Number of items: 80.
Delgado, M. M. and Lavery, C.
Chéreau, Patrice.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 140-141.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Artaud, Antonin.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-46.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Dullin, Charles.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, p. 184.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Jouvet, Louis.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 324-325.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Mesguich, Daniel.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 446-447.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Planchon, Roger.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, p. 543.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Quesne, Philippe.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, p. 556.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C.
Vilar, Jean.
In: Delgado, Maria M. and Williams, Simon (eds.)
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Stage Directors.
Cambridge University Press, p. 713.
ISBN 9781108115995
(In Press)
Lavery, C. and Hassall, L.
Scraps from the wreckage: remnants from Hashima Island.
In: Gabrielsson, Catharina and Jobst, Marko (eds.)
Instituting Worlds: Architecture and Islands.
Routledge: London, pp. 216-237.
ISBN 9781032498836
(doi: 10.4324/9781003395911-17)
Lavery, C. and Zandieh, R.
Performance and installation art: Re-turning to Artaud through Christian Boltanski.
In: Finburgh Delijani, Clare and Biet, Christian (eds.)
A New History of Theatre in France.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 276-293.
ISBN 9781108842372
(doi: 10.1017/9781108908566.015)
Lavery, C.
I came across the Tell Tale Rooms purely by chance.
In: Kotting, Andrew (ed.)
The Tell Tale Rooms.
Badbloodandsibyl, pp. 248-251.
Lavery, C.
Gala Water Unbordered.
Buob, B., Demesmaeker, J., Maillot, L., Lavery, C. and Rioux, V.
Table ronde autour d’une performance dans un panier en osier.
Ateliers d'Anthropologie, 54-55,
(doi: 10.4000/12z0d)
Lavery, C.
Bits and pieces: Fiona Robertson, the grotesque and the Dave Clark Five.
Fiona Robertson: Tit-Bits.
Glasgow School of Art: Glasgow.
ISBN 9780993120817
Lavery, C.
Walking and ruination.
In: Jeffreys, Tom (ed.)
Walking: Documents of Contemporary Art.
Whitechapel Gallery: London, pp. 116-120.
ISBN 9780854883165
Lavery, C. and Whitehead, S.
Folding one place within another: Re-thinking site-specificity in the Anthropocene via Simone Forti’s 5 Dance Constructions and Other Things.
In: Hunter, Victoria and Turner, Cathy (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to Site-Specific Performance.
Series: Routledge companions.
Routledge: London, pp. 301-318.
ISBN 9781032254104
(doi: 10.4324/9781003283034-28)
Lavery, C.
Un petit lexique théâtral pour Gerard Byrne, illustré de dix images de l’artiste et agrémenté de quelques notes de bas de page.
Théâtre/Public, 249,
pp. 28-44.
Lavery, C.
Avant-garde hygiene and contagion: Artaud's ecology in the chemical century.
In: Hopkins, David and Persson, Disa (eds.)
Contagion, Hygiene, and the European Avant-Garde.
Series: Routledge research in art history.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 182-198.
ISBN 9781032284996
(doi: 10.4324/9781003309000-12)
Lavery, C.
Quelques réflexions sur le paysage, le re-enactment et la théâtralité : politique et écologie.
Théâtre/ Paysage.
Series: Alternatives théâtrales (149).
Alternatives théâtrales.
ISBN 9782874281310
Lavery, C.
Bec(h)oming with Simon Whitehead: practising a logic of sensation.
Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 10(1),
pp. 44-67.
(doi: 10.1515/jcde-2022-0004)
Lavery, C.
Text for Brian Sweeney’s photographic exhibition: G20, Trongate 103.
Lavery, C.
Contemporary Theatre Review, 31(3),
pp. 355-357.
(doi: 10.1080/10486801.2021.1946932)[Book Review]
Lavery, C. and Whitehead, S.
Re-pair: Soft Matter: 3 Films.
Lavery, C. and Whybrow, N.
Special Issue: On Foot [Guest Editor].
Performance Research, 17(2),
Lavery, C.
To sense the city.
In: Whybrow, Nicolas (ed.)
Urban Sensographies.
Taylor and Francis.
ISBN 9780367808396
(doi: 10.4324/9780367808396)
Lavery, C.
Covid Dreams.
Lavery, C.
Ten months of THEN/NOW: An exercise in weathered thinking.
In: Donald, Minty (ed.)
University of Glasgow, pp. 281-298.
ISBN 9780852619735
Lavery, C.
Theatricality and drifting in the Anthropocene: reading Asger Jorn and Guy Debord's Mémoires as ‘earth book’.
Nordic Theatre Studies, 32(1),
pp. 159-178.
(doi: 10.7146/nts.v32i1.120414)
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
Drifting with Debord [Film].
Lavery, C.
Un-thinking The Rubbish Collection: from plastics to plasticity.
In: Mock, Roberta and Paterson, Mary (eds.)
Joshua Sofaer: Performance, Objects and Participation.
Intellect Books.
ISBN 9781789380910
Lavery, C.
A cave, a skull, and a little piece of grit.
In: Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten E. (ed.)
The Cambridge Companion to Theatre and Science.
Series: Cambridge Companions to Theatre and Performance.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 55-69.
ISBN 9781108676533
(doi: 10.1017/9781108676533.005)
Lavery, C.
Walking and theatricality: an experiment in weathered thinking (kairos).
In: Borthwick, David, Marland, Pippa and Stenning, Anna (eds.)
Walking, Landscape and Environment.
ISBN 9781138630109
Lavery, C. and Murray, S.
Thinking like a ruin.
In: Mitsi, E., Despotopoulou, A., Dimakopoulou, S. and Aretoulakis, E. (eds.)
Ruins in the Literary and Cultural Imagination.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 249-270.
ISBN 9783030269043
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-26905-0_15)
Lavery, C.
Comment penser l’image écologique dans le théâtre contemporain: l’image élémentaire dans Some Things Happen All At Once de Mike Brookes et Rosa Casado.
Lavery, C.
How does theatre think through ecology?
In: Bleeker, Maaike, Kear, Adrian, Kelleher, Joe and Roms, Heike (eds.)
Thinking Through Theatre and Performance.
ISBN 9781472579638
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
From street to screen: Debord’s drifting cinema.
Performance Research, 23(7),
pp. 109-119.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2018.1558427)
Lavery, C.
Rethinking the dérive: Drifting and theatricality in theatre and performance studies.
Performance Research, 23(7),
pp. 1-15.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2018.1557011)
Lavery, C.
Animating tangible futures: Returning (again) to Battleship Island.
Performance Research, 24(6),
pp. 29-37.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2019.1686591)
Twitchin, M. and Lavery, C.
On animism: introduction.
Performance Research, 24(6),
pp. 1-5.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2019.1686590)
Twitchin, M. and Lavery, C.
Special Issue: On Animism [Guest Editors].
Performance Research, 24(6),
Lavery, C. (Ed.)
Performance and Ecology: What Can Theatre Do?
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 9781138554719
Bauer, J.-K. and Lavery, C.
Assister au spectacle.
Performance Research, 23(6),
pp. 65-68.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2018.1533761)
Lavery, C.
Ecology in Beckett’s Theatre Garden: Or how to cultivate the Oikos.
Contemporary Theatre Review, 28(1),
pp. 10-26.
(doi: 10.1080/10486801.2017.1403912)
Lavery, C.
From weather to climate: a note.
Performance Research, 23(4-5),
pp. 6-10.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2018.1507348)
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
Glasgow glam rock dialogues.
Drouth, 57,
pp. 65-77.
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 5-1967.
Lavery, C.
The Radical as Syncope: An interruptive history of the Paris Commune in 14 1/2 beats.
In: Dalmasso, Fred, Dalmasso, Véronique and Jamet, Stéphanie (eds.)
La syncope dans la performance et les arts visuels.
Le Manuscrit: Paris, France, pp. 213-217.
ISBN 9782304046243
Lavery, C.
Introduction: performance and ecology: what can theatre do?
Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 20(3),
pp. 229-236.
(doi: 10.1080/14688417.2016.1206695)
Lavery, C.
Theatre and time/ecology: deceleration in Stifters Dinge and L’Effet de Serge.
Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 20(3),
pp. 304-323.
(doi: 10.1080/14688417.2016.1191997)
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 1 - Work.
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 2 - Luxury.
Archibald, D. and Lavery, C.
Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues: 3 - Commune.
Lavery, C.
Late modernism.
In: Gale, Maggie B. and Deeney, John F. (eds.)
The Routledge Drama Companion: Modernism to Contemporary Performance.
Routledge: Abingdon.
ISBN 9780415724173
Lavery, C.
Participation, ecology, cosmos.
In: Frieze, James (ed.)
Reframing Immersive Theatre: The Politics and Pragmatics of Participatory Performance.
Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 303-315.
ISBN 9781137366030
(doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-36604-7_22)
Lavery, C.
Performance and Ecology: What Can Theatre Do? [Guest Editor].
Taylor & Francis.
Lavery, C.
To perform Genet: Tranvseralite, Blessure, Pouvoir.
In: Vannouvong, Agnes (ed.)
Genet et les Arts.
Presses du Reel, pp. 133-47.
ISBN 9782840666837
Lavery, C. , Dixon, D. , Hassall, L., Pendleton, M. and Fearnley, C.
Return to Battleship Island.
In: Shaw, Debara B. and Humm, Maggie (eds.)
Radical Space: Exploring Politics and Practice.
Series: Radical cultural studies.
Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, pp. 87-108.
ISBN 9781783481514
Lavery, C.
Sacred Time/Ecological Time in Beckett's Waiting for Godot (with a little help from Maurice Blanchot).
Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics, V(1-2),
pp. 216-234.
Lavery, C.
Ionesco's green lesson: toxic environments, ecologies of air.
In: Lavery, Carl and Finburgh, Claire (eds.)
Rethinking the Theatre of the Absurd: Ecology and Environment, and Greening of Modern Stage.
Series: Methuen drama engage.
ISBN 9781472506672
Lavery, C. and Taylor Batty, M.
The secluded voice: the impossible call home in early Pinter.
In: Lavery, Carl and Finburgh, Claire (eds.)
Rethinking the Theatre of the Absurd: Ecology and Environment, and Greening of Modern Stage.
Series: Methuen drama engage.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781472506672
Lavery, C.
In: Gale, Maggie and Deeney, John F. (eds.)
Fifty Modern and Contemporary Dramatists.
Series: Routledge key guides.
Routledge: London, pp. 27-32.
ISBN 9780415630368
Lavery, C.
Action hero: a lexicon.
In: Paintin, Gemma, Stenhouse, James and Lavery, Carl (eds.)
Action Plans: Selected Performance Pieces by Action Hero.
Oberon Books: London, vi-xxiv.
ISBN 9781783195008
Lavery, C.
Introduction: Greening the absurd.
In: Lavery, Carl and Finburgh, Claire (eds.)
Rethinking the Theatre of the Absurd: Ecology and Environment, and Greening of Modern Stage.
Series: Methuen drama engage.
Bloomsbury: London.
Lavery, C.
Walking and ruination.
In: Qualmann, Claire and Hind, Claire (eds.)
Ways to Wander.
Triarchy Press: Axminster, pp. 9-14.
ISBN 9781909470729
Lavery, C. and Finburgh, C.
Rethinking the Theatre of the Absurd: Ecology, Environment and Greening of Modern Stage.
Series: Methuen drama engage.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781472506672
Lavery, C. and Gough, R.
Performance Research, 20(3),
pp. 1-8.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049031)
Lavery, C. and Gough, R.
On Ruins and Ruination [Guest Editors].
Performance Research, 20(3),
Lavery, C. and Gough, R.
Performance Research [Editors] Special issue: On Ruins and Ruination.
Performance Research, 20(3),
Lavery, C. and Hassall, L.
A future for Hashima: pornography, representation and time.
Performance Research, 20(3),
pp. 112-125.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049045)
Paintin, G., Stenhouse, J. and Lavery, C.
Action Plans: Selected Performance Pieces by Action Hero.
Oberon Books: London.
ISBN 9781783195008
Lavery, C.
Performing Paris.
In: Whybrow, Nicolas (ed.)
Performing Cities.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-79.
ISBN 9781137032522
(doi: 10.1057/9781137455697.0009)
Lavery, C.
Polar bears, climate change and the ethics of limitropy.
Contemporary Theatre Review, 24(4),
pp. 535-537.
(doi: 10.1080/10486801.2014.965415)
Lavery, C. , Dixon, D. P. and Hassall, L.
The future of ruins: the baroque melancholy of Hashima.
Environment and Planning A, 46(11),
pp. 2569-2584.
(doi: 10.1068/a46179)
Lavery, C.
Globalisation, glocal, third space theatre.
In: Reynolds, Bryan (ed.)
Performance Studies: Key Words, Concepts, and Theories.
Palgrave: London, pp. 193-200.
ISBN 9780230247307
Lavery, C.
The ecology of the image: the environmental politics of Philippe Quesne and Vivarium Studio.
French Cultural Studies, 24(3),
pp. 264-278.
(doi: 10.1177/0957155813489095)
Lavery, C.
Return to Battleship Island.
Lavery, C.
The Politics of Jean Genet's Late Theatre: Spaces of Revolution.
Manchester University Press: Manchester.
ISBN 9780719090158
Heddon, D. , Lavery, C. and Smith, P.
Walking, Writing and Performance: Autobiographical Texts.
Intellect Books: Bristol.
ISBN 9781841501550
Chamberlain, F., Haney II, W. S., Lavery, C. , Malekin, P. and Yarrow, R.
Sacred Theatre.
Series: Theatre and Consciousness.
Intellect Books.
ISBN 9781841501536
Finburgh, C., Lavery, C. and Shevtsova, M. (Eds.)
Jean Genet: Performance and Politics.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9781403994806
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 22:00:43 2025 GMT.