Dr Sabine Wieber

  • Senior Lecturer (History of Art)

telephone: 01413305626
email: Sabine.Wieber@glasgow.ac.uk

Room 202, History of Art, 8 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5132-3721

Research interests

Office Hour: Email for appointment

Research Interests

  • Austrian and German Art, Architecture and Design (1800-1918)
  • The Domestic Interior and Built Environment
  • Gender Politics and Identity
  • Dress and Textile Histories
  • Medical History
  • Material Culture Studies
  • Nationalism
  • History of Exhibitions and Collecting
  • Animal Studies


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2003 | 2002
Number of items: 42.


Wieber, S. (2024) Working the fabric: Resourcefulness, belonging and island life in Scotland’s Harris Tweed industry, by Joana Nascimento, B/W illustrations, New York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2023, 236 pp., $135/£99 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-1-80073-882-9. Folk Life, (doi: 10.1080/04308778.2024.2325718)[Book Review] (Early Online Publication)

Wieber, S. (2024) Art Nouveau and nature. In: Bermann, Patricia and Facos, Michelle (eds.) The Werner Collection. Frick Collection: Pittburgh. (Accepted for Publication)


Wieber, S. (2023) Cities of cultural ferment: Vienna 1886-1914. In: Stevens, MaryAnne (ed.) After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art. National Gallery Global: London, pp. 202-216. ISBN 9781857096958

Wieber, S. (2023) Vienna. In: Stevens, Mary Anne (ed.) After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art. National Gallery Global: London. ISBN 9781857096958


Wieber, S. (2021) Jugendstil Women and the Making of Modern Design. Series: Cultural histories of design. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London ; New York. ISBN 9781350088528

Wieber, S. (2021) Book Review of Megan Brandow-Faller. The Female Secession. caa.reviews, 2021(Feb 23), (doi: 10.3202/caa.reviews.2021.14)[Book Review]


Wieber, S. (2020) Designs on modernity: Getrud Loew's Vienna apartment and situated agency. In: Potvin, John and Marchand, Marie-Ève (eds.) Design and Agency: Critical Perspectives on Identities, Histories, and Practices. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London, UK ; New York, NY, USA, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9781350063792

Wieber, S. (2020) "Je me declare Dieu-Mère, Femme Créateur": Johanna Wintsch's needlework at the Swiss psychiatric asylums Burghölzli and Rheinau, 1922-1925. In: Amos, Johanna and Lisa, Binkley (eds.) Stitching the Self: Identity and the Needle Arts. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London, UK ; New York, NY, USA, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9781350070387


Wieber, S. (2019) Between innovation and tradition: in search of a modern style, 1850-1914. In: Kries, Mateo and Eisenbrand, Jochen (eds.) Atlas of Furniture Design. Vitra Design Museum: Weil am Rhein, Germany. ISBN 9783931936990

Wieber, S. (2019) Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism. Burlington Magazine, 161(1401), pp. 1069-1070. [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2019) The world of prostitution in late imperial Austria. Cultural and Social History, 16(1), pp. 118-119. (doi: 10.1080/14780038.2019.1572698)[Book Review]


Wieber, S. (2018) Die Ehefrauen der Malerfürsten und ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft. In: Malerfürsten. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 91-97. ISBN 9783777431383

Wieber, S. (2018) German art academies and their impact on artistic style. In: Facos, Michelle (ed.) A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Art. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 103-121. ISBN 9781118856352


Wieber, S. (2017) Martha Vogeler and the Worpswede Artists' Colony, 1894-1905. In: Münch, Birgit Ulrike, Tacke, Andreas, Herzog, Markwart and Heudecker, Sylvia (eds.) Künstlerinnen: Neue Perspektiven auf ein Forschungsfeld der Vormoderne. Series: Kunsthistorisches Forum Irsee (4). Michael Imhof Verlag: Petersberg, pp. 199-210. ISBN 9783731905202


Wieber, S. (2015) The warp & the weft: tradition and innovation in Skaerbaek tapestries, 1896-1903. Journal of Design History, 28(4), pp. 331-347. (doi: 10.1093/jdh/epv014)

Wieber, S. (2015) Morton, Masha. Max Klinger and Wilhelmine Culture: On the Treshold of German Modernism. German Quarterly, 88(4), pp. 549-551. (doi: 10.1111/gequ.10249)[Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2015) Richter, Andrea. Hans Schmithals (1878-1964). Malerei Zwischen Jugendstil Und Abstraktion. German Quarterly, 88(1), pp. 124-125. (doi: 10.1111/gequ.10228)[Book Review]


Quye, A. , Scholler, E.-A. and Wieber, S. (2014) Identifying Fuchsine Visually in Dress and Textile Collections. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Wieber, S. (2014) The battle for 'the Mack'. Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 13(2),


Wieber, S. (2013) A beautiful corpse: Vienna's fascination with death. In: Blackshaw, Gemma (ed.) Facing the Modern: The Portrait in Vienna 1900. Yale University Press: New Haven, CT, pp. 173-203. ISBN 9781857095616


Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (Eds.) (2012) Journeys into Madness: Mapping Mental Illness in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Series: Austrian and Habsburg studies. Berghahn: New York, NY. ISBN 9780857454584

Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (2012) Introduction. In: Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (eds.) Journeys into madness : mapping mental illness in the Austro-Hungarian empire. Berghahn: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780857454584

Wieber, S. (2012) Vienna’s most fashionable neurasthenic: Empress Sisi and the cult of size zero. In: Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (eds.) Journeys into madness : mapping mental illness in the Austro-Hungarian empire. Berghahn: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780857454584

Wieber, S. (2012) Vienna Enchanted by Makart? Kunstchronik, 65(2), pp. 74-80. [Book Review]

Innocenti, P., Richards, J. and Wieber, S. (2012) Bridging multicultural communities: developing a framework for a European network of museums, libraries and public cultural institutions. In: Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg, Germany, 16-22 Jul 2012, pp. 232-235.


Wieber, S. (2011) Studien zu Anton Romako (1832-1889). Sehepunkte, [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2011) Viennese history painting is booming. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences, [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2011) Alltag und Aneignung in Psychiatrien um 1900. H-Net, [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2011) Sculpting the sanatorium: nervous bodies and femmes fragiles in Vienna 1900. Women in German Yearbook, 27, pp. 58-86. (doi: 10.1353/wgy.2011.0008)


Behr, C., Usborne, C. and Wieber, S. (Eds.) (2010) Picturing the Past. Series: Cultural and social history. Gardners Books. ISBN 9781847886477

Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (2010) Madness & Modernity: Kunst und Wahn in Wien um 1900. [Exhibitions]

Wieber, S. (2010) Review of: Charles Rennie Mackintosh, by James Macaulay. Victorian, 35, p. 25. [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2010) Review of: The Poetic Home: design in the 19th century domestic interior, by Stefan Muthesius. Home Cultures, 7(3), pp. 369-372. [Book Review]


Topp, L. and Wieber, S. (2009) Architecture, psychiatry, and Lebensreform at an agricultural colony of the insane — Lower Austria, 1903. Central Europe, 7(2), pp. 125-149. (doi: 10.1179/147909609X12490448453885)

Wieber, S. (2009) The allure of nerves: class, gender and neurasthenia in Gustav Klimt's society portraits. In: Blackshaw, G. and Topp, L. (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental Illness and the Visual Arts in Vienna 1900. Lund Humphries: Farnham, UK, pp. 118-135. ISBN 9781848220201

Wieber, S. and Topp, L. (2009) Architecture, Psychiatry and the Rural Idyll. In: Gabriel, E. and Gamper, M. (eds.) Psychiatrische Institutionen in Österreich um 1900. Verlagshaus der Arzte: Vienna. ISBN 978-3902552341

Wieber, S. (2009) The German Interior at the Turn of the Last Century. In: Sparke, P., Massey, A., Keeble, T. and Martin, B. (eds.) Designing the Modern Interior: From the Victorians to Today. Berg: Oxford, pp. 53-64. ISBN 978-1847882875

Wieber, S. (2009) Richard Luksch, two faience figures for the Purkersdorf Sanatorium, 1905. In: Blackshaw, G. and Topp, L.E. (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental Illness and the Visual Arts in Vienna 1900. Lund Humphries: Surrey, UK, pp. 118-135. ISBN 9781848220201


Wieber, S. (2007) Eduard Grützner's Munich villa and the German Renaissance. Intellectual History Review, 17(2), pp. 153-174. (doi: 10.1080/17496970701383654)


Wieber, S. (2006) Staging the past: Allotria's 'Festzug Karl V' and German national identity. Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 10(4), pp. 523-551. (doi: 10.1080/13642520600649465)


Wieber, S. (2003) From kulturnation to staatsnation: German national identity, 1800-1890. In: Heller, R. (ed.) Confronting Identities in German Art: Myths, Reactions, Reflections. David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art: Chicago, USA, pp. 23-49. ISBN 9780935573367


Wieber, S. (2002) The revival and relevance of medieval costume in early nineteenth-century German art. In: Weaver, E.B. and Rodini, E. (eds.) A Well-Fashioned Image: Clothing and Costume in European Art, 1500-1850. David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9780935573350

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 19:31:53 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 42.


Wieber, S. (2015) The warp & the weft: tradition and innovation in Skaerbaek tapestries, 1896-1903. Journal of Design History, 28(4), pp. 331-347. (doi: 10.1093/jdh/epv014)

Wieber, S. (2014) The battle for 'the Mack'. Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 13(2),

Wieber, S. (2011) Sculpting the sanatorium: nervous bodies and femmes fragiles in Vienna 1900. Women in German Yearbook, 27, pp. 58-86. (doi: 10.1353/wgy.2011.0008)

Topp, L. and Wieber, S. (2009) Architecture, psychiatry, and Lebensreform at an agricultural colony of the insane — Lower Austria, 1903. Central Europe, 7(2), pp. 125-149. (doi: 10.1179/147909609X12490448453885)

Wieber, S. (2007) Eduard Grützner's Munich villa and the German Renaissance. Intellectual History Review, 17(2), pp. 153-174. (doi: 10.1080/17496970701383654)

Wieber, S. (2006) Staging the past: Allotria's 'Festzug Karl V' and German national identity. Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, 10(4), pp. 523-551. (doi: 10.1080/13642520600649465)


Wieber, S. (2021) Jugendstil Women and the Making of Modern Design. Series: Cultural histories of design. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London ; New York. ISBN 9781350088528

Book Sections

Wieber, S. (2024) Art Nouveau and nature. In: Bermann, Patricia and Facos, Michelle (eds.) The Werner Collection. Frick Collection: Pittburgh. (Accepted for Publication)

Wieber, S. (2023) Cities of cultural ferment: Vienna 1886-1914. In: Stevens, MaryAnne (ed.) After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art. National Gallery Global: London, pp. 202-216. ISBN 9781857096958

Wieber, S. (2023) Vienna. In: Stevens, Mary Anne (ed.) After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art. National Gallery Global: London. ISBN 9781857096958

Wieber, S. (2020) Designs on modernity: Getrud Loew's Vienna apartment and situated agency. In: Potvin, John and Marchand, Marie-Ève (eds.) Design and Agency: Critical Perspectives on Identities, Histories, and Practices. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London, UK ; New York, NY, USA, pp. 33-48. ISBN 9781350063792

Wieber, S. (2020) "Je me declare Dieu-Mère, Femme Créateur": Johanna Wintsch's needlework at the Swiss psychiatric asylums Burghölzli and Rheinau, 1922-1925. In: Amos, Johanna and Lisa, Binkley (eds.) Stitching the Self: Identity and the Needle Arts. Bloomsbury Visual Arts: London, UK ; New York, NY, USA, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9781350070387

Wieber, S. (2019) Between innovation and tradition: in search of a modern style, 1850-1914. In: Kries, Mateo and Eisenbrand, Jochen (eds.) Atlas of Furniture Design. Vitra Design Museum: Weil am Rhein, Germany. ISBN 9783931936990

Wieber, S. (2018) Die Ehefrauen der Malerfürsten und ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft. In: Malerfürsten. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 91-97. ISBN 9783777431383

Wieber, S. (2018) German art academies and their impact on artistic style. In: Facos, Michelle (ed.) A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Art. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, pp. 103-121. ISBN 9781118856352

Wieber, S. (2017) Martha Vogeler and the Worpswede Artists' Colony, 1894-1905. In: Münch, Birgit Ulrike, Tacke, Andreas, Herzog, Markwart and Heudecker, Sylvia (eds.) Künstlerinnen: Neue Perspektiven auf ein Forschungsfeld der Vormoderne. Series: Kunsthistorisches Forum Irsee (4). Michael Imhof Verlag: Petersberg, pp. 199-210. ISBN 9783731905202

Wieber, S. (2013) A beautiful corpse: Vienna's fascination with death. In: Blackshaw, Gemma (ed.) Facing the Modern: The Portrait in Vienna 1900. Yale University Press: New Haven, CT, pp. 173-203. ISBN 9781857095616

Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (2012) Introduction. In: Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (eds.) Journeys into madness : mapping mental illness in the Austro-Hungarian empire. Berghahn: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780857454584

Wieber, S. (2012) Vienna’s most fashionable neurasthenic: Empress Sisi and the cult of size zero. In: Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (eds.) Journeys into madness : mapping mental illness in the Austro-Hungarian empire. Berghahn: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780857454584

Wieber, S. (2009) The allure of nerves: class, gender and neurasthenia in Gustav Klimt's society portraits. In: Blackshaw, G. and Topp, L. (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental Illness and the Visual Arts in Vienna 1900. Lund Humphries: Farnham, UK, pp. 118-135. ISBN 9781848220201

Wieber, S. and Topp, L. (2009) Architecture, Psychiatry and the Rural Idyll. In: Gabriel, E. and Gamper, M. (eds.) Psychiatrische Institutionen in Österreich um 1900. Verlagshaus der Arzte: Vienna. ISBN 978-3902552341

Wieber, S. (2009) The German Interior at the Turn of the Last Century. In: Sparke, P., Massey, A., Keeble, T. and Martin, B. (eds.) Designing the Modern Interior: From the Victorians to Today. Berg: Oxford, pp. 53-64. ISBN 978-1847882875

Wieber, S. (2009) Richard Luksch, two faience figures for the Purkersdorf Sanatorium, 1905. In: Blackshaw, G. and Topp, L.E. (eds.) Madness and Modernity: Mental Illness and the Visual Arts in Vienna 1900. Lund Humphries: Surrey, UK, pp. 118-135. ISBN 9781848220201

Wieber, S. (2003) From kulturnation to staatsnation: German national identity, 1800-1890. In: Heller, R. (ed.) Confronting Identities in German Art: Myths, Reactions, Reflections. David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art: Chicago, USA, pp. 23-49. ISBN 9780935573367

Wieber, S. (2002) The revival and relevance of medieval costume in early nineteenth-century German art. In: Weaver, E.B. and Rodini, E. (eds.) A Well-Fashioned Image: Clothing and Costume in European Art, 1500-1850. David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art: Chicago, USA. ISBN 9780935573350

Book Reviews

Wieber, S. (2024) Working the fabric: Resourcefulness, belonging and island life in Scotland’s Harris Tweed industry, by Joana Nascimento, B/W illustrations, New York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2023, 236 pp., $135/£99 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-1-80073-882-9. Folk Life, (doi: 10.1080/04308778.2024.2325718)[Book Review] (Early Online Publication)

Wieber, S. (2021) Book Review of Megan Brandow-Faller. The Female Secession. caa.reviews, 2021(Feb 23), (doi: 10.3202/caa.reviews.2021.14)[Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2019) Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism. Burlington Magazine, 161(1401), pp. 1069-1070. [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2019) The world of prostitution in late imperial Austria. Cultural and Social History, 16(1), pp. 118-119. (doi: 10.1080/14780038.2019.1572698)[Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2015) Morton, Masha. Max Klinger and Wilhelmine Culture: On the Treshold of German Modernism. German Quarterly, 88(4), pp. 549-551. (doi: 10.1111/gequ.10249)[Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2015) Richter, Andrea. Hans Schmithals (1878-1964). Malerei Zwischen Jugendstil Und Abstraktion. German Quarterly, 88(1), pp. 124-125. (doi: 10.1111/gequ.10228)[Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2012) Vienna Enchanted by Makart? Kunstchronik, 65(2), pp. 74-80. [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2011) Studien zu Anton Romako (1832-1889). Sehepunkte, [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2011) Viennese history painting is booming. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences, [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2011) Alltag und Aneignung in Psychiatrien um 1900. H-Net, [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2010) Review of: Charles Rennie Mackintosh, by James Macaulay. Victorian, 35, p. 25. [Book Review]

Wieber, S. (2010) Review of: The Poetic Home: design in the 19th century domestic interior, by Stefan Muthesius. Home Cultures, 7(3), pp. 369-372. [Book Review]

Edited Books

Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (Eds.) (2012) Journeys into Madness: Mapping Mental Illness in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Series: Austrian and Habsburg studies. Berghahn: New York, NY. ISBN 9780857454584

Behr, C., Usborne, C. and Wieber, S. (Eds.) (2010) Picturing the Past. Series: Cultural and social history. Gardners Books. ISBN 9781847886477

Conference Proceedings

Quye, A. , Scholler, E.-A. and Wieber, S. (2014) Identifying Fuchsine Visually in Dress and Textile Collections. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Innocenti, P., Richards, J. and Wieber, S. (2012) Bridging multicultural communities: developing a framework for a European network of museums, libraries and public cultural institutions. In: Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg, Germany, 16-22 Jul 2012, pp. 232-235.


Blackshaw, G. and Wieber, S. (2010) Madness & Modernity: Kunst und Wahn in Wien um 1900. [Exhibitions]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 19:31:53 2025 GMT.


I am accepting PhD Supervision in any of my areas of research, and welcome proposals for Collaborative Doctoral Awards from organisational partners in the Gallery, Library, Archive and Museum (GLAM) sector.


Sara Oberg Stradal: Medical illustrations in medieval manuscripts 

Rosemary Spooner: International Exhibition and Material Culture of British Empire, 1880-1940 (AHRC funded)

Sherezade Rangel: Creative Writing: Novel - The Wounded Me (AHRC funded)

Jonathan Cleaver: Templeton Carpet Factory, Technologies and Designs 1890-1939 (AHRC funded)

Karen Mailley-Watt: Glasgow Society of Ladies, 1882-1942 (AHRC funded)

Bianca Scotti: Oriental Rugs in Golden Age America 

Anna Kankaanpää: Arts & Crafts Lighting Design

Lucie Whitmore: Women, Conflict and Culture of Fashion 1914-1918 (AHRC funded)

Klaudia Szalay: Naturalism and National Identity, Nagybány Artists' Colony

In Progress

Jana Jankuliakova: German Expressionism and War Trauma (AHRC funded)

Rachel Millar: Representations of Women's War Work during WWI (AHRC funded)

Eamonn Conner: Ocean Liners (LKAS scholarship)



  • Millar, Rachel
    A study of the representation of women’s war work during the First World War and its aftermath in visual culture
  • Odubanjo, Pelumi
    Fragmenting the Archive- Encounters, Memory and Futurity



  • I teach across a range of topics at Levels 1 and 2
  • Methodology of Art History (Junior Honours)
  • Portfolio Core Course (Junior Honours)
  • European Symbolism (Junior Honours)
  • German Art (Junior Honours)
  • The Dawn of Modernism (Senior Honours)
  • Genders (SCCA course)


  • Victorian Visions (MLitt)
  • Applying Dress and Textile Histories (MLitt)
  • Research Methods and Skills (Mlitt)
  • Cultures of Collecting (MLitt)
  • Testimonies of Painters' Practice (MLitt)
  • Material Cultures (MLitt / MPhil)
  • Dissertation (MA and MLitt) 

Additional information



  • Level 2 Convenor
  • Exam Convenor
  • Co-Convenor, MLitt Dress and Textile Histories
  • SCCA PGT Convenor


  • Student Staff Liasons Convenor
  • History of Art Learning & Teaching Convenor
  • SCCA Quality Assurance Officer
  • Research Seminars Convenor

External Responsibilities

  • External Examiner, University of Leeds (2019-present)
  • External Examiner, University of London, Birkbeck College (2014-2016)
  • External Examiner, School of Art History, St Andrews University (2013-2015)
  • External Examiner, MA in History of Design, RCA/V&A (2010-2013)
  • Trustee, Association of Art Historians (Chair of Further & Higher Education) (2010-2013)
  • Chair, Scottish Society for Art History
  • Council Member, Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society (2011-2013)
  • Associate Editor, 'Interiors' (Berg)
  • Honorary Curator, Glasgow Life
  • Executive Committee Member, Medical Humanities Research Centre, University of Glasgow
  • Executive Committee Member, Gender History Research Centre, University of Glasgow
  • Instructor, Cape Town University Summer School

Selected Conference Papers

  • Intimate Collaborations at the Photo-Studio Elvira, Birkbeck Arts Week, London, May 2017
  • Martha and Heinrich Vogeler at the Worpswede Artists' Colony, UAAC, Annual Conference, Toronto, October 2014
  • Vienna 1900: A European Metropolis, Keynote Lecture, University of Hull, 2013
  • Gustav Klimt's Little Red Sketchbook, 1897-1903, 'Object Lives', Wolfson College, Oxford, September 2013
  • Death Masks and the Lure of Interdisciplinarity, 'Social Sciences and Humanities Congress, Victoria, British Columbia, June 2013
  • From Shambles to Abattoirs: Representing Meat in Art and Architecture, 1850-1930, University of Plymouth, May 2013
  • Gendered Practices of Everyday Life in Central European Asylums ca. 1900, 'Madness and Revolt', Keynote at AAH Student Conference, Edinburgh, November 2011
  • ‘The Old National Gallery in Berlin, 1876-2010,’ Public Histories: Past & Present, Centre for History and Theory, Roehampton University, London, February 2009
  • Chair and Organiser of ‘Far From Silent Partners: Extra-Artistic Dialogues in Central European Avant-Gardes around 1900,’ Europa! Europa?’ European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, Ghent University, 29-31 May 2008 
  • ‘The Agricultural Colony at Kierling-Gugging' (with Leslie Topp), Psychiatrische - und ähnliche - Institutionen um 1900. Konzepte, Realisierungen, Praxis, The Institute for the History of Medicine, Vienna, October 2007
  • ‘The Viennese Femme Fragile,’ Public Lecture, Peninsula Arts, Plymouth, October 2007‘The Role of Sculpture in Viennese Modernism,’ Public Lecture, Birkbeck College, Faculty of Continuing Education, January 2007  
  • ‘Kunstgeschichte und das musikalische Gesamtkunstwerk,’ Konzert und Konkurrenz: Die Künste und ihre Wissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, May 2006
  • ‘Modern German Interiors: Conflicting Positions in Fin-de-Siècle Munich,’ The Centre for the Study of the Design of the Modern Interior, 7th Dorich House Annual Conference, Kingston, May 2005
  • ‘Historicity, Authenticity and German National Identity,’ College Art Association Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, February 2004


  • Co-Curator, ‘Madness and Modernity: Kunst und Geisteskrankheit in Wien um 1900,’ Wien Museum, Vienna, 16 February – 31 May 2010
  • Co-Curator, ‘Confronting Identities in German Art,’ The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, 30 October 2003-5 January 2004
