Dr Deborah Lewer

  • Senior Lecturer in History of Art (History of Art)

telephone: 01413302465
email: Deborah.Lewer@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: She/her/hers

R202 Level 2, History of Art, 8 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH

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ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2697-1692

Research interests

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Research Interests

Debbie Lewer is a specialist in modern German art and also works in the field of the intersection between art and religious faith. She has published widely on modern art, culture and politics in Germany and Switzerland and is an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellow. Her work centres on the German-speaking avant-garde of the period ca. 1910-1933: Zurich Dada, Dada in Germany, German Expressionism, ‘Neue Sachlichkeit’, aspects of modern architecture and the wider literary and visual culture of the Weimar Republic. She has also worked on post-1945 German art in both the Federal Republic and the German Democratic Republic and has translated many important source texts from German into English.

In recent years the focus of Debbie’s research has been on the complex and significant relationship between theology and art history. This originated in her studies of the Dadaist Hugo Ball and the place of belief, spirituality, religion and theological concepts in histories of modernism and the avant-garde. The broader questions around interdisciplinary approaches to Art History, Faith and Theology is the focus of her work as an Associate Tutor to the MA in Theology, Imagination and Culture at Sarum College, Salisbury and much of her current writing. She is also a regular speaker and writer for wide audiences on art and faith.

Debbie is a member of the Editorial Board of the UK’s leading journal for the discipline, Art History.She is also a long-standing writer of audioguide scripts for major international museums and collections.  She is a regular speaker and occasional broadcaster for diverse public and professional audiences. She has a strong commitment to public engagement and knowledge exchange beyond academia.

Prior to joining the University of Glasgow in 2001 she held posts as a Lecturer in History of Art at University College London, at Christie’s Education, London, at Manchester University, at Manchester Metropolitan University and at the University of East Anglia. In 2007 she was a visiting lecturer at Northwestern University, Evanston USA and in 2009-10 she was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers hosted at the Institute for Art History at the University of Bonn, Germany.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2002 | 1996
Number of items: 64.


Lewer, D. (2025) Theorising ritual and art after modernity. In: Eikelboom, L. and Newheiser, D. (eds.) Art-Making as Spiritual Practice: Rituals of Embodied Understanding. Series: Expanding Philosophy of Religion. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350474185 (In Press)


Lewer, D. (2024) Anselm Kiefer: paradox and play in the ruins of theology. In: McCaffrey, F. (ed.) Anselm Kiefer: OPUS MAGNUM. Fergus McCaffrey: Tokyo, pp. 18-26.


Lewer, D. (2023) Hugo Ball’s religious conversion. German Life and Letters, 76(3), pp. 376-391. (doi: 10.1111/glal.12378)


Lewer, D. (2022) Prescience and power: Otto Dix, Der Krieg 1929-32. Art and Christianity, 112, pp. 12-13.

Williams, R. and Lewer, D. (2022) Art and the religious imagination: A conversation with Rowan Williams. Theology in Scotland, 29(1), pp. 23-34. (doi: 10.15664/tis.v29i1.2418)

Lewer, D. (2022) Vom verlorenen Sohn, dem ungläubigen Thomas und der Offenbarung des Johannes. In: Reusch, F. and LeGrove, J. (eds.) Egon Altdorf 1922-2008: Die Kunst der inneren Erneuerung: Skulptur, Grafik, Glasfenster, Lyrik. Kunstarche e.V., Reichert Verlag: Wiesbaden, pp. 28-41. ISBN 9783752006629


Lewer, D. (2021) Art and the religious imagination: An interview with Rowan Williams. Art and Christianity, 108, pp. 6-10.

Lewer, D. (2021) Michael Triegel at the Kunsthalle Rostock [Exhibition Review]. Art and Christianity, 106,

Lewer, D. (2021) Review of "Total Expansion of the Letter: Avant-Garde Art and Language After Mallarmé" by Trevor Stark. caa.reviews, 2021(Mar 4), (doi: 10.3202/caa.reviews.2021.17)[Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2021) Psalms 15 and 14: Who May Abide? [Website]


Lewer, D. (2020) Ernst Barlach, sculpture and the "terrible year" 1937. London Art History Society Review, pp. 15-17.

Lewer, D. (2020) Kleinkunst and Gesamtkunstwerk in Munich and Zurich: Der Blaue Reiter and Dada. In: Price, D. (ed.) German Expressionism: Der Blaue Reiter and its Legacies. Manchester University Press: Manchester, pp. 105-122. ISBN 9781526121622

Lewer, D. (2020) On not seeing Breugel (Epiphany). Other Journal, 31,

Lewer, D. (2020) 2 Timothy 2: God's Firm Foundation, in Visual Commentary on Scripture. [Website]

Lewer, D. (2020) Art, faith and fear. Art and Christianity, 102, pp. 2-5.

Lewer, D. (2020) Proverbs 11: Straight and Crooked Paths to Wisdom, in Visual Commentary on Scripture. [Website]


Lewer, D. (2019) Luxury and the loom: re‐thinking modernism's materiality. Art History, 42(5), pp. 1008-1012. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12478)[Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2019) Mat Collishaw: The Nerve Rack [Exhibition Review]. Art and Christianity, 99, pp. 13-14.

Lewer, D. (2019) Max Beckmann's Hell 1919. In: Black, P. (ed.) The German Revolution: Expressionist Prints. The Hunterian: Glasgow, pp. 72-95. ISBN 9780904254990


Lewer, D. (2018) 'Wonder vs. therapy' in art and Christianity. Art and Christianity, 93, pp. 2-5.

Lewer, D. (2018) Conference report: Religion in Museum Education, Instituto Lorenzo de'Medici, Florence. Art and Christianity, 94, pp. 18-19.


Lewer, D. (2016) Dada's Genesis: Zurich. In: Hopkins, D. (ed.) A Companion to Dada and Surrealism. Series: Wiley Blackwell companions to art history (10). Wiley Blackwell: Chichester, pp. 21-37. ISBN 9781118476185

Lewer, D. (2016) The Problem of God, K21 Dusseldorf [exhibition review]. Art and Christianity, 85, pp. 9-10.


Seiwert, F. W. and Lewer, D. (2015) Constantin Brancusi, the Sculptor. Art in Translation, 7(3), pp. 399-404. (doi: 10.1080/17561310.2015.1082851)

Lewer, D. (2015) Love at work: avant-garde couples in expressionism, Dada and beyond. Art History, 38(1), pp. 221-225. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12139)[Book Review]


Lewer, D. (2014) Hannah Höch, performance and the anti-revue. In: Ades, D., Butler, E. and Hermann, D. F. (eds.) Hannah Höch [exhibition catalogue]. Whitechapel Gallery / Prestel: London / Munich, pp. 30-37. ISBN 9783791353432

Lewer, D. (2014) "The uncorrupt image”: Hugo Ball, Zurich Dada and the aesthetics, politics, and metaphysics of asceticism. In: Hopkins, D. and White, M. (eds.) Virgin Microbe: Essays on Dada. Series: Avant-garde and modernism studies. Northwestern University Press: Evanston, IL, pp. 91-116. ISBN 9780810129399

Lewer, D. (2014) Review of: John Heartfield and the Agitated Image: Photography, Persuasion, and the Rise of the Avant-Garde Photomontage. History of Photography, 38(4), pp. 435-437. (doi: 10.1080/03087298.2014.967941)


Lewer, D. (2013) Translation from the German and introduction to: Hugo Ball, 'On Occultism, the Hieratic, and Other Strangely Beautiful Things' (1917). Art in Translation, 5(3), pp. 403-408. (doi: 10.2752/175613113X13708628811016)

Lewer, D. (2013) Introduction: art and cultural politics in the German Democratic Republic. Art in Translation, 5(1), pp. 5-14. (doi: 10.2752/175613113X13547854569041)

Lewer, D. (2013) "Eine Epoche ähnlich jener des zu Ende gehenden Mittelalters": die kulturkritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Mittelalter in der Weimarer Republik ["An Epoch like that of the waning Middle Ages": cultural-critical engagement with the medieval in the Weimar Republic]. In: Reudenbach, B. and Steinkamp, M. (eds.) Mittelalterbilder im Nationalsozialismus. Series: Hamburger Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte (9). Akademie Verlag Gmbh: Berlin, Germany, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9783050060965

Lewer, D. (2013) Special Issue on Art in the GDR [Volume Editor]. Art in Translation, 5(1),


Lewer, D. (2012) Introduction to: Julia Gelshorn, 'The Reception of History and the History of Reception. On the Contemporaneity of Gerhard Richter' translated by Claudia Heide. Art in Translation, 4(2), pp. 186-187.

Lewer, D. (2012) Dada, carnival and revolution. In: Bru, S., Baetens, J., Hjartarson, B., Nicholls, P., Orum, T. and van den Berg, H. (eds.) Regarding the Popular: Modernism, Avant-Garde and High and Low Culture. Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany, pp. 99-114. ISBN 9783110274561

Lewer, D. (2012) Radical type: the visual languages of Der Dada (Berlin 1919-1920). Kritische Berichte, 4(40), pp. 11-20.

Lewer, D. (2012) "Sind wir nicht magische Eklektizisten?": Eklektizismus, das Wort und das Bild im Z. In: Lehmann, D. and Petri, G. (eds.) Eklektizismus und eklektische Verfahren in der Kunst. Series: Studien Zur Kunstgeschichte (195). Olms Verlag: Hildesheim, Germany, pp. 281-296. ISBN 9783487147888

Lewer, D. , Bru, S., Thacker, A. and Weikop, C., (2012) The avant-garde in Swiss exile 1914-20: Der Mistral (1915), Sirius (1915-16), Cabaret Voltaire (1916), Dada (1917-19), 391 (No. 8, 1918), Der Zeltweg (1919), Almanach der Freien Zeitung (1918). In: Brooker, P. (ed.) The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines: Europe 1880-1940. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 1032-1056. ISBN 9780199681303


Lewer, D. (2011) Die Zerstörung der Kathedrale von Reims und ihre Folgen für das Deutsch-Französische Verhältnis und die Kunstgeschichte [The destruction of Rheims Cathedral and the consequences for German-French relations and art history]. In: Imhof, M. (ed.) Wissenschaftlicher Begleitband zur Landesausstellung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Der Naumburger Meister. Bildhauer und Architekt im Europa der Kathedralen. Verlag: Petersberg, pp. 317-324.

Lewer, D. (2011) German Expressionism as 'Gesamtkunstwerk'? Review of Ralf Beil and Claudia Dillmann eds., Gesamtkunstwerk Expressionismus, Exhibition catalogue, Darmstadt, 2010. Art History, 34(5), pp. 1065-1068. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8365.2011.00863.x)

Lewer, D. (2011) L’art des deux Allemagne. Perspective, 2010/2(3), pp. 361-365.

Lewer, D. (2011) Revolution and the Weimar avant-garde: contesting the politics of art, 1919-1924. In: Williams, J.A. (ed.) Weimar Culture Revisited. Series: Studies in European culture and history. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY, USA, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780230109421

Lewer, D. (2011) Translation from the German and introduction to: Siegfried Kracauer, 'A Turn in Art's Destiny' (1920). Art in Translation, 3(4), pp. 433-440.


Lewer, D. (2010) David Hopkins, Dada’s Boys (London and New Haven 2008) and Ruth Hemus, Dada’s Women (London and New Haven 2009). Hugo-Ball-Almanach Studien und Texte zu Dada, pp. 157-165. [Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2010) Erwin Blumenfeld at the Berlinische Galerie, Berlin. Hugo-Ball-Almanach Studien und Texte zu Dada, pp. 172-176.


Lewer, D. (2009) Hugo Ball, iconoclasm and the origins of Dada in Zurich. Oxford Art Journal, 32(1), pp. 17-35. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcn031)

Lewer, D. (2009) After fascism: two views of two Germanys. Oxford Art Journal, 32(3), pp. 466-471. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcp038)

Lewer, D. (2009) Painting as a weapon: progressive Cologne 1920-33. Seiwert – Hoerle – Arntz by Lynette Roth. German Studies Review, pp. 239-240. [Book Review]


Lewer, D. (2008) Berlin: portrait of a city by Hans Christian Adam. Art Book, 15(2), pp. 64-66. [Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2008) EX ORIENTE DADA? Dada East: The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire by Tom Sandqvist. Art History, 31(2), pp. 248-250. [Book Review]


Lewer, D. (2007) Dada's Boys: Identity and Play in Contemporary Art. Papers of Surrealism, 5, pp. 1-10.

Lewer, D. (2007) The agitator and the legacy of the avant-garde in the German Democratic Republic: Willi Sitte’s Rufer II (Caller II) of 1964. Art History and Criticism, 3, pp. 62-69.

Lewer, D. (2007) Art archive Beeskow. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, July, pp. 51-54.

Lewer, D. (2007) Exhibition review: 'O.M. Ungers. Kosmos der Architektur, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin'. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, Februa, p. 22.

Lewer, D. (2007) Fuga Saeculi – Hugo Ball at the Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich. Papers of Surrealism, 6,

Lewer, D. (2007) Gottfried Honnegger, Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, Novemb, p. 118.

Lewer, D. (2007) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich: Furniture and Interiors, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, June, p. 112.


Lewer, D. (2006) Boys’ Club: Dada’s Boys: Roundtable Discussion. MAP, 6, pp. 34-39.

Lewer, D. (2006) Brush up on your History. School Leaver, 36(1), pp. 36-37.

Lewer, D. (2006) Modern Architectural Theory by Harry Francis Mallgrave. Newsletter of the Historians of British Art, April, [Book Review]


Lewer, D. (Ed.) (2005) Post-Impressionism to World War II. Series: Blackwell Anthologies in Art History. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 1405111526

Lewer, D. (2005) Expressionism. Parkstone Sirrocco Press. ISBN 1844847152


Lewer, D. (2002) Neutrality under Threat: Freedom, Use and "Abuse" of the Press in Switzerland 1914-1919. In: Gee, M. and Kirk, T., (eds.) Printed Matters: Printing, Publishing and Urban Culture in the Modern Period. Ashgate Press, pp. 132-149. ISBN 978-0754602798


Howard, M. and Lewer, D. (Eds.) (1996) A New Order: An Evening at Cabaret Voltaire. Manchester Metropolitan University. ISBN 9780951030325

Lewer, D. (1996) From the Cabaret Voltaire to the Kaufleutensaal: “Mapping” Zurich Dada. In: Pichon, B. and Riha, K. (eds.) Dada Zurich: A Clown’s Game from Nothing. G.K. Hall. ISBN 9780816173280

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:39:42 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 64.


Lewer, D. (2023) Hugo Ball’s religious conversion. German Life and Letters, 76(3), pp. 376-391. (doi: 10.1111/glal.12378)

Lewer, D. (2022) Prescience and power: Otto Dix, Der Krieg 1929-32. Art and Christianity, 112, pp. 12-13.

Williams, R. and Lewer, D. (2022) Art and the religious imagination: A conversation with Rowan Williams. Theology in Scotland, 29(1), pp. 23-34. (doi: 10.15664/tis.v29i1.2418)

Lewer, D. (2021) Art and the religious imagination: An interview with Rowan Williams. Art and Christianity, 108, pp. 6-10.

Lewer, D. (2021) Michael Triegel at the Kunsthalle Rostock [Exhibition Review]. Art and Christianity, 106,

Lewer, D. (2020) Ernst Barlach, sculpture and the "terrible year" 1937. London Art History Society Review, pp. 15-17.

Lewer, D. (2020) On not seeing Breugel (Epiphany). Other Journal, 31,

Lewer, D. (2020) Art, faith and fear. Art and Christianity, 102, pp. 2-5.

Lewer, D. (2019) Mat Collishaw: The Nerve Rack [Exhibition Review]. Art and Christianity, 99, pp. 13-14.

Lewer, D. (2018) 'Wonder vs. therapy' in art and Christianity. Art and Christianity, 93, pp. 2-5.

Lewer, D. (2018) Conference report: Religion in Museum Education, Instituto Lorenzo de'Medici, Florence. Art and Christianity, 94, pp. 18-19.

Lewer, D. (2016) The Problem of God, K21 Dusseldorf [exhibition review]. Art and Christianity, 85, pp. 9-10.

Seiwert, F. W. and Lewer, D. (2015) Constantin Brancusi, the Sculptor. Art in Translation, 7(3), pp. 399-404. (doi: 10.1080/17561310.2015.1082851)

Lewer, D. (2014) Review of: John Heartfield and the Agitated Image: Photography, Persuasion, and the Rise of the Avant-Garde Photomontage. History of Photography, 38(4), pp. 435-437. (doi: 10.1080/03087298.2014.967941)

Lewer, D. (2013) Translation from the German and introduction to: Hugo Ball, 'On Occultism, the Hieratic, and Other Strangely Beautiful Things' (1917). Art in Translation, 5(3), pp. 403-408. (doi: 10.2752/175613113X13708628811016)

Lewer, D. (2013) Introduction: art and cultural politics in the German Democratic Republic. Art in Translation, 5(1), pp. 5-14. (doi: 10.2752/175613113X13547854569041)

Lewer, D. (2013) Special Issue on Art in the GDR [Volume Editor]. Art in Translation, 5(1),

Lewer, D. (2012) Introduction to: Julia Gelshorn, 'The Reception of History and the History of Reception. On the Contemporaneity of Gerhard Richter' translated by Claudia Heide. Art in Translation, 4(2), pp. 186-187.

Lewer, D. (2012) Radical type: the visual languages of Der Dada (Berlin 1919-1920). Kritische Berichte, 4(40), pp. 11-20.

Lewer, D. (2011) German Expressionism as 'Gesamtkunstwerk'? Review of Ralf Beil and Claudia Dillmann eds., Gesamtkunstwerk Expressionismus, Exhibition catalogue, Darmstadt, 2010. Art History, 34(5), pp. 1065-1068. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8365.2011.00863.x)

Lewer, D. (2011) L’art des deux Allemagne. Perspective, 2010/2(3), pp. 361-365.

Lewer, D. (2011) Translation from the German and introduction to: Siegfried Kracauer, 'A Turn in Art's Destiny' (1920). Art in Translation, 3(4), pp. 433-440.

Lewer, D. (2010) Erwin Blumenfeld at the Berlinische Galerie, Berlin. Hugo-Ball-Almanach Studien und Texte zu Dada, pp. 172-176.

Lewer, D. (2009) Hugo Ball, iconoclasm and the origins of Dada in Zurich. Oxford Art Journal, 32(1), pp. 17-35. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcn031)

Lewer, D. (2009) After fascism: two views of two Germanys. Oxford Art Journal, 32(3), pp. 466-471. (doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcp038)

Lewer, D. (2007) Dada's Boys: Identity and Play in Contemporary Art. Papers of Surrealism, 5, pp. 1-10.

Lewer, D. (2007) The agitator and the legacy of the avant-garde in the German Democratic Republic: Willi Sitte’s Rufer II (Caller II) of 1964. Art History and Criticism, 3, pp. 62-69.

Lewer, D. (2007) Art archive Beeskow. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, July, pp. 51-54.

Lewer, D. (2007) Exhibition review: 'O.M. Ungers. Kosmos der Architektur, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin'. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, Februa, p. 22.

Lewer, D. (2007) Fuga Saeculi – Hugo Ball at the Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich. Papers of Surrealism, 6,

Lewer, D. (2007) Gottfried Honnegger, Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, Novemb, p. 118.

Lewer, D. (2007) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich: Furniture and Interiors, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany. Blueprint Magazine: Architecture and Design, June, p. 112.

Lewer, D. (2006) Boys’ Club: Dada’s Boys: Roundtable Discussion. MAP, 6, pp. 34-39.

Lewer, D. (2006) Brush up on your History. School Leaver, 36(1), pp. 36-37.


Lewer, D. (2005) Expressionism. Parkstone Sirrocco Press. ISBN 1844847152

Book Sections

Lewer, D. (2025) Theorising ritual and art after modernity. In: Eikelboom, L. and Newheiser, D. (eds.) Art-Making as Spiritual Practice: Rituals of Embodied Understanding. Series: Expanding Philosophy of Religion. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350474185 (In Press)

Lewer, D. (2024) Anselm Kiefer: paradox and play in the ruins of theology. In: McCaffrey, F. (ed.) Anselm Kiefer: OPUS MAGNUM. Fergus McCaffrey: Tokyo, pp. 18-26.

Lewer, D. (2022) Vom verlorenen Sohn, dem ungläubigen Thomas und der Offenbarung des Johannes. In: Reusch, F. and LeGrove, J. (eds.) Egon Altdorf 1922-2008: Die Kunst der inneren Erneuerung: Skulptur, Grafik, Glasfenster, Lyrik. Kunstarche e.V., Reichert Verlag: Wiesbaden, pp. 28-41. ISBN 9783752006629

Lewer, D. (2020) Kleinkunst and Gesamtkunstwerk in Munich and Zurich: Der Blaue Reiter and Dada. In: Price, D. (ed.) German Expressionism: Der Blaue Reiter and its Legacies. Manchester University Press: Manchester, pp. 105-122. ISBN 9781526121622

Lewer, D. (2019) Max Beckmann's Hell 1919. In: Black, P. (ed.) The German Revolution: Expressionist Prints. The Hunterian: Glasgow, pp. 72-95. ISBN 9780904254990

Lewer, D. (2016) Dada's Genesis: Zurich. In: Hopkins, D. (ed.) A Companion to Dada and Surrealism. Series: Wiley Blackwell companions to art history (10). Wiley Blackwell: Chichester, pp. 21-37. ISBN 9781118476185

Lewer, D. (2014) Hannah Höch, performance and the anti-revue. In: Ades, D., Butler, E. and Hermann, D. F. (eds.) Hannah Höch [exhibition catalogue]. Whitechapel Gallery / Prestel: London / Munich, pp. 30-37. ISBN 9783791353432

Lewer, D. (2014) "The uncorrupt image”: Hugo Ball, Zurich Dada and the aesthetics, politics, and metaphysics of asceticism. In: Hopkins, D. and White, M. (eds.) Virgin Microbe: Essays on Dada. Series: Avant-garde and modernism studies. Northwestern University Press: Evanston, IL, pp. 91-116. ISBN 9780810129399

Lewer, D. (2013) "Eine Epoche ähnlich jener des zu Ende gehenden Mittelalters": die kulturkritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Mittelalter in der Weimarer Republik ["An Epoch like that of the waning Middle Ages": cultural-critical engagement with the medieval in the Weimar Republic]. In: Reudenbach, B. and Steinkamp, M. (eds.) Mittelalterbilder im Nationalsozialismus. Series: Hamburger Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte (9). Akademie Verlag Gmbh: Berlin, Germany, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9783050060965

Lewer, D. (2012) Dada, carnival and revolution. In: Bru, S., Baetens, J., Hjartarson, B., Nicholls, P., Orum, T. and van den Berg, H. (eds.) Regarding the Popular: Modernism, Avant-Garde and High and Low Culture. Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany, pp. 99-114. ISBN 9783110274561

Lewer, D. (2012) "Sind wir nicht magische Eklektizisten?": Eklektizismus, das Wort und das Bild im Z. In: Lehmann, D. and Petri, G. (eds.) Eklektizismus und eklektische Verfahren in der Kunst. Series: Studien Zur Kunstgeschichte (195). Olms Verlag: Hildesheim, Germany, pp. 281-296. ISBN 9783487147888

Lewer, D. , Bru, S., Thacker, A. and Weikop, C., (2012) The avant-garde in Swiss exile 1914-20: Der Mistral (1915), Sirius (1915-16), Cabaret Voltaire (1916), Dada (1917-19), 391 (No. 8, 1918), Der Zeltweg (1919), Almanach der Freien Zeitung (1918). In: Brooker, P. (ed.) The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines: Europe 1880-1940. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 1032-1056. ISBN 9780199681303

Lewer, D. (2011) Die Zerstörung der Kathedrale von Reims und ihre Folgen für das Deutsch-Französische Verhältnis und die Kunstgeschichte [The destruction of Rheims Cathedral and the consequences for German-French relations and art history]. In: Imhof, M. (ed.) Wissenschaftlicher Begleitband zur Landesausstellung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Der Naumburger Meister. Bildhauer und Architekt im Europa der Kathedralen. Verlag: Petersberg, pp. 317-324.

Lewer, D. (2011) Revolution and the Weimar avant-garde: contesting the politics of art, 1919-1924. In: Williams, J.A. (ed.) Weimar Culture Revisited. Series: Studies in European culture and history. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY, USA, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780230109421

Lewer, D. (2002) Neutrality under Threat: Freedom, Use and "Abuse" of the Press in Switzerland 1914-1919. In: Gee, M. and Kirk, T., (eds.) Printed Matters: Printing, Publishing and Urban Culture in the Modern Period. Ashgate Press, pp. 132-149. ISBN 978-0754602798

Lewer, D. (1996) From the Cabaret Voltaire to the Kaufleutensaal: “Mapping” Zurich Dada. In: Pichon, B. and Riha, K. (eds.) Dada Zurich: A Clown’s Game from Nothing. G.K. Hall. ISBN 9780816173280

Book Reviews

Lewer, D. (2021) Review of "Total Expansion of the Letter: Avant-Garde Art and Language After Mallarmé" by Trevor Stark. caa.reviews, 2021(Mar 4), (doi: 10.3202/caa.reviews.2021.17)[Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2019) Luxury and the loom: re‐thinking modernism's materiality. Art History, 42(5), pp. 1008-1012. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12478)[Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2015) Love at work: avant-garde couples in expressionism, Dada and beyond. Art History, 38(1), pp. 221-225. (doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12139)[Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2010) David Hopkins, Dada’s Boys (London and New Haven 2008) and Ruth Hemus, Dada’s Women (London and New Haven 2009). Hugo-Ball-Almanach Studien und Texte zu Dada, pp. 157-165. [Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2009) Painting as a weapon: progressive Cologne 1920-33. Seiwert – Hoerle – Arntz by Lynette Roth. German Studies Review, pp. 239-240. [Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2008) Berlin: portrait of a city by Hans Christian Adam. Art Book, 15(2), pp. 64-66. [Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2008) EX ORIENTE DADA? Dada East: The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire by Tom Sandqvist. Art History, 31(2), pp. 248-250. [Book Review]

Lewer, D. (2006) Modern Architectural Theory by Harry Francis Mallgrave. Newsletter of the Historians of British Art, April, [Book Review]

Edited Books

Lewer, D. (Ed.) (2005) Post-Impressionism to World War II. Series: Blackwell Anthologies in Art History. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 1405111526

Howard, M. and Lewer, D. (Eds.) (1996) A New Order: An Evening at Cabaret Voltaire. Manchester Metropolitan University. ISBN 9780951030325


Lewer, D. (2021) Psalms 15 and 14: Who May Abide? [Website]

Lewer, D. (2020) 2 Timothy 2: God's Firm Foundation, in Visual Commentary on Scripture. [Website]

Lewer, D. (2020) Proverbs 11: Straight and Crooked Paths to Wisdom, in Visual Commentary on Scripture. [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:39:42 2025 GMT.



Current PhD supervision:


Art in the New Democratic Paradigm: Autonomy, Technique, Participation


Building a Nation: The Construction of Modern China through the CCP’s Propaganda Images


Figuring the Atrocious: Trauma Representation in Contemporary Art Practice



  • Green, Carol
    Collecting Modern Art in the Nazi Germany: An Examination of the Collection of Kurt Feldhäusser 1930-1950

PhD supervision:


Debbie has supervised to completion PhDs on a range of topics, including:


Visual Representations of Working-Class Berlin 1924-1930


The Self-Portraits of Marta Astfalck-Vietz


The Cross-Cultural Rituals of 20th-Century Dance: Mary Wigman, Martha Graham, Pina Bausch


The Evolution of the Alchemical Androgyne in Symbolist and Surrealist Art


Re-Reading Surrealism through the Fairytale


Boundaries of Horror: Joan Miró and Georges Bataille, 1930-40


She has also examined a number of PhDs as both Internal and External Examiner.



Levels 1 and 2: lectures on a wide range of topics from the 16th century to the present


Junior Honours Level 3: Courses include:

German Art in the Era of the Cold War

Architecture and Modernity 1900-1950

Art and Theology in Dialogue (with Theology and Religious Studies, forthcoming in 2018-19)


Senior Honours Level 4:

Art and Politics in Weimar Germany 1918-1933


Postgraduate MLitt Level 5:

Dada in Germany and Switzerland

Theories of the Avantgarde (Core Course for Art: Politics: Transgression: the 20th-Century Avantgardes)


Core teaching on Methodology, Portfolio and Research Methods as well as teaching on the Bauhaus for the cross-School honours course on Interwar Cultures.


External teaching: MA in Theology, Imagination and Culture at Sarum College, Salisbury, Core Course

Additional information



School, College (or formerly Faculty) Level:

School Quality Officer (2012-2015)

Research Ethics Officer (2015-16)

Member of School Postgraduate Committee (2012-2015)

Faculty of Arts Advisor of Studies (2004-2009)

Member of Faculty Undergraduate Studies Committee (2003-4)

Member of Faculty Board of Studies (2002-3)


Subject Level:

Head of Subject (2016-17)

Postgraduate Research Convenor (2012-2015)

International Officer (Erasmus 2007-2016, Year Abroad International Exchange 2011-2016)

Co-convenor of MLitt Art: Politics: Transgression (since 2007)

Convenor and re-designer of J. Hons. Methodology core course (2007-8) and Portfolio (2017-18)

Level 2 convenor (2002-5)

Special Needs Facilitator / Disability Officer (2004-2009)


External Examining:

University of Durham, History of Art (undergraduate)

University of Manchester, BA in History of Art (Modern Period) (2008-2011)

University College Cork, Modern and Contemporary MA (Masters’ Degree) (2007-2010)

University of Plymouth, BA History of Art (2013-2017)

University College London: PhD External Examiner (2009)

Courtauld Institute of Art: PhD External Examiner (2017)

University of Durham: PhD External Examiner (2018)

Research Quality Review Committee: University College Cork (2008-9)


Professional memberships (past and present):

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow

Association of Art Historians (UK)

European Avantgarde and Modernism Network

Art + Christianity Enquiry

Board of Trustees, Solas Festival (2014-2016)

Verband deutscher Kunsthistoriker (Union of German Art Historians)

GSA (German Studies Association)

CAA (College Art Association, USA).


Public Engagement

Public lectures at a wide range of institutions and events including:


National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh

Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh

Glasgow School of Art

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

National Portrait Gallery, London

London Jewish Cultural Centre

Tate Modern, London

Royal Academy of Art, London

Barber Institute, Birmingham

Peninsula Arts, Plymouth

Block Museum, Northwestern University, USA

Gladstone’s Library

Greenbelt Festival

Iona Community

Solas Festival


Consultant and filming for the Franco-German ARTE  television documentary Germany: Art of Nation in 2013. Writing and research for the audioguide to the major collection of modern Irish Art at the Merrion Hotel, Dublin in 2015.

Debbie has led several retreats and workshops on the theme of art and faith, including with Gladstone’s Library, Lee Abbey Devon, Ripon College Cuddesdon (for ordinands) and with the Iona Community.