Professor David Martin-Jones
- Professor of Film Studies (Theatre, Film & Television Studies)
Film and Television Studies, Gilmorehill Halls, 9 University Avenue, G12 8QQ
Research interests
Research Interests
David’s research engages with the question of what it means to study a world of cinemas. He interrogates the intersections between cinema and philosophical issues like time, identity, ethics, ecology and attention.
In this field, David is known for work critically engaging with both film and theory, especially the thinking of Gilles Deleuze (around time in particular) and Enrique Dussel (around ethics and colonial modernity).
David is the author/editor of ten books, the most recent being Cinema Against Doublethink: Ethical Encounters with the Lost Pasts of World History (2018), Columbo: Paying Attention 24/7 (2021), and, Contemporary Screen Ethics (2023).
His works has been shortlisted in the MeCCSA Outstanding Achievement Awards (Monograph of the Year category), and in the BAFTSS annual awards (in the categories of Best Book, Best Edited Collection, and Best Article). He serves on several editorial boards, and is co-editor of the award-winning book series Thinking Cinema (Bloomsbury).
David also conducts research into "small" cinemas like Scotland (e.g. in Scotland: Global Cinema (2009), Cinema at the Periphery (2010), and Visual Culture in the Northern British Archipelago (2018)), Uruguay and South Korea. He studies how their engagement with international markets illuminates the geopolitics of globalization. This work engages with global developments in film/screen tourism and heritage tourism more broadly.
David has given 80+ invited talks in universities, cultural and educational institutions in 15+ countries across 6 continents. His work has been translated into various languages, including Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, Portugese and Turkish. He has been sought out for comment by internationally renowned news outlets, including TIME Magazine, the BBC and The Guardian.
David's site contains samples of his work. A taste of some representative recent articles can be accessed online in an open access special issue of Film-Philosophy which David edited, here.
David was appointed Professor of Film Studies at the University of Glasgow in 2013. He worked previously at the University of St Andrews (establishing a new Department of Film Studies from 2004 onwards) and Northumbria University.
David has been Visiting Professor at universities in Brazil (2007, 2010), Canada (2023), South Africa (2023), The Netherlands (2013), and the Prowse Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Durham University, UK (2012).
David was educated in a comprehensive school in Leicestershire. He holds a BA Hons in English Literature from the University of Sheffield, an MSc in European Film Studies from the University of Edinburgh, and a PhD in Film Studies from the University of Glasgow.
Selected publications
Martin-Jones, D. (2021) Columbo: Paying Attention 24/7. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474479806
Martin-Jones, D. (2018) Cinema Against Doublethink: Ethical Encounters with the Lost Pasts of World History. Series: Remapping World Cinema, 2. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138907959
Martin-Jones, D. (2011) Deleuze and World Cinemas. Continuum: London. ISBN 9780826416933
Martin-Jones, D. (2009) Scotland: Global Cinema ; Genres, Modes and Identities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748633913
Sutton, D. and Martin-Jones, D. (2008) Deleuze Reframed: A Guide for the Arts Student. Series: Contemporary thinkers reframed. I.B.Tauris: London, UK. ISBN 9781845115470
Martin-Jones, D. (2006) Deleuze, Cinema and National Identity: Narrative Time in National Contexts. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748622443
Bolton, L., Martin-Jones, D. and Sinnerbrink, R. (Eds.) (2023) Contemporary Screen Ethics: Absences, Identities, Belonging, Looking Anew. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474447584
Holt, Y., Martin-Jones, D. and Jones, O. (Eds.) (2018) Visual Culture in the Northern British Archipelago: Imagining Islands. Series: British art: histories and interpretations since 1700. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780815374275
Martin-Jones, D. and Brown, W. (Eds.) (2012) Deleuze and Film. Series: Deleuze connections. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748641215
Iordanova, D., Martin-Jones, D. and Vidal, B. (Eds.) (2010) Cinema at the Periphery. Series: Contemporary approaches to film and media. Wayne State University Press: Detroit, MI, USA. ISBN 9780814333884
All publications
- 2022 - British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) Event Grant: "South Korean Cinema Seminar. Linking Preservation, Distribution, and Education."
- 2021 - Korea Foundation: "South Korean Cinema Seminar. Linking Preservation, Distribution, and Education.”
- 2017 - Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Doctoral Scholarship: "Screen Tourism as Heritage Tourism."
- 2016 - Scottish Government: "Online Museum, Feasibility Study."
- 2013 - Scots Philosophical Association: "Film-Philosophy 2014."
- 2012 - Santander Travel Scholarship (Santander Network: China).
- 2012 - Carnegie Trust Research Grant: “Chinese Cinema Imagines History.”
- 2011 - Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University: "The Cinematic Temporalities of the World."
- 2009 - Carnegie Trust Research Grant: “Transatlantic Film Tourism.”
- 2007 - British Academy Overseas Conference Grant: "Gilles Deleuze: Text and Image."
- 2006 - British Academy Conference Grant: "Cinema at the Periphery."
- 2006 - British Academy Small Research Grant: “Scotland: Global Cinema."
- 2005 - Carnegie Trust Research Grant: “Scotland: Global Cinema.”
David has supervised over 20 PhD students to successful completion. He has experience supervising doctoral students from the USA, Canada, UK, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, PRC, France, Germany, South Africa, Turkey, Malaysia, Mexico and Uruguay.
David would welcome approaches from prospective doctoral students interested in developing projects related to his research interests.
Successfully completed projects in the past have included PhDs on a range of topics in relation to film theory, film-philosophy, transnational or world cinemas, and screen tourism.
Former students have secured postdoctoral, temporary, or permanent academic posts in countries such as the UK, USA, Canada, France, South Africa, China, Singapore and South Korea, whilst others have gone on into other careers, including in areas like: archival work for a Hollywood studio, learning and outreach for a national cinema insitution in Canada, film festival organisation (Germany, Singapore), outreach and public engagement for an arts venue in France, and so on.
His current students at the University of Glasgow include:
- Dokey, Teresa
A Series of Cycles: Outlander and the Role that Screen Content Tourism Plays in Creating Emotional Bonds and Personal Connections, and in Gaining Historical and Cultural Knowledge. - Irretier, Juliette
'Tonic on our battered souls'? Geopolitical Investigations of German Outlander Fandom and Screen Tourism in Scotland - Marra Gonzalez, Juan Francisco
Variations of Montevideo: constructing an expanded city symphony for the gallery - Wang, Jian Ping
James Joyce and the Powers of the False: A Cinematic Study on Ulysses
David contributes lectures and seminars at undergraduate and Masters level on a range of topics, typically focusing on world cinemas, film theory or film-philosophy, and screen tourism.
David's Honours Courses include:
Japanese Cinema after World War Two
Contemporary South Korean Cinema
Screen Tourism
Professional activities & recognition
Prizes, awards & distinctions
- 2024: Edited Collection Award Shortlist (BAFTSS)
- 2022: Best Monograph Award Shortlist (MeCCSA)
- 2017: Edited Collection Award Shortlist (BAFTSS)
- 2014: Article Award Shortlist (Placed Second) (BAFTSS)
- 2012: Monograph Award Shortlist (BAFTSS)
Research fellowships
- Oct-Dec 2012: Prowse Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Durham University
Grant committees & research advisory boards
- 2023 (ongoing): Polish National Science Centre, Review Panel Member
- 2019 (ongoing): Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Standing Review Board
- 2017 (ongoing): AHRC, Peer Review College
Editorial boards
- 2020 (ongoing): Transnational Screens
- 2011 (ongoing): Deleuze and Guattari Studies
- 2005 (ongoing): Film-Philosophy
- 2022 (ongoing): SineFilozofi (Scientific Board)
- 2014 (ongoing): Screen (Advisory Board)
- 2011 (ongoing): Visual Culture in Britain (Advisory Board)
- 2014 (ongoing): Thinking Cinema (Book Series, Co-Editor)
- 2015 (ongoing): Film Thinks (Book Series, Advisory Board)
- 2013 (ongoing): Remapping World Cinema (Book Series, Advisory Board)
Selected international presentations
- December 2023: Visiting Professor, Centre for Film Studies (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- August 2023: Visiting Professor, Film Studies (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
- March 2015: Visting Professor, Cultural Geography (University of Wageningen, Netherlands)
- August 2010: Visiting Professor, LABJOR (University of Campinas, Brazil)
- July 2007: Visiting Professor, LABJOR (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Additional information
External Responsibilities
- Produced a Curated Playlist and Teaching Materials on Japanese Cinema for BUFVC, Learning on Screen (Box of Broadcasts).
- Produced a Curated Playlist and Teaching Materials on Screen Tourism for BUFVC, Learning on Screen (Box of Broadcasts).
- Introduced the annual "Echoes" screenings of the London Korean Film Festival, at the Glasgow Film Theatre (2018-2022).
- Coproduced Learning Journey with Education Scotland: Scotland in the World: How Others See Us On Film (2016).
- Consultant on Visit Scotland's Film Location Guide Set in Scotland (launched Oct 2015). Won the "Best External Publication Award" at the 2016 Chartered Institute of Excellence Public Relations Awards (Category 20).
- Conferences/Workshops Organised at Glasgow: Proliferating Ethical Encounters in Film and Media (26th October 2013); Film-Philosophy VII: A World of Cinemas (2-4th July 2014); Developing Film Tourism: Theory and Practice (15th May 2015) (Industry Facing); Affect in Asian Cinemas (Videoconference with University of Hong Kong) (6th May 2016); Online Film Museum (14th Oct 2016); Cinematic Ethics and Globalization (6th June 2017); Constructing Places: Heritage and Screen Tourism (2nd May 2019); South Korean Cinema Seminar: Linking Preservation, Distribution and Education (1st Sept 2022).
- Co-editor of Bloomsbury Monograph Series Thinking Cinema (a multi-award winning series).
- Co-editor of online research resource (2011-2023).
- Editorial Boards (journals): Deleuze and Guattari Studies; Film-Philosophy; Transnational Screens.
- Editorial Advisory Boards (journals): Screen; Visual Culture in Britain.
- Editorial Advisory Boards (book series): Remapping World Cinema (Routledge); Film Thinks (I.B.Tauris).
- External Examiner for over 20 PhD students in the UK, The Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, South Africa.
- External Examiner: BA in Film Studies, University of Southampton (2014-2017); BA in Film Studies, Liverpool John Moores University (2009-2013); MA in Film Studies, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (2008-2011).