirane and trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane. Molecular Physics, 65(3), pp. 659-667. (doi: 10.1080/00268978800101311)

Escribano, J. R. and Barron, L. D. (1988) Valence optical theory of vibrational circular dichroism and Raman optical activity. Molecular Physics, 65(2), pp. 327-344. (doi: 10.1080/00268978800101061)

Barron, L.D. and Johnston, C.J. (1987) Discrimination in the dispersion interaction between odd-electron chiral molecules. Molecular Physics, 62(4), pp. 987-1001. (doi: 10.1080/00268978700102721)

Barron, L.D., Torrance, J.F. and Cutler, D.J. (1987) A new multichannel Raman optical activity instrument. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 18(4), pp. 281-287. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250180410)

Barron, L.D. (1987) Reactions of chiral molecules in the presence of a time-non-invariant enantiomorphous influence: a new kinetic principle based on the breakdown of microscopic reversibility. Chemical Physics Letters, 135(1-2), pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(87)87207-X)

Barron, L.D. (1987) Fundamental symmetry aspects of chirality. BioSystems, 20(1), pp. 7-14. (doi: 10.1016/0303-2647(87)90014-1) (PMID:3580536)

Barron, L.D. (1986) True and false chirality and absolute asymmetric synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 108(18), pp. 5539-5542. (doi: 10.1021/ja00278a029)

Barron, L.D. and Escribano, J.R. (1986) Polarized raman optical activity of β-pinene: electric quadrupole contributions. Chemical Physics Letters, 126(5), 461 - 464. (doi: 10.1016/S0009-2614(86)80136-1)

Barron, L.D. (1986) True and false chirality and parity violation. Chemical Physics Letters, 123(5), 423 - 427. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(86)80035-5)

Barron, L.D. (1986) Symmetry and molecular chirality. Chemical Society Reviews, 15(2), pp. 189-223. (doi: 10.1039/CS9861500189)

Barron, L.D., Escribano, J.R. and Torrance, J.F. (1986) Polarized raman optical activity and the bond polarizability model. Molecular Physics, 57(3), pp. 653-660. (doi: 10.1080/00268978600100481)

Barron, L.D. and Escribano, J.R. (1985) Stokes—antiStokes asymmetry in natural Raman optical activity. Chemical Physics, 98(3), 437 - 446. (doi: 10.1016/0301-0104(85)87100-7)

Barron, L.D. and Johnston, C.J. (1985) Rotational Raman optical activity in chiral symmetric tops. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 16(3), pp. 208-218. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250160314)

Barron, L. D. (1985) Magnetic Raman optical activity and Raman electron paramagnetic resonance. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 57(2), pp. 215-223. (doi: 10.1351/pac198557020215)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1985) Magnetic Raman optical activity. Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, 12, pp. 215-272.

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1984) On the theory of the dominant artefacts in natural and magnetic Raman optical activity. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 15(1), pp. 47-50. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250150111)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1984) Magneto-chiral birefringence and dichroism. Molecular Physics, 51(3), pp. 715-730. (doi: 10.1080/00268978400100481)

Barron, L. D. and Vrbancich, J. (1984) Natural vibrational Raman optical activity. Structural Chemistry, 123, pp. 151-182. (doi: 10.1007/3-540-13099-3_4)

Barron, L.D. and Torrance, J.F. (1983) On the sign convention for Raman optical activity. Chemical Physics Letters, 102(2-3), pp. 285-286. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(83)87409-0)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1983) Magnetic electronic Raman optical activity of osmium (IV) hexabromide, iridium (IV) hexachloride and uranocene. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 14(2), pp. 118-125. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250140212)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1983) Methyl torsion Raman optical activity in (2S,3S)-(-)2,3-epoxybutane. Molecular Physics, 48(4), pp. 833-845. (doi: 10.1080/00268978300100601)

Barron, L.D. and Vrbancich, J. (1982) Anti-stokes magnetic Raman optical activity and time reversal. Chemical Physics Letters, 92(5), pp. 466-470. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(82)87041-3)

Barron, L.D. and Clark, B.P. (1982) Bond polarizability calculations of the Raman optical activity of (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 13(2), pp. 155-159. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250130211)

Barron, L.D., Torrance, J.F. and Vrbancich, J. (1982) Raman optical activity in carbonyl deformations. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 13(2), pp. 171-177. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250130213)

Barron, L.D., Vrbancich, J. and Watts, R.S. (1982) Magnetic resonance-Raman optical activity of IrBr2−6. Chemical Physics Letters, 89(1), pp. 71-74. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(82)83345-9)

Barron, L.D., Meehan, C. and Vrbancich, J. (1982) Magnetic resonance-Raman optical activity of ferrocytochrome c theory and experiment. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 12(3), pp. 251-261. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250120311)

Barron, L.D. and Clark, B.P. (1982) The bond polarizability theory of Raman optical activity calculations on (R) - (+) bromochlorofluoromethane. Molecular Physics, 46(4), pp. 839-851. (doi: 10.1080/00268978200101621)

Barron, L.D. (1981) Fundamental symmetry aspects of optical activity. Chemical Physics Letters, 79(2), pp. 392-394. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(81)80228-X)

Barron, L.D. (1981) Optical activity and time reversal. Molecular Physics, 43(6), pp. 1395-1406. (doi: 10.1080/00268978100102151)

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Barron, L. D. and Vrbancich, J. (1981) Temperature dependence of the low-frequency vibrational optical activity of α-phellandrene. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1981(15), pp. 771-772. (doi: 10.1039/C39810000771)

Barron, L. D. (1980) Raman optical activity: a new probe of stereochemistry and magnetic structure. Accounts of Chemical Research, 13(3), pp. 90-96. (doi: 10.1021/ar50147a005)

Barron, L.D. (1980) Raman optical activity: spectroscopy for the study of chiral molecules. International Laboratory, 10, pp. 39-45.

Barron, L.D., Meehan, C. and Vrbancich, J. (1980) Experimental confirmation that the isotropicg-factor of IrCl62-is negative. Molecular Physics, 41(4), pp. 945-947. (doi: 10.1080/00268978000103291)

Barron, L.D. and Meehan, C. (1979) Magnetic optical activity in the resonance Raman spectra of metal halides: optical detection of ground-state Zeeman splittings. Chemical Physics Letters, 66(3), pp. 444-448. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(79)80313-9)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1979) The inertial contribution to vibrational optical activity in methyl torsion modes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101(8), pp. 1979-1987. (doi: 10.1021/ja00502a009)

Barron, L.D. (1979) Optical activity as a mixed parity phenomenon. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101(1), pp. 269-270. (doi: 10.1021/ja00495a071)

Barron, L.D. and Clark, B.P. (1979) Raman optical activity of (+)-1-phenylethyl isocyanate. Journal of Chemical Research, Synopses, 1979, pp. 36-37.

Barron, L. D. and Clark, B. P. (1979) Raman optical activity of menthol and related molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1979(9), pp. 1164-1170. (doi: 10.1039/P29790001164)

Barron, L. D. and Clark, B. P. (1979) Raman optical activity of pinenes, carenes, and related molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1979(9), pp. 1171-1175. (doi: 10.1039/P29790001171)

Barron, L.D. (1978) Raman optical activity. Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, 4, pp. 271-331.

Barron, L.D. (1978) Raman optical activity of tartaric acid and related molecules. Tetrahedron, 34(5), pp. 607-610. (doi: 10.1016/0040-4020(78)80061-1)

Barron, L. D., Numan, H. and Wynberg, H. (1978) Raman optical activity due to isotopic substitution: (1S)-4,4-dideuterioadamantan-2-one. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1978(6), pp. 259-260. (doi: 10.1039/C39780000259)

Barron, L.D. (1977) Magnetic resonance raman optical activity of ferrocytochrome e at different laser wavelengths. Chemical Physics Letters, 46(3), pp. 579-581. (doi: 10.1016/0009-2614(77)80656-8)

Barron, L. D. (1977) Raman optical activity due to isotopic substitution: [α-2H]benzyl alcohol. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1977(9), pp. 305-306. (doi: 10.1039/C39770000305)

Barron, L. D. (1977) Raman optical activity of simple chiral molecules; methyl and trifluoromethyl asymmetric deformations. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1977(13), pp. 1790-1794. (doi: 10.1039/P29770001790)

Barron, L. D. (1977) Raman optical activity of camphor and related molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society: Perkin Transactions 2, 1977(8), pp. 1074-1079. (doi: 10.1039/P29770001074)

Barron, L.D. (1976) Anti-stokes Raman optical activity. Molecular Physics, 31(6), pp. 1929-1931. (doi: 10.1080/00268977600101521)

Barron, L.D. (1976) A vibronic theory of the Raman effect and its application to antisymmetric resonance Raman scattering. Molecular Physics, 31(1), pp. 129-145. (doi: 10.1080/00268977600100101)

Barron, L.D. (1975) Magnetic vibrational optical activity in the resonance Raman spectrum of ferrocytochrome c. Nature, 257(5525), pp. 372-374. (doi: 10.1038/257372a0) (PMID:170530)

Barron, D. (1975) Methyl group as a probe of chirality in Raman optical activity. Nature, 255(5508), pp. 458-460. (doi: 10.1038/255458a0)

Szabo, A. and Barron, L.D. (1975) Resonance Raman studies of nitric oxide hemoglobin. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 97(3), pp. 660-662. (doi: 10.1021/ja00836a043) (PMID:1133367)

Linnett, J.W., Barron, L.D. and Bhattacharya, A.K. (1975) Novel Raman spectra of metal surfaces. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 3(1), pp. 3-5. (doi: 10.1002/jrs.1250030102)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1975) Rayleigh and Raman optical activity. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 26, pp. 381-396. (doi: 10.1146/annurev.pc.26.100175.002121)

Barron, L. D. (1975) Theoretical optical rotation of oriented hexahelicene. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, 70, pp. 293-300. (doi: 10.1039/F29757100293)

Barron, L.D. (1974) Theoretical Rayleigh optical activity of hexahelicene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96(21), pp. 6761-6762. (doi: 10.1021/ja00828a038)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1974) A simple two-group model for Rayleigh and Raman optical activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96(15), pp. 4769-4773. (doi: 10.1021/ja00822a008)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1974) Raman optical activity of bromocamphor solutions. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1974(24), pp. 1028-1029. (doi: 10.1039/C39740001028)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Spin-orbit coupling and the interaction of molecules with the radiation field. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, 6(7), pp. 1295-1300. (doi: 10.1088/0022-3700/6/7/023)

Barron, L.D., Bogaard, M.P. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Differential Raman scattering of right and left circularly polarized light by asymmetric molecules. Nature, 241(5385), pp. 113-114. (doi: 10.1038/241113a0)

Barron, L.D., Bogaard, M.P. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Raman scattering of circularly polarized light by optically active molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95(2), pp. 603-605. (doi: 10.1021/ja00783a058)

Barron, L.D. and Gray, C.G. (1973) The multipole interaction Hamiltonian for time dependent fields. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General, 6(1), pp. 59-61. (doi: 10.1088/0305-4470/6/1/006)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1973) Raman circular intensity differential observations on some monoterpenes. Journal of the Chemical Society: Chemical Communications, 1973(5), pp. 152-153. (doi: 10.1039/C39730000152)

Barron, L.D. (1972) Parity and optical activity. Nature, 238(5358), pp. 17-19. (doi: 10.1038/238017a0) (PMID:12635259)

Barron, L.D. (1972) The polarization dependence of the multipole absorption probability and the optical activity of racemic mixtures. Molecular Physics, 23(5), pp. 1027-1030. (doi: 10.1080/00268977200101011)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1972) Rayleigh and Raman scattering by molecules in magnetic fields. Molecular Physics, 23(1), pp. 145-150. (doi: 10.1080/00268977200100121)

Barron, L.D. (1971) Comments on light scattering from optically active molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 55(4), p. 2001. (doi: 10.1063/1.1676356)

Barron, L.D. (1971) Electric quadrupole contributions to the optical activity of crystalline transition metal complexes. Molecular Physics, 21(2), pp. 241-246. (doi: 10.1080/00268977100101381)

Barron, L.D. (1971) Symmetry rules for the differential Raman scattering of circularly polarized light by optically active molecules. Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1971, pp. 2899-2904. (doi: 10.1039/J19710002899)

Barron, L.D. and Buckingham, A.D. (1971) Rayleigh and Raman scattering from optically active molecules. Molecular Physics, 20(6), pp. 1111-1119. (doi: 10.1080/00268977100101091)

Barron, L.D. (1970) Polarization effects in stimulated Raman scattering and related phenomena. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, 3(11), pp. 1558-1568. (doi: 10.1088/0022-3700/3/11/017)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1970) Forward scattering of a beam of photons. Molecular Physics, 18(6), pp. 729-736. (doi: 10.1080/00268977000100791)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1970) A polarization density matrix description of birefringent photon scattering. Molecular Physics, 18(6), pp. 721-727. (doi: 10.1080/00268977000100781)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1969) Rayleigh scattering of polarized photons by molecules. Molecular Physics, 16(5), pp. 453-466. (doi: 10.1080/00268976900100501)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1968) Quantum field Ttheory of optical birefringence phenomena. II. Birefringence induced by static and optical electric fields. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 306(1484), pp. 119-134. (doi: 10.1098/rspa.1968.0140)

Atkins, P.W. and Barron, L.D. (1968) Quantum field theory of optical birefringence phenomena. I. Linear and nonlinear optical rotation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 304(1478), pp. 303-317. (doi: 10.1098/rspa.1968.0088)


Barron, L. (2004) Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, U.K.. ISBN 9780521813419

Barron, L. D. (1982) Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9780521246026

Book Sections

Ostovar pour, S., Barron, L. D., Mutter, S. T. and Blanch, E. W. (2018) Raman optical activity. In: Polavarapu, Prasad L. (ed.) Chiral Analysis. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 249-291. ISBN 9780444640277 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64027-7.00006-9)

Barron, L. (2013) Raman optical activity studies of structure and behavior of biomolecules. In: Roberts, Gordon C.K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biophysics. Springer: Heidelberg, pp. 2169-2172. ISBN 9783642167119 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16712-6_129)

Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (2012) Structure and behaviour of biomolecules from Raman optical activity. In: Berova, Nina, Polavarapu, Prasad L., Nakanishi, Koji and Woody, Robert W. (eds.) Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Volume 2, Applications in Stereochemical Analysis of Synthetic Compounds, Natural Products, and Biomolecules. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 759-793. ISBN 9781118012925

Barron, L. D. (2009) An Introduction to chirality at the nanoscale. In: Amabilino, David B. (ed.) Chirality at the Nanoscale: Nanoparticles, Surfaces, Materials and more. Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, pp. 1-27. ISBN 9783527625345 (doi: 10.1002/9783527625345.ch1)

Barron, L. D., Zhu, F., Hecht, L. and Isaacs, N. W. (2007) Structure and behavior of proteins from Raman optical activity. In: Uversky, Vladimir N. and Permyakov, Eugene A. (eds.) Methods in Protein Structure and Stability Analysis: Vibrational Spectroscopy. Series: Molecular anatomy and physiology of proteins. Nova Biomedical Books: New York, pp. 27-68. ISBN 9781600217036

Blanch, E. W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (2006) Raman optical activity. In: Busch, Kenneth W. and Busch, Marianna A. (eds.) Chiral Analysis. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 545-594. ISBN 9780444516695 (doi: 10.1016/B978-044451669-5/50016-8)

Barron, L.D., Blanch, E.W., Bell, A.F., Syme, C.D., Hecht, L. and Day, L.A. (2002) New insight into solution structure and dynamics of proteins, nucleic acids, and viruses from Raman optical activity. In: Chirality: Physical Chemistry. Series: ACS symposium series, 810. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, pp. 34-49. ISBN 9780841237377 (doi: 10.1021/bk-2002-0810.ch003)

Barron, L.D. (2002) Chirality at the sub-molecular level: true and false chirality. In: Lough, W.J. and Wainer, I. (eds.) Chirality in Natural and Applied Science. CRC Press/Blackwell Science: Oxford, pp. 53-86. ISBN 9780849324345

Barron, L.D., Blanch, E.W., Syme, C.D., Nielsen, K. and Hecht, L. (2002) Structure and behaviour of proteins and viruses from Raman optical activity. In: Mink, János, Jalsovszky, György and Keresztury, Gábor (eds.) Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: 25-30th August 2002, Budapest, Hungary. Wiley: Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ, pp. 729-780. ISBN 9780471491897

McColl, I.H., Blanch, E.W., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2002) Raman optical activity studies of model polypeptide conformations. In: Mink, János, Jalsovszky, György and Keresztury, Gábor (eds.) Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: 25-30th August 2002, Budapest, Hungary. Wiley: Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ, p. 425. ISBN 9780471491897

Barron, L. D. and Hecht, L. (2000) Vibrational Raman optical activity: from fundamentals to biochemical applications. In: Berova, Nina, Nakanishi, Koji and Woody, Robert W. (eds.) Circular Dichroism: Principles and Applications, Second Edition. Wiley-VCH: New York ; Chichester, pp. 667-701. ISBN 9780471330035

Barron, L. D., Blanch, E. W., Smyth, E., Bell, A. F., Day, L. A. and Hecht, L. (1999) Raman optical activity studies of the influence of water on structure and dynamics of proteins, viruses and nucleic acids. In: Greve, J., Puppels, G.J. and Otto, C. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. Springer Netherlands, pp. 643-646. ISBN 9789401059190 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-4479-7_290)

Barron, L.D., Wilson, G., Hecht, L. and Blanch, E.W. (1997) A new perspective on protein structure and dynamics from Raman optical activity. In: Carmona, P., Navarro, R. and Hernanz, A. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends. Springer Netherlands, pp. 9-10. ISBN 9789401063692 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-5622-6_109)

Barron, L. (1997) Vibrational optical activity. In: Clary, David C. and Orr, Brian J. (eds.) Optical, Electric and Magnetic Properties of Molecules: A Review of the Work of A.D. Buckingham. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 283-289. ISBN 9780444825964 (doi: 10.1016/B978-044482596-4/50037-3)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1997) Vibrational Raman optical activity of polynucleotides. In: Carmona, P., Navarro, R. and Hernanz, A. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends. Springer Netherlands, pp. 245-246. ISBN 9789401063692 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-5622-6_109)

Hecht, L. and Barron, L. D. (1996) Raman optical activity. In: Laserna, J.J. (ed.) Modern Techniques in Raman Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, pp. 265-304. ISBN 9780471957744

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Bell, A.F. and WIlson, G. (1996) Raman optical activity: an incisive probe of chirality and biomolecular structure and dynamics. In: Asher, S.A. and Stein, P. (eds.) Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, August 11-16, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. John Wiley: New York, pp. 1212-1215. ISBN 9780471967477

Barron, L. D., Hecht, L. and Bell, A. F. (1996) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biomolecules. In: Fasman, Gerald D. (ed.) Circular Dichroism and the Conformational Analysis of Biomolecules. Plenum Press: New York, pp. 653-695. ISBN 9781441932495 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-4757-2508-7_19)

Bell, A.F., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1996) Vibrational Raman optical activity of polynucleotides. In: Asher, S.A. and Stein, P. (eds.) Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, August 11-16, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. John Wiley: New York, pp. 482-483. ISBN 9780471967477

Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (1996) Recent developments in Raman optical activity instrumentation. In: Asher, S.A. and Stein, P. (eds.) Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, August 11-16, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. John Wiley: New York, pp. 1232-1233. ISBN 9780471967477

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1994) Vibrational Raman optical activity: from fundamentals to biochemical applications. In: Nakanishi, K., Berova, N. and Woody, R.W. (eds.) Circular Dichroism, Principles and Applications. VCH: New York, pp. 179-215. ISBN 9781560816188

Barron, L.D. (1993) True and false chirality. In: Ponnamperuma, C. and Chela Flores, J. (eds.) Chemical Evolution: Origin of Life. A. Deepak Publishing: Hampton, Virginia, pp. 267-283.

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1992) Time reversal and Hermiticity characteristics of polarizability and optical activity tensors. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 50-51. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1992) Time reversal and the law of reciprocity in Raman scattering. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 48-49. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Allison, K.A. (1992) Managing Raman optical activity and Raman EPR. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 1078-1079. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Wen, Z.Q., Ford, S.J., Bell, A.F. and Cooper, A. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 462-463. ISBN 9780471933359

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Wen, Z.Q. and Ford, S.J. (1992) Vibrational Raman optical activity of nucleosides and nucleotides. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 1089-1099. ISBN 9780471933359

Polavarapu, P.L., Barron, L.D. and Hecht, L. (1992) Ab initio theoretical and experimental vibrational Raman optical activity in methyl and trans-dimethyl oxiranes. In: Kiefer, Wolfgang (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 64-65. ISBN 9780471933359

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R., Hecht, L. and Wen, Z.Q. (1991) Vibrational Raman optical activity of biological molecules. In: Hester, R.E. and Girling, R.B. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Series: Special publication, 94. Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, pp. 117-120. ISBN 9780851864372

Barron, L. D. (1991) Fundamental symmetry aspects of molecular chirality. In: Mezey, Paul G. (ed.) New Developments in Molecular Chirality. Series: Understanding chemical reactivity (5). Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, pp. 1-55. ISBN 9789401056441 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-3698-3_1)

Barron, L.D., Gargaro, A.R. and Hecht, L. (1990) Raman optical activity of amino acids. In: Durig, James Robert and Sullivan, Joann F. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 13-17 August 1990, Columbia, South Carolina. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 834-835. ISBN 9780471927853

Barron, L. D. (1990) Chirality of molecular structures- basic principles and their consequences. In: Maksić, Z.B. (ed.) Atomic Hypothesis and the Concept of Molecular Structure. Series: Theoretical models of chemical bonding (Part 1). Springer-Verlag: Berlin ; London, pp. 115-152. ISBN 9783540515784

Barron, L.D. (1988) Laser Raman spectroscopy. In: Alves, Antonio C.P., Brown, John M. and Hollas, J. Michael (eds.) Frontiers of Laser Spectroscopy of Gases. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, pp. 241-280. ISBN 9789027727480

Barron, L.D. (1988) Raman optical activity. In: Schmid, E.D., Schneider, F.W. and Siebert, F. (eds.) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Advances: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Freiburg, West Germany, 1987. Wiley: Chichester, pp. 63-68. ISBN 9780471919346

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L. and Polavarapu, P.L. (1988) Polarized Raman optical activity. In: Clark, R.J.H. and Long, D.A. (eds.) Eleventh International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, pp. 937-938. ISBN 9780471920946

Hecht, L., Barron, L.D., Linder, M. and Schrader, B. (1988) Raman optical activity of crystals. In: Clark, R.J.H. and Long, D.A. (eds.) Eleventh International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, pp. 945-946. ISBN 9780471920946

Barron, L.D. (1987) Raman optical activity: a new probe of stereochemistry and magnetic structure. In: Stepánek, Josef, Anzenbacher, Pavel and Sedlácek, B. (eds.) Laser Scattering Spectroscopy of Biological Objects: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 6-10 July 1986. Series: Studies in physical and theoretical chemistry (45). Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 281-287. ISBN 9780444989741

Escribano, J. R. and Barron, L. D. (1986) Influence of electric quadrupole versus magnetic dipole in Raman optical activity. In: Peticolas, W.L. and Hudson, B. (eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy: 31 August-5 September 1986, Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A. University Print. Deptartment, University of Oregon: Eugene, OR, pp. 9-10. ISBN 9780871141767

Barron, L.D. (1979) Raman optical activity. In: Mason, Stephen F. (ed.) Optical Activity and Chiral Discrimination: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Held at the University of Sussex, Falmer, England, September 10-22, 1978. D. Reidel Pub. Co.: Dordrecht, Holland ; London, pp. 219-262. ISBN 9789027709820

Barron, L.D. (1976) Rayleigh and Raman scattering of polarized light. In: Barrow, R.F., Long, Derek A. and Sheridan, J. (eds.) Molecular Spectroscopy. Chemical Society: London, pp. 96-124. ISBN 9780851865362 (doi: 10.1039/9781847556714-00096)

Book Reviews

Barron, L. D. (2014) Biochirality: Origins, Evolution and Molecular Recognition. Edited by Pedro Cintas. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 44(1), pp. 61-62. (doi: 10.1007/s11084-014-9356-7)[Book Review]

Barron, L. (2007) Life is not even-handed. Chemistry World, [Book Review]

Conference Proceedings

Ashton, L., Barron, L.D., Czarnik-Matusewicz, B., Hyde, J.R., Hecht, L. and Blanch, E.W. (2004) Two Novel Spectroscopic Techniques: 2D ROA and 2D Raman/ROA. In: Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Queensland, Australia, 08-13 Aug 2004, ISBN 9780643091221

Blanch, E.W., Dobson, P., Doig, A.J., McColl, I.H., Nielsen, K., Hecht, L. and Barron, L.D. (2004) Protein Fold Recognition and Structure Elucidation Using Raman Optical Activity. In: Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Queensland, Australia, 08-13 Aug 2004, ISBN 9780643091221

Barron, L. D. (1996) True and False Chirality, CP Violation, and the Breakdown of Microscopic Reversibility in Chiral Molecular and Elementary Particle Processes. In: Physical Origin of Homochirality in Life, Santa Monica, CA, USA, Feb 1995, pp. 162-182. ISBN 9781563965074 (doi: 10.1063/1.51240)

Barron, L.D., Hecht, L., Ford, S.J., Bell, A.F. and Wen, Z.Q. (1993) Vibrational Raman optical activity: from small organics to biopolymers. In: Lectures and Posters of the 5th International Conference on Circular Dichroism, Fort Collins, CO, USA, 18-22 Aug 1993, pp. 158-163.

Barron, L.D. (1984) Magnetic Raman optical activity and Raman EPR. In: Ninth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Tokyo, Japan, 27 Aug - 01 Sep 1984,

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 00:05:58 2025 GMT.

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Awards and distinctions

1979    Corday-Morgan Medal and Prize of the Chemical Society for 1977

1984    G.M.J. Schmidt Memorial Lecture, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

1987    F.L. Conover Memorial Lecture, Vanderbilt University, USA

1992    Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

1993    Sir Harold Thompson Award for Molecular Spectroscopy for 1992

1995    Visiting Miller Research Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA

1995    EPSRC Senior Fellow (1995-2000)

1997    Guest Review Lecturer, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland

1998    Chemical Society of Zürich Lecture

2003    Visiting Professor, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

2005    Fellow of the Royal Society

2005    Fellow of the Institute of Physics

2005    Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

2008    Tetelman Visiting Fellow, Jonathan Edwards College, Yale University, USA

2011    Chirality Medal (instituted by the Societa Chimica Italiana)

2012    Joshua Schechter Memorial Lecture, Bar Ilan University, Israel

2012    Zhang Dayu Memorial Lecture, CAS Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

2016    Philip J. Stephens Award for Vibrational Optical Activity for 2016