Professor Christina Young

  • Professor of Conservation and Technical Art History (History of Art)

Research interests

My main research areas are on:

The history and significance of painted stage cloths (The Power To Transform)

Crack formation and fatigue in painted wooden cultural heritage (IMPASTOW) 

Photonic Imaging Strategies for Technical Art History and Conservation (PISTACHIO) 


I aim also leading a three year training and treatment project in the Structural Conservation of Paintings on Canvas (Getty Conserving Canvas), which combines technical art history, conservation and curatorial practice. 

More details of the research of the Technical Art History Group can be found at


My other long term research interests are: the conservation of modern and contemporary art, the development of non-invasive monitoring techniques, methods/materials for structural conservation, and history of painted canvas in fine and decorative art, theatre and performance, social, political and a religous context. 

At present I welcome PhD applications in the area of

1. Painted Stage Cloths and Theatrical Design:

Fees only Hunterian Scholarship available for research into the Tradition and Innovation in Scottish Scenic Art.

Fees only Textile Conservation Foundation Scholarship available for research into the Materials and Conservation of the Normansfield Theatre Scenery.

2. Mechanics of Painted Cultural Heritage

3. Conservation of Modern & Contemporary Art (including Gecko Inspired Dry Adhesives in Conservation).


Christina's profile at Research Gate



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1996
Number of items: 69.


Young, C. and Botticelli, M. (2024) The significance of the Citizens Theatre paint frames. Studies in Conservation, (doi: 10.1080/00393630.2024.2423592) (Early Online Publication)


Botticelli, M. , Risdonne, V. and Young, C. (2023) Enhancement of protein detection on cultural heritage samples after SYPRO™ Ruby staining by optical microscopy and micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 302, p. 123067. (doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2023.123067)

Olender, J. and Young, C. (2023) Examination of gecko-inspired dry adhesives for heritage conservation as an example of iterative design and testing process for new adhesives. European Physical Journal Plus, 138(7), 644. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-04187-8)

Batiashvili, M., Gallinaro, M., Balossi Restelli, F., Medeghini, L., Young, C. and Botticelli, M. (2023) Colour of the past in South Caucasus: The first archaeometric investigation on rock art and pigment residues from Georgia. Quaternary International, 658, pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2023.03.019)

Botticelli, M. , Risdonne, V., Visser, T., Young, C. , Smith, M. J. , Charsley, J. M., Rutkauskas, M., Altmann, Y. and Reid, D. T. (2023) Reflecting the past, imag(in)ing the past: macro-reflection imaging of painting materials by fast MIR hyperspectral analysis. European Physical Journal Plus, 138(5), 432. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-03958-7)

Olender, J., Perris, J., Xu, Y. , Young, C. , Mulvihill, D. and Gadegaard, N. (2023) Gecko-inspired dry adhesives for heritage conservation – tackling the surface roughness with empirical testing and finite element modelling. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 37(6), pp. 1091-1116. (doi: 10.1080/01694243.2022.2061153)

Young, C. (2023) Canvas complexity. In: Schwarz, C., McClure, I. and Coddington, J. (eds.) Conserving Canvas. Getty Publications: Los Angeles, USA, pp. 120-128. ISBN 9781606058243


Charsley, J.M., Rutkauskas, M., Altmann, Y., Risdonne, V., Botticelli, M. , Smith, M.J., Young, C.R.T. and Reid, D.T. (2022) Compressive hyperspectral imaging in the molecular fingerprint band. Optics Express, 30(10), pp. 17340-17350. (doi: 10.1364/OE.451380)

Sanchez Villavicencio, D., Young, C. and Thompson, K. (2022) How to Paint a Trade Union Banner: The Role of Sources and Reconstructions in the Characterisation of George Kenning’s Banners in Glasgow Museums. In: Eighth Symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Art Technological Source Research, Cologne, Germany, 26–27 Sept 2019, pp. 115-122. ISBN 9782491997427

Barbera, D., Young, C. , Charalambides, M., Taylor, A. C. and Zhang, R. (2022) A methodology for the use of alkyd paint in thermally aged easel painting reconstructions for mechanical testing. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 55, pp. 237-244. (doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2022.03.003)


Young, C. (2021) Panoramas and landscape. In: Bonehill, J., Leask, N. and Dulau Beveridge, A. (eds.) Old Ways New Roads: Travels in Scotland 1720-1832. Birlinn: Edinburgh, pp. 180-193. ISBN 9781780276670

Hughes-Hallett, M., Young, C. and Messier, P. (2021) A review of RTI and an investigation into the applicability of micro-RTI as a tool for the documentation and conservation of modern and contemporary paintings. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 60(1), pp. 18-31. (doi: 10.1080/01971360.2019.1700724)


Wood, J. D., Gauvin, C. , Young, C. R.T. , Taylor, A. C., Balint, D. S. and Charalambides, M. N. (2019) Reconstruction of historical temperature and relative humidity cycles within Knole House, Kent. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 39, pp. 212-220. (doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2019.04.006)


Wood, J.D., Gauvin, C. , Young, C.R.T. , Taylor, A.C., Balint, D.S. and Charalambides, M.N. (2018) Failure of Thin Films Under Low-Cycle Fatigue. 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22: Loading and Environment Effects on Structural Integrity, Belgrade, Serbia, 26-31 Aug 2018.

Jansson, E. and Young, C. R.T. (2018) Alfred Sisley’s quiet evolution. Kermes, 106, pp. 41-47.

Olender, J. and Young, C. (2018) Custom Made Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesives for Heritage Conservation. 4th International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, 4-6 June 2018. (Unpublished)

Coddington, J. and Young, C. (2018) Structure and lining: A review. AIC News, 43(3), 1, 6-9.

Young, C. and Wilson, D. (2018) Power to Transform. [Website]

Wood, J. D., Gauvin, C. , Young, C. R.T. , Taylor, A. C., Balint, D. S. and Charalambides, M. N. (2018) Cracking in paintings due to relative humidity cycles. Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, pp. 379-384. (doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.063)


Olender, J., Young, C. and Taylor, A. (2017) The Applicability of Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesives to the Conservation of Photographic Prints. In: ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 4-8 Sept 2017, 0913. ISBN 9789290124269

Young, C. R.T. and Rognoni, G. R. (2017) Playing Historical Clarinets: Quantifying the Risk. In: COST FP1302 Woodmusick: Second Annual Conference: Effects of Playing on Early And Modern Musical Instruments, London, UK, 9-10 Sept 2015, ISBN 9788494635250


Young, C.T.R. and Olender, J. (2016) The Applicability of Gecko Inspired Dry Adhesives In Conservation. In: ICOM-CC Interim Meeting, Paris, France, 29-30 Sept 2016,

Aurand, A., Gauvin, C. , Jullien, D. and Young, C. (2016) Understanding the Moisture Induce Fatigue Damage in Panel Paintings: A Methodological Approach for Quantifying the Role of Preparatory Layers in the Overall Response. ICOM-CC Joint Interim Meeting on Physical Issues in the Conservation of Paintings: Monitoring, Documenting and Mitigating, Paris, France, 29-30 Sep 2016.


Hagan, E. W.S., Charalambides, M. N., Young, C. R.T. and Learner, T. J.S. (2015) The effects of strain rate and temperature on commercial acrylic artist paints aged one year to decades. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 121(3), pp. 823-835. (doi: 10.1007/s00339-015-9423-6)


Griffin, A., Young, C.R.T. and Hale, T. (2014) History is My Material. In: ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, Australia, 15-19 Sep 2014, ISBN 9789290124108

Young, C.T.R. (2014) The painted surface and interface. In: Kos, N., van Duin, P. and Kruse, A. (eds.) The Conservation of Panel Paintings and Related Objects: Research Agenda 2014-2020. NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research: The Hague. ISBN 9789077875834


Tantideeravit, S., Charalambides, M.N., Balint, D.S. and Young, C.T.R. (2013) Prediction of delamination in multilayer artist paints under low amplitude fatigue loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 112-13, 41 - 57. (doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.09.011)

Costaras, N., Young, C. R.T. and Krischel, R. (Eds.) (2013) Setting the Scene: European Painted Cloths from the Fourteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 99-107. ISBN 9781904982906

Young, C. R.T. (2013) The changing role of English scenic artists. In: Costaras, N., Young, C. and Krischel, R. (eds.) Setting the Scene: European Painted Cloths from the Fourteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 99-107. ISBN 9781904982906

Young, C. R.T. (2013) The Use of 3D ESPI for the Structural Analysis of Paintings on Canvas. In: Ninth Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA IX), London, UK, 7-10 Sept 2011, pp. 108-115. ISBN 9781904982876


Young, C. (2012) History of fabric supports. In: Stoner, J. H. and Rushfield, R. A. (eds.) Conservation of Easel Paintings. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 116-147. ISBN 9780750681995

Bordalo, R., Morais, P. J., Young, C. R.T. , Santos, L. F. and Almeida, R. M. (2012) Characterisation of laser-induced physical alterations of pigmented oil layers. e-Preservation Science, 9, pp. 47-59.

Sanders, K., Harrison, L., Higgitt, C. and Young, C. (2012) Purely Decorative? Technical Analysis of a Fifteenth-Century Northern European Parade Shield. In: 24th Biennial IIC Congress: The Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 Sept 2012, S268-S278. ISBN 0039-363 (doi: 10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000019)

Young, C. R.T. (2012) The glass transition temperature of adhesives: preliminary guidelines for canvas painting treatments. In: Barros D'Sa, A., Bone, L., Gent, A. and Clarricoates, R. (eds.) Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation. Archetype Publications: London. ISBN 9781904982883

Young, C. R.T. and Jardine, S. (2012) Fabrics for the twenty-first century: As artist canvas and for the structural reinforcement of easel paintings on canvas. Studies in Conservation, 57(4), pp. 237-253. (doi: 10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000007)


Young, C. R.T. (2011) Experimental Evaluation of Adhesive Gap Filler Combinations for Joining Panel Paintings. In: Getty Symposium on Panel Paintings 2009, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 17-18 May 2009, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9780983492238

Rae, C. and Young, C. (2011) A technical study of three paintings on a Shakespearian theme by Henry Fuseli RA. Picture Restorer, 39, pp. 12-15.

Rae, C. and Young, C. R.T. (2011) Fuseli’s methods and materials. Picture Restorer, pp. 12-15.

Bordalo, R., Morais, P. J., Young, C. R.T. , Santos, L. F. and Almeida, R. M. (2011) The Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on Historical Pigments. In: ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 Sep 2011,

Young, C. (2011) Predicting Practical Properties of Unfilled and Filled Adhesives from Thermomechanical Data. In: CCI Symposium: Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications, Ottowa, Canada, 17-21 Oct 2011,


Hagan, E. W.S., Charalambides, M. N., Young, C. R.T. , Learner, T. J.S. and Hackney, S. (2010) Viscoelastic properties of latex paint films in tension: Influence of the inorganic phase and surfactants. Progress in Organic Coatings, 69(1), pp. 73-81. (doi: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2010.05.008)

Blessley, K., Young, C. , Nunn, J., Coddington, J. and Shepard, S. (2010) The feasibility of flash thermography for the examination and conservation of works of art. Studies in Conservation, 55(2), pp. 107-120. (doi: 10.1179/sic.2010.55.2.107)


Hagan, E. W. S., Charalambides, M. N., Young, C. T. , Learner, T. J. S. and Hackney, S. (2009) Tensile properties of latex paint films with TiO2 pigment. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 13(2), pp. 149-161. (doi: 10.1007/s11043-009-9076-y)


Carlyle, L., Young, C. and Jardine, S. (2008) The mechanical response of flour paste grounds. In: Townsend, J. H., Doherty, T., Heydenreich, G. and Ridge, J. (eds.) Preparation for Painting: The Artist's Choice and its Consequences. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 123-131. ISBN 9781904982326

Young, C. and Hagan, E. (2008) Cold temperature effects of modern paints used for priming flexible supports. In: Townsend, J. H., Doherty, T., Heydenreich, G. and Ridge, J. (eds.) Preparation for Painting: The Artist's Choice and its Consequences. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 172-179. ISBN 9781904982326

Young, C. R.T. (2008) Developing Mechanical Tests to Evaluate Consolidation Treatments on Canvas Paintings. In: 3rd International Congress Colore e Conservazione, Milan, Italy, 10-11 Nov 2006, pp. 71-78. ISBN 9788889566947


Hagan, E., Charalambides, M., Learner, T. J.S., Murray, A. and Young, C. (2007) Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties of Modern Paints. In: Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, London, UK, 16-19 May 2006, pp. 227-235. ISBN 9780892369065

Young, C. R.T. (2007) Interfacial Interaction of Modern Paint Layers. In: Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, London, UK, 16-19 May 2006, pp. 247-256. ISBN 9780892369065


Bordalo, R., Morais, P.J., Gouveia, H. and Young, C. R.T. (2006) Laser cleaning of easel paintings: an overview. Laser Chemistry,


Theodorakopoulos, C., Zafiropulos, V., Fotakis, C., Boon, J.J., Young, C. , Horst, J.V.D., Dickmann, K. and Knapp, D. (2005) A Study on the Oxidative Gradient of Aged Traditional Triterpenoid Resins Using “Optimum” Photoablation Parameters. In: LACONA V: Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Osnabrück, Germany, 15-18 Sept 2003, pp. 255-262. (doi: 10.1007/3-540-27176-7_31)

Young, C. R.T. (2005) Accelerated Ageing of Fabric Supports: Is it Possible? In: AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textile Studies: Informing Preservation, Display and Interpretation, Southhampton, UK, 13-15 July 2004, pp. 111-116. ISBN 9781873132791

Young, C. R.T. and Debashis, M. (2005) Using ESPI to Characterise the Mechanical Behaviour of Paintings on Canvas. 12th International User EPSI Group Meeting, Germany, Oct 2005.


Young, C. R.T. , Gregg, R., Hibberd, R. and Learner, T. (2004) The Physical Properties of Modern Commercially Available Primings and their Interaction with the Subsequent Paint Layers [poster]. In: IIC 2004, Bilbao, Spain, 13-17 Sept 2004, p. 224.


Carr, D.J., Young, C.R.T. , Phenix, A. and Hibberd, R.D. (2003) Development of a physical model of a typical nineteenth-century English canvas painting. Studies in Conservation, 48(3), pp. 145-154. (doi: 10.1179/sic.2003.48.3.145)

Dimond, J. and Young, C. R.T. (2003) Reducing Cupping without Lining? In: UKIC Alternatives to Lining Conference, Sept 2003, pp. 29-34.

Young, C. R.T. (2003) The Mechanical Requirements of Tear Mends. In: UKIC Alternatives to Lining Conference, Sept 2003, pp. 55-58.


Young, C. , Ackroyd, P., Hibberd, P. and Gritt, S. (2002) The mechanical behaviour of adhesives and gap fillers for re-joining panel paintings. National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 23, pp. 83-96.

Young, C. R.T. , Hibberd, R. and Ackroyd, P. (2002) An Investigation Into the Adhesive Bond and Transfer of Tension in Lined Canvas Paintings. In: 13th ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22-27 Sept 2002, pp. 370-378. ISBN 9781902916309


Young, C. and Ackroyd, P. (2001) The mechanical behaviour and environmental response of paintings to three types of lining treatment. National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 22, pp. 85-104.


Shepard, J., Young, C.R.T. , Parsons-Karavassilis, D. and Dowling, K. (2000) A Preliminary Study into the Suitability of Femtosecond Lasers For the Removal of Adhesive from Canvas Paintings. In: Fifth International Conference and Euroconference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS V), Crete, Greece, 13-16 Oct 1998, pp. 108-114. ISBN 9783642630736 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-56965-4_19)

Young, C.R.T. and Hibberd, R.D. (2000) The Role of Canvas Attachments in the Strain Distribution and Degradation of Easel Paintings. In: International Institute of Conservation Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 10-14 Oct 2000, pp. 212-220.


Young, C. (1999) Measurement of the biaxial properties of nineteenth century canvas primings using electronic speckle pattern interferometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 31(2), pp. 163-170. (doi: 10.1016/S0143-8166(99)00007-X)

Ackroyd, P. and Young, C. (1999) Preparation of Artist’s Canvases: Factors That Affect Adhesion Between Ground and Canvas. In: 12th Triennial Meeting, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Lyon, France, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 1999, pp. 265-270. ISBN 9781873936924

Young, C.R.T. and Hibberd, R. (1999) Measurement of the Two-dimensional Strain Distribution of Paintings on Canvas using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry. In: 6th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Rome, Italy, 17-20 May 1999,

Young, C. (1999) Towards a better understanding of the physical properties of lining materials for paintings: Interim results. Conservator, 23(1), pp. 83-91. (doi: 10.1080/01410096.1999.9995142)

Young, C. and Hibberd, R. (1999) A Comparison of the Physical Properties of Nineteenth Century Canvas Linings with Acid Aged Canvas. In: 12th Triennial Meeting, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Lyon, France, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 1999, pp. 353-360. ISBN 9781873936924

Young, C. R.T. and Hibberd, R. D. (1999) Biaxial tensile testing of paintings on canvas. Studies in Conservation, 44(2), p. 129. (doi: 10.2307/1506725)


Young, C.R.T. (1998) Quantitative Measurement of In-plane Strain of Canvas Paintings using ESPI. In: Institute of Physics Applied Optics and Optoelectronics Conference, Brighton, UK, 16-19 March 1998, pp. 79-84. ISBN 9780750304566


Young, C. R. T. (1996) Biaxial Properties of Sized Cotton-Duck. In: 11th Triennial Meeting, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Edinburgh, UK, 1-6 Sept 1996, pp. 322-331. ISBN 9781873936504

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 12:47:10 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 69.


Young, C. and Botticelli, M. (2024) The significance of the Citizens Theatre paint frames. Studies in Conservation, (doi: 10.1080/00393630.2024.2423592) (Early Online Publication)

Botticelli, M. , Risdonne, V. and Young, C. (2023) Enhancement of protein detection on cultural heritage samples after SYPRO™ Ruby staining by optical microscopy and micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 302, p. 123067. (doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2023.123067)

Olender, J. and Young, C. (2023) Examination of gecko-inspired dry adhesives for heritage conservation as an example of iterative design and testing process for new adhesives. European Physical Journal Plus, 138(7), 644. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-04187-8)

Batiashvili, M., Gallinaro, M., Balossi Restelli, F., Medeghini, L., Young, C. and Botticelli, M. (2023) Colour of the past in South Caucasus: The first archaeometric investigation on rock art and pigment residues from Georgia. Quaternary International, 658, pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2023.03.019)

Botticelli, M. , Risdonne, V., Visser, T., Young, C. , Smith, M. J. , Charsley, J. M., Rutkauskas, M., Altmann, Y. and Reid, D. T. (2023) Reflecting the past, imag(in)ing the past: macro-reflection imaging of painting materials by fast MIR hyperspectral analysis. European Physical Journal Plus, 138(5), 432. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-03958-7)

Olender, J., Perris, J., Xu, Y. , Young, C. , Mulvihill, D. and Gadegaard, N. (2023) Gecko-inspired dry adhesives for heritage conservation – tackling the surface roughness with empirical testing and finite element modelling. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 37(6), pp. 1091-1116. (doi: 10.1080/01694243.2022.2061153)

Charsley, J.M., Rutkauskas, M., Altmann, Y., Risdonne, V., Botticelli, M. , Smith, M.J., Young, C.R.T. and Reid, D.T. (2022) Compressive hyperspectral imaging in the molecular fingerprint band. Optics Express, 30(10), pp. 17340-17350. (doi: 10.1364/OE.451380)

Barbera, D., Young, C. , Charalambides, M., Taylor, A. C. and Zhang, R. (2022) A methodology for the use of alkyd paint in thermally aged easel painting reconstructions for mechanical testing. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 55, pp. 237-244. (doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2022.03.003)

Hughes-Hallett, M., Young, C. and Messier, P. (2021) A review of RTI and an investigation into the applicability of micro-RTI as a tool for the documentation and conservation of modern and contemporary paintings. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 60(1), pp. 18-31. (doi: 10.1080/01971360.2019.1700724)

Wood, J. D., Gauvin, C. , Young, C. R.T. , Taylor, A. C., Balint, D. S. and Charalambides, M. N. (2019) Reconstruction of historical temperature and relative humidity cycles within Knole House, Kent. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 39, pp. 212-220. (doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2019.04.006)

Jansson, E. and Young, C. R.T. (2018) Alfred Sisley’s quiet evolution. Kermes, 106, pp. 41-47.

Coddington, J. and Young, C. (2018) Structure and lining: A review. AIC News, 43(3), 1, 6-9.

Wood, J. D., Gauvin, C. , Young, C. R.T. , Taylor, A. C., Balint, D. S. and Charalambides, M. N. (2018) Cracking in paintings due to relative humidity cycles. Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, pp. 379-384. (doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.063)

Hagan, E. W.S., Charalambides, M. N., Young, C. R.T. and Learner, T. J.S. (2015) The effects of strain rate and temperature on commercial acrylic artist paints aged one year to decades. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 121(3), pp. 823-835. (doi: 10.1007/s00339-015-9423-6)

Tantideeravit, S., Charalambides, M.N., Balint, D.S. and Young, C.T.R. (2013) Prediction of delamination in multilayer artist paints under low amplitude fatigue loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 112-13, 41 - 57. (doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.09.011)

Bordalo, R., Morais, P. J., Young, C. R.T. , Santos, L. F. and Almeida, R. M. (2012) Characterisation of laser-induced physical alterations of pigmented oil layers. e-Preservation Science, 9, pp. 47-59.

Young, C. R.T. and Jardine, S. (2012) Fabrics for the twenty-first century: As artist canvas and for the structural reinforcement of easel paintings on canvas. Studies in Conservation, 57(4), pp. 237-253. (doi: 10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000007)

Rae, C. and Young, C. (2011) A technical study of three paintings on a Shakespearian theme by Henry Fuseli RA. Picture Restorer, 39, pp. 12-15.

Rae, C. and Young, C. R.T. (2011) Fuseli’s methods and materials. Picture Restorer, pp. 12-15.

Hagan, E. W.S., Charalambides, M. N., Young, C. R.T. , Learner, T. J.S. and Hackney, S. (2010) Viscoelastic properties of latex paint films in tension: Influence of the inorganic phase and surfactants. Progress in Organic Coatings, 69(1), pp. 73-81. (doi: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2010.05.008)

Blessley, K., Young, C. , Nunn, J., Coddington, J. and Shepard, S. (2010) The feasibility of flash thermography for the examination and conservation of works of art. Studies in Conservation, 55(2), pp. 107-120. (doi: 10.1179/sic.2010.55.2.107)

Hagan, E. W. S., Charalambides, M. N., Young, C. T. , Learner, T. J. S. and Hackney, S. (2009) Tensile properties of latex paint films with TiO2 pigment. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 13(2), pp. 149-161. (doi: 10.1007/s11043-009-9076-y)

Bordalo, R., Morais, P.J., Gouveia, H. and Young, C. R.T. (2006) Laser cleaning of easel paintings: an overview. Laser Chemistry,

Carr, D.J., Young, C.R.T. , Phenix, A. and Hibberd, R.D. (2003) Development of a physical model of a typical nineteenth-century English canvas painting. Studies in Conservation, 48(3), pp. 145-154. (doi: 10.1179/sic.2003.48.3.145)

Young, C. , Ackroyd, P., Hibberd, P. and Gritt, S. (2002) The mechanical behaviour of adhesives and gap fillers for re-joining panel paintings. National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 23, pp. 83-96.

Young, C. and Ackroyd, P. (2001) The mechanical behaviour and environmental response of paintings to three types of lining treatment. National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 22, pp. 85-104.

Young, C. (1999) Measurement of the biaxial properties of nineteenth century canvas primings using electronic speckle pattern interferometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 31(2), pp. 163-170. (doi: 10.1016/S0143-8166(99)00007-X)

Young, C. (1999) Towards a better understanding of the physical properties of lining materials for paintings: Interim results. Conservator, 23(1), pp. 83-91. (doi: 10.1080/01410096.1999.9995142)

Young, C. R.T. and Hibberd, R. D. (1999) Biaxial tensile testing of paintings on canvas. Studies in Conservation, 44(2), p. 129. (doi: 10.2307/1506725)

Book Sections

Young, C. (2023) Canvas complexity. In: Schwarz, C., McClure, I. and Coddington, J. (eds.) Conserving Canvas. Getty Publications: Los Angeles, USA, pp. 120-128. ISBN 9781606058243

Young, C. (2021) Panoramas and landscape. In: Bonehill, J., Leask, N. and Dulau Beveridge, A. (eds.) Old Ways New Roads: Travels in Scotland 1720-1832. Birlinn: Edinburgh, pp. 180-193. ISBN 9781780276670

Young, C.T.R. (2014) The painted surface and interface. In: Kos, N., van Duin, P. and Kruse, A. (eds.) The Conservation of Panel Paintings and Related Objects: Research Agenda 2014-2020. NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research: The Hague. ISBN 9789077875834

Young, C. R.T. (2013) The changing role of English scenic artists. In: Costaras, N., Young, C. and Krischel, R. (eds.) Setting the Scene: European Painted Cloths from the Fourteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 99-107. ISBN 9781904982906

Young, C. (2012) History of fabric supports. In: Stoner, J. H. and Rushfield, R. A. (eds.) Conservation of Easel Paintings. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 116-147. ISBN 9780750681995

Young, C. R.T. (2012) The glass transition temperature of adhesives: preliminary guidelines for canvas painting treatments. In: Barros D'Sa, A., Bone, L., Gent, A. and Clarricoates, R. (eds.) Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation. Archetype Publications: London. ISBN 9781904982883

Carlyle, L., Young, C. and Jardine, S. (2008) The mechanical response of flour paste grounds. In: Townsend, J. H., Doherty, T., Heydenreich, G. and Ridge, J. (eds.) Preparation for Painting: The Artist's Choice and its Consequences. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 123-131. ISBN 9781904982326

Young, C. and Hagan, E. (2008) Cold temperature effects of modern paints used for priming flexible supports. In: Townsend, J. H., Doherty, T., Heydenreich, G. and Ridge, J. (eds.) Preparation for Painting: The Artist's Choice and its Consequences. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 172-179. ISBN 9781904982326

Edited Books

Costaras, N., Young, C. R.T. and Krischel, R. (Eds.) (2013) Setting the Scene: European Painted Cloths from the Fourteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 99-107. ISBN 9781904982906

Conference or Workshop Item

Wood, J.D., Gauvin, C. , Young, C.R.T. , Taylor, A.C., Balint, D.S. and Charalambides, M.N. (2018) Failure of Thin Films Under Low-Cycle Fatigue. 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22: Loading and Environment Effects on Structural Integrity, Belgrade, Serbia, 26-31 Aug 2018.

Olender, J. and Young, C. (2018) Custom Made Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesives for Heritage Conservation. 4th International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, 4-6 June 2018. (Unpublished)

Aurand, A., Gauvin, C. , Jullien, D. and Young, C. (2016) Understanding the Moisture Induce Fatigue Damage in Panel Paintings: A Methodological Approach for Quantifying the Role of Preparatory Layers in the Overall Response. ICOM-CC Joint Interim Meeting on Physical Issues in the Conservation of Paintings: Monitoring, Documenting and Mitigating, Paris, France, 29-30 Sep 2016.

Young, C. R.T. and Debashis, M. (2005) Using ESPI to Characterise the Mechanical Behaviour of Paintings on Canvas. 12th International User EPSI Group Meeting, Germany, Oct 2005.

Conference Proceedings

Sanchez Villavicencio, D., Young, C. and Thompson, K. (2022) How to Paint a Trade Union Banner: The Role of Sources and Reconstructions in the Characterisation of George Kenning’s Banners in Glasgow Museums. In: Eighth Symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group on Art Technological Source Research, Cologne, Germany, 26–27 Sept 2019, pp. 115-122. ISBN 9782491997427

Olender, J., Young, C. and Taylor, A. (2017) The Applicability of Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesives to the Conservation of Photographic Prints. In: ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference, Copenhagen, 4-8 Sept 2017, 0913. ISBN 9789290124269

Young, C. R.T. and Rognoni, G. R. (2017) Playing Historical Clarinets: Quantifying the Risk. In: COST FP1302 Woodmusick: Second Annual Conference: Effects of Playing on Early And Modern Musical Instruments, London, UK, 9-10 Sept 2015, ISBN 9788494635250

Young, C.T.R. and Olender, J. (2016) The Applicability of Gecko Inspired Dry Adhesives In Conservation. In: ICOM-CC Interim Meeting, Paris, France, 29-30 Sept 2016,

Griffin, A., Young, C.R.T. and Hale, T. (2014) History is My Material. In: ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, Australia, 15-19 Sep 2014, ISBN 9789290124108

Young, C. R.T. (2013) The Use of 3D ESPI for the Structural Analysis of Paintings on Canvas. In: Ninth Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA IX), London, UK, 7-10 Sept 2011, pp. 108-115. ISBN 9781904982876

Sanders, K., Harrison, L., Higgitt, C. and Young, C. (2012) Purely Decorative? Technical Analysis of a Fifteenth-Century Northern European Parade Shield. In: 24th Biennial IIC Congress: The Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 Sept 2012, S268-S278. ISBN 0039-363 (doi: 10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000019)

Young, C. R.T. (2011) Experimental Evaluation of Adhesive Gap Filler Combinations for Joining Panel Paintings. In: Getty Symposium on Panel Paintings 2009, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 17-18 May 2009, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9780983492238

Bordalo, R., Morais, P. J., Young, C. R.T. , Santos, L. F. and Almeida, R. M. (2011) The Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on Historical Pigments. In: ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 Sep 2011,

Young, C. (2011) Predicting Practical Properties of Unfilled and Filled Adhesives from Thermomechanical Data. In: CCI Symposium: Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications, Ottowa, Canada, 17-21 Oct 2011,

Young, C. R.T. (2008) Developing Mechanical Tests to Evaluate Consolidation Treatments on Canvas Paintings. In: 3rd International Congress Colore e Conservazione, Milan, Italy, 10-11 Nov 2006, pp. 71-78. ISBN 9788889566947

Hagan, E., Charalambides, M., Learner, T. J.S., Murray, A. and Young, C. (2007) Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties of Modern Paints. In: Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, London, UK, 16-19 May 2006, pp. 227-235. ISBN 9780892369065

Young, C. R.T. (2007) Interfacial Interaction of Modern Paint Layers. In: Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium, London, UK, 16-19 May 2006, pp. 247-256. ISBN 9780892369065

Theodorakopoulos, C., Zafiropulos, V., Fotakis, C., Boon, J.J., Young, C. , Horst, J.V.D., Dickmann, K. and Knapp, D. (2005) A Study on the Oxidative Gradient of Aged Traditional Triterpenoid Resins Using “Optimum” Photoablation Parameters. In: LACONA V: Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Osnabrück, Germany, 15-18 Sept 2003, pp. 255-262. (doi: 10.1007/3-540-27176-7_31)

Young, C. R.T. (2005) Accelerated Ageing of Fabric Supports: Is it Possible? In: AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textile Studies: Informing Preservation, Display and Interpretation, Southhampton, UK, 13-15 July 2004, pp. 111-116. ISBN 9781873132791

Young, C. R.T. , Gregg, R., Hibberd, R. and Learner, T. (2004) The Physical Properties of Modern Commercially Available Primings and their Interaction with the Subsequent Paint Layers [poster]. In: IIC 2004, Bilbao, Spain, 13-17 Sept 2004, p. 224.

Dimond, J. and Young, C. R.T. (2003) Reducing Cupping without Lining? In: UKIC Alternatives to Lining Conference, Sept 2003, pp. 29-34.

Young, C. R.T. (2003) The Mechanical Requirements of Tear Mends. In: UKIC Alternatives to Lining Conference, Sept 2003, pp. 55-58.

Young, C. R.T. , Hibberd, R. and Ackroyd, P. (2002) An Investigation Into the Adhesive Bond and Transfer of Tension in Lined Canvas Paintings. In: 13th ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22-27 Sept 2002, pp. 370-378. ISBN 9781902916309

Shepard, J., Young, C.R.T. , Parsons-Karavassilis, D. and Dowling, K. (2000) A Preliminary Study into the Suitability of Femtosecond Lasers For the Removal of Adhesive from Canvas Paintings. In: Fifth International Conference and Euroconference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS V), Crete, Greece, 13-16 Oct 1998, pp. 108-114. ISBN 9783642630736 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-56965-4_19)

Young, C.R.T. and Hibberd, R.D. (2000) The Role of Canvas Attachments in the Strain Distribution and Degradation of Easel Paintings. In: International Institute of Conservation Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 10-14 Oct 2000, pp. 212-220.

Ackroyd, P. and Young, C. (1999) Preparation of Artist’s Canvases: Factors That Affect Adhesion Between Ground and Canvas. In: 12th Triennial Meeting, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Lyon, France, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 1999, pp. 265-270. ISBN 9781873936924

Young, C.R.T. and Hibberd, R. (1999) Measurement of the Two-dimensional Strain Distribution of Paintings on Canvas using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry. In: 6th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Rome, Italy, 17-20 May 1999,

Young, C. and Hibberd, R. (1999) A Comparison of the Physical Properties of Nineteenth Century Canvas Linings with Acid Aged Canvas. In: 12th Triennial Meeting, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Lyon, France, 29 Aug - 3 Sept 1999, pp. 353-360. ISBN 9781873936924

Young, C.R.T. (1998) Quantitative Measurement of In-plane Strain of Canvas Paintings using ESPI. In: Institute of Physics Applied Optics and Optoelectronics Conference, Brighton, UK, 16-19 March 1998, pp. 79-84. ISBN 9780750304566

Young, C. R. T. (1996) Biaxial Properties of Sized Cotton-Duck. In: 11th Triennial Meeting, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Edinburgh, UK, 1-6 Sept 1996, pp. 322-331. ISBN 9781873936504


Young, C. and Wilson, D. (2018) Power to Transform. [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 12:47:10 2025 GMT.


2021                AHRC CApCo Grant (Equipping the Vision of Kelvin Hall) in collaboration with The Hunterian (£415,000)

2018-2021      Getty Foundation Grant (Conserving Canvas) in collaboration with The Hunterian  (£115,000).

2019-2021      AXA Foundation (Gecko Inspired Dry Adhesives) in collaboration with The Hunterian (£226,500)

2018-2022      EPSRC Grant (PISTACHIO) in collaboration with Heriot Watt University and The Hunterian (£1,000,000).

2017-2021      Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship (Power To Transform - £165,000).

2017-2021      EPSRC Grant (IMPASTOW) in collaboration with Imperial College and the National Trust (£652,000).


2012-16          Getty Foundation Panel Paintings Initiative ($231,000).

2012               Courtauld Research Forum for a two-day conference on Painted Cloths (£5000).

2007-2009      EPSRC/AHRC: Designing for the C21st in Art and Architecture in collaboration with Warwick University (£322,000).

2007-2008      London Universities Knowledge Exchange Seed Fund (£5000).



  • Internal Supervisor for Daniel Sanchez Villavicenio. PhD entitled "Kennings Tradde Union Banners: Materials and Conservation"
  • Internal Supervisor for Tess Viser. PhD entitled "The Glasgow Boys".
  • Visser, Tess
    The Materials and Methods of Six Oil Paintings by Glasgow Boy Artist David Young Cameron (1865-1945).


Director of the Centre for Conservation and Technical Art History

Convener of the MLitt programme in Technical Art History:

Convener of the MLitt: Testimonies

Convener of the MLitt: AIM 1

Convener of the MLitt: AIM 2

Convener of the MLitt: The Authentic Artwork


Convener of the Senior Honours History of Art/Theatre Studies Joint course  "Setting The Scene"


(Senior Honours History of Art : Kirchner & Co.)

Research datasets

Jump to: 2023 | 2020
Number of items: 2.


Young, C. , Botticelli, M. , Charsley, J. M. and Reid, D. (2023) PISTACHIO (Photonic Imaging Strategies For Technical Art History And Conservation). [Data Collection]


Young, C. (2020) The Power to Transform - Scenic Art Oral Histories. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 04:28:52 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Visiting Fellow to Imperial College, London (2013-2025)

Member of the Institute of Physics, MInstP.

Fellow of the Int. Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works, FIIC

Getty Guest Scholar at the Getty Conservation Institute (2010)


External Duties

2021-2024     External Examiner - Conservation Department at Northumbria University

2020-2021     Member of two Getty Foundation Expert Panels

2020               Extenal Assessor for REF 2020 Northumbria University

2018-2020     Member of the Getty Foundation Conserving Canvas Symposium Steering Committee.   

2016-2018     Member of the advisory board for the Climate4Wood project underway at Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO).

2013-2017     UK management committee member for EU-COST Action WoodMUSIK.

1997-present Advisor, examiner, reviewer and external interviewer for leading institutions, journals and funding bodies including the  EPSRC, AHRC, School of Conservation, Copenhagen, University of Melbourne, and EU funding Actions.


Public Engagement and Outreach

  • INSIGHT lunchtime public talks for the Hunetrian: Stubbs/ John Knox
  • Demonstration Videos for Scienec of the Sofa Glasgow Science Festival 2020.
  • Widening Participation Session at The Hunterian with Drumchapel School (Mary Queen of Scots) 2019.
  • Demonstration Stall at Glasgow Science Festival 2019: James Watt and Flaky Paint
  • Demonstration  Lecture: Contemporary Art Needs Contemporary Science
  • Demonstration  Lecture : From Manet to Mars Bars


Invited Workshops and Lectures

  • Canvas Complexity: Yale University Art Gallery Internal Cinserving Canvas Symposium 2019
  • Biaxial Tensile Testing and Canvas Sand Box Session: Yale University 2019
  • Using DIC to Develop an Experimental Methodology for Measuring Moisture Induced Fatigue in Panel Paintings, 10th Int. Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Sept. 2015. 
  •  Playing Historical Clarinets: Quantifying The Risk”, Int. Conference on the Playability of Historic Wooden Instruments, Royal College of Music, London Sept. 2015.
  • The Potential Use of Tomography for the Measurement of Historical Wooden Objects at a COST Tomography Workshop Nuremburg 20-21st May 2015. 
  • The Measurement of Strain Concentrations Induced in Wooden Clarinets from Breath Moisture using Digital Image Correlation-Preliminary Experimental Results” at a COST Experimental Mechanics and Modelling Conference in Dresden,  26th-29th May 2015.
  • Cultural Heritage Workshop presentation on my cross disciplinary present and future research aimed at initiating new research collaborations between the arts and science of the South Kensington Campus and beyond, Imperial College 11th Feb 2015.