IT Facilities & Support Resources

For all School IT Support requests please contact us via the ‘CoSE IT Support’ Tile on the  IT Helpdesk. To locate it search for ‘CoSE IT’ on any search bar within the helpdesk page.

We have an office in Joseph Black Rroom A5-09a.

Chemistry IT Facilities

  • 16-PC cluster in A5-23 B/W printer
  • 36-PC cluster in A5-06 Colour printer

These all use the campus-wide CSCE student login environment. They also use the campus-wide print quota system. See Student printing for more about print credits.

Some staff and research groups continue to use a Chemistry-only server login system for some services, integrated with research systems and computers running other operating systems.

Both clusters include a multi-function printer/scanner/copier. General-use A4/A3 colour printers are also found in A4-03 and B5-08 (chemistry library). Extra charges apply for colour printing but you can find a full list here of the JBB printers (pdf) JBB printers (xls)

School laptops are available for loan to give presentations etc.; contact IT Support to arrange this.
Data projectors can be booked by arrangement with the admin office in A4-04.

Please see the following link for our list of locally managed AV rooms with equipment.

Supported Computer Systems

Only PCs running at least Microsoft Windows 10 are generally supported. Systems running an older version of Windows should not normally be connected to the campus network, and may be disconnected without warning. If you have an older version and need help getting it upgraded, please let us know.
Macintosh systems are supported, but should be running a recent version of OSX.

Information about preferred PC suppliers etc. is available from University IT Services .

Recommended Software

All PCs should be running a current version of Anti-Virus software, usually either the campus-installed Microsoft software, or Sophos, which can be downloaded from the University IT Services here.
For web-browsing we recommend recent versions of Microsoft Edge.  Mozilla Firefox or Chrome are fine too.

For email, recent versions of MS Outlook or, for a free/open alternative Mozilla Thunderbird should be used; Microsoft Outlook Express and older clients such as Eudora and Pegasus are not supported and should be avoided. On the Mac, Mac OS X Mail is a suitable client, or MS-Outlook.

MS-Office 2016 or the online '365' should be used rather than older versions. 

Your Password

You must never give your password to anyone else, or allow anyone to use your account. You will be held responsible for any actions carried out using it. Your password should be changed occasionally, in case anyone else has seen it. Always choose a password you will remember, but which is hard for other people to guess.

Your central services password (associated with your GUID) can be changed using the Password Self-service here.

Computing Regulations

The University has regulations regarding the proper use of the campus computing facilities.  The main effect of these is that if you use the computers solely for your course work, writing reports and essays, carrying out calculations and web-browsing related to your subject area, you can be confident you are within the acceptable use definition. If you use the computer facilities for other, non-work purposes, you should be aware that it costs the School and the University money, and risks viruses or other security risks. You should read the regulations to be sure that what you are doing will not contravene the definition of acceptable use.

Working Off-Campus

To access files stored on your Chemistry network drives remotely, you can use sftp or ssh routes - please contact us for details.

You can also 'map' or connect a drive as you would on-campus, but must first enable the campus VPN software on your computer. Alternatively, use the COSE cloud desktop 'Glasgow Anywhere' to access a campus PC system, and then use the chemistry services from there.

Other Useful Information

- Connecting to your chemistry shared Network Drives

IT services provide central file storage for user files (H: and M: drives). By far the best place to save your general files is the Onedrive provided for you, as it is available anywhere and will survive the loss of your own computer. Chemistry also run a server for shared files and some personal storage. The server is called 'samba' and examples are the 'homes' folder and the 'nmr400' folder for NMR experiment data. You can connect to these from any computer using the instructions below. This uses a separate chemistry login which you will need to be given by chemistry IT.


Right-click on the My Computer icon, and select Map Network Drive. Use any free drive-letter, and in the Folder box, enter \\\homes

or for example


Then click on 'different user name', and enter your Chemistry username and password using:


Click OK and then Finish, and your drive should open in a new window.

Mac OS X:

In the Finder, from the Go menu select Connect to Server. In the server address box, enter smb:// and click Connect. When prompted, enter your chemistry username and password. A new window will open showing your chosen directory.

- Wireless Access

WiFi access is currently available in most of the Joseph Black building, particularly the Library (B5-08) and the Conference Room (A4-41a), as well as in/around the lecture theatres and computer clusters.  Look for the '' network.