Dr John Bonehill
- Lecturer in History of Art (History of Art)
R309 Level 3, History of Art, 8 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH
Research interests
Office Hour: Email for appointment
Currently on research leave
Research Interests
- British art and culture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
- Joseph Wright of Derby
- Paul and Thomas Sandby
- Art, travel and natural history
Bonehill, J. (2025) Moving pictures: Thomas Sandby in the East Midlands and Yorkshire. In: Watt, J. and O'Byrne, A. (eds.) Discovering Britain and Ireland in the Romantic Period. Series: Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. Cambridge University Press, pp. 74-96. ISBN 9781108903981 (In Press)
Bonehill, J. (2023) Staging grounds: Loutherbourg and Warley. Art History, 46(4), pp. 778-810. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12743)
Bonehill, J. (2023) House painting: place and position in estate portraiture circa 1770. In: Lindfield, P., Stobart, J. and Coutu, J. (eds.) Politics and the English Country House, 1688-1800. McGill-Queen's University Press: Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago, pp. 171-196. ISBN 9780228014027 (In Press)
Bonehill, J. (2021) John Crome and the London Art World. In: Bottinelli, G. (ed.) A Passion for Landscape: Rediscovering John Crome. Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery: Norwich, UK, pp. 26-33. ISBN 9781527291478
Bonehill, J., Beveridge Dulau, A. and Leask, N. (Eds.) (2021) Old Ways New Roads: Travels in Scotland 1720-1830. Birlinn: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781780276670
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2020) 'Map-work': art and the culture of cartography in Georgian Britain. In: Edney, M. and Sponberg Pedley, M. (eds.) History of Cartography, Vol.4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. University of Chicago Press.
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2020) Education and cartography. In: Edney, M. H. and Sponberg Pedley, M. (eds.) The History of Cartography. Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago, pp. 720-727. ISBN 9780226184753
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2020) Landscape, maps, and aesthetics. In: Edney, M. H. and Spoonberg Pedley, M. (eds.) The History of Cartography. Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, pp. 367-379. ISBN 9780226184753
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2017) Designs on the landscape: Paul and Thomas Sandby in North Britain. Oxford Art Journal, 40(2), pp. 223-248. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcx023)
Bonehill, J., Barrell, J. and Daniels, S. (2017) Picturing Places. [Website]
Bonehill, J. (2016) The view from the gentleman’s estate. In: Hallett, M., Llewellyn, N. and Myrone, M. (eds.) Court, Country, City: British Art and Architecture, 1660-1735. Series: Studies in British art (24). Yale University Press: New Haven, CT, pp. 383-409. ISBN 9780300214802
Bonehill, J. (2014) 'New scenes drawn by the pencil of truth': Joseph Banks' northern voyage. Journal of Historical Geography, 43, pp. 9-27. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2012.05.018)
Bonehill, J. (2013) ”The eye of delicacy”: Joseph Wright of Derby reviewed. In: Monks, S., Barrell, J. and Hallett, M. (eds.) Living with the Royal Academy: Artistic Ideals and Experiences in Britain, 1768-1848. Series: British art: global contexts. Routledge, pp. 89-110. ISBN 9781409403180
Bonehill, J. (2013) 'The eye of delicacy': Joseph Wright of Derby reviewed. In: Monks, S., Barrell, J. and Hallett, M. (eds.) Living with the Royal Academy: Artistic Ideals and Experiences in Britain, 1768-1848. Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 89-110. ISBN 9781409403180
Bonehill, J. (2013) Ramsay's "Classical Curiosity". In: Campbell, M. and Dulau, A. (eds.) Allan Ramsay: Portraits of the Enlightenment. Prestel: Munich, pp. 91-109. ISBN 9783791348780
Bonehill, J. (2013) Ramsay’s “classical curiosity”. In: Campbell, M. (ed.) Allan Ramsay: Portraits of the Enlightenment. Prestel: Munich, pp. 109-125. ISBN 9783791348780
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2012) Projecting London: Turner and Greenwich. Oxford Art Journal, 35(2), pp. 171-194. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcs017)
Bonehill, J. (2012) "The centre of pleasure and magnificence": Paul and Thomas Sandby's London. Huntington Library Quarterly, 75(3), pp. 365-392. (doi: 10.1525/hlq.2012.75.3.365)
Bonehill, J. (2011) 'Artists and Bard in sweet alliance': Joseph Wright’s social circles and the making of the View of Gibraltar. In: Bonehill, J., Brooke, J., Kemplan, B. and de Witt, D. (eds.) Lost and Found: Wright of Derby’s View of Gibraltar. Agnes Etherington Arts Centre, University of Ontario: Kingston, Ontario. ISBN 9781553392583
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (Eds.) (2009) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. Royal Academy of Arts: London, UK. ISBN 9781905711482
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2009) 'Real views from nature in this country': Paul Sandby, estate portraiture and British landscape art. British Art Journal, 10(1), pp. 72-77.
Bonehill, J., Daniels, S. and Alfrey, N. (2009) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. In: Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (eds.) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. Royal Academy of Arts: London, UK, pp. 12-27. ISBN 9781905711482
Bonehill, J. and Skinner, S. (2009) 'Grand secrets': Sandby's materials and techniques. In: Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (eds.) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. Royal Academy of Arts: London, UK, pp. 64-71. ISBN 9781905711482
Bonehill, J. (2008) British Art History and the Royal Academy. Oxford Art Journal, 31(2), pp. 292-294. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcn017)
Bonehill, J. (2008) Laying siege to the Royal Academy: Wright of Derby's View of Gibraltar at Robins's Rooms, Covent Garden, April 1785. In: Cherry, D. and Cullen, F. (eds.) Spectacle and Display. Blackwell, pp. 47-70. ISBN 9781405175241
Bonehill, J. (2008) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. [Exhibitions]
Bonehill, J. (2007) Laying siege to the Royal Academy: Wright of Derby's 'View of Gilbraltar' at Robins's Rooms, Covent Garden, April 1785. Art History, 30(4), pp. 521-544.
Bonehill, J. (2006) 'For the national cause': art, Britishness and the war artists' advisory committee. In: Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (eds.) Art for the Nation: The Oil Paintings Collections of the National Maritime Museum. National Maritime Museum: London, UK, pp. 111-122. ISBN 9780948065767
Bonehill, J. (2006) Landfall and landmark: Captain James Cook and the crew of Resolution at Dusky Bay, New Zealand in or about April 1773. Landscapes, 7(1), pp. 37-53.
Bonehill, J. and Quilley, G. (Eds.) (2005) Conflicting Visions: War and Visual Culture in Britain and France, c.1700-1830. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9780754605751
Bonehill, J. (2005) Exhibiting war: John Singleton Copley's 'The Siege of Gibraltar' and the staging of history. In: Bonehill, J. and Quilley, G. (eds.) Conflicting Visions: War and Visual Culture in Britain and France, c.1700-1830. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 139-167. ISBN 9780754605751
Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (Eds.) (2004) William Hodges 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration. Yale University Press for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: New Haven, CT, USA. ISBN 9780300103762
Bonehill, J. (2004) Making Pacific history. In: Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (eds.) William Hodges 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration. Yale University Press for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: New Haven, CT, USA, pp. 74-136. ISBN 9780300103762
Bonehill, J. (2004) 'This hapless adventurer': Hodges and the London art world. In: Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (eds.) William Hodges 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration. Yale University Press for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: New Haven, CT, USA, pp. 9-14. ISBN 9780300103762
Bonehill, J. (2001) Reynolds' portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton and the fashion for war. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 24(2), pp. 123-144. (doi: 10.1111/j.1754-0208.2001.tb00433.x)
Bonehill, J. (2023) Staging grounds: Loutherbourg and Warley. Art History, 46(4), pp. 778-810. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12743)
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2017) Designs on the landscape: Paul and Thomas Sandby in North Britain. Oxford Art Journal, 40(2), pp. 223-248. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcx023)
Bonehill, J. (2014) 'New scenes drawn by the pencil of truth': Joseph Banks' northern voyage. Journal of Historical Geography, 43, pp. 9-27. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2012.05.018)
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2012) Projecting London: Turner and Greenwich. Oxford Art Journal, 35(2), pp. 171-194. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcs017)
Bonehill, J. (2012) "The centre of pleasure and magnificence": Paul and Thomas Sandby's London. Huntington Library Quarterly, 75(3), pp. 365-392. (doi: 10.1525/hlq.2012.75.3.365)
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2009) 'Real views from nature in this country': Paul Sandby, estate portraiture and British landscape art. British Art Journal, 10(1), pp. 72-77.
Bonehill, J. (2008) British Art History and the Royal Academy. Oxford Art Journal, 31(2), pp. 292-294. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcn017)
Bonehill, J. (2007) Laying siege to the Royal Academy: Wright of Derby's 'View of Gilbraltar' at Robins's Rooms, Covent Garden, April 1785. Art History, 30(4), pp. 521-544.
Bonehill, J. (2006) Landfall and landmark: Captain James Cook and the crew of Resolution at Dusky Bay, New Zealand in or about April 1773. Landscapes, 7(1), pp. 37-53.
Bonehill, J. (2001) Reynolds' portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton and the fashion for war. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 24(2), pp. 123-144. (doi: 10.1111/j.1754-0208.2001.tb00433.x)
Book Sections
Bonehill, J. (2025) Moving pictures: Thomas Sandby in the East Midlands and Yorkshire. In: Watt, J. and O'Byrne, A. (eds.) Discovering Britain and Ireland in the Romantic Period. Series: Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. Cambridge University Press, pp. 74-96. ISBN 9781108903981 (In Press)
Bonehill, J. (2023) House painting: place and position in estate portraiture circa 1770. In: Lindfield, P., Stobart, J. and Coutu, J. (eds.) Politics and the English Country House, 1688-1800. McGill-Queen's University Press: Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago, pp. 171-196. ISBN 9780228014027 (In Press)
Bonehill, J. (2021) John Crome and the London Art World. In: Bottinelli, G. (ed.) A Passion for Landscape: Rediscovering John Crome. Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery: Norwich, UK, pp. 26-33. ISBN 9781527291478
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2020) 'Map-work': art and the culture of cartography in Georgian Britain. In: Edney, M. and Sponberg Pedley, M. (eds.) History of Cartography, Vol.4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. University of Chicago Press.
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2020) Education and cartography. In: Edney, M. H. and Sponberg Pedley, M. (eds.) The History of Cartography. Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago, pp. 720-727. ISBN 9780226184753
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (2020) Landscape, maps, and aesthetics. In: Edney, M. H. and Spoonberg Pedley, M. (eds.) The History of Cartography. Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, pp. 367-379. ISBN 9780226184753
Bonehill, J. (2016) The view from the gentleman’s estate. In: Hallett, M., Llewellyn, N. and Myrone, M. (eds.) Court, Country, City: British Art and Architecture, 1660-1735. Series: Studies in British art (24). Yale University Press: New Haven, CT, pp. 383-409. ISBN 9780300214802
Bonehill, J. (2013) ”The eye of delicacy”: Joseph Wright of Derby reviewed. In: Monks, S., Barrell, J. and Hallett, M. (eds.) Living with the Royal Academy: Artistic Ideals and Experiences in Britain, 1768-1848. Series: British art: global contexts. Routledge, pp. 89-110. ISBN 9781409403180
Bonehill, J. (2013) 'The eye of delicacy': Joseph Wright of Derby reviewed. In: Monks, S., Barrell, J. and Hallett, M. (eds.) Living with the Royal Academy: Artistic Ideals and Experiences in Britain, 1768-1848. Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 89-110. ISBN 9781409403180
Bonehill, J. (2013) Ramsay's "Classical Curiosity". In: Campbell, M. and Dulau, A. (eds.) Allan Ramsay: Portraits of the Enlightenment. Prestel: Munich, pp. 91-109. ISBN 9783791348780
Bonehill, J. (2013) Ramsay’s “classical curiosity”. In: Campbell, M. (ed.) Allan Ramsay: Portraits of the Enlightenment. Prestel: Munich, pp. 109-125. ISBN 9783791348780
Bonehill, J. (2011) 'Artists and Bard in sweet alliance': Joseph Wright’s social circles and the making of the View of Gibraltar. In: Bonehill, J., Brooke, J., Kemplan, B. and de Witt, D. (eds.) Lost and Found: Wright of Derby’s View of Gibraltar. Agnes Etherington Arts Centre, University of Ontario: Kingston, Ontario. ISBN 9781553392583
Bonehill, J., Daniels, S. and Alfrey, N. (2009) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. In: Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (eds.) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. Royal Academy of Arts: London, UK, pp. 12-27. ISBN 9781905711482
Bonehill, J. and Skinner, S. (2009) 'Grand secrets': Sandby's materials and techniques. In: Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (eds.) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. Royal Academy of Arts: London, UK, pp. 64-71. ISBN 9781905711482
Bonehill, J. (2008) Laying siege to the Royal Academy: Wright of Derby's View of Gibraltar at Robins's Rooms, Covent Garden, April 1785. In: Cherry, D. and Cullen, F. (eds.) Spectacle and Display. Blackwell, pp. 47-70. ISBN 9781405175241
Bonehill, J. (2006) 'For the national cause': art, Britishness and the war artists' advisory committee. In: Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (eds.) Art for the Nation: The Oil Paintings Collections of the National Maritime Museum. National Maritime Museum: London, UK, pp. 111-122. ISBN 9780948065767
Bonehill, J. (2005) Exhibiting war: John Singleton Copley's 'The Siege of Gibraltar' and the staging of history. In: Bonehill, J. and Quilley, G. (eds.) Conflicting Visions: War and Visual Culture in Britain and France, c.1700-1830. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 139-167. ISBN 9780754605751
Bonehill, J. (2004) Making Pacific history. In: Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (eds.) William Hodges 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration. Yale University Press for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: New Haven, CT, USA, pp. 74-136. ISBN 9780300103762
Bonehill, J. (2004) 'This hapless adventurer': Hodges and the London art world. In: Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (eds.) William Hodges 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration. Yale University Press for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: New Haven, CT, USA, pp. 9-14. ISBN 9780300103762
Edited Books
Bonehill, J., Beveridge Dulau, A. and Leask, N. (Eds.) (2021) Old Ways New Roads: Travels in Scotland 1720-1830. Birlinn: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781780276670
Bonehill, J. and Daniels, S. (Eds.) (2009) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. Royal Academy of Arts: London, UK. ISBN 9781905711482
Bonehill, J. and Quilley, G. (Eds.) (2005) Conflicting Visions: War and Visual Culture in Britain and France, c.1700-1830. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. ISBN 9780754605751
Quilley, G. and Bonehill, J. (Eds.) (2004) William Hodges 1744-1797: The Art of Exploration. Yale University Press for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: New Haven, CT, USA. ISBN 9780300103762
Bonehill, J. (2008) Paul Sandby: Picturing Britain. [Exhibitions]
Bonehill, J., Barrell, J. and Daniels, S. (2017) Picturing Places. [Website]
Accepting PhD supervision in the following areas:
- Art and war
- Art and empire
- Landscape aesthetics
- The history of watercolour
- Art world politics
- Exhibition culture
- Holt, Alexandra
The Art of George Garrard (1760-1826)
- Art of Exploration (Level 2)
- Art and the British Empire (Honours)
- History of Collecting and Collections (MLitt)