Number of items: 32.
Frith, S., Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J. (Eds.)
Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music.
Series: Routledge global popular music series.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781032161983
Williamson, J.
Performing in Gaelic: A conversation with Joy Dunlop.
In: Frith, S., Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J. (eds.)
Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music.
Series: Routledge global popular music series.
Routledge: London, pp. 71-79.
ISBN 9781032161983
Williamson, J.
Riverside Festival, Glasgow: An interview with Dave Clarke and
Mark McKechnie.
In: Frith, S., Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J. (eds.)
Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music.
Series: Routledge global popular music series.
Routledge: New York, pp. 59-70.
ISBN 9781032161983
Williamson, J.
Stramash! When pop music television comes to Scotland.
In: Frith, S., Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J. (eds.)
Made in Scotland: Studies in Popular Music.
Series: Routledge global popular music series.
Routledge: London, pp. 15-23.
ISBN 9781032161983
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Musicians as workers and the gig economy.
Popular Music and Society, 46(4),
pp. 354-370.
(doi: 10.1080/03007766.2023.223126)
Brennan, M. , Sarim, M. and Williamson, J.
Glasgow Music City Map.
Williamson, J. C.
The Kilt Is My Delight: popular music on early television from Scotland.
Journal of Popular Television, 9(1),
pp. 105-122.
(doi: 10.1386/jptv_00044_1)
Williamson, J. C.
The Rearguard of the Revolution: MI5, Communism and British musicians.
Cold War, Aesthetics and Popular Culture, Turku, Finland, 13 December 2019.
Williamson, J.
Ten Years of Tears: Glasgow as a UNESCO City of Music.
Solent Festival of Ideas, Southampton, UK, 19 June 2019.
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
The music industries: theory, practice and vocations – a polemical intervention.
In: Heile, B., Moreda Rodriguez, E. and Stanley, J. (eds.)
Higher Education in Music in the Twenty-First Century.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 112-125.
ISBN 9781472467324
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Popular Music and Society, 40(5),
pp. 493-498.
(doi: 10.1080/03007766.2017.1351117)
Williamson, J. C.
Protecting Musicians from themselves? Critical reflections on 123 years of the Musicians’ Union.
Royal Musical Association 52nd Annual Conference, Guild Hall, London, 02-05 Sep 2016.
Williamson, J. and Cloonan, M.
Players' Work Time: A History of the British Musicians' Union, 1893-2013.
Manchester University Press.
ISBN 9781526113948
(doi: 10.7228/manchester/9781784991326.001.0001)
Williamson, J.
'A thankless task' - ATP and independent festival promotion in the UK.
Keep It Simple Make It Fast (KISMIF), Porto, Portugal, 17-22 Jul 2016.
Williamson, J.
Fighting on all Fronts: The Amalgamated Musicians' Union During the First World War.
Business as Usual?: Institutional Impact in the First World War, University of Glasgow, UK, 02 Mar 2016.
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Keeping Music Live: The History of the Musicians' Union.
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Workers or Capitalists? Reflections on Musicians as Employers.
In: Working in Music: The Musicians’ Union, Musical Labour and Employment, Glasgow, Scotland, 14-15 Jan 2016,
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Workers as Capitalists? Some Reflections on Musicians as Employers.
In: Capitalism, Culture and Media, Leeds, England, 7-8 Sep 2015,
Williamson, J.
Artist managers and entrepreneurship: risk takers of risk averse?
In: Dumbreck, A. and McPherson, G. (eds.)
Music Entrepreneurship.
Bloomsbury: London, pp. 87-112.
ISBN 9781472525406
Williamson, J.
For the benefit of all musicians? The musicians' union and performers' rights in the UK.
In: Rahmatian, A. (ed.)
Concepts of Music and Copyright: How Music Perceives Itself and How Copyright Perceives Music.
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 167-193.
ISBN 9781783478187
Williamson, J.
Co-operation and conflict: the British musicians' union, musical labour and copyright.
MusiCultures, 41(1),
pp. 73-92.
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Researching the British Musicians’ Union: Bridging Troubled Waters.
In: 17th International conference (IASPM), Gijon, Spain, 24-28 Jun 2013,
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Researching The Musicians Union: Some Initial Findings.
In: Musicians’ Union Conference, Manchester, England, Jul 2013,
Williamson, J. and Cloonan, M.
Contextualising the contemporary recording industry.
In: Marshall, L. (ed.)
The International Recording Industries.
Series: Routledge advances in sociology.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 9780415603454
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Researching The Musicians' Union: Some Initial Thoughts On A Musical Community.
In: IASPM UK and Ireland Conference, Manchester, England, Sep 2013,
Williamson, J. , Cloonan, M. and Frith, S.
Having an impact? Academics, the music industries and the problem of knowledge.
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17(5),
pp. 459-474.
(doi: 10.1080/10286632.2010.550682)
Frith, S., Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
On music as a creative industry.
In: Pratt, A.C. and Jeffcutt, P. (eds.)
Creativity, Innovation and the Cultural Economy.
Series: Routledge studies in global competition (46).
Routledge, pp. 74-89.
ISBN 9780415419758
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Mapping the music industry in Scotland: building an industry or building an empire.
In: Gyde, A. and Stahl, G. (eds.)
Practising Popular Music.
International Association for the Study of Popular Music: Montreal, pp. 129-138.
Williamson, J. and Cloonan, M.
Rethinking the music industry.
Popular Music, 26(2),
pp. 305-322.
(doi: 10.1017/S0261143007001262)
Cloonan, M., Williamson, J. and Frith, S.
What is music worth? Some reflections on the Scottish experience.
Popular Music, 23(2),
pp. 205-212.
Cloonan, M. and Williamson, J.
Mapping the music industry in Scotland: building an industry or building an empire?
In: 12th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM), Montreal, Canada, 3-7 July 2003,
pp. 129-138.
Williamson, J. , Cloonan, M. and Frith, S.
Mapping the Music Industry in Scotland: A Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
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