Number of items: 65.
Banks, M. and Oakley, K.
Cakes and ale: the role of culture in the new municipalism.
Cultural Trends,
(doi: 10.1080/09548963.2024.2344468)
(Early Online Publication)
de Peuter, G., Oakley, K. and Trusolino, M.
The pandemic politics of cultural work: collective responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29(3),
pp. 377-392.
(doi: 10.1080/10286632.2022.2064459)
Oakley, K. and Banks, M. (Eds.)
Cultural Industries and the Environmental Crisis: New Approaches for Policy.
Springer: Cham.
ISBN 9783030493837
Killick, A. and Oakley, K.
‘You’re always on, and you’re always lively’: young people and creative work.
In: Oakley, K. and Banks, M. (eds.)
Cultural Industries and the Environmental Crisis: New Approaches for Policy.
Springer: Cham, pp. 125-137.
ISBN 9783030493837
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-49384-4_10)
Oakley, K. and Banks, M.
Cultural industries and environmental crisis: an introduction.
In: Oakley, K. and Banks, M. (eds.)
Cultural Industries and the Environmental Crisis: New Approaches for Policy.
Springer: Cham, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 9783030493837
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-49384-4_10)
Oakley, K. , Ward, J. and Christie, I.
Engaging the Imagination: 'New Nature Writing', Collective Politics and the Environmental Crisis.
Environmental Values, 27(6),
pp. 687-705.
(doi: 10.3197/096327118X15343388356383)
Oakley, K. and Ward, J.
The art of the good life: culture and sustainable prosperity.
Cultural Trends, 27(1),
pp. 4-17.
(doi: 10.1080/09548963.2018.1415408)
Oakley, K. , Laurison, D., O’Brien, D. and Friedman, S.
Cultural capital: Arts graduates, spatial inequality, and London’s impact on cultural labor markets.
American Behavioral Scientist, 61(12),
pp. 1510-1531.
(doi: 10.1177/0002764217734274)
O'Brien, D. and Oakley, K. eds.
Cultural Policy.
Series: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138889859
Aiello, G., Tarantino, M. and Oakley, K. (Eds.)
Communicating the City: Meanings, Practices, Interactions.
Peter Lang: Oxford, UK.
ISBN 9781433130984
Banks, M. and Oakley, K.
The dance goes on forever? Art schools, class and UK higher education.
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 22(1),
pp. 41-57.
(doi: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1101082)
Oakley, K. and O'Brien, D.
Learning to labour unequally: understanding the relationship between cultural production, cultural consumption and inequality.
Social Identities, 22(5),
pp. 471-486.
(doi: 10.1080/13504630.2015.1128800)
Banks, M. and Oakley, K.
UK art workers, class, and the myth of mobility.
In: Maxwell, R. (ed.)
The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media.
Series: Routledge companions.
Routledge: New York, pp. 170-179.
ISBN 9780415837446
(doi: 10.4324/9780203404119-14)
Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J. (Eds.)
The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries.
Series: Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
ISBN 9780415706209
Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J.
The Cultural Industries: An introduction
From Culture to Creativity – and Back Again?
In: Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J. (eds.)
Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries.
Series: Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions.
ISBN 9780415706209
Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J.
Culture and the city.
The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries.
Series: Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
ISBN 9780415706209
O'Brien, D. and Oakley, K.
Cultural Value and Inequality: A Critical Literature Review. A Report commissioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Cultural Value Project.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oakley, K.
Creating Space: A re-evaluation of the Role of Culture in Regeneration.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hesmondhalgh, D., Nisbett, M., Oakley, K. and Lee, D.
Were New Labour’s cultural policies neo-liberal?
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21(1),
pp. 97-114.
(doi: 10.1080/10286632.2013.879126)
Hesmondhalgh, D., Oakley, K. , Lee, D. and Nisbett, M.
Culture, Economy and Politics: The Case of New Labour.
Series: New Directions in Cultural Policy Research.
Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills, Basingstoke.
ISBN 9781137426376
(doi: 10.1057/9781137426383)
Oakley, K.
‘Creativity is for people - Arts for posh people’: Popular culture and the UK New Labour.
In: Miller, T. (ed.)
The Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
ISBN 9780415641470
Oakley, K. , Hesmondhalgh, D., Lee, D. and Nisbett, M.
The national trust for talent? NESTA and New Labour’s cultural policy.
British Politics, 9(3),
pp. 297-317.
(doi: 10.1057/bp.2013.34)
Bell, D. and Oakley, K.
Cultural Policy.
Series: Key Ideas in Media and Cultural Studies.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415665001
Lee, D., Hesmondhalgh, D., Oakley, K. and Nisbett, M.
Regional creative industries policy-making under New Labour.
Cultural Trends, 23(4),
pp. 217-231.
(doi: 10.1080/09548963.2014.912044)
Oakley, K.
Good work? Rethinking cultural entrepreneurship.
In: Bilton, C. and Cummings, S. (eds.)
Handbook of Management and Creativity.
Edward Elgar, pp. 145-159.
ISBN 9781781000892
(doi: 10.4337/9781781000977.00018)
Oakley, K.
Absentee workers: Representation and participation in the cultural industries.
In: Banks, M., Gill, R. and Taylor, S. (eds.)
Theorizing Cultural Work: Labour, Continuity and Change in the Cultural and Creative Industries.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
ISBN 9780415502337
Oakley, K.
Making workers: Higher Education and the cultural industries workplace.
In: Ashton, D. and Noonan, C. (eds.)
Cultural Work and Higher Education.
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK, pp. 25-44.
ISBN 9781349436750
Oakley, K. , O'Brien, D. and Lee, D.
Happy now? Well-being and cultural policy.
Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly, 31(2),
pp. 18-26.
Oakley, K.
A different class: Politics and culture in London.
In: Grodach, C. and Silver, D. (eds.)
The Politics of Urban Cultural Policy: Global Perspectives.
Taylor & Francis: London.
ISBN 9781136201790
Oakley, K.
Not the new, new thing: Innovation and cultural policy in the EU.
In: Elam, I. (ed.)
Artists and the Arts Industries.
Konstnarsnamnden: The Swedish Arts Grants Committee: Stockholm, pp. 56-65.
ISBN 9789197800112
Oakley, K.
Rich but divided… the politics of cultural policy in London.
In: Anheier, H. K. and Isar, Y. R. (eds.)
Cities, Cultural Policy and Governance.
Series: The Cultures and Globalization Series.
SAGE: London, pp. 204-211.
ISBN 9781446201237
(doi: 10.4135/9781446254523.n19)
Oakley, K.
Good enough jobs and good enough workers.
In: Wright, S., Holden, J., Kieffer, J. and Newbigin, J. (eds.)
Creativity, Money Love: Learning for the 21st Century.
Creative & Cultural Skills: London, UK, pp. 52-53.
ISBN 9780956429872
Lee, D. J., Oakley, K. and Naylor, R.
‘The public gets what the public wants’? The uses and abuses of ‘public value’ in contemporary British cultural policy.
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17(3),
pp. 289-300.
(doi: 10.1080/10286632.2010.528834)
Oakley, K.
In its own image: New Labour and the cultural workforce.
Cultural Trends, 20(3-4),
pp. 281-289.
(doi: 10.1080/09548963.2011.589709)
Oakley, K. and Pratt, A.C.
Brick Lane: Community-Driven Innovation.
Local Knowledge: Case Studies of Four Innovative Places. Research Report: March 2010.
NESTA: London, UK, pp. 28-39.
ISBN 9781848750548
Oakley, K. and Selwood, S.
Conversations and Collaborations: The Leadership of Collaborative Projects between Higher Education and the Arts and Cultural Sector.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oakley, K.
Art Works: A Review of the Literature on Cultural and Creative Labour Markets.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oakley, K.
The disappearing arts: creativity and innovation after the creative industries.
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 15(4),
pp. 403-413.
(doi: 10.1080/10286630902856721)
Oakley, K.
From Bohemia to Britart – art students over 50 years.
Cultural Trends, 18(4),
pp. 281-294.
(doi: 10.1080/09548960903268105)
Oakley, K.
Getting out of place: The mobile creative class takes on the local. A UK perspective on the creative class.
In: Kong, L. and O'Connor, J. (eds.)
Creative Economies, Creative Cities.
Series: The GeoJournal Library (98).
Springer, pp. 121-134.
ISBN 9781402099489
(doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9949-6_8)
Oakley, K.
The politics of cultural work.
Cultural Trends, 18(3),
pp. 273-274.
(doi: 10.1080/09548960903065428)[Book Review]
Oakley, K.
Fitted up: Evidence and ideology in creative industries policy.
In: Xiaoming, Z. and Keane, M. (eds.)
International Perspectives on the Creative Economy.
Sanchen Audio-visual Publishing: Beijing, China, pp. 49-56.
ISBN 9787830000622
Andersen, L. and Oakley, K. (Eds.)
Making Meaning, Making Money: Directions for the Arts and Cultural Industries in the Creative Age.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle.
ISBN 9781443800655
Oakley, K.
Any answer as long as it’s right: evidence-based cultural policymaking.
In: Andersen, L. and Oakley, K. (eds.)
Making Meaning, Making Money: Directions for the Arts and Cultural Industries in the Creative Age.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle.
ISBN 9781443800655
O'Leary, D., Oakley, K. and Jones, C.
The Skills Paradox: Confronting Inequality in Adult Learning.
ISBN 978-1906693015
Oakley, K. , Sperry, B. and Pratt, A.
The Art of Innovation: How Fine Arts Graduates Contribute to Innovation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oakley, K.
The art of education: New competencies for the creative workforce.
Media International Australia, 128(1),
pp. 137-143.
(doi: 10.1177/1329878X0812800117)
Oakley, K.
Citizenship in the Information Society.
In: Cunha, M. A., Frey, K. and Duarte, F. (eds.)
Governança Local e as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação.
PUCPRESS - Editora Universitária Champagnat.
ISBN 9788572921848
Oakley, K.
Include us out—Economic development and social policy in the creative industries.
Cultural Trends, 15(4),
pp. 255-273.
(doi: 10.1080/09548960600922335)
Knell, J. and Oakley, K.
London’s Creative Economy: An Accidental Success?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oakley, K.
Better Than Working for a Living? Skills and Labour in the Festivals Economy.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Oakley, K.
Educating for the Creative Workforce: Rethinking Arts and Education.
Australian Reasearch Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation.
Oakley, K.
Not so cool Britannia: The role of the creative industries in economic development.
International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(1),
pp. 67-77.
(doi: 10.1177/1367877904040606)
Ninan, A., Hearn, G. and Oakley, K.
Queensland Music Industry Trends: Independence Day?
Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre.
ISBN 9781741070569
Oakley, K.
Developing the Evidence Base for Support of Cultural and Creative Activities in South East England.
South East England Cultural Consortium: Guildford, UK.
Oakley, K.
Developing policy as a shared narrative.
In: Bentley, T. and Wilsdon, J. (eds.)
The Adaptive State: Strategies for Personalising the Public Realm.
Demos, pp. 90-98.
ISBN 9781841801155
Oakley, K.
Highway to Democr@cy: The Council of Europe and the Information Society.
Council of Europe: Strasbourg.
ISBN 9789287151377
Leadbetter, C. and Oakley, K.
Surfing the Long Wave: Knowledge Entrepreneurship in Britain.
ISBN 9781841800455
Oakley, K.
The Real Deal Project: Young people as policy consultants.
In: Clark, J., Dyson, A., Meagher, N., Robson, E. and Wootten, M. (eds.)
Young People as Researchers: Possibilities, Problems and Politics.
Youth Work Press: Leicester, UK.
ISBN 9780861552528
Hague, D. and Oakley, K.
Spin-offs and Start-ups in UK Universities.
Universities UK: London, UK.
ISBN 9781840360455
Leadbetter, C. and Oakley, K.
The Independents: Britain’s New Cultural Entrepreneurs.
ISBN 9781898309963
Bentley, T., Oakley, K. , Gibson, S. and Kilgour, K.
The Real Deal: What Young People Really Think About Government, Politics and Social Exclusion.
Demos: London, UK.
ISBN 9781898309833
Oakley, K.
Professionals and the new knowledge workers: The case of management consultancy.
Policy Studies, 16(1),
pp. 14-22.
(doi: 10.1080/01442879508423670)
Oakley, K. and Berry, A.
How organisations learn to learn: The need for consultancies to adopt a brains approach.
Journal of Management Consulting, 8(2),
Berry, A. and Oakley, K.
Consultancies: Agents of organizational development. Part I.
Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 14(5),
pp. 12-19.
(doi: 10.1108/01437739310042006)
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 22:37:21 2025 GMT.