Number of items: 28.
Lury, K. (Ed.)
The Child in Cinema.
British Film Institute: London ; New York, NY.
ISBN 9781844575138
Lury, K.
The BBC's Children in Need telethon: the currencies of compassion.
In: Bonah, C. and Laukoetter, A. (eds.)
Body, Capital and Screens: Visual Media and the Healthy Self in the 20th Century.
Series: MediaMatters.
Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam.
ISBN 9789048540310
(doi: 10.1515/9789048540310)
Holdsworth, A. , Lury, K. and Tweed, H. (Eds.)
Discourses of Care: Media Practices and Cultures.
Bloomsbury Academic: New York.
ISBN 9781501342820
Holdsworth, A. , Lury, K. and Tweed, H.
Discourses of care and the media: an approach and an alliance.
In: Holdsworth, A., Lury, K. and Tweed, H. (eds.)
Discourses of Care: Media Practices and Cultures.
Bloomsbury Academic: New York, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9781501342820
Holdsworth, A. and Lury, K.
Tears, tantrums and television performance.
In: Walters, J. and Donaldson, L. F. (eds.)
Television Performance.
Macmillan International, pp. 135-151.
ISBN 9781137608208
Lury, K.
The Involuntary Dance: child actors, fidgeting and authenticity.
In: Henzler, B. and Pauleit, W. (eds.)
Childhood, Cinema and Film Aesthetics.
Bertz + Fischer: Berlin, pp. 85-100.
ISBN 9783865052575
Lury, K.
An inconvenient growth: watching child actors, growing up, sideways and backwards in contemporary British film and television.
In: Dintner, S. and Schneider, R. (eds.)
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain.
Series: Studies in childhood, 1700 to present.
Routledge: New York ; London, pp. 103-119.
ISBN 9781138232105
Lury, K.
'A constellation of incongruities': the amateur film and the trip to the zoo.
In: Lawrence, M. and Lury, K. (eds.)
The Zoo and Screen Media: Images of Exhibition and Encounter.
Series: Screening Spaces.
Palgrave Macmillan: New York, pp. 3-21.
ISBN 9781137543424
(doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-53561-0_1)
Holdsworth, A. and Lury, K.
Growing up and growing old with television: peripheral viewers and the centrality of care.
Screen, 57(2),
pp. 184-196.
(doi: 10.1093/screen/hjw019)
Lawrence, M. and Lury, K. (Eds.)
The Zoo and Screen Media: Images of Exhibition and Encounter.
Series: Screening spaces.
Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
ISBN 9781137543424
Lury, K.
The Queen has two bodies: amateur film, civic culture and the rehearsal of monarchy.
In: Merck, M. (ed.)
British Monarchy on Screen.
Manchester University Press: Manchester.
ISBN 9780719099564
Bergfelder, T., Butler, A., Eleftheriotis, D. , Lury, K. , Phillips, A., Stacey, J. and Street, S.
Screen [Issue editor].
Screen, 56(2),
Lury, K.
Der Amateurfilm and der Zoobeusch.
In: Mattl, S., Lesky, C. and Ohner, V. (eds.)
Abenteur Alltag: zur archaologie des Amateurfilms.
Series: FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen (25).
Austrian Film museum: Austria, pp. 99-111.
ISBN 9783901644634
Lury, K.
Short takes.
In: Marshall, L. and Laing, D. (eds.)
Popular Music Matters: essays in honour of Simon Frith.
Series: Ashgate popular and folk music series.
Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey, pp. 94-96.
ISBN 9781472421791
Lury, K.
Halfway down the stairs: children's spaces in amateur family films from the 1930s to the 1960s.
Home Cultures, 10(3),
pp. 267-287.
(doi: 10.2752/175174213X13739735973417)
Lury, K.
The fragile magic of the home: Amateur domestic comedies
and the intimate geography of childhood.
In: Craven, I. and Shand, R. (eds.)
Small Gauge Storytelling: Discovering the Amateur Fiction Film.
Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9780748656349
(doi: 10.3366/edinburgh/9780748656349.003.0013)
Lury, K.
In thrall to the archives of empire: Torchwood - 'Children of Earth'.
Journal of British Cinema and Television, 8(2),
pp. 252-271.
(doi: 10.3366/jbctv.2011.0031)
Lury, K.
The "basis for mutual contempt": the loss of the contingent in digital television.
In: Bennett, J. and Strange, N. (eds.)
Television as Digital Media.
Series: Console-ing passions.
Duke University Press: Durham, NC, pp. 181-203.
ISBN 9780822348870
Lury, K.
The Child in Film: Tears, Fears and Fairytales.
I.B. Tauris: London.
ISBN 9781845119676
Lury, K.
Children in an open world: Mobility as ontology in new Iranian and Turkish cinema.
Feminist Theory, 11(3),
pp. 283-294.
(doi: 10.1177/1464700110376279)
Lury, K.E.
'For crying out loud': the repression of the child's subjectivity in The House of Tiny Tearaways.
Semiotica, 173(1-4),
pp. 491-507.
(doi: 10.1515/SEMI.2009.023)
Lury, K.E.
A response to John Corner.
Screen, 48(3),
pp. 371-376.
(doi: 10.1093/screen/hjm036)
Lury, K.E.
The child in film and television: introduction.
Screen, 46(3),
pp. 307-314.
Lury, K.E.
Interpreting Television.
Hodder Education: Hodder Arnold.
ISBN 0340806133
Lury, K.E.
Closeup: documentary aesthetics (textual properties that are intrinsic to television).
Screen, 44(1),
pp. 101-105.
(doi: 10.1093/screen/44.1.101)
Lury, K.E.
Chewing gum for the ears: children's television and popular music.
Popular Music, 21(3),
pp. 291-307.
(doi: 10.1017/S0261143002002192)
Lury, K.E.
A time and place for everything: children's channels.
In: Buckingham, D. (ed.)
Small Screens: Television for Children.
Leicester University Press, pp. 15-37.
ISBN 0826459447
Lury, K.E.
British Youth Television: Cynicism and Enchantment.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 0198159706
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 05:00:40 2025 GMT.