Dr Mark Richter

  • Lecturer in Technical Art History (History of Art)

telephone: 01413308520
email: Mark.Richter@glasgow.ac.uk

School of Culture & Creative Art, History of Art, 8 University Gardens

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4782-8537

Research interests

Painting, polychromy, artists’ materials, trade, studio / workshop practice, art-technological source research, art technology, scientific examination, analysis of paint samples.

I am particularly interested in the scientific examination of cultural heritage, with a specific focus on the study of materials, artistic techniques and material degradation as well as the use of analytical techniques suitable for the investigation of cultural heritage objects. My methodology includes a comprehensive approach to analysis of paint samples with a special interest in artists’ pigments and the localisation and identification of binding media (organic and inorganic) within paint cross sections.

My interest in the materials and techniques of Golden Age Spanish art (painting and polychrome sculpture c. 1550-1700) was developed in part through my research on polychrome sculpture and notably the techniques and recipes for flesh painting (encarnaciones) documented in Francisco Pacheco’s Arte de la pintura (1649) as well as my work carried out for the project Unwrapping an Icon: Lady in a Fur Wrap and Related Spanish Portraits in the Stirling Maxwell Collection (funded by Royal Society of Edinburgh / Santander Universities). My interest in the materials and techniques of early 20th century European and Canadian painting was developed through my involvement in the EU-Project CHARISMA (Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Conservation/Restoration) and the research project No one else has these colours – Research on Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’s Painting Technique, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Please see the following links for more information on my current research:



  • MPhil, PhD (History of Art), Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
  • MA (Conservation and Restoration of Polychrome Sculpture and Easel Paintings), Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Cologne


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2001
Number of items: 59.


Richter, M. , Arnold, T., Arnold, D., Scherf, C., Dietemann, P., Baumer, U., Zumbühl, S., Rüber-Schütte, E., Chung, P. and Steuer, C. (2022) Materials and Techniques of Polychrome Plaster Sculpture in the Harzvorland, Germany (c. 1200-1240): The Choir Screens of Halberstadt and Eilenstedt. Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, (Accepted for Publication)


Richter, M. and Baumer, U. (2019) Die romanische Farbfassung der Chorschranken in der Liebfrauenkirche Halberstadt - kunsttechnologische Forschungen zur verwendeten Maltechnik = The Romanesque Polychromy of the Choir Screen in the Liebfrauenkirche Halberstadt, Germany – Art-technological Investigations on the Painting Technique. Keep Colour – Keep Cool: Conservation and Restoration of Polychrome Sculpture, Munich, Germany, 22-23 Mar 2019.

Dietemann, P., Zumbühl, S. and Richter, M. (2019) Binding Medium Analyses of Paintings by Alonso Sanchez Coello and El Greco. Unwrapping an Icon: Lady in a Fur Wrap and Related Spanish Portraits in the Stirling Maxwell Collection, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Feb 2019.

Richter, M. (2019) Scientific Examination: an Overview of the Most Interesting Findings. Unwrapping an Icon: Lady in a Fur Wrap and Related Spanish Portraits in the Stirling Maxwell Collection, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Feb 2019.


Richter, M. , Rapp, K., Dietemann, P., Baumer, U., Zumbühl, S., Chung, P. and Steuer, C. (2018) Kunsttechnologische Untersuchung der ältesten erhaltenen romanischen Farbfassung. In: Romanische Stuckplastik aus der Dorfkirche zu Eilenstedt. Series: Kleine Hefte zur Denkmalpflege (12). Beier & Beran: Halle (Saale), pp. 133-150. ISBN 9783944507798


Campbell, M. and Richter, M. (2017) So Obviously Useful: Cultural and Scientific Networks in Late Enlightenment Scotland and the Publication of Werner's Nomenclature of Colours, 1814-1821. Global Natural History Around 1800: Collections, Media, Actors, Göttingen, Germany, 7-9 Dec 2017.

De Bellaigue, D., Troalen, L., Richter, M. , Wong Rueda, M., Palozzi, L., Schwartz, T., Challands, T. and King, R. (2017) Revealing the Archetype: The Journey of a Trecento Madonna and Child at the National Museum of Scotland. In: 18th Triennial Conference of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 Sep 2017, pp. 1-8.

Richter, M. (2017) Artists and artisans of polychrome wooden altarpieces in Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland (c. 1600-1780). In: Kroesen, J., Nyborg, E. and Sauerberg, M.-L. (eds.) From Conservation to Interpretation: Studies of Religious Art (c. 1100-c. 1800) in Northern and Central Europe in Honour of Peter Tångeberg. Series: Art and religion (7). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 305-338. ISBN 9789042934665


Hermens, E., Richter, M. , Chung, P., Cooper, J. and Clarke, A. (2016) 'The truth is for many years I was extremely fond of a very treacherous colour called Carmine...’. Sir Joshua Reynolds and his Painting Technique: Fading, Cracking and Longevity. In: 5th International Symposium Painting Techniques, History, Materials, Studio Practice, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18-20 Sep 2013, pp. 205-212. ISBN 9789491714955


Kirby, J., van Bommel, M. R., Verhecken, A., Spring, M., Vanden Berghe, I., Stege, H. and Richter, M. (2014) Natural Colorants for Dyeing and Lake Pigments: Practical Recipes and their Historical Sources. Archetype Publications Ltd in association with CHARISMA: London. ISBN 9781909492158


Kirby, J. et al. (2013) From Botanical Source to Analytical Result: The Influence of Recipe and Plant Source on Appearance and Composition of Anthraquinone and Flavonoid Dyes and Pigments. 32nd Dyes in History and Archaeology Meeting, La Rochelle, France, 3-4 Oct 2013.

Emmerling, E., Kühlenthal, M. and Richter, M. (Eds.) (2013) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich. ISBN 9783935643580

Boon, J.J. and Richter, M. (2013) Organic constituents analysed by direct temperature-resolved mass spectrometry in grounds, bole and transparent coloured glazes sampled from polychrome works of art (c. 1620-1780). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 665-689. ISBN 9783935643580

Dallongeville, S., Richter, M. , Kühlenthal, M., Garnier, N., Rolando, C. and Tokarski, C. (2013) Coloured glazes on silver leaf: identification of the protein binders and their biological origins. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 715-722. ISBN 9783935643580

Dallongeville, S., Richter, M. , Schäfer, S., Kühlenthal, M., Garnier, N., Rolando, C. and Tokarski, C. (2013) Proteomics applied to the authentication of fish glue: application to a 17th century artwork sample. Analyst, 138(18), pp. 5357-5364. (doi: 10.1039/C3AN00786C) (PMID:23877283)

Fras, V., Kühlenthal, M. and Richter, M. (2013) A look at the issues concerning the so-called ‘gold altarpieces’ in Slovenia with a special focus on the Gorjnska region. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 519-539. ISBN 9783935643580

Karbacher, K., Frowein, S. and Richter, M. (2013) Die Antependien der Benediktskapelle in der Benediktinerabtei Ottobeuren. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 455-473. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) The altarpieces of St. Alto and St. Augustine (1768/69) in the Catholic parish and monastery church St. Alto and St. Brigitta in Altomünster. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 561-585. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. and Pelludat, I. (2013) The "Green-Lacquered Room" in the Prince Bishop’s Palace of Würzburg (1769-1772). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 541-559. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Analytical methodology for the scientific examination of coloured glazes on metal leaf. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 85-96. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Art technological source research and scientific examination: a comparative study on the technique of coloured glazes applied on metal leaf. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 39-84. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Coloured glazes of the high altarpiece by Judas Thaddäus Sichelbein and his workshop in the former monastery church of Rheinau (Switzerland). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 409-453. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Coloured glazes of the St. Joseph sculpture group and the high altarpiece by Andreas Thamasch in the former monastery church Mariae Himmelfahrt of Kaisheim. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 340-407. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Coloured glazes on metal leaf: definition and terminology. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 33-38. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) The materials and techniques of the coloured glazes used on the high altarpiece in Georgenberg (Austria). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 282-305. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) The red glazed drapes in the Cuvilliés Theatre: results of the scientific examination. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 311-339. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) ‘…verguldt und die Fuederung an Khlaidern schenist lassirt werden sole...’ The technique of coloured glazes on the Holy Ghost and St. Sebastian altarpieces in the former monastery church of St. Michael in Mondsee (Upper Austria). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 207-281. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. and Schott, F. (2013) The Abwinkl reliquary-retable: scientific examination results of the coloured glazes on metal leaf. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 143-182. ISBN 9783935643580

Stege, H., Richter, M. and Steuer, C. (2013) Indanthrenblau, Helioechtrot and Pigmentscharlach - Identification of synthetic organic pigments in paintings of Erns Ludwig Kirchner using Raman microscopy. Zeitschrift fur Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 1(27), pp. 30-42.


Stege, H., Richter, M. and Steuer, C. (2012) Indanthrenblau, Lackrot und Pigmentscharlach: Nachweise von Teerfarbstoffpigmenten auf der Palette Ernst Ludwig Kirchners mittels Raman-Mikroskopie. Aufbruch in die Farbe, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner und das Neue Malen am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart, Germany, 15-16 Nov 2012.

Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (2012) Types of dry-process artificial arsenic sulphide pigments in cultural heritage. In: del Egido, Marián and Kroustallis, Stefanos (eds.) Fatto d´Archimia: Historia e Identificación de los Pigmentos Artificiales en las Técnicas Pictóricas. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte: Madrid, pp. 119-144.


Grundmann, G., Ivleva, N., Richter, M. , Stege, H. and Haisch, C. (2011) The Rediscovery of Sublimed Arsenic Sulphide Pigments in Painting and Polychromy: Applications of Raman Microspectroscopy. In: The National Gallery Technical Bulletin 30th Anniversary Conference, London, UK, 16-18 Sep 2009, pp. 269-276. ISBN 9781904982630


Néss Proaño Gaibor, A. et al. (2010) Collecting Botanical Sources: Joint Research on Organic Pigments and Dyestuffs [Poster]. 29th Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA) Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12 Nov 2010.

Tokarski, C., Richter, M., , Schäfer, S., Garnier, N. and Rolando, C. (2010) Coloured Glazes on Silver Leaf: Identification of Protein Species From Grounds and Coatings. 1st International Congress Chemistry For Cultural Heritage (ChemCH), Bologna, Italy, 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2010.

Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (2010) Characterization and Identification of Dry Process Artificial Arsenic Sulphide Pigments in Cultural Heritage. Fatto d´archimia: Historia e Identificación de los Pigmentos Artificiales en las Técnicas Pictóricas, Madrid, Spain, 13-14 May 2010.


Grundmann, G., Ivleva, N., Richter, M. , Stege, H. and Haisch, C. (2009) The Rediscovery of Sublimated Arsenic Sulphide Pigments in Painting and Polychromy: Applications of Raman Microspectroscopy. National Gallery Technical Bulletin 30th Anniversary Conference 'Studying Old Master Paintings – Technology and Practice', London, UK, 16-18 Sep 2009.

Tokarski, C., Richter, M. , Schäfer, S., Garnier, N. and Rolando, C. (2009) Coloured Glazes on Silver Leaf: Identification of the Protein Media Used in the Grounds and Coatings. TECHNART 2009: Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage, Athens, Greece, 27-30 Apr 2009.

Grundmann, G., Richter, M. and Rötter, C. (2009) Neues zur Variabilität der künstlichen Arsensulfid-Pigmente "Auripigment" und "Realgar" [Poster]. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2009, Munich, Germany, 25-28 Mar 2009. pp. 243-245.

Grundmann, G., Richter, M. and Rötter, C. (2009) Neues zur Variabilität der künstlichen Arsensulfid-Pigmente "Auripigment" und "Realgar". In: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 243-245.

Grundmann, G., Richter, M. and Rötter, C. (2009) Neues zur Variabilität der künstlichen Arsensulfid-Pigmente Auripigment und Realgar [Poster]. In: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2009, Munich, Germany, 25-28 Mar 2009, (Unpublished)

Richter, M. (2009) “And having scill to make more radient cullors like vnto Ammells [enamels], then yet is to Paynters knowne…”: Taking a New Look at Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf in Germany and Austria (c.1600-1800). Lost and Found: 3rd Year Postgraduate Symposium, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, UK.UK, 05-06 Mar 2009. (Unpublished)


Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (2008) Current research on artificial arsenic sulphide pigments in artworks: a short review. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 62(11), pp. 903-907. (doi: 10.2533/chimia.2008.903)


Rötter, C., Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (Eds.) (2007) Auripigment: Studien zu dem Mineral und den künstlichen Produkten = Orpiment: Studies on the Mineral and the Artificial Products. Series: Materialien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich. ISBN 9783935643382

Richter, M. (2007) Shedding some new light on the blue pigment ‘vivianite’ in technical documentary sources of northern Europe. ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History, 4, pp. 37-53.

Richter, M. , Grundmann, G., Van Loon, A., Keune, K., Boersma, A. and Rapp, K. (2007) The occurrence of artificial orpiment (dry process) in northern European painting and polychromy and evidence in historical sources. In: Rötter, C., Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (eds.) Auripigment: Studien zu dem Mineral und den künstlichen Produkten = Orpiment: Studies on the Mineral and the Artificial Products. Series: Materialien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technischen Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 167-192. ISBN 9783935643382


Richter, M. , Schäfer, S., Boon, J.J., Van Der Horst, J., Keune, K. and Ferreira, E. (2006) Taking a New Look at Original Surface Finishes on Unpolychromed Wooden Sculptures of Tilman Riemenschneider, c. 1490-1520. Second Symposium of the Art Technological Source Research Working Group (ICOM-CC): Art Technology: Sources and Methods, Madrid, Spain, 5-6 Oct 2006.


Richter, M. (2005) Erste Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojekts über die Untersuchung von Oberflächenbehandlungen holzsichtiger Bildwerke Tilman Riemenschneiders (ca. 1500 – 1530). International VDR Symposium: Separating Layers – Layer Separation: Examination and Consolidation of European Sculpture Polychromy, Munich, Germany, 4-6 Mar 2005.

Richter, M. , Schäfer, S. and Van Loon, A. (2005) El Tratado ‘Arte de la Pintura’ de Francisco Pacheco y su Influencia en la Técnica de Ejecución de las Encarnaciones en la Escultura Alemana del Siglo XVIII: Primeros Resultados Obtenidos de Análisis Avanzados Realizados en Micromuestras = Francisco Pacheco’s Treatise “Arte de la Pintura” and its Influence on the Technique of “encarnaciones” in Eighteenth-Century German Polychrome Sculpture: Results of the Advanced Cross Sectional Analysis. In: GE-IIC International Conference: Investigación en Conservación y Restauración, Barcelona, Spain, 09-11 Nov 2005, pp. 225-234.

Richter, M. (2005) Blue Smalt Lacquers on Silver Leaf: Baroque and Rococo Polychromy in Southern Germany. In: 'Approaching the Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions' Symposium of the Art Technological Source Research Study Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 Oct 2004, pp. 117-121.


Richter, M. (2004) Blue Smalt Lacquers on Silver Leaf: Baroque and Rococo Polychromy in Southern Germany [Poster]. Approaching the Art of the Past: Sources & Reconstructions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 Oct 2004.

Brockow, P. and Richter, M. (2004) Smalt glazes on silver leaf gildings. Case studies of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 117-143. ISBN 9783777499000

Merz, U. and Richter, M. (2004) The “Good Samaritan” relief by Ignaz Günther or his workshop in St. Giles at Gmund. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 32-47. ISBN 9783777499000

Piert-Borgers, B. and Richter, M. (2004) The Monjû-Bosatsu at the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 300-321. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. (2004) Smalt in polychromy and painting of German-speaking countries. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 175-203. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. (2004) Three Polychrome Japanese Buddhist Sculptures from the Kamakura Period: The Scientific Examination of Layer Structures, Ground Materials, Pigments, Metal Leafs and Powders. In: Second Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., USA, 18-20 Sep 2003, pp. 21-34. ISBN 9781873132388

Richter, M. (2004) Two thirteenth-century polychrome sculptures in Shomyo-ji and Ensho-ji. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 276-291. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. (2004) The use of vivianite in Baroque and Rococo polychromy and painting. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 204-212. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. and Pelludat, I. (2004) Blue glazes on silver leaf gildings. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 144-174. ISBN 9783777499000


Richter, M. , Hahn, O. and Fuchs, R. (2001) Purple fluorite: a little known artists' pigment and its use in Late Gothic and Early Renaissance painting in northern Europe. Studies in Conservation, 46(1), pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1179/sic.2001.46.1.1)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 10:44:04 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 59.


Richter, M. , Arnold, T., Arnold, D., Scherf, C., Dietemann, P., Baumer, U., Zumbühl, S., Rüber-Schütte, E., Chung, P. and Steuer, C. (2022) Materials and Techniques of Polychrome Plaster Sculpture in the Harzvorland, Germany (c. 1200-1240): The Choir Screens of Halberstadt and Eilenstedt. Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, (Accepted for Publication)

Dallongeville, S., Richter, M. , Schäfer, S., Kühlenthal, M., Garnier, N., Rolando, C. and Tokarski, C. (2013) Proteomics applied to the authentication of fish glue: application to a 17th century artwork sample. Analyst, 138(18), pp. 5357-5364. (doi: 10.1039/C3AN00786C) (PMID:23877283)

Stege, H., Richter, M. and Steuer, C. (2013) Indanthrenblau, Helioechtrot and Pigmentscharlach - Identification of synthetic organic pigments in paintings of Erns Ludwig Kirchner using Raman microscopy. Zeitschrift fur Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 1(27), pp. 30-42.

Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (2008) Current research on artificial arsenic sulphide pigments in artworks: a short review. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 62(11), pp. 903-907. (doi: 10.2533/chimia.2008.903)

Richter, M. (2007) Shedding some new light on the blue pigment ‘vivianite’ in technical documentary sources of northern Europe. ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History, 4, pp. 37-53.

Richter, M. , Hahn, O. and Fuchs, R. (2001) Purple fluorite: a little known artists' pigment and its use in Late Gothic and Early Renaissance painting in northern Europe. Studies in Conservation, 46(1), pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1179/sic.2001.46.1.1)


Kirby, J., van Bommel, M. R., Verhecken, A., Spring, M., Vanden Berghe, I., Stege, H. and Richter, M. (2014) Natural Colorants for Dyeing and Lake Pigments: Practical Recipes and their Historical Sources. Archetype Publications Ltd in association with CHARISMA: London. ISBN 9781909492158

Book Sections

Richter, M. , Rapp, K., Dietemann, P., Baumer, U., Zumbühl, S., Chung, P. and Steuer, C. (2018) Kunsttechnologische Untersuchung der ältesten erhaltenen romanischen Farbfassung. In: Romanische Stuckplastik aus der Dorfkirche zu Eilenstedt. Series: Kleine Hefte zur Denkmalpflege (12). Beier & Beran: Halle (Saale), pp. 133-150. ISBN 9783944507798

Richter, M. (2017) Artists and artisans of polychrome wooden altarpieces in Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland (c. 1600-1780). In: Kroesen, J., Nyborg, E. and Sauerberg, M.-L. (eds.) From Conservation to Interpretation: Studies of Religious Art (c. 1100-c. 1800) in Northern and Central Europe in Honour of Peter Tångeberg. Series: Art and religion (7). Peeters: Leuven, pp. 305-338. ISBN 9789042934665

Boon, J.J. and Richter, M. (2013) Organic constituents analysed by direct temperature-resolved mass spectrometry in grounds, bole and transparent coloured glazes sampled from polychrome works of art (c. 1620-1780). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 665-689. ISBN 9783935643580

Dallongeville, S., Richter, M. , Kühlenthal, M., Garnier, N., Rolando, C. and Tokarski, C. (2013) Coloured glazes on silver leaf: identification of the protein binders and their biological origins. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 715-722. ISBN 9783935643580

Fras, V., Kühlenthal, M. and Richter, M. (2013) A look at the issues concerning the so-called ‘gold altarpieces’ in Slovenia with a special focus on the Gorjnska region. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 519-539. ISBN 9783935643580

Karbacher, K., Frowein, S. and Richter, M. (2013) Die Antependien der Benediktskapelle in der Benediktinerabtei Ottobeuren. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 455-473. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) The altarpieces of St. Alto and St. Augustine (1768/69) in the Catholic parish and monastery church St. Alto and St. Brigitta in Altomünster. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 561-585. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. and Pelludat, I. (2013) The "Green-Lacquered Room" in the Prince Bishop’s Palace of Würzburg (1769-1772). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 541-559. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Analytical methodology for the scientific examination of coloured glazes on metal leaf. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 85-96. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Art technological source research and scientific examination: a comparative study on the technique of coloured glazes applied on metal leaf. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 39-84. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Coloured glazes of the high altarpiece by Judas Thaddäus Sichelbein and his workshop in the former monastery church of Rheinau (Switzerland). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 409-453. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Coloured glazes of the St. Joseph sculpture group and the high altarpiece by Andreas Thamasch in the former monastery church Mariae Himmelfahrt of Kaisheim. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 340-407. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) Coloured glazes on metal leaf: definition and terminology. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 33-38. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) The materials and techniques of the coloured glazes used on the high altarpiece in Georgenberg (Austria). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 282-305. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) The red glazed drapes in the Cuvilliés Theatre: results of the scientific examination. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 311-339. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. (2013) ‘…verguldt und die Fuederung an Khlaidern schenist lassirt werden sole...’ The technique of coloured glazes on the Holy Ghost and St. Sebastian altarpieces in the former monastery church of St. Michael in Mondsee (Upper Austria). In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 207-281. ISBN 9783935643580

Richter, M. and Schott, F. (2013) The Abwinkl reliquary-retable: scientific examination results of the coloured glazes on metal leaf. In: Emmerling, Erwin, Berberich, Christine, Kühlenthal, Michael and Richter, Mark (eds.) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo Period. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 143-182. ISBN 9783935643580

Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (2012) Types of dry-process artificial arsenic sulphide pigments in cultural heritage. In: del Egido, Marián and Kroustallis, Stefanos (eds.) Fatto d´Archimia: Historia e Identificación de los Pigmentos Artificiales en las Técnicas Pictóricas. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte: Madrid, pp. 119-144.

Richter, M. , Grundmann, G., Van Loon, A., Keune, K., Boersma, A. and Rapp, K. (2007) The occurrence of artificial orpiment (dry process) in northern European painting and polychromy and evidence in historical sources. In: Rötter, C., Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (eds.) Auripigment: Studien zu dem Mineral und den künstlichen Produkten = Orpiment: Studies on the Mineral and the Artificial Products. Series: Materialien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technischen Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich, pp. 167-192. ISBN 9783935643382

Brockow, P. and Richter, M. (2004) Smalt glazes on silver leaf gildings. Case studies of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 117-143. ISBN 9783777499000

Merz, U. and Richter, M. (2004) The “Good Samaritan” relief by Ignaz Günther or his workshop in St. Giles at Gmund. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 32-47. ISBN 9783777499000

Piert-Borgers, B. and Richter, M. (2004) The Monjû-Bosatsu at the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 300-321. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. (2004) Smalt in polychromy and painting of German-speaking countries. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 175-203. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. (2004) Two thirteenth-century polychrome sculptures in Shomyo-ji and Ensho-ji. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 276-291. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. (2004) The use of vivianite in Baroque and Rococo polychromy and painting. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 204-212. ISBN 9783777499000

Richter, M. and Pelludat, I. (2004) Blue glazes on silver leaf gildings. In: Kühlenthal, M. and Miura, S. (eds.) Historische Polychromie. Skulpturenfassung in Deutschland und Japan = Historical Polychromy. Polychrome Sculpture in Germany and Japan. Hirmer Verlag: Munich, pp. 144-174. ISBN 9783777499000

Edited Books

Emmerling, E., Kühlenthal, M. and Richter, M. (Eds.) (2013) Lüsterfassungen des Barock und Rokoko = Coloured glazes on Metal Leaf from the Baroque and Rococo. Series: Studien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Kunst und Design, Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich. ISBN 9783935643580

Rötter, C., Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (Eds.) (2007) Auripigment: Studien zu dem Mineral und den künstlichen Produkten = Orpiment: Studies on the Mineral and the Artificial Products. Series: Materialien aus dem Institut für Baugeschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Restaurierung mit Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München. Anton Siegl Fachbuchhandlung: Munich. ISBN 9783935643382

Conference or Workshop Item

Richter, M. and Baumer, U. (2019) Die romanische Farbfassung der Chorschranken in der Liebfrauenkirche Halberstadt - kunsttechnologische Forschungen zur verwendeten Maltechnik = The Romanesque Polychromy of the Choir Screen in the Liebfrauenkirche Halberstadt, Germany – Art-technological Investigations on the Painting Technique. Keep Colour – Keep Cool: Conservation and Restoration of Polychrome Sculpture, Munich, Germany, 22-23 Mar 2019.

Dietemann, P., Zumbühl, S. and Richter, M. (2019) Binding Medium Analyses of Paintings by Alonso Sanchez Coello and El Greco. Unwrapping an Icon: Lady in a Fur Wrap and Related Spanish Portraits in the Stirling Maxwell Collection, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Feb 2019.

Richter, M. (2019) Scientific Examination: an Overview of the Most Interesting Findings. Unwrapping an Icon: Lady in a Fur Wrap and Related Spanish Portraits in the Stirling Maxwell Collection, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Feb 2019.

Campbell, M. and Richter, M. (2017) So Obviously Useful: Cultural and Scientific Networks in Late Enlightenment Scotland and the Publication of Werner's Nomenclature of Colours, 1814-1821. Global Natural History Around 1800: Collections, Media, Actors, Göttingen, Germany, 7-9 Dec 2017.

Kirby, J. et al. (2013) From Botanical Source to Analytical Result: The Influence of Recipe and Plant Source on Appearance and Composition of Anthraquinone and Flavonoid Dyes and Pigments. 32nd Dyes in History and Archaeology Meeting, La Rochelle, France, 3-4 Oct 2013.

Stege, H., Richter, M. and Steuer, C. (2012) Indanthrenblau, Lackrot und Pigmentscharlach: Nachweise von Teerfarbstoffpigmenten auf der Palette Ernst Ludwig Kirchners mittels Raman-Mikroskopie. Aufbruch in die Farbe, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner und das Neue Malen am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart, Germany, 15-16 Nov 2012.

Néss Proaño Gaibor, A. et al. (2010) Collecting Botanical Sources: Joint Research on Organic Pigments and Dyestuffs [Poster]. 29th Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA) Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12 Nov 2010.

Tokarski, C., Richter, M., , Schäfer, S., Garnier, N. and Rolando, C. (2010) Coloured Glazes on Silver Leaf: Identification of Protein Species From Grounds and Coatings. 1st International Congress Chemistry For Cultural Heritage (ChemCH), Bologna, Italy, 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2010.

Grundmann, G. and Richter, M. (2010) Characterization and Identification of Dry Process Artificial Arsenic Sulphide Pigments in Cultural Heritage. Fatto d´archimia: Historia e Identificación de los Pigmentos Artificiales en las Técnicas Pictóricas, Madrid, Spain, 13-14 May 2010.

Grundmann, G., Ivleva, N., Richter, M. , Stege, H. and Haisch, C. (2009) The Rediscovery of Sublimated Arsenic Sulphide Pigments in Painting and Polychromy: Applications of Raman Microspectroscopy. National Gallery Technical Bulletin 30th Anniversary Conference 'Studying Old Master Paintings – Technology and Practice', London, UK, 16-18 Sep 2009.

Tokarski, C., Richter, M. , Schäfer, S., Garnier, N. and Rolando, C. (2009) Coloured Glazes on Silver Leaf: Identification of the Protein Media Used in the Grounds and Coatings. TECHNART 2009: Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage, Athens, Greece, 27-30 Apr 2009.

Grundmann, G., Richter, M. and Rötter, C. (2009) Neues zur Variabilität der künstlichen Arsensulfid-Pigmente "Auripigment" und "Realgar" [Poster]. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2009, Munich, Germany, 25-28 Mar 2009. pp. 243-245.

Richter, M. (2009) “And having scill to make more radient cullors like vnto Ammells [enamels], then yet is to Paynters knowne…”: Taking a New Look at Coloured Glazes on Metal Leaf in Germany and Austria (c.1600-1800). Lost and Found: 3rd Year Postgraduate Symposium, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, UK.UK, 05-06 Mar 2009. (Unpublished)

Richter, M. , Schäfer, S., Boon, J.J., Van Der Horst, J., Keune, K. and Ferreira, E. (2006) Taking a New Look at Original Surface Finishes on Unpolychromed Wooden Sculptures of Tilman Riemenschneider, c. 1490-1520. Second Symposium of the Art Technological Source Research Working Group (ICOM-CC): Art Technology: Sources and Methods, Madrid, Spain, 5-6 Oct 2006.

Richter, M. (2005) Erste Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojekts über die Untersuchung von Oberflächenbehandlungen holzsichtiger Bildwerke Tilman Riemenschneiders (ca. 1500 – 1530). International VDR Symposium: Separating Layers – Layer Separation: Examination and Consolidation of European Sculpture Polychromy, Munich, Germany, 4-6 Mar 2005.

Richter, M. (2004) Blue Smalt Lacquers on Silver Leaf: Baroque and Rococo Polychromy in Southern Germany [Poster]. Approaching the Art of the Past: Sources & Reconstructions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 Oct 2004.

Conference Proceedings

De Bellaigue, D., Troalen, L., Richter, M. , Wong Rueda, M., Palozzi, L., Schwartz, T., Challands, T. and King, R. (2017) Revealing the Archetype: The Journey of a Trecento Madonna and Child at the National Museum of Scotland. In: 18th Triennial Conference of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 Sep 2017, pp. 1-8.

Hermens, E., Richter, M. , Chung, P., Cooper, J. and Clarke, A. (2016) 'The truth is for many years I was extremely fond of a very treacherous colour called Carmine...’. Sir Joshua Reynolds and his Painting Technique: Fading, Cracking and Longevity. In: 5th International Symposium Painting Techniques, History, Materials, Studio Practice, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18-20 Sep 2013, pp. 205-212. ISBN 9789491714955

Grundmann, G., Ivleva, N., Richter, M. , Stege, H. and Haisch, C. (2011) The Rediscovery of Sublimed Arsenic Sulphide Pigments in Painting and Polychromy: Applications of Raman Microspectroscopy. In: The National Gallery Technical Bulletin 30th Anniversary Conference, London, UK, 16-18 Sep 2009, pp. 269-276. ISBN 9781904982630

Grundmann, G., Richter, M. and Rötter, C. (2009) Neues zur Variabilität der künstlichen Arsensulfid-Pigmente "Auripigment" und "Realgar". In: UNSPECIFIED, pp. 243-245.

Grundmann, G., Richter, M. and Rötter, C. (2009) Neues zur Variabilität der künstlichen Arsensulfid-Pigmente Auripigment und Realgar [Poster]. In: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2009, Munich, Germany, 25-28 Mar 2009, (Unpublished)

Richter, M. , Schäfer, S. and Van Loon, A. (2005) El Tratado ‘Arte de la Pintura’ de Francisco Pacheco y su Influencia en la Técnica de Ejecución de las Encarnaciones en la Escultura Alemana del Siglo XVIII: Primeros Resultados Obtenidos de Análisis Avanzados Realizados en Micromuestras = Francisco Pacheco’s Treatise “Arte de la Pintura” and its Influence on the Technique of “encarnaciones” in Eighteenth-Century German Polychrome Sculpture: Results of the Advanced Cross Sectional Analysis. In: GE-IIC International Conference: Investigación en Conservación y Restauración, Barcelona, Spain, 09-11 Nov 2005, pp. 225-234.

Richter, M. (2005) Blue Smalt Lacquers on Silver Leaf: Baroque and Rococo Polychromy in Southern Germany. In: 'Approaching the Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions' Symposium of the Art Technological Source Research Study Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 Oct 2004, pp. 117-121.

Richter, M. (2004) Three Polychrome Japanese Buddhist Sculptures from the Kamakura Period: The Scientific Examination of Layer Structures, Ground Materials, Pigments, Metal Leafs and Powders. In: Second Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., USA, 18-20 Sep 2003, pp. 21-34. ISBN 9781873132388

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 10:44:04 2025 GMT.


  • Claire Banks, Company Drawings of Natural History: Evolution of Techniques and Materials

‘Taking an original, interdisciplinary approach, this dissertation will be a first detailed investigation into the creation of scientific illustrations that underpin the idea of Company Painting in India. Using methods of art history combined with scientific examination, the contribution made by Indian artists to scientific discovery, documentation and dissemination in the late 18th and early 19th centuries will be investigated, revealing new knowledge in art and science history and essential information for cultural heritage conservation.’ (Claire Banks, 2019)


  • Junior Honours course ‘Murillo: Art and Culture in Seventeenth-Century Spain’ (HISTART4085)
  • Postgraduate (MLitt course): Art in the Making 1: Historical Techniques (HISTART5094)
  • Postgraduate (MLitt course): Art in the Making 2: Modern and Avant-Garde (HISTART5093)
  • Postgraduate (MLitt course): Testimonies on Artists' Practice: Textual, Visual and Material Sources’ (HISTART5077)
  • Postgraduate (MLitt course): Research Methods and Skills (HISTART5105)

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  • Convenor of the courses ‘Testimonies on Artists’ Practice: Textual, Visual and Material Sources’ (HISTART5077) and ‘Art in the Making: Modern and Avantgarde Techniques (HISTART5093) in the Technical Art History: Making and Meaning programme, History of Art
  • PGT Work Placement Convenor (HISTART5072), History of Art

External Examiner

  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University of Malta