Dr Rohit Dasgupta

  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow (School of Culture & Creative Arts)


I am a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Industries and Convenor for the MSc in Creative Industries and Cultural Policy. Prior to my current role I was Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Media and Creative Industries in Loughborough University where I am currently a Visiting Fellow. I have previously held teaching and research posts at University of Southampton, University of Sussex, University of West London and University of the Arts London.

I also have experience in policy making and political strategy for a number of years since being elected councillor in the London Borough of Newham where I was variously- Commissioner for Social Integration & Equalities and Deputy Cabinet Member for Equalities, Social Justice and Culture. 

I currently hold external examiner roles at Kings College London and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London.

My current research interests is in India's Cultural industries- I am coauthoring two monographs in this area- Mapping Innovation in India's Creative Industries: Policy, Context and Opportunities contracted to Routledge and India’s Imperial Formations: Cultural Perspectives contracted to Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. I am also coediting a special journal issue 'The Cultural Industries of India' for Cultural Trends. I continue my interest in South Asian queer cultures with a special issue 'Queer Politics in times of New Authoritarianisms' for the journal South Asian Popular Culture. I am also just about to start a new Carnegie Trust funded research project on Queer film festivals and community making in India.

Research interests

My work cuts across several disciplines with particular interests in South Asia, communication and social change, cultural industries, Indian cinema, digital culture, queer identities and politics.

I am the author of the monograph Digital Queer Cultures in India: Politics, Intimacies and Belonging (Routledge, 2017) and coauthor of Social media, Sexuality and Sexual Health Advocacy in India (Bloomsbury, 2017); 100 Essential Indian Films (Rowman and Littlefield, 2019), and Queer Studies: Texts, Contexts and Praxis (Orient Blackswan, 2019).

My coedited volumes include Masculinity and its Challenges in India (McFarland, 2014); Rituparno Ghosh: Cinema, Gender and Art (Routledge, 2015); Queering Digital India (Edinburgh University Press, 2018); Friendship and Social Justice Activism (Seagull Books/University of Chicago Press, 2018); Styling South Asian Youth Cultures (Bloomsbury, 2018); South and East Asian Cinemas Across Borders: Critical Trends in Transnational Cinema (Routledge, 2021) and COVID-19 Assemblages: Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia (Routledge, 2022)


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
Number of items: 60.


Dasgupta, R. and Clini, C. (Eds.) (2024) The Cultural Industries of India. Routledge. ISBN 9781032445090 (In Press)

Biswas, S., Dasgupta, R. and Mahn, C. (Eds.) (2024) Queer Politics in Times of New Authoritarianisms: Popular Culture in South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032610337 (In Press)


Dasgupta, R. , Jordan, J., Hitchen, G., Bhattacharjee, K., Chaudhuri, D., D, D. and Roychowdhury, A. (2023) Mapping Innovation in India’s Creative Industries: Policy, Context and Opportunities. Routledge. ISBN 9781032560892 (In Press)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Bakshi, K. (2023) Queer creative Indian city: queer film festivals, precarious cultural work and community making in Kolkata. Cultural Trends, 32(4), pp. 348-365. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2212607)

Jordan, J., Dasgupta, R. K. and Hitchen, G. (2023) Mapping innovation in India’s creative industries: an ecosystem framework. Cultural Trends, 32(4), pp. 416-428. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2217416)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Clini, C. (Eds.) (2023) Indian Cultural and Creative Industries. Cultural Trends. 32(4) [Edited Journal]

Biswas, S., Dasgupta, R. and Mahn, C. (Eds.) (2023) LGBTQ Popular Cultures in Contemporary South Asia and its Diasporas: Queer Lives in Times of New Authoritarianisms. South Asian Popular Culture. 21(2) [Edited Journal]

Biswas, S., Dasgupta, R. and Mahn, C. (2023) Queer politics in times of new authoritarianisms. South Asian Popular Culture, 21(2), pp. 147-153. (doi: 10.1080/14746689.2023.2232181)

Dasgupta, R. and Clini, C. (2023) The cultural industries of India: an introduction. Cultural Trends, 32(4), pp. 341-347. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2247368)

Zhao, Y., Zhang, T., Dasgupta, R. K. and Xia, R. (2023) Narrowing the age-based digital divide: developing digital capability through social activities. Information Systems Journal, 33(2), pp. 268-298. (doi: 10.1111/isj.12400)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2023) Mourning a queer aunty: kinship, creative resilience and world-making. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 46(1), pp. 234-251. (doi: 10.1080/00856401.2023.2150446)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Mahn, C. (2023) Between visibility and elsewhere: South Asian queer creative cultures and resistance. South Asian Diaspora, 15(1), pp. 1-16. (doi: 10.1080/19438192.2022.2164429)


Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) Viral assemblages and witnessing extraordinary times: queer patchworks of intimacy, precarity and affect in an Indian city. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(6), pp. 880-896. (doi: 10.1080/07256868.2022.2128086)

Hitchen, G., Bhattacharjee, K., Chaudhuri, D., Dasgupta, R. K. , Jordan, J., D., D. and Roychowdhury, A. (2022) Creative Industries in India Mapping Study. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) 'Grindr is basically interactive porn': ethnographic observations from Kolkata on queer intimacies and 'pic exchange' on Grindr and PlanetRomeo. Porn Studies, 9(3), pp. 339-345. (doi: 10.1080/23268743.2022.2040384)

Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) Introduction: South Asian extraordinary ethnographies and assemblage in a pandemic. In: Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (eds.) COVID-19 Assemblages Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032201108

Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) Queer Patchworks: Liveability, creative work and survival in the time of COVID. In: Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (eds.) COVID-19 Assemblages: Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032201108


Clini, C., Dasgupta, R. K. and Yang, Y. (Eds.) (2021) South and East Asian Cinemas Across Borders: Critical Trends in Transnational Cinema. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780367693732

Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (Eds.) (2021) COVID-19 Assemblages: Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia. Series: Ethnographic innovations, South Asian perspectives. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780367688202


Dasgupta, R. (2020) Keep it Classy': Grindr, Facebook and Enclaves of queer privilege in India. In: Polson, E., Schofield Clark, L. and Gajjala, R. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media and Class. Routledge. ISBN 9781032084213

Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2020) Joyraj and Debanuj: queer(y)ing the city. Contemporary South Asia, 28(4), pp. 511-523. (doi: 10.1080/09584935.2020.1842860)

Yang, Y., Clini, C. and Dasgupta, R. (2020) Critical trends in transnational cinema: Inter-Asian productions and exchanges. Transnational Screens, 11(3), pp. 177-186. (doi: 10.1080/25785273.2020.1823078)


Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. (2019) Queer Studies: Texts, Contexts, Praxis. Orient Blackswan. ISBN 9789352875849

Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2019) Alternating sexualities: sociology and queer critiques in India. In: Srivastava, S., Arif, Y. and Abraham, J. (eds.) Critical Themes in Indian Sociology. SAGE Publications, pp. 330-345. ISBN 9789353287801 (doi: 10.4135/9789353287801.n23)


Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) Ambalavaner Sivanandan and black politics in Britain. Theory, Culture and Society, 35(7-8), pp. 313-318. (doi: 10.1177/0263276418799874)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Dasgupta, D. (2018) Intimate subjects and virtual spaces: rethinking sexuality as a category for intimate ethnographies. Sexualities, 21(5-6), pp. 932-950. (doi: 10.1177/1363460716677285)

Begum, L., Dasgupta, R. and Lewis, R. (Eds.) (2018) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion, Media and Society. Series: Dress cultures. I.B. Tauris: London. ISBN 9781784539177

Banerjea, N., dasgupta, D., Dasgupta, R. and Grant, J. (Eds.) (2018) Friendship as Social Justice Activism: Critical Solidarities in a Global Perspective. Seagull/Chicago University Press. ISBN 978085742443

DasGupta, D. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) Being out of place: Non-belonging and queer racialization in the U.K. Emotion, Space and Society, 27, pp. 31-38. (doi: 10.1016/j.emospa.2018.02.008)

Boyce, P. et al. (2018) Transgender-inclusive sanitation: insights from South Asia. Waterlines, 37(2), pp. 102-117. (doi: 10.3362/1756-3488.18-00004)

Dasgupta, R. K. and DasGupta, D. (Eds.) (2018) Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities, Subjectivities. Series: Technicities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474421171

Dasgupta, R. K. and DasGupta, D. (2018) Introduction: queering digital India. In: Dasgupta, R. K. and DasGupta, D. (eds.) Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities, Subjectivities. Series: Technicities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781474421195 (doi: 10.1515/9781474421188-004)

Dasgupta, R. and Datta, S. (2018) 100 Essential Indian Films. Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 9781442277984

Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) Online Romeos and gay-dia: exploring queer spaces in digital India. In: McNeil, E., Wermers, J. E. and Lunn, J. O. (eds.) Mapping Queer Space(s) of Praxis and Pedagogy. Series: Queer Studies and Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 183-200. ISBN 9783319646220 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64623-7_10)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Bakshi, K. (2018) Opening closets and dividing audiences: Rituparno Ghosh, the queer star of Bengali cinema. South Asian Popular Culture, 16(1), pp. 101-113. (doi: 10.1080/14746689.2018.1455877)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Bakshi, K. (2018) Rituparno Ghosh, sartorial codes and the queer Bengali youth. In: Begum, L., Dasgupta, R. K. and Lewis, R. (eds.) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion, Media & Society. Series: Dress cultures. I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 65-85. ISBN 9781350988286 (doi: 10.5040/9781350988286.ch-003)

Kabir, R., Begum, L. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) In/visible space: reflections on the realm of dimensional affect, space and the queer racialised self. In: Begum, L., Dasgupta, R. K. and Lewis, R. (eds.) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion, Media & Society. Series: Dress cultures. I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 86-95. ISBN 9781350988286 (doi: 10.5040/9781350988286.ch-004)


Dasgupta, R. and Dhall, P. (2017) Social Media, Sexuality and Sexual Health Advocacy in Kolkata, India. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9789386432650

Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2017) Utopia or elsewhere: queer modernities in small town west Bengal. In: Urban Utopias: Excess and Expulsion in Neoliberal South Asia. Series: Palgrave studies in urban anthropology. Springer, pp. 209-225. ISBN 9783319476230 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47623-0_11)

Dasgupta, R. (2017) Digital Queer Cultures in India: Politics, Intimacies and Belonging. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781138220348 (doi: 10.4324/9781315207032)

Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2017) From Teen Kanya to Arshinagar: feminist politics, Bengali high culture and the stardom of Aparna Sen. South Asian History and Culture, 8(2), pp. 186-204. (doi: 10.1080/19472498.2017.1304084)


Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) Remembering Benedict Anderson and his Influence on South Asian studies. Theory, Culture and Society, 33(7-8), pp. 334-338. (doi: 10.1177/0263276416662131)

Mowlabocus, S., Haslop, C. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) From scene to screen: the challenges and opportunities of commercial digital platforms for HIV community outreach. Social Media and Society, 2(4), (doi: 10.1177/2056305116672886)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) ‘The University will be the battleground for freedom’: solidarity and diaspora organising in London. South Asian History and Culture, 7(3), pp. 308-311. (doi: 10.1080/19472498.2016.1168103)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Banerjee, T. (2016) Exploitation, victimhood, and gendered performance in Rituparno Ghosh's Bariwali. Film Quarterly, 69(4), pp. 35-46. (doi: 10.1525/fq.2016.69.4.35)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) Labour wins London: Sadiq Khan and the future of British politics. Economic and Political Weekly, 51(21),

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) Queering virtual intimacies in contemporary India. In: Scherer, B. (ed.) Queering Paradigms VI: Interventions, Ethics and Glocalities. Series: Queering paradigms. Peter Lang, pp. 197-213. ISBN 9781787071469 (doi: 10.3726/978-1-78707-145-2)


Datta, S., Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. K. (Eds.) (2015) Rituparno Ghosh: Cinema, Gender and Art. Series: South Asian History and Culture. Routledge. ISBN 9781138953901

Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) Queer kinship in new queer India: from Wadia's Bomgay to R. Raj Rao's 'Crocodile Tears'. In: Mukherjee, N. (ed.) Gendering the Narrative: Indian English Fiction and Gender Discourse. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 23-34. ISBN 9781443877961

Mowlabocus, S., Harbottle, J., Tooke, B., Haslop, C. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) ‘Because even the placement of a comma might be important’: expertise, filtered embodiment and social capital in online sexual health promotion. Convergence, 21(3), pp. 375-387. (doi: 10.1177/1354856515579845)

Begum, L. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) Contemporary South Asian youth cultures and the fashion landscape. International Journal of Fashion Studies, 2(1), pp. 133-145. (doi: 10.1386/infs.2.1.133_7)

Datta, S., Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) The world of Rituparno Ghosh: texts, contexts and transgressions. South Asian History and Culture, 6(2), pp. 223-237. (doi: 10.1080/19472498.2014.999441)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) The visual representation of queer Bollywood: mistaken identities and misreadings in Dostana. Journal of Arts Writing by Students, 1(1), pp. 91-101. (doi: 10.1386/jaws.1.1.91_1)


Dasgupta, R. K. (2014) Articulating dissident citizenship, belonging, and queerness on cyberspace. South Asian Review, 35(3), pp. 203-223. (doi: 10.1080/02759527.2014.11932995)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2014) Parties, advocacy and activism: interrogating community and class in digital queer India. In: Pullen, C. (ed.) Queer Youth and Media Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 265-277. ISBN 9781137383556 (doi: 10.1057/9781137383556_19)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Gokulsing, K. M. (Eds.) (2014) Masculinity and its Challenges in India: Essays on Changing Perceptions. McFarland. ISBN 9780786472246


Dasgupta, R. K. (2013) Launda dancers: the dancing boys of India. Asian Affairs, 44(3), pp. 442-448. (doi: 10.1080/03068374.2013.826025)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Baker, S. (2013) Mistaken identities and queer framing in Bollywood: ‘dosti,’ ‘yaarana’ and Dostana. Quint, 5(4), pp. 91-107.


Dasgupta, R. (2012) Digital media and the internet for HIV prevention, capacity building and advocacy among gay, other men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgenders: perspectives from Kolkata, India. Digital Culture and Education, 4(1), pp. 88-109.


Dasgupta, R. K. (2011) Queer sexuality: a cultural narrative of India’s historical archive. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 3(4), pp. 651-670.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 04:45:44 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 60.


Dasgupta, R. K. and Bakshi, K. (2023) Queer creative Indian city: queer film festivals, precarious cultural work and community making in Kolkata. Cultural Trends, 32(4), pp. 348-365. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2212607)

Jordan, J., Dasgupta, R. K. and Hitchen, G. (2023) Mapping innovation in India’s creative industries: an ecosystem framework. Cultural Trends, 32(4), pp. 416-428. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2217416)

Biswas, S., Dasgupta, R. and Mahn, C. (2023) Queer politics in times of new authoritarianisms. South Asian Popular Culture, 21(2), pp. 147-153. (doi: 10.1080/14746689.2023.2232181)

Dasgupta, R. and Clini, C. (2023) The cultural industries of India: an introduction. Cultural Trends, 32(4), pp. 341-347. (doi: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2247368)

Zhao, Y., Zhang, T., Dasgupta, R. K. and Xia, R. (2023) Narrowing the age-based digital divide: developing digital capability through social activities. Information Systems Journal, 33(2), pp. 268-298. (doi: 10.1111/isj.12400)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2023) Mourning a queer aunty: kinship, creative resilience and world-making. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 46(1), pp. 234-251. (doi: 10.1080/00856401.2023.2150446)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Mahn, C. (2023) Between visibility and elsewhere: South Asian queer creative cultures and resistance. South Asian Diaspora, 15(1), pp. 1-16. (doi: 10.1080/19438192.2022.2164429)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) Viral assemblages and witnessing extraordinary times: queer patchworks of intimacy, precarity and affect in an Indian city. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(6), pp. 880-896. (doi: 10.1080/07256868.2022.2128086)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) 'Grindr is basically interactive porn': ethnographic observations from Kolkata on queer intimacies and 'pic exchange' on Grindr and PlanetRomeo. Porn Studies, 9(3), pp. 339-345. (doi: 10.1080/23268743.2022.2040384)

Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2020) Joyraj and Debanuj: queer(y)ing the city. Contemporary South Asia, 28(4), pp. 511-523. (doi: 10.1080/09584935.2020.1842860)

Yang, Y., Clini, C. and Dasgupta, R. (2020) Critical trends in transnational cinema: Inter-Asian productions and exchanges. Transnational Screens, 11(3), pp. 177-186. (doi: 10.1080/25785273.2020.1823078)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) Ambalavaner Sivanandan and black politics in Britain. Theory, Culture and Society, 35(7-8), pp. 313-318. (doi: 10.1177/0263276418799874)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Dasgupta, D. (2018) Intimate subjects and virtual spaces: rethinking sexuality as a category for intimate ethnographies. Sexualities, 21(5-6), pp. 932-950. (doi: 10.1177/1363460716677285)

DasGupta, D. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) Being out of place: Non-belonging and queer racialization in the U.K. Emotion, Space and Society, 27, pp. 31-38. (doi: 10.1016/j.emospa.2018.02.008)

Boyce, P. et al. (2018) Transgender-inclusive sanitation: insights from South Asia. Waterlines, 37(2), pp. 102-117. (doi: 10.3362/1756-3488.18-00004)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Bakshi, K. (2018) Opening closets and dividing audiences: Rituparno Ghosh, the queer star of Bengali cinema. South Asian Popular Culture, 16(1), pp. 101-113. (doi: 10.1080/14746689.2018.1455877)

Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2017) From Teen Kanya to Arshinagar: feminist politics, Bengali high culture and the stardom of Aparna Sen. South Asian History and Culture, 8(2), pp. 186-204. (doi: 10.1080/19472498.2017.1304084)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) Remembering Benedict Anderson and his Influence on South Asian studies. Theory, Culture and Society, 33(7-8), pp. 334-338. (doi: 10.1177/0263276416662131)

Mowlabocus, S., Haslop, C. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) From scene to screen: the challenges and opportunities of commercial digital platforms for HIV community outreach. Social Media and Society, 2(4), (doi: 10.1177/2056305116672886)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) ‘The University will be the battleground for freedom’: solidarity and diaspora organising in London. South Asian History and Culture, 7(3), pp. 308-311. (doi: 10.1080/19472498.2016.1168103)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Banerjee, T. (2016) Exploitation, victimhood, and gendered performance in Rituparno Ghosh's Bariwali. Film Quarterly, 69(4), pp. 35-46. (doi: 10.1525/fq.2016.69.4.35)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) Labour wins London: Sadiq Khan and the future of British politics. Economic and Political Weekly, 51(21),

Mowlabocus, S., Harbottle, J., Tooke, B., Haslop, C. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) ‘Because even the placement of a comma might be important’: expertise, filtered embodiment and social capital in online sexual health promotion. Convergence, 21(3), pp. 375-387. (doi: 10.1177/1354856515579845)

Begum, L. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) Contemporary South Asian youth cultures and the fashion landscape. International Journal of Fashion Studies, 2(1), pp. 133-145. (doi: 10.1386/infs.2.1.133_7)

Datta, S., Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) The world of Rituparno Ghosh: texts, contexts and transgressions. South Asian History and Culture, 6(2), pp. 223-237. (doi: 10.1080/19472498.2014.999441)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) The visual representation of queer Bollywood: mistaken identities and misreadings in Dostana. Journal of Arts Writing by Students, 1(1), pp. 91-101. (doi: 10.1386/jaws.1.1.91_1)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2014) Articulating dissident citizenship, belonging, and queerness on cyberspace. South Asian Review, 35(3), pp. 203-223. (doi: 10.1080/02759527.2014.11932995)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2013) Launda dancers: the dancing boys of India. Asian Affairs, 44(3), pp. 442-448. (doi: 10.1080/03068374.2013.826025)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Baker, S. (2013) Mistaken identities and queer framing in Bollywood: ‘dosti,’ ‘yaarana’ and Dostana. Quint, 5(4), pp. 91-107.

Dasgupta, R. (2012) Digital media and the internet for HIV prevention, capacity building and advocacy among gay, other men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgenders: perspectives from Kolkata, India. Digital Culture and Education, 4(1), pp. 88-109.

Dasgupta, R. K. (2011) Queer sexuality: a cultural narrative of India’s historical archive. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 3(4), pp. 651-670.


Dasgupta, R. , Jordan, J., Hitchen, G., Bhattacharjee, K., Chaudhuri, D., D, D. and Roychowdhury, A. (2023) Mapping Innovation in India’s Creative Industries: Policy, Context and Opportunities. Routledge. ISBN 9781032560892 (In Press)

Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. (2019) Queer Studies: Texts, Contexts, Praxis. Orient Blackswan. ISBN 9789352875849

Dasgupta, R. and Datta, S. (2018) 100 Essential Indian Films. Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 9781442277984

Dasgupta, R. and Dhall, P. (2017) Social Media, Sexuality and Sexual Health Advocacy in Kolkata, India. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9789386432650

Dasgupta, R. (2017) Digital Queer Cultures in India: Politics, Intimacies and Belonging. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781138220348 (doi: 10.4324/9781315207032)

Book Sections

Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) Introduction: South Asian extraordinary ethnographies and assemblage in a pandemic. In: Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (eds.) COVID-19 Assemblages Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032201108

Dasgupta, R. K. (2022) Queer Patchworks: Liveability, creative work and survival in the time of COVID. In: Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (eds.) COVID-19 Assemblages: Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032201108

Dasgupta, R. (2020) Keep it Classy': Grindr, Facebook and Enclaves of queer privilege in India. In: Polson, E., Schofield Clark, L. and Gajjala, R. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media and Class. Routledge. ISBN 9781032084213

Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2019) Alternating sexualities: sociology and queer critiques in India. In: Srivastava, S., Arif, Y. and Abraham, J. (eds.) Critical Themes in Indian Sociology. SAGE Publications, pp. 330-345. ISBN 9789353287801 (doi: 10.4135/9789353287801.n23)

Dasgupta, R. K. and DasGupta, D. (2018) Introduction: queering digital India. In: Dasgupta, R. K. and DasGupta, D. (eds.) Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities, Subjectivities. Series: Technicities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781474421195 (doi: 10.1515/9781474421188-004)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) Online Romeos and gay-dia: exploring queer spaces in digital India. In: McNeil, E., Wermers, J. E. and Lunn, J. O. (eds.) Mapping Queer Space(s) of Praxis and Pedagogy. Series: Queer Studies and Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 183-200. ISBN 9783319646220 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64623-7_10)

Dasgupta, R. K. and Bakshi, K. (2018) Rituparno Ghosh, sartorial codes and the queer Bengali youth. In: Begum, L., Dasgupta, R. K. and Lewis, R. (eds.) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion, Media & Society. Series: Dress cultures. I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 65-85. ISBN 9781350988286 (doi: 10.5040/9781350988286.ch-003)

Kabir, R., Begum, L. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2018) In/visible space: reflections on the realm of dimensional affect, space and the queer racialised self. In: Begum, L., Dasgupta, R. K. and Lewis, R. (eds.) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion, Media & Society. Series: Dress cultures. I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 86-95. ISBN 9781350988286 (doi: 10.5040/9781350988286.ch-004)

Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (2017) Utopia or elsewhere: queer modernities in small town west Bengal. In: Urban Utopias: Excess and Expulsion in Neoliberal South Asia. Series: Palgrave studies in urban anthropology. Springer, pp. 209-225. ISBN 9783319476230 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47623-0_11)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2016) Queering virtual intimacies in contemporary India. In: Scherer, B. (ed.) Queering Paradigms VI: Interventions, Ethics and Glocalities. Series: Queering paradigms. Peter Lang, pp. 197-213. ISBN 9781787071469 (doi: 10.3726/978-1-78707-145-2)

Dasgupta, R. K. (2015) Queer kinship in new queer India: from Wadia's Bomgay to R. Raj Rao's 'Crocodile Tears'. In: Mukherjee, N. (ed.) Gendering the Narrative: Indian English Fiction and Gender Discourse. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 23-34. ISBN 9781443877961

Dasgupta, R. K. (2014) Parties, advocacy and activism: interrogating community and class in digital queer India. In: Pullen, C. (ed.) Queer Youth and Media Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, pp. 265-277. ISBN 9781137383556 (doi: 10.1057/9781137383556_19)

Edited Books

Dasgupta, R. and Clini, C. (Eds.) (2024) The Cultural Industries of India. Routledge. ISBN 9781032445090 (In Press)

Biswas, S., Dasgupta, R. and Mahn, C. (Eds.) (2024) Queer Politics in Times of New Authoritarianisms: Popular Culture in South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032610337 (In Press)

Clini, C., Dasgupta, R. K. and Yang, Y. (Eds.) (2021) South and East Asian Cinemas Across Borders: Critical Trends in Transnational Cinema. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780367693732

Banerjea, N., Boyce, P. and Dasgupta, R. K. (Eds.) (2021) COVID-19 Assemblages: Queer and Feminist Ethnographies from South Asia. Series: Ethnographic innovations, South Asian perspectives. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780367688202

Begum, L., Dasgupta, R. and Lewis, R. (Eds.) (2018) Styling South Asian Youth Cultures: Fashion, Media and Society. Series: Dress cultures. I.B. Tauris: London. ISBN 9781784539177

Banerjea, N., dasgupta, D., Dasgupta, R. and Grant, J. (Eds.) (2018) Friendship as Social Justice Activism: Critical Solidarities in a Global Perspective. Seagull/Chicago University Press. ISBN 978085742443

Dasgupta, R. K. and DasGupta, D. (Eds.) (2018) Queering Digital India: Activisms, Identities, Subjectivities. Series: Technicities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474421171

Datta, S., Bakshi, K. and Dasgupta, R. K. (Eds.) (2015) Rituparno Ghosh: Cinema, Gender and Art. Series: South Asian History and Culture. Routledge. ISBN 9781138953901

Dasgupta, R. K. and Gokulsing, K. M. (Eds.) (2014) Masculinity and its Challenges in India: Essays on Changing Perceptions. McFarland. ISBN 9780786472246

Edited Journals

Dasgupta, R. K. and Clini, C. (Eds.) (2023) Indian Cultural and Creative Industries. Cultural Trends. 32(4) [Edited Journal]

Biswas, S., Dasgupta, R. and Mahn, C. (Eds.) (2023) LGBTQ Popular Cultures in Contemporary South Asia and its Diasporas: Queer Lives in Times of New Authoritarianisms. South Asian Popular Culture. 21(2) [Edited Journal]

Research Reports or Papers

Hitchen, G., Bhattacharjee, K., Chaudhuri, D., Dasgupta, R. K. , Jordan, J., D., D. and Roychowdhury, A. (2022) Creative Industries in India Mapping Study. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 04:45:44 2025 GMT.


2023-2024: Carnegie Trust for the project ‘Queer Cinema and Public Space: Festivals as community making in India’ (Principal Investigator)

2023- 2024: AHRC Impact Acceleration Account award for the project ‘Creative Industries in India/UK: Collaborative Policymaking and Knowledge Exchange’ (Principal Investigator)

2022-2023: Royal Society of Edinburgh grant for the project ‘Faith and Fashion in the South Asian Diaspora: Identity, Decoloniality and Consumption Glasgow’ (Principal Investigator)

2022-2022 UKRI grant for the project ‘Mapping Creative Industries in India (Co-Investigator)

2020-2021: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Urgency Grant for the project ‘Framing the Nation: Citizenship, Conflict, and the Media in contemporary India.’ (Co-Investigator)

2019- 2021: British Academy Grant for the project ‘Cross-Border Queers: The Story of South Asian Migrants in the UK’ (Co-Investigator)

2017-2018: Loughborough University CALIBRE Research Seed Funding for the project ‘Communication Sans Frontiers: Cultural brokerage, frontline services and wellbeing’. (Co-Investigator)

2016-2017: Wellcome Trust Humanities and Social Science Small Award for the project ‘Mobile-ising for Sexual Health: Digital Technologies and Sexual Health Advocacy’. (Principal Investigator)


I welcome applications from new PhD students interested in Indian cinema, queer cultures, gender and labour, media and activism.

  • Alim, Tanvir
    Contestations Between Decoloniality and Digital Cultures
  • Khan, Nomaan
    Bollywood's Others: Hindi Cinema, Hindutva & The Othering of the Muslim Subject.


I primarily teach on the MSc in Creative Industries and Cultural Policy. I convene Creative Industries and Culture Policy (CCPR5001) and Cultural Cities & Creative Regions. I also contribute to Research Methods in Creative Industries and Cultural Policy (FTV5070) and Creative Lives and Cultural Policy (CCPR5002) and Dissertation (CCPR5006P)