Number of items: 11.
Lee, D., Champion, K. and Kelly, L.
Relocation, relocation, relocation: examining the narratives surrounding the Channel 4 move to regional production hubs.
Cultural Trends, 31(3),
pp. 222-239.
(doi: 10.1080/09548963.2021.1966296)
Kelly, L. W. and Champion, K.
Shaping screen talent: conceptualising and developing the film and TV workforce in Scotland.
Cultural Trends, 24(2),
pp. 165-175.
(doi: 10.1080/09548963.2015.1031482)
Champion, K.
Problematising a homogenous spatial logic for the creative industries.
In: Hotho, S. and McGregor, N. (eds.)
Changing the Rules of the Game: Economic, Management and Emerging Issues in the Computer Games Industry.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
ISBN 9780230303539
Champion, K.
Review of: N. Longworth and M. Osborne (eds), Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policy, Practice and Participation.
Urban Studies, 48(16),
pp. 3636-3638.
(doi: 10.1177/0042098011423791)[Book Review]
Hotho, S. and Champion, K.
Small businesses in the new creative industries: innovation as a people management challenge.
Management Decision, 49(1),
pp. 29-54.
(doi: 10.1108/00251741111094428)
Champion, K.
Hobson’s choice? Constraints on accessing spaces of creative production.
Creative Industries Journal, 3(1),
pp. 11-28.
(doi: 10.1386/cij.3.1.11_1)
Champion, K.
Squeezing the spaces of creative production: a case study of the Northern Quarter in Manchester.
Regions, 277(1),
pp. 20-21.
(doi: 10.1080/13673882.2010.948531)
Hotho, S. and Champion, K.
“We are always after that balance” – managing innovation as ambidexterity in the new digital media industries.
Journal of Technology, Management and Innovation, 5(3),
pp. 36-50.
Champion, K.
The business of creative cities.
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 2(2),
pp. 111-123.
Champion, K.
Review of: M. Miles, Cities and Cultures.
Journal of Urban Design, 13(3),
pp. 435-437.
(doi: 10.1080/13574800802323917)[Book Review]
Champion, K.
Review of: M. Jayne, Cities and Consumption: Routledge Critical Introductions to Urbanism and the City.
Journal of Urban Design, 12(3),
pp. 477-478.
(doi: 10.1080/13574800701602577)[Book Review]
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 03:34:34 2025 GMT.