Dr Tom Nichols

  • Reader in History of Art (History of Art)

telephone: 01413304139
email: Tom.Nichols@glasgow.ac.uk

School of Culture and Creative, 8 University Gardens

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4185-3790

Research interests

  • Venetian Renaissance Art, especially Tintoretto, Titian, Giorgione and Jacopo Bassano
  • Imagery of the outcast poor and sick in early modern Europe
  • Imagery of peasants in European art 1300-1850

Biography: Tom studied English Literature and Art History at the University of York, before moving to the Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London) where he completed an MA. His PhD on the paintings of Jacopo Tintoretto at the University of East Anglia was awarded in 1992. He then taught history of art at the University of Aberdeen between 1993 and 2012, before moving to Glasgow in February 2013, where he served as the Head of Subject until 2016. Recent highlights in his career include a Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Research Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art in Washington (2016), and an appearance in a Sky Arts film documentary on Tintoretto that was shortlisted for the Prix Italia (2019).

Current Research Projects: Tom is currently co-editing a volume of essays on Tintoretto to be published in 2021. This is a publication that grew out of a meeting of the Venetian Art History Group that he co-founded in 2018. He is also developing a major new research project focussed on the depiction of peasants in European art from feudal times to the Industrial Revolution. His recent books include Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance (2013), Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism (2016) and Giorgione’s Ambiguity (2020).


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2026 | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1996 | 1994
Number of items: 69.


Nichols, T. (2026) Veronese and the Pictorial Vision. Reaktion Books: London. (Accepted for Publication)


Nichols, T. (2025) Tintoretto, Bassano and the Rural Image. In: Frank, M. (ed.) Tintoretto e il Paesaggio. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and the Scuola Grande di San Rocco: Venice. (Accepted for Publication)


Nichols, T. (2024) Bonifacio de’Pitati By Philip Cottrell and Peter Humfrey. Burlington Magazine, 166(1458), pp. 974-976. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2024) Giacomo Ceruti: A Compassionate Eye. Edited by Davide Gasparotto. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Publications. 2023. 128 p. 55 c. illus. $27.95. ISBN 978‐1‐60606‐836‐6. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 47(2), pp. 207-209. (doi: 10.1111/1754-0208.12932)[Book Review]


Nichols, T. (2023) Local and non-local in Jacopo Bassano's depictions of peasants. Artibus et Historiae, 87(XLIV), pp. 75-101.


Lillywhite, M.-L., Nichols, T. and Tagliaferro, G. (Eds.) (2022) Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice, Meaning. Series: Viella historical research. Viella Libreria Editrice: Rome. ISBN 9788833138237

Nichols, T. (2022) Introduction. Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, practice, meaning. In: Lillywhite, M.-L., Nichols, T. and Tagliaferro, G. (eds.) Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice, Meaning. Series: Viella historical research, 22. Viella Libreria Editrice: Rome, pp. 7-11. ISBN 9788833138237

Nichols, T. (2022) Tintoretto’s self-portraiture: Shaping a ‘furious’ artistic identity in sixteenth-century Venice. In: Lillywhite, M.-L., Nichols, T. and Tagliaferro, G. (eds.) Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice, Meaning. Series: Viella historical research, 22. Viella Libreria Editrice: Rome, pp. 47-83. ISBN 9788833138237


Nichols, T. (2021) Giorgione's Ambiguity. Series: Renaissance Lives. Reaktion Books: London. ISBN 9781789142976

Nichols, T. (2021) Motives of control, motifs of creativity: the visual imagery of poverty in early modern Europe. In: Hitchcock, D. and McClure, J. (eds.) The Routledge History of Poverty c. 1450-1800. Series: Routledge histories. Routledge: Oxford, UK, pp. 138-163. ISBN 9781138555006

Nichols, T. (2021) Titian's Touch: Art, Magic, and Philosophy. Maria H. Loh. Renaissance Lives. London: Reaktion Books, 2019. 288 pp. $22.50. Renaissance Quarterly, 74(1), pp. 250-251. (doi: 10.1017/rqx.2020.336)[Book Review]


Nichols, T. (2020) Too sexy for the nude: Patricia Lee Rubin, Seen From Behind: Perspectives on the Male Body and Renaissance Art (2018), James Grantham Turner, Eros Visible: Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy (2017) Jill Burke, The Italian Renaissance Nude (2018). Oxford Art Journal, 43(3), pp. 469-476. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcaa025)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2020) Poverty in the paintings of Jacopo Bassano: the crisis poor and the structural poor. In: Duits, R. (ed.) The Art of the Poor: The Aesthetic Material Culture of the Lower Classes in Europe 1300-1600. Bloomsbury: London, pp. 29-41. ISBN 9781788316750


Nichols, T. (2019) Jacopo Tintoretto: Self-portrait as a Young Man ca. 1546-48. In: Eclercy, B. and Aurenhammer, H. (eds.) Titian and the Renaissance in Venice = Tizian und die Renaissance in Venedig. Prestel Verlag: Frankfurt, pp. 164-165. ISBN 9783791358123

Nichols, T. (2019) Titian: St John the Baptist ca. 1530-33. In: Eclercy, B. and Aurenhammer, H. (eds.) Titian and the Renaissance in Venice = Tizian und die Renaissance in Venedig. Prestel Verlag: Frankfurt, pp. 218-219. ISBN 9783791358123

Nichols, T. (2019) Tintoretto: A Rebel in Venice [Expert Contributor]. [Audio]

Nichols, T. (2019) Veronese in Murano: Two Venetian Renaissance masterpieces Restored by Xavier F. Solomon. Burlington Magazine, 161(1390), pp. 88-89. [Book Review]


Nichols, T. (2018) Coming of age: Jacopo Tintoretto. Burlington Magazine, 160(1389), pp. 1024-1029.

Nichols, T. (2018) Jacopo Bassano, regionalism, and rural painting. Oxford Art Journal, 41(2), pp. 147-170. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcy010)

Nichols, T. (2018) Real and ideal in the imagery of almsgiving in early modern Venice = Il reale e l'ideale nella rappresenazione dell'elemosina a Venezia nella prima eta moderna. In: Matino, G. and Gietz, N. (eds.) "Ebbe fame e mi deste da mangiare". Luoghi, principi e funzioni della Charitas veneziana, 1260-1806. Series: Collana: Saggi. Franco Cosimo Panini Editore: Modena, pp. 10-27. ISBN 9788857013442

Nichols, T. (2018) Jheronimus Bosch e Venezia (Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, Appartamento del Doge, 18 February- 4 June 2017). Catalogue Jheronimus Bosch e Venezia ed. Bernard Aikema. Venice, Marsilio Editori, 2017. 237 pp. €35. ISBN 978-8831727235. Renaissance Studies, 32(3), pp. 489-497. (doi: 10.1111/rest.12363)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2018) How Titian’s paintings rivalled Bellini’s. [Website]


Nichols, T. (Ed.) (2017) Others and Outcasts in Early Modern Europe: Picturing the Social Margins. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9781138254053 pbk

Nichols, T. (2017) Jacopo Bassano and the Invention of Localism. [Research Reports or Papers]

Nichols, T. (2017) The long giovinezza of Jacopo Tintoretto: marginality and mannerism. In: Cassegrain, G. and Gentili, A. (eds.) La giovinezza di Tintoretto. Fondazione Cini: Venice, pp. 208-216. ISBN 9788895598734


Nichols, T. (2016) Giorgione [exhibition review]. Burlington Magazine, 158(1359), pp. 472-474. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2016) Jacopo Tintoretto. Series: Grove art essentials. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780190298005

Nichols, T. (2016) Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism. Series: Renaissance art. Laurence King: London. ISBN 9781780678511


Nichols, T. (2015) Tintoretto: Tradition and Identity. Reaktion Books: London. ISBN 9781780234502


Nichols, T. (2014) Veronese [exhibition review]. Burlington Magazine, 156(1339), pp. 682-686. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2014) Double vision: the ambivalent imagery of drunkenness in early modern Europe. Past and Present, 222(Sup 9), pp. 146-167.


Nichols, T. (2013) Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance. Reaktion Books: London, UK. ISBN 9781780231860

Nichols, T. (2013) Hazlitt and Titian: progress, gusto and the (dis)pleasure of painting. In: Humfrey, P. (ed.) The Reception of Titian in Britain from Reynolds to Ruskin. Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 123-133. ISBN 9782503536750

Nichols, T. (2013) The master as monument: Titian and his images. Artibus et Historiae, 67(XXXIV), pp. 219-238.


Nichols, T. (2011) Beggars in Arcadia. [Audio]

Nichols, T. (2011) Albrecht Dürer, underweysung der messung mit dem zirckel und richtscheyt in linien, ebnen un gantzen Corporen and Albrecht Dürer, Clarrissimi pictoris et geometrae de symmetria partium humanorum corporum. In: Beavan, I., Davidson, P. and Stevenson, J. (eds.) The Library and Archive Collections of the University of Aberdeen: An Introduction and Description. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719087882

Nichols, T. (2011) L’immagine della carità pubblica a Venezia nel Rinascimento: Scuola e stato. In: Carboni, M. and Muzzarelli, G. (eds.) L’Iconografia Della Solidarietà: La Mediazione delle Immagini (Secoli xiii-xviii). Editore Marsilio: Venice, Italy, pp. 55-67. ISBN 9788831711654

Nichols, T. (2011) Saint Barnabé guérissant un malade de Véronèse et les images vénitiennes de la pauvreté et de la maladie. In: Hochmann, M. (ed.) Venise et Paris, 1500-1700 : La Peinture Vénitienne de la Renaissance et sa Réception en France: Actes des Colloques de Bordeaux et de Caen (24-25 Février 2006, 6 Mai 2006). Series: Hautes etudes medievales et modernes (100). Droz: Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 63-82. ISBN 9782600013536

Nichols, T. (2011) Art in Renaissance Venice. In: Oxford Bibligraphies Online: Renaissance and Reformation. Oxford University Press. (doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780195399301-0157)

Nichols, T. (2011) Titian. In: Oxford Bibligraphies Online: Renaissance and Reformation. Oxford University Press. (doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780195399301-0128)


Nichols, T. (2010) The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance by Dana E. Katz. Renaissance Studies, 24(3), pp. 449-451. (doi: 10.1111/j.1477-4658.2010.00655.x)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2010) Renaissance Art: A Beginner's Guide. Series: Oneworld beginner's guides. Oneworld Publications: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781851687244


Nichols, T. (2009) Review of: Mark Hudson, Titian: The Last Days. Literary Review(371), pp. 30-31. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2009) Defining genres: the survival of mythological painting in counter-reformation Venice. In: Brundin, A.S. and Treherne, M. (eds.) Forms of Faith in Sixteenth Century Italy. Series: Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 119-148. ISBN 9780754665557

Nichols, T. (2009) False gods: Tintoretto’s mythologies as anti-poesie. In: Jacopo Tintoretto: Actas Del Congreso Internacional Jacopo Tinotretto. Museo Nacional del Prado: Madrid, Spain, pp. 36-44. ISBN 9788484801719


Nichols, T. (2008) Understanding Tintoretto’s prestezza: literary and other approaches to the contested artistic culture of mid-Cinquecento Venice. In: Procaccioli, P. and Hendrix, H. (eds.) Officine Del Nuovo. Sodalizi Fra Letterati, Artisti ed Editori Nella Cultura Italiana Fra Riforma e Controriforma. Series: Cinquecento. Studi (28). Vecchiarelli: Manziana, Italy, pp. 249-262. ISBN 9788882472313


Nichols, T. (2007) Secular charity, sacred poverty: picturing the poor in Renaissance Venice. Art History, 30(2), pp. 139-169. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8365.2007.00536.x)

Nichols, T. (2007) The Art of Poverty: Irony and Ideal in Sixteenth-Century Beggar Imagery. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719075827

Nichols, T. (2007) The vagabond image: depictions of false beggars in northern art of the sixteenth century. In: Nichols, T. (ed.) Others and Outcasts in Early Modern Europe: Picturing the Social Margins. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, 37- 60. ISBN 9780754655572


Nichols, T. (2006) Images of almsgiving and poverty in Venetian art of the sixteenth century. In: Helas, P. and Wolf, G. (eds.) Armut und Armenfürsorge in der Italienischen Stadtkultur Zwischen 13. und 16. Jahrhundert: Bilder,Texte und Soziale Praktiken. Series: Inklusion/Exklusion (2). Peter Lang: Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 349-370. ISBN 9783631558461


Nichols, T. (2005) Paragons of poverty: imagery of the deserving poor in the age of reformation and counter-reformation. In: Damianaki, C., Procaccioli, P. and Romano, A. (eds.) Il Rinascimento Italiano di Fronte alla Riforma: Letteratura e Arte. Series: Cinquecento. studi / Università della Tuscia, dipartimento di storia e culture del testo e del documento (12). Vecchiarelli: Manziana, Italy, pp. 253-269. ISBN 9788882471651


Nichols, T. (2004) 'Art in Venice', 'Titian', 'Tintoretto', 'Veronese'. In: Dewald, J. (ed.) Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780684312002


Nichols, T. and Hadley, T. (2002) James, Ruskin and Tintoretto. Henry James Review, 23(3), pp. 294-303.

Nichols, T. (2002) Myths of Venice by David Rosand. Burlington Magazine, 144(1189), pp. 235-236. [Book Review]


Nichols, T. (2001) P. Meilman, ‘Titian and the Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice’. Burlington Magazine, 143(1174), p. 37. [Book Review]


Nichols, T. (2000) Book review: The Aesthetics of Italian Renaissance Art. A Reconsideration of Style. By Hellmut Wohl. British Journal of Aesthetics, 40(4), pp. 500-503. (doi: 10.1093/bjaesthetics/40.4.492)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2000) Dürer to Veronese.Sixteenth-Century Painting in the National Gallery. Burlington Magazine, CXLII(1171), pp. 636-637. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2000) Venetian Colour. Marble, Mosaic, Painting and Glass 1250-1550. Burlington Magazine, 142(1163), p. 113. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2000) 'Bonifacio de’Pitati', 'Polidoro da Lanciano', 'Andrea Vicentino', 'Giovanni Antonio Fasolo', 'Bartolomeo Veneto', 'Marcello Fogolino'. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art. Series: Grove encyclopedias of European art. MacMillan: London, UK. ISBN 9780333760949

Nichols, T. (2000) The cultural dynamics of space in Venetian Renaissance painting. In: Cowan, A. (ed.) Mediterranean Urban Culture 1400-1700. University of Exeter Press: Exeter, UK, pp. 165-196. ISBN 9780859895781

Nichols, T. (2000) Jacopo Tintoretto. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art. Series: Grove encyclopedias of European art, 2. Grove's Dictionaries/MacMillan: London, UK. ISBN 9781884446023, 9780333760949


Nichols, T. (1999) Tintoretto: Tradition and Identity. Reaktion: London, UK. ISBN 9781861890436


Nichols, T. (1996) Price, prestezza and production in Jacopo Tintoretto's business strategy. Venezia Cinquecento: Studi di Storia dell'Arte e della Cultura, VI(12), pp. 207-233.

Nichols, T. (1996) Tintoretto, prestezza, and the poligrafi: a study in the literary and visual culture of Cinquecento Venice. Renaissance Studies, 10(1), pp. 72-100. (doi: 10.1111/j.1477-4658.1996.tb00004.x)

Nichols, T. (1996) Bonifacio de'Pitati. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Dictionary of Art. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9781884446009

Nichols, T. (1996) Jacopo Tintoretto. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Dictionary of Art. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9781884446009


Nichols, T. (1994) Tintoretto. Venice and Vienna [exhibition review]. Burlington Magazine, 136(1096), pp. 478-479. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (1994) Tintoretto in Venice, 'Nightwaves'. [Audio]

Nichols, T. (1994) Tintoretto's poverty. In: Ames-Lewis, F. (ed.) New Interpretations of Venetian Renaissance Painting. Birkbeck College: London, UK, pp. 99-110. ISBN 9780907904809

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 11:02:15 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 69.


Nichols, T. (2023) Local and non-local in Jacopo Bassano's depictions of peasants. Artibus et Historiae, 87(XLIV), pp. 75-101.

Nichols, T. (2018) Coming of age: Jacopo Tintoretto. Burlington Magazine, 160(1389), pp. 1024-1029.

Nichols, T. (2018) Jacopo Bassano, regionalism, and rural painting. Oxford Art Journal, 41(2), pp. 147-170. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcy010)

Nichols, T. (2014) Double vision: the ambivalent imagery of drunkenness in early modern Europe. Past and Present, 222(Sup 9), pp. 146-167.

Nichols, T. (2013) The master as monument: Titian and his images. Artibus et Historiae, 67(XXXIV), pp. 219-238.

Nichols, T. (2007) Secular charity, sacred poverty: picturing the poor in Renaissance Venice. Art History, 30(2), pp. 139-169. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8365.2007.00536.x)

Nichols, T. and Hadley, T. (2002) James, Ruskin and Tintoretto. Henry James Review, 23(3), pp. 294-303.

Nichols, T. (1996) Price, prestezza and production in Jacopo Tintoretto's business strategy. Venezia Cinquecento: Studi di Storia dell'Arte e della Cultura, VI(12), pp. 207-233.

Nichols, T. (1996) Tintoretto, prestezza, and the poligrafi: a study in the literary and visual culture of Cinquecento Venice. Renaissance Studies, 10(1), pp. 72-100. (doi: 10.1111/j.1477-4658.1996.tb00004.x)


Nichols, T. (2026) Veronese and the Pictorial Vision. Reaktion Books: London. (Accepted for Publication)

Nichols, T. (2021) Giorgione's Ambiguity. Series: Renaissance Lives. Reaktion Books: London. ISBN 9781789142976

Nichols, T. (2016) Jacopo Tintoretto. Series: Grove art essentials. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780190298005

Nichols, T. (2016) Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism. Series: Renaissance art. Laurence King: London. ISBN 9781780678511

Nichols, T. (2015) Tintoretto: Tradition and Identity. Reaktion Books: London. ISBN 9781780234502

Nichols, T. (2013) Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance. Reaktion Books: London, UK. ISBN 9781780231860

Nichols, T. (2010) Renaissance Art: A Beginner's Guide. Series: Oneworld beginner's guides. Oneworld Publications: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781851687244

Nichols, T. (2007) The Art of Poverty: Irony and Ideal in Sixteenth-Century Beggar Imagery. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719075827

Nichols, T. (1999) Tintoretto: Tradition and Identity. Reaktion: London, UK. ISBN 9781861890436

Book Sections

Nichols, T. (2025) Tintoretto, Bassano and the Rural Image. In: Frank, M. (ed.) Tintoretto e il Paesaggio. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and the Scuola Grande di San Rocco: Venice. (Accepted for Publication)

Nichols, T. (2022) Introduction. Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, practice, meaning. In: Lillywhite, M.-L., Nichols, T. and Tagliaferro, G. (eds.) Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice, Meaning. Series: Viella historical research, 22. Viella Libreria Editrice: Rome, pp. 7-11. ISBN 9788833138237

Nichols, T. (2022) Tintoretto’s self-portraiture: Shaping a ‘furious’ artistic identity in sixteenth-century Venice. In: Lillywhite, M.-L., Nichols, T. and Tagliaferro, G. (eds.) Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice, Meaning. Series: Viella historical research, 22. Viella Libreria Editrice: Rome, pp. 47-83. ISBN 9788833138237

Nichols, T. (2021) Motives of control, motifs of creativity: the visual imagery of poverty in early modern Europe. In: Hitchcock, D. and McClure, J. (eds.) The Routledge History of Poverty c. 1450-1800. Series: Routledge histories. Routledge: Oxford, UK, pp. 138-163. ISBN 9781138555006

Nichols, T. (2020) Poverty in the paintings of Jacopo Bassano: the crisis poor and the structural poor. In: Duits, R. (ed.) The Art of the Poor: The Aesthetic Material Culture of the Lower Classes in Europe 1300-1600. Bloomsbury: London, pp. 29-41. ISBN 9781788316750

Nichols, T. (2019) Jacopo Tintoretto: Self-portrait as a Young Man ca. 1546-48. In: Eclercy, B. and Aurenhammer, H. (eds.) Titian and the Renaissance in Venice = Tizian und die Renaissance in Venedig. Prestel Verlag: Frankfurt, pp. 164-165. ISBN 9783791358123

Nichols, T. (2019) Titian: St John the Baptist ca. 1530-33. In: Eclercy, B. and Aurenhammer, H. (eds.) Titian and the Renaissance in Venice = Tizian und die Renaissance in Venedig. Prestel Verlag: Frankfurt, pp. 218-219. ISBN 9783791358123

Nichols, T. (2018) Real and ideal in the imagery of almsgiving in early modern Venice = Il reale e l'ideale nella rappresenazione dell'elemosina a Venezia nella prima eta moderna. In: Matino, G. and Gietz, N. (eds.) "Ebbe fame e mi deste da mangiare". Luoghi, principi e funzioni della Charitas veneziana, 1260-1806. Series: Collana: Saggi. Franco Cosimo Panini Editore: Modena, pp. 10-27. ISBN 9788857013442

Nichols, T. (2017) The long giovinezza of Jacopo Tintoretto: marginality and mannerism. In: Cassegrain, G. and Gentili, A. (eds.) La giovinezza di Tintoretto. Fondazione Cini: Venice, pp. 208-216. ISBN 9788895598734

Nichols, T. (2013) Hazlitt and Titian: progress, gusto and the (dis)pleasure of painting. In: Humfrey, P. (ed.) The Reception of Titian in Britain from Reynolds to Ruskin. Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 123-133. ISBN 9782503536750

Nichols, T. (2011) Albrecht Dürer, underweysung der messung mit dem zirckel und richtscheyt in linien, ebnen un gantzen Corporen and Albrecht Dürer, Clarrissimi pictoris et geometrae de symmetria partium humanorum corporum. In: Beavan, I., Davidson, P. and Stevenson, J. (eds.) The Library and Archive Collections of the University of Aberdeen: An Introduction and Description. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719087882

Nichols, T. (2011) L’immagine della carità pubblica a Venezia nel Rinascimento: Scuola e stato. In: Carboni, M. and Muzzarelli, G. (eds.) L’Iconografia Della Solidarietà: La Mediazione delle Immagini (Secoli xiii-xviii). Editore Marsilio: Venice, Italy, pp. 55-67. ISBN 9788831711654

Nichols, T. (2011) Saint Barnabé guérissant un malade de Véronèse et les images vénitiennes de la pauvreté et de la maladie. In: Hochmann, M. (ed.) Venise et Paris, 1500-1700 : La Peinture Vénitienne de la Renaissance et sa Réception en France: Actes des Colloques de Bordeaux et de Caen (24-25 Février 2006, 6 Mai 2006). Series: Hautes etudes medievales et modernes (100). Droz: Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 63-82. ISBN 9782600013536

Nichols, T. (2011) Art in Renaissance Venice. In: Oxford Bibligraphies Online: Renaissance and Reformation. Oxford University Press. (doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780195399301-0157)

Nichols, T. (2011) Titian. In: Oxford Bibligraphies Online: Renaissance and Reformation. Oxford University Press. (doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780195399301-0128)

Nichols, T. (2009) Defining genres: the survival of mythological painting in counter-reformation Venice. In: Brundin, A.S. and Treherne, M. (eds.) Forms of Faith in Sixteenth Century Italy. Series: Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 119-148. ISBN 9780754665557

Nichols, T. (2009) False gods: Tintoretto’s mythologies as anti-poesie. In: Jacopo Tintoretto: Actas Del Congreso Internacional Jacopo Tinotretto. Museo Nacional del Prado: Madrid, Spain, pp. 36-44. ISBN 9788484801719

Nichols, T. (2008) Understanding Tintoretto’s prestezza: literary and other approaches to the contested artistic culture of mid-Cinquecento Venice. In: Procaccioli, P. and Hendrix, H. (eds.) Officine Del Nuovo. Sodalizi Fra Letterati, Artisti ed Editori Nella Cultura Italiana Fra Riforma e Controriforma. Series: Cinquecento. Studi (28). Vecchiarelli: Manziana, Italy, pp. 249-262. ISBN 9788882472313

Nichols, T. (2007) The vagabond image: depictions of false beggars in northern art of the sixteenth century. In: Nichols, T. (ed.) Others and Outcasts in Early Modern Europe: Picturing the Social Margins. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, 37- 60. ISBN 9780754655572

Nichols, T. (2006) Images of almsgiving and poverty in Venetian art of the sixteenth century. In: Helas, P. and Wolf, G. (eds.) Armut und Armenfürsorge in der Italienischen Stadtkultur Zwischen 13. und 16. Jahrhundert: Bilder,Texte und Soziale Praktiken. Series: Inklusion/Exklusion (2). Peter Lang: Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 349-370. ISBN 9783631558461

Nichols, T. (2005) Paragons of poverty: imagery of the deserving poor in the age of reformation and counter-reformation. In: Damianaki, C., Procaccioli, P. and Romano, A. (eds.) Il Rinascimento Italiano di Fronte alla Riforma: Letteratura e Arte. Series: Cinquecento. studi / Università della Tuscia, dipartimento di storia e culture del testo e del documento (12). Vecchiarelli: Manziana, Italy, pp. 253-269. ISBN 9788882471651

Nichols, T. (2004) 'Art in Venice', 'Titian', 'Tintoretto', 'Veronese'. In: Dewald, J. (ed.) Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780684312002

Nichols, T. (2000) 'Bonifacio de’Pitati', 'Polidoro da Lanciano', 'Andrea Vicentino', 'Giovanni Antonio Fasolo', 'Bartolomeo Veneto', 'Marcello Fogolino'. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art. Series: Grove encyclopedias of European art. MacMillan: London, UK. ISBN 9780333760949

Nichols, T. (2000) The cultural dynamics of space in Venetian Renaissance painting. In: Cowan, A. (ed.) Mediterranean Urban Culture 1400-1700. University of Exeter Press: Exeter, UK, pp. 165-196. ISBN 9780859895781

Nichols, T. (2000) Jacopo Tintoretto. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art. Series: Grove encyclopedias of European art, 2. Grove's Dictionaries/MacMillan: London, UK. ISBN 9781884446023, 9780333760949

Nichols, T. (1996) Bonifacio de'Pitati. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Dictionary of Art. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9781884446009

Nichols, T. (1996) Jacopo Tintoretto. In: Turner, J. (ed.) The Dictionary of Art. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9781884446009

Nichols, T. (1994) Tintoretto's poverty. In: Ames-Lewis, F. (ed.) New Interpretations of Venetian Renaissance Painting. Birkbeck College: London, UK, pp. 99-110. ISBN 9780907904809

Book Reviews

Nichols, T. (2024) Bonifacio de’Pitati By Philip Cottrell and Peter Humfrey. Burlington Magazine, 166(1458), pp. 974-976. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2024) Giacomo Ceruti: A Compassionate Eye. Edited by Davide Gasparotto. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Publications. 2023. 128 p. 55 c. illus. $27.95. ISBN 978‐1‐60606‐836‐6. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 47(2), pp. 207-209. (doi: 10.1111/1754-0208.12932)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2021) Titian's Touch: Art, Magic, and Philosophy. Maria H. Loh. Renaissance Lives. London: Reaktion Books, 2019. 288 pp. $22.50. Renaissance Quarterly, 74(1), pp. 250-251. (doi: 10.1017/rqx.2020.336)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2020) Too sexy for the nude: Patricia Lee Rubin, Seen From Behind: Perspectives on the Male Body and Renaissance Art (2018), James Grantham Turner, Eros Visible: Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy (2017) Jill Burke, The Italian Renaissance Nude (2018). Oxford Art Journal, 43(3), pp. 469-476. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcaa025)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2019) Veronese in Murano: Two Venetian Renaissance masterpieces Restored by Xavier F. Solomon. Burlington Magazine, 161(1390), pp. 88-89. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2018) Jheronimus Bosch e Venezia (Venezia, Palazzo Ducale, Appartamento del Doge, 18 February- 4 June 2017). Catalogue Jheronimus Bosch e Venezia ed. Bernard Aikema. Venice, Marsilio Editori, 2017. 237 pp. €35. ISBN 978-8831727235. Renaissance Studies, 32(3), pp. 489-497. (doi: 10.1111/rest.12363)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2016) Giorgione [exhibition review]. Burlington Magazine, 158(1359), pp. 472-474. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2014) Veronese [exhibition review]. Burlington Magazine, 156(1339), pp. 682-686. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2010) The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance by Dana E. Katz. Renaissance Studies, 24(3), pp. 449-451. (doi: 10.1111/j.1477-4658.2010.00655.x)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2009) Review of: Mark Hudson, Titian: The Last Days. Literary Review(371), pp. 30-31. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2002) Myths of Venice by David Rosand. Burlington Magazine, 144(1189), pp. 235-236. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2001) P. Meilman, ‘Titian and the Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice’. Burlington Magazine, 143(1174), p. 37. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2000) Book review: The Aesthetics of Italian Renaissance Art. A Reconsideration of Style. By Hellmut Wohl. British Journal of Aesthetics, 40(4), pp. 500-503. (doi: 10.1093/bjaesthetics/40.4.492)[Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2000) Dürer to Veronese.Sixteenth-Century Painting in the National Gallery. Burlington Magazine, CXLII(1171), pp. 636-637. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (2000) Venetian Colour. Marble, Mosaic, Painting and Glass 1250-1550. Burlington Magazine, 142(1163), p. 113. [Book Review]

Nichols, T. (1994) Tintoretto. Venice and Vienna [exhibition review]. Burlington Magazine, 136(1096), pp. 478-479. [Book Review]

Edited Books

Lillywhite, M.-L., Nichols, T. and Tagliaferro, G. (Eds.) (2022) Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice, Meaning. Series: Viella historical research. Viella Libreria Editrice: Rome. ISBN 9788833138237

Nichols, T. (Ed.) (2017) Others and Outcasts in Early Modern Europe: Picturing the Social Margins. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9781138254053 pbk

Research Reports or Papers

Nichols, T. (2017) Jacopo Bassano and the Invention of Localism. [Research Reports or Papers]


Nichols, T. (2019) Tintoretto: A Rebel in Venice [Expert Contributor]. [Audio]

Nichols, T. (2011) Beggars in Arcadia. [Audio]

Nichols, T. (1994) Tintoretto in Venice, 'Nightwaves'. [Audio]


Nichols, T. (2018) How Titian’s paintings rivalled Bellini’s. [Website]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 11:02:15 2025 GMT.


  • Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, 2012 (£2,200) towards illustrations for Titian and the end of the Venetian Renaissance
  • British Academy Small Research Grant, 2011 (£7,500) towards illustrations for Titian and the end of the Venetian Renaissance
  • Gladys Krieble Delmas Award, 2010 (£2,000) to fund research at the Fondazione Cini (Venice) in relation to Titian and the end of the Venetian Renaissance
  • Arts and Humanities Research Board Research Leave Scheme 2002 (£9,963) to work on The art of poverty: Irony and ideal in sixteenth century beggar imagery
  • British Academy Small Research Grant 2002 (£638). Berlin research visit to work on The art of poverty: Irony and ideal in sixteenth century beggar imagery
  • Carnegie Trust for Scotland, 2002 (£420). Amsterdam research visit to work on The art of poverty: Irony and ideal in sixteenth century beggar imagery
  • British Academy Conference Grant 2002 (£1,602). Picturing Poverty conference organisation


Recently Completed PhD Supervisees

  • Cynthia Williams, The Hamilton Vase: Entwined Histories (2020)
  • Jennifer Vlcek Schurr, The Passional of Abbess Cunigund: Protagonists, Production and a Question of Identity (2020)
  • Sophie C. KromholzThe Artwork is Not Present: An Investigation into the Durational Engagement with Temporary Artworks (2016)
  • Peter BlackAn Explanatory Essay and Seven Articles (2016, PhD by publication)

 Current PhD Supervisees

  • Katsikea, Eirini. A philosophical and art historical cross-examination of Arthur C. Danto’s ‘The End of Art’ thesis

  • Wilentz, James. Palma Giovane studies


  • Level 1: Lecture contributions to Art History and its Materials and Techniques
  • Level 2: Lecture contributions to Patrons, Collectors, Museums and Markets and Imagination, Traditions and Invention
  • Level 3: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael; Prints and Print Culture from Mantegna to Rembrandt; contributions to Methodology of Art History and Portfolio
  • Level 4: Art, Tradition and Identity in Venice 1350-1797
  • Level 5 (postgraduate): Masters of the Venetian Renaissance: Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese

Additional information


  • External Examiner in History of Art at the University of Warwick (2016-19), University College Dublin (2013-17), and the University of St Andrews (1997-2001)
  • External Assessor for the new undergraduate degree in Art History to be offered at Trinity College, Dublin (2019)
  • External Assessor for funding applications for post-doctoral research (art history) for the for the Research Centre for the Humanities, Athens, Greece (2016-)
  • External referee for MIUR (Minestero dell'Istruzione dell'Universita e della Ricerca) evaluating research proposals in Italian Universities
  •  Member of Panel C of the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities reviewing applications for PhD research funding (2014-18)
  • External Assessor for Internal Teaching Review held at the School of Art History, University of St Andrews (2003 and 2009-10)
  • External Examiner for PhD theses at the Universities of London (Birkbeck College) Warwick, Swansea, St Andrews, Essex and University College, Dublin (from 2002)
  • External Examiner for MPhil theses in History of Art, Christie’s Education, London (University of Glasgow, 2004-9)


  • Founding member of the Venetian Art History Group (2019-)
  • Paul Mellon Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA), National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C. (2016)
  • Member of the National Committee of the Society for Renaissance Studies (2014-16)
  • ‘Senior Scholar’ at the Fondazione Cini, S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice (Nov-Dec, 2010)
  • Invited participant, respondent, and contributor to ESRC-funded Intoxicants and Intoxication in Historical and Cultural Perspective group (2008-11)
  • Member of the international scholarly group Cinquecento plurale (2007-present)
  • Elected member of the National Executive Committee of the Association of Art Historians (2000-03)


  • Conference co-organiser: Tintoretto 500: A Symposium, Keble College, University of Oxford (Oct 2019)
  • Conference panel chair: The Art of the Poor, at The Warburg Institute, University of London (May, 2018)
  • Conference Organiser: Society for Renaissance Studies 7th Biennial National Conference at University of Glasgow (July 2016)
  • Conference panel convenor: Family Values: Locating Relatives in the Italian Workshop (with Dr Louise Bourdua), 34th AAH Annual Conference, Tate Britain and Tate Modern, London (April, 2008)
  • Conference Organiser: Picturing Poverty: Images of the Outcast and Marginal at University of Aberdeen (Apr 2003)


  • Research paper ‘Giorgione’s Ambiguity’ at the World Art Research Seminar, The Sainsbury Centre, University of East Anglia (Mar 2019)
  • Invited lectures/book signing sessions at National Gallery, London, University College, Dublin and the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC (2016)
  • Invited paper at The Abnormal Renaissance: Queers, Crips and Rogues in Early Modern Europe, Dahlem Humanties Centre, Freie Universität, Berlin (6-7th June 2016)
  • Invited conference paper:  Food in History, Institute of Historical Research, University of London: ‘Double vision: The ambivalent imagery of drunkenness in early modern Europe’ (11-12 July 2013)
  • Invited conference paper: The Reception of Titian in Britain, c. 1769-1887: Artists, Collectors, Critics, 7-8 May 2011: ‘Hazlitt and Titian: Progress, gusto and the pleasure of painting’
  • Invited lecture: University of Warwick, Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava, Venice, November 2010: ‘Titian and the end of the Venetian Renaissance’ Assessor for Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, Junior Research Fellowship competition
  • Invited lectures: Venice, Warwick-Mellon-Newberry Summer School/Workshop Family Values: Locating the Family in the Early Modern Italian Workshop for doctoral and postdoctoral students and young scholars: July 2010 (funded by the Newberry Library, Chicago, and the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick)
  • Invited conference paper: Intoxicants and Intoxication in Cultural and Historical Perspective, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, July: ‘Double vision: The ambivalent imagery of drunkenness in early modern Europe’, July 2010
  • Invited conference paper: Iconografia della Solidarietà’, Convegno internazionale di studi, Fondazione del Monte, Bologna, May 2009: ‘L’immagine della carità pubblica a Venezia nel Rinascimento: Scuola e Stato’