Number of items: 48.
Macartney, H.
Spanish sculpture and its reproduction: Stirling Maxwell and the second edition of the Annals of the Artists of Spain.
Hispanic Research Journal, 24(5),
pp. 422-447.
(doi: 10.1080/14682737.2024.2455312)
González-Román, C. and MacArtney, H.
Displaying art in a sacred space: The artworks for the Triunfo of St. Ferdinand in Seville Cathedral (1671).
In: Bianchi, Pamela (ed.)
Displaying Art in the Early Modern Period: Exhibiting Practices and Exhibition Spaces.
Series: Routledge Research in Art Museums and Exhibitions.
Routledge: New York, pp. 131-152.
ISBN 9781032202884
Gomes, L. and MacArtney, H.
The Exotic Otherness of Early Modern Imagery and Emblematics.
2022 MLA International Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 Jun 2022.
Macartney, H.
Accessing Murillo: Stirling Maxwell’s contribution to scholarship, collecting and taste.
In: Kent, Isabelle (ed.)
Collecting Murillo in Britain and Ireland.
CEEH, Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid.
ISBN 9788415245964
Macartney, H.
Stirling Maxwell and the legacy of Ceán Bermúdez in scholarship of Spanish art in nineteenth-century Britain.
In: García López, David and Santiago Páez, Elena M.ª. (eds.)
Ceán Bermúdez y la historiografía de las bellas artes.
Ediciones Trea: Gijón, pp. 187-204.
ISBN 9788418105302
Powell, V. G. and MacArtney, H.
Plunder, dissolution, and dodgy dealing: the international market for Spanish art in the nineteenth century.
In: Milosch, Jane C. and Pearce, Nick (eds.)
Collecting and Provenance: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, MD, pp. 175-188.
ISBN 9781538127568
González-Román, C. and Macartney, H.
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 3(2),
p. 173.
(doi: 10.1080/24741604.2019.1630205)
González-Román, C. and Macartney, H.
Teatralidad y performatividad de las artes: el contexto hispánico en la Europa de los siglos XVI–XVIII [Guest Editors].
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 3(2),
Macartney, H.
Lingering over graphic descriptions of grand state ceremonials and festivities: Stirling Maxwell and the role of the artist in Golden-Age Spain.
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 3(2),
pp. 189-204.
(doi: 10.1080/24741604.2019.1621097)
Macartney, H.
Modelos de difusión de la obra de Murillo. De la estampa a la fotografía.
In: Congreso Internacional ‘Murillo ante su Centenario’, Seville, Spain, 19-22 Mar 2018,
pp. 77-86.
Macartney, H.
A university set on a hill overlooking one of the richest cities: Stirling Maxwell, Spanish Culture, and the University of Glasgow.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies,
(doi: 10.1080/14753820.2018.1457871)
(Early Online Publication)
Macartney, H.
El arte español entre Roma y París (siglos XVIII y XIX): intercambios artísticos y circulación de modelos. Edited by Luis Sazatornil & Frédéric Jiméno. Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 143. Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2014. xi + 574 pp. 93 colour + 49 black-and-white illustrations.
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 2(1),
pp. 152-153.
(doi: 10.1080/24741604.2018.1463763)[Book Review]
Macartney, H.
ILENIA COLÓN MENDOZA, The Cristos yacentes of Gregorio Fernández: Polychrome Sculptures of the Supine Christ in Seventeenth-Century Spain. Visual Culture in Early Modernity. Farnham: Ashgate. 2018. xviii + 186 pp. 16 colour + 52 black-and-white illustrations.
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 2(2),
pp. 347-349.
(doi: 10.1080/24741604.2018.1512774)[Book Review]
Macartney, H.
On Art and Painting: Vicente Carducho and Baroque Spain. Edited by Jean Andrews, Jeremy Roe and Oliver Noble Wood. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 2016. Studies in Visual Culture. xxvi + 386 pp. 43 black-and-white illustrations.
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 2(2),
pp. 349-351.
(doi: 10.1080/24741604.2018.1512774)[Book Review]
Macartney, H.
Cean Bermudez: historiador del arte y coleccionista ilustrado.
Hispanic Research Journal, 18(5),
pp. 442-445.
(doi: 10.1080/14682737.2017.1377497)[Book Review]
Macartney, H.
Velázquez:‘Las Meninas’and the Late Royal Portraits. [Exhibition catalogue]. Edited by Javier Portús. Translated by Wade Matthews and Laura Suffield. London/New York: Thames & Hudson. 2014. 176 pp.; 83 colour + 9 black-and-white illustrations.
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 1(2),
pp. 318-319.
(doi: 10.1080/24741604.2017.1366170)[Book Review]
Macartney, H. and Matilla, J. M. (Eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain”
by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H.
Retrato enigmático: La Dama del armiño, Stirling Maxwell y la recepción de El Greco.
In: Almarcha, Esther, Martínez-Burgos, Palma and Sainz Magaña, Elena (eds.)
El Greco en su IV centenario: Patrimonio hispánico y diálogo intercultural.
Series: Estudios (151).
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: Cuenca.
ISBN 9788490441787
Macartney, H.
Stirling, the Annals and the reproduction of Spanish art.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 21-45.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H. , Liddy, B. and Harding, C.
Documenting the photography for the Annals Talbotypes.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 95-105.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H. and Matilla, J. M.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 11-19.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H. , Matilla, J. M. and Naranjo, B.
Catalogue Raisonné.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 125-293.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H. , Matilla, J. M. and Naranjo, B.
Census of bound edition copies of Talbotype illustrations to the Annals of the Artists of Spain by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 295-316.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H. and Weston, D.
(Re)constructing the Annals Talbotypes volume.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 69-77.
ISBN 9788415245551
Tate, J., Macartney, H. and Young, M.
Questions of fading: science, debate and analysis in the Annals Talbotypes.
In: Macartney, Hilary and Matilla, José Manuel (eds.)
Copied by the Sun: Talbotype Illustrations to the “Annals of the Artists of Spain” by Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
Museo Nacional del Prado/ Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica: Madrid, pp. 107-123.
ISBN 9788415245551
Macartney, H.
Faith in facsimile? The invention of photography and the reproduction of Spanish art.
Art in Translation, 7(1),
pp. 95-122.
(doi: 10.2752/175613115X14235644692356)
Fracchia, C. and Macartney, H.
The fall into oblivion of the works of the slave painter Juan de Pareja.
Art in Translation, 4(2),
pp. 63-84.
(doi: 10.2752/175613112X13309377913043)
Dosio, P.A. and Macartney, H. [t.]
Exchanging Glances: art in the International Exhibitions in Argentina (1882-1910).
Art in Translation, 3(4),
pp. 401-432.
(doi: 10.2752/175613111X13099647164167)
Macartney, H.
Experiments in photography as the tool of art history, no. 1: William Stirling's Annals of the Artists of Spain (1848).
Journal of Art Historiography, 5,
pp. 1-17.
Gomes, L. , Macartney, H. and Holloway, A.
Iberian Era brought to life through art.
Escobar, T. and Macartney, H. (t.)
Parallel modernities. Notes on artistic modernity in the Southern Cone of Latin America: The case of Paraguay.
Art in Translation, 3(1),
pp. 87-114.
(doi: 10.2752/175613111X12877376766266)
Kinchin, J., Macartney, H. and Robertson, D. (Eds.)
Cottier's in Context: Daniel Cottier, William Leiper and Dowanhill Church, Glasgow.
Series: Case Study.
Historic Scotland: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781849170529
Macartney, H.
Documenting the building.
In: Kinchin, J., Macartney, H. and Robertson, D. (eds.)
Cottier's in Context: Daniel Cottier, William Leiper and Dowanhill Church, Glasgow.
Series: Case Study (3).
Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 78-93.
ISBN 9781849170529
Macartney, H.
Documenting the congregation: ministry and mission.
In: Kinchin, J., Macartney, H. and Robertson, D. (eds.)
Cottier's in Context: Daniel Cottier, William Leiper and Dowanhill Church, Glasgow.
Series: Case Study (3).
Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 58-77.
ISBN 9781849170529
Macartney, H.
La colección de arte español formada por Sir William Stirling Maxwell.
In: Antigüedad del Castillo-Olivares, M.D. and Ruiz, A.A. (eds.)
Colecciones, expolio, museos y mercado artístico en España en los siglos XVIII y XIX.
Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces.
Macartney, H. and Ferdinand, A.
Documenting the painted decoration.
In: Kinchin, J., Macartney, H. and Robertson, D. (eds.)
Cottier's in Context: Daniel Cottier, William Leiper and Dowanhill Church, Glasgow.
Series: Case Study (3).
Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 94-109.
ISBN 9781849170529
Robertson, D., Jamieson, K. and Macartney, H.
Music, harmony and the Willis organ.
In: Kinchin, J., Macartney, H. and Robertson, D. (eds.)
Cottier's in Context: Daniel Cottier, William Leiper and Dowanhill Church, Glasgow.
Series: Case Study (3).
Historic Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 121-129.
ISBN 9781849170529
Macartney, H.
Innovation and tradition in the reproduction of Spanish art: Stirling, Utterson, and an album in the British Museum.
Hispanic Research Journal, 11(5),
pp. 451-477.
(doi: 10.1179/174582010X12813459925599)
Glendinning, N. and Macartney, H. (Eds.)
Spanish Art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920: Studies in reception in memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort.
Tamesis: Woodbridge.
ISBN 9781855662230
Macartney, H.
The catholic question:
Attitudes to roman catholicism in nineteenth-century britain and their impact on the reception of spanish art.
In: Glendinning, N. and Macartney, H. (eds.)
Spanish Art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920: Studies in Reception in Memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort.
Tamesis: Woodbridge, pp. 139-161.
ISBN 9781855662230
Macartney, H.
The Murillo/Velázquez debate:
Aspects of the critical fortunes of Murillo and Velázquez in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century writing on spanish art in the UK.
In: Glendinning, N. and Macartney, H. (eds.)
Spanish Art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920: Studies in Reception in Memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort.
Tamesis: Woodbridge, pp. 162-187.
ISBN 9781855662230
Macartney, H.
The reproduction of Spanish art.
In: Glendinning, N. and Macartney, H. (eds.)
Spanish Art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920: Studies in Reception in Memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort.
Tamesis: Woodbridge, pp. 103-128.
ISBN 9781855662230
Macartney, H.
Writing the history of Spanish art in nineteenth-century Britain.
In: Glendinning, N. and Macartney, H. (eds.)
Spanish Art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920: Studies in Reception in Memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort.
Tamesis: Woodbridge, pp. 86-102.
ISBN 9781855662230
Burucúa, J.E. and Macartney, H. (t.)
Reflections on the painting of Alejandro Puente, the notion of Pathosformel, and the return to life of mortally wounded civilizations.
Art in Translation, 1(1),
pp. 153-179.
(doi: 10.2752/175613109787307681)
Macartney, H.
The British ‘discovery’ of Spanish Golden Age art: Taste, collecting, and the response of British artists.
In: Baker, C., Howarth, D., Stirton, P. and Heide, C. (eds.)
The Discovery of Spain: British Artists and collectors: Goya to Picasso.
National Galleries of Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 80-105.
ISBN 9781906270186
Macartney, H.
Stirling, Ford, and nineteenth-century reception of Goya: The case of the Santa Justa and Santa Rufina: 'abomination' or 'appropriate composition'?
Hispanic Research Journal, 8(5),
pp. 425-444.
(doi: 10.1179/174582007X245294)
Macartney, H.
William Stirling and the talbotype volume of the Annals of the Artists of Spain.
History of Photography, 30(4),
pp. 291-308.
Macartney, H.
The reproduction of Spanish Art: Hill and Adamson’s calotypes and Sir William Stirling Maxwell’s ‘Annals of the Artists of Spain' (1848).
Studies in Photography,
pp. 16-23.
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 10:10:36 2025 GMT.