The labs
The Skabara group are currently based in a suite of modern labs housed within the Joseph Black Building at the University of Glasgow. We have a wide variety of in-house instrumentation for sample preparation and analysis, as well as a double glovebox for device fabrication and testing. Our group instrumentation includes:
- 2 x CH Instruments potentiostats (CHI602E and CHI660E)
- A Shimadzu UV-2600 UV-Vis (can be coupled to a potentiostat for spectroelectrochemistry)
- A Biotage Initiator microwave reactor
- A Netzsch DSC 214 Polyma differential scanning calorimeter
- A Netzsch TG 209 F3 Tarsus thermogravimetric analyser
- A Bruker Innova atomic force microscope
- A Retsch MM400 ball mill
- Preparative and analytical gel permeation chromatographs (Malvern and Japan Analytical Industry)
The School of Chemistry also has shared instrumentation available for use, including:
- Mass spectrometers
- Elemental analysers
- Bruker NMRs
- Raman spectroscopy
- Scanning electron microscopy
- X-ray diffraction
There is also an in-house glassblowing workshop for glassware repairs and custom glassblowing requests.
Information about using the shared School of Chemistry instrumentation can be found on the School's webpages.