Origin software license in Chemistry
In summer 2023 Chemistry purchased a three-year license for the Origin package, which provides statistical analysis and data visualisation. This is available to all staff and students in Chemistry, but only Chemistry, for PCs running MS-Windows. There is no Mac version of Origin. It uses an expiring, network license so anyone who has already purchased an individual license for Origin (or OriginPro) may wish to continue using that.
Origin is being made available in the campus cloud/remote desktop PC services and can be installed on request on campus PCs and user laptops. We have a network license for a maximum of 100 concurrent users, and also 100 fixed non-network license codes, which should only be used if the network option is unsuitable.
We have a package ready to install on the chemistry server, including the license configuration. This can be found at:
This sharepoint link which will need your campus login and password.
Alternatively, try \\samba.chem.gla.ac.uk\pclib (use your chemistry login and password) under install\Origin
Please copy the folder to your local computer and then be sure to run the 'setup' program using administrator rights on your PC.
Note that using the software off-campus on your own computer, or on-campus using WiFi will require you to connect to the campus VPN to access the on-campus license server. If this is a problem, please let us know and we may be able to issue a non-network license code.
If you don't have install rights on your computer, or you have trouble installing Origin, please let us know at https://www.gla.ac.uk/help (search for cose it)