Professor Anita Quye

  • Professor (History of Art)

telephone: 0141 330 7609

History of Art, 8 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH

Import to contacts


Research interests

My research interests are the heritage science of textiles and decorative art and social history artefacts in museums, archives and historical places for their provenance, interpretation, significance and preservation. This involves chemistry, art history, the history of making, laboratory analysis and conservation science. I am based in the Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research (formerly known as the Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History) within History of Art

Current Research

  • Historical dyes, natural and synthetic
  • Historical plastics
  • Historical synthetic fibres
  • Micro-chemical analysis by UHPLC, FTIR and UV-Vis
  • Mass-production chemical history
  • Dyers’ books
  • Experimental recreation
  • Ageing studies

I lead the research of the Crutchley Archive of eighteenth-century dye books in Southwark Archives (Textile Conservation Foundation and Worshipful Company of Dyers grants), resulting in its inscription to the UNESCO UK Memory of the World register in 2020. My extensive Dye-versity research of early synthetic dyes in dyers books continues, initiated with a Carnegie Trust for Scottish Universities grant, as a legacy project from the ReCREATE research network for the experimental culture of Scotland’s nineteenth century decorative textiles (Royal Society of Edinburgh). I am also researching synthetic materials in the Scottish Business Archive, University of Glasgow, an outcome of the ReINVENT knowledge exchange network for Scotland’s historical textiles industry (Royal Society of Edinburgh). I am an invited Getty Guest Scholar to the Getty Research Institute and Getty Conservation Institute, in residency from April to June 2022 for archival and reference collection research for my forthcoming book on modern materials as decorative art and fashion artefacts to be published by Routledge.   

Recent doctoral and postdoctoral research by my group are described in this blog for Textile Conservation

Current Collaborations

I am an expert research contributor and advisor to PlasCO2 for cleaning plastic, PI Joana Lia Ferreira (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation); Synthetic Garments Project PSSN/DATS, PI Susan Lambert (Art Fund); Capturing the Materiality of the Prize Papers: a set of 19th century Chinese silk samples (case study) The National Archive, PI Lucia Pereira Pardo (AHRC CapCo); the materials study of the Morton cope in Bishop Auckland Museum, PI Mary Brookes (Society of Antiquaries grant), and the Dunollie Museum textile collection, PI Alison Mayne (Pasold Research Fund). I am an advisor for ‘From Fleece to Fashion’, PI Lynn Abrahms (AHRC). 

I continue my research interests in dyed historical Scottish tartans, cellulose nitrate and acetate plastic degradation, and light-sensitive dyes from my analytical science projects at National Museums Scotland.

Published books

I am currently writing a new monograph 'Modern Materials In Decorative Arts and Fashion' (working title) for the Routledge Conservation, Museum & Heritage Studies and Library & Information Science series (expected publication 2023). My published books are 'Plastics: Collecting and Conserving' with Colin Williamson (National Museums Scotland Publications) and 'Wrought in Gold and Silk: Preserving the Art of Historic Tapestries' with Kathryn Hallett and Concha Herrero Carretero (NMS Publications). My book chapters are Quality Matters for Historical Plastics in 'The Co-Shaping of Materials and Chemists in the Twentieth Century' by Pierre Teissier, Cyrus Mody and Brigitte Van Tiggelen and Chromatography in 'Conservation Research in Libraries' by David Howell. With Matija Strlic and the Icon Heritage Science Group I wrote the Institute of Conservation Heritage Science Group Ethical Sampling Guidance that is now a resource for the Collection Trust Spectrum


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1991
Number of items: 92.


Quye, A. (2024) Colour creation for wool fabrics in London, 1736–44: new evidence from the Crutchley dyehouses. In: Riello, G., Hayward, M. and Rublack, U. (eds.) Revolution in Colour : Natural Dyes and Dress in Europe, C. 1400-1800. Bloomsbury Publishing. Bloomsbury Academic: London, pp. 158-175. ISBN 9781350405622

Soares, I., Viana, C., Bartoletti, A., França de Sá, S., Quye, A. , Shashoua, Y., Casimiro, T. and Ferreira, J. L. (2024) Assessing the use of supercritical carbon dioxide as a carrier for alkoxysilanes to consolidate degraded PUR ester foams: an alternative to traditional methods. Sustainability, 16(11), 4375. (doi: 10.3390/su16114375)

Ferreira, J. T., Bartoletti, A., França de Sá, S., Quye, A. , Shashoua, Y., Casimiro, T. and Ferreira, J. L. (2024) Proof-of-concept study on the feasibility of supercritical carbon dioxide-assisted consolidation treatment for a pair of goalkeeper gloves on synthetic latex-based foam mock-ups. Sustainability, 16(4), 1562. (doi: 10.3390/su16041562)


Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2023) Dye-house notes from the Crutchley Archive, 1716 to 1728: detailed descriptions of the five stages of ‘grain’ dyeing for red colours on woven wool fabrics. In: Kirby, J. (ed.) Dyes in History and Archaeology. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 106-118. ISBN 9781909492929

Bartoletti, A., Soares, I., Ramos, A. M., Shashoua, Y., Quye, A. , Casimiro, T. and Ferreira, J. L. (2023) Assessing the impact and suitability of dense carbon dioxide as a green solvent for the treatment of PMMA of historical value. Polymers, 15(3), 566. (doi: 10.3390/polym15030566)


Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2021) Dyehouse notes from the Crutchley Archive: ‘grain’ dyeing practices with alum and tin ‘spirits’ for red woollen cloth, 1716 to 1728. Dyes in History & Archaeology (DHA40), Online, 15-19 November 2021.

Han, J. and Quye, A. (2021) A comprehensive study of textile dyeing techniques of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China. In: Kirby, J. (ed.) Dyes in History and Archaeology 33/34. Archetype Publications, pp. 82-91. ISBN 9781909492806

Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2021) The Crutchley Archive. A dyers’ legacy. In: Ligon, L. (ed.) Nature’s Colorways: Conjuring the Chemistry and Culture of Natural Dyes. Long Thread Media: Colorado, pp. 6-23. ISBN 9781735008820


Quye, A. (2020) Chromatography. In: Howell, D. and Snijders, L. (eds.) Conservation Research in Libraries. Series: Current topics in library and information practice. De Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 197-236. ISBN 9783110375251 (doi: 10.1515/9783110375374-009)

Cardon, D., Brémaud, I., Quye, A. and Balfour-Paul, J. (2020) Exploring colors from the past: in the steps of eighteenth-century dryers from France and England. Textile Museum Journal, 47, pp. 9-28.

Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2020) The Crutchley Archive: red colours on wool fabrics from master dyers, London 1716-1744. Textile History, 51(2), pp. 119-166. (doi: 10.1080/00404969.2020.1799731)


Shahid, M. , Wertz, J. , Degano, I., Aceto, M., Khan, M. I. and Quye, A. (2019) Analytical methods for determination of anthraquinone dyes in historical textiles: a review. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1083, pp. 58-87. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2019.07.009) (PMID:31493810)

Iuliano, A., Soler, L. and Quye, A. (2019) Chemistry for Cultural Heritage. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Shahid, M. and Quye, A. (2019) Turkey Red – Annotated Bibliography. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. and France, D. (2019) Turkey red prints: Identification of lead chromate, Prussian blue and logwood on Turkey red calico. Conservar Património: Studies in Historical Textiles, 31, pp. 31-39. (doi: 10.14568/cp2018019)

Quye, A. and Strlič, M. (2019) Ethical Sampling Guidance. [Research Reports or Papers]

Sato, M. and Quye, A. (2019) Detergency evaluation of non-ionic surfactant Dehypon® LS54 for textile conservation wet cleaning. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 42(1), pp. 3-17. (doi: 10.1080/19455224.2018.1556719)


Wertz, J. H. , Tang, P. L., Quye, A. and France, D. (2018) Characterisation of oil and aluminium complex on replica and historical 19th c. Turkey red textiles by non-destructive diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 204, pp. 267-275. (doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.05.109) (PMID:29936224)

Wertz, J. H. , France, D. J. and Quye, A. (2018) Spectroscopic analysis of Turkey red oil samples as a basis for understanding historical dyed textiles. Coloration Technology, 134(5), pp. 319-325. (doi: 10.1111/cote.12343)

Hunter, M. and Quye, A. (2018) Let there be light? An investigation into light-induced changes of the early synthetic aniline dye magenta under indoor lighting conditions. In: American Institute for Conservation (AIC) 46th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA, 29 May - 02 Jun 2018,

Han, J. and Quye, A. (2018) Dyes and dyeing in the Ming and Qing dynasties in China: preliminary evidence based on primary sources of documented recipes. Textile History, 49(1), pp. 44-70. (doi: 10.1080/00404969.2018.1440099)

Quye, A. (2018) The Dyer’s Handbook: Memoirs of an 18th-Century Master Colourist by Dominique Cardon. Textile History, 49(1), pp. 135-136. (doi: 10.1080/00404969.2018.1440799)[Book Review]


Shahid, M. and Quye, A. (2017) Historical Re-creation of 19th c. Turkey Red [Oral Presentation]. Chemical Reconstruction Workshop, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, 13 Dec 2017. (Unpublished)

Hulme, A. N., McNab, H., Peggie, D. A. and Quye, A. (2017) The chemical characterisation by HPLC–PDA and HPLC–ESI–MS of unaged and aged fibre samples dyed with sawwort (Serratula tinctoria L.). In: Atkinson, J. K. (ed.) The Diversity of Dyes in History and Archaeology. Archetype Publications, pp. 374-382. ISBN 9781909492530

Quye, A. (2017) Quality matters for historical plastics: the past-making of cellulose nitrates for future preservation. In: Teissier, P., Mody, C. C.M. and Van Tiggelen, B. (eds.) From Bench to Brand and Back: The Co-Shaping of Materials and Chemists in the Twentieth Century. Cahiers François Viète, pp. 45-68. ISBN 9782869392443

Degano, I., Sabatini, F., Wertz, J. and Quye, A. (2017) Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Arylcarbonium Blue, Violet and Green Dyes: Unlocking Structural Differences through Data Mining [poster]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. (2017) Patterns of Early Synthetic Dyes: Analytical Chemistry Investigations of Textile Samples in 19th C. British Dyeing Manuals [oral presentation]. 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway, 29 Aug -2 Sept 2017.

Quye, A. , Cardon, D., Paul, J. B., Moss, L. and Han, J. (2017) The Crutchley Archive of Early Eighteenth Century Pattern Books and Dyeing Manuals: Colour Investigations for Historical Significance and Preservation Needs [oral presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. and Shahid, M. (2017) Turkey Red: History, Mystery and Chemistry [oral presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. , Wertz, J. and Degano, I. (2017) Dye Analysis of Textile Patterns for Aniline Colours in Nineteenth Century British Dyeing Manuals by UHPLC-PDA and LC-ESI MS [poster]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. and France, D. (2017) Taking historical chemistry to the bench: A new perspective for modern chemists through the re-creation and analysis of 19th-century Scottish Turkey red dyed textiles. Mitteilungen: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, 25, pp. 302-328.

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. , France, D. , Tang, P. L. and Richmond, L. (2017) Authenticating Turkey Red Textiles through Material Investigations by FTIR and UHPLC. In: ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 Sept 2017,


Quye, A. , Cardon, D., Balfour-Paul, J. and Moss, L. (2016) Assessing the Crutchley Archive of an Early 18th Century Dyeing Family from Southward, London. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Quye, A. , Han, J. and Innes, M. (2016) The Chemical Effects of Filtered Visible Light on Light-Sensitive Dyes. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Quye, A. and Han, J. (2016) Disguises, Surprises and Identity Crises for 19th Century Early Aniline Dyes. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Wertz, J.H. , Quye, A. and France, D. (2016) Natural or Synthetic? The Identification of Anthraquinone Dyes on Historical Turkey Red by UHPLC-PDA Analysis. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Han, J., Wanrooij, L., van Bommel, M. and Quye, A. (2016) Characterisation of chemical components for identifying historical Chinese textile dyes by ultra high performance liquid chromatography - photodiode array - electrospray ionisation mass spectrometer. Journal of Chromatography A, 1479, pp. 87-96. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2016.11.044) (PMID:27986289)

Quye, A. (2016) Dye-Versity. Researching 19th c. Dyeing Manuals. Icon Scotland Paper Conservators in Scotland News and Ideas Exchange Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 25 Apr 2016.

Quye, A. (2016) The Power of Two: Uniting Chemical and Historical Research of 19th C. Early Synthetic Dyes for Conservation. In: Institute of Conservation Triennial Conference (Icon2016): Turn and Face the Change, Birmingham, UK, 15-17 June 2016,

Wertz, J., Quye, A. , France, D., Richmond, L. and Tang, P. L. (2016) Unravelling 19th Century Turkey Red Textiles: Approaches for Heritage Science Through Historical Re-Creation and Chemical Analysis. In: 2nd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage, and Archaeology, Oxford, UK, 20-21 June 2016,


Quye, A. and Han, J. (2015) Typically Variable? A Chemical Study of Commercial Aniline Dyes in a 19th C Sample Book. In: 34th Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA34), Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 Oct 2015,

Quye, A. and Lennard, F. (2015) Materialising Conservation Science Research for Historical Textiles. In: 1st International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, 14-15 July 2015,

Quye, A. and Staubermann, K. (2015) The ReCREATE Network and the Experimental Culture of Scotland’s 19th C Textile Production. Weaving Communities of Practice Meeting, London, 13 May 2015.

Quye, A. and Staubermann, K. (2015) The ReCREATE Network and the Experimental Culture of Scotland’s 19th C Textile Production. Remaking History, London, 27 Jan 2015.

Quye, A. , Tang, P. L., Wertz, J. , Sato, M. and Ojeda-Amador, R. (2015) A Little More Reflection, a Little More Depth: Applications of Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) in Heritage Textile Conservation. In: 1st International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, 14-15 July 2015,

Sato, M., Foskett, S. and Quye, A. (2015) Effectiveness of Soil Removal by a Non-Ionic Surfactant for Textile Conservation in the UK. In: 37th Annual Conference, The Japan Society for the Conservation of Cultural Property, Kyoto, Japan, 27-28 June 2015,

Wertz, J. H., Quye, A. , France, D., Tang, P. L. and Richmond, L. (2015) Shining a Light on Turkey Red: Applying FTIR for Non-Invasive Identification of Heritage Textiles. In: 34th Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA34), Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 Oct 2015,


Quye, A. (2014) Factors influencing the stability of man-made fibers: a retrospective view for historical textiles. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 107, pp. 210-218. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2014.03.002)

Han, J. and Quye, A. (2014) Dyeing Practice and the Society: A Study of Historical Chinese Dyes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911) by Chemical Analysis and History of Art. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Quye, A. (2014) Conservation of Modern Materials in Medical Archives [keynote paper]. Conserving Condoms Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 28 Nov 2014.

Quye, A. , Scholler, E.-A. and Wieber, S. (2014) Identifying Fuchsine Visually in Dress and Textile Collections. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Quye, A. , Wertz, J. , van Bommel, M., Joosten, I. and Carruthers, K. (2014) All in the Mix at the 19th C Blantyre Dyeworks: Synthetic Violets and Coloured Pigments. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Staubermann, K. and Quye, A. (2014) Reinvent - Researching 19th Century Scottish Textile Heritage. XV Universeum Network Meeting "Enhancing University Heritage-Based Research, Hamburg, Germany, 12-14 June 2014.

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. , France, D. and Richmond, L. (2014) Creation and Analysis of Synthetic Alizarin and Replication of Turkey Red. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,


Quye, A. (2013) Textile conversation. Education in Chemistry, 50(3), pp. 16-19.

Littlejohn, D., Pethrick, R. A., Quye, A. and Ballany, J. M. (2013) Investigation of the degradation of cellulose acetate museum artefacts. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98(1), pp. 416-424. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.08.023)

Gamper, C., Thompson, K. and Quye, A. (2013) Viscose Rayon: An Absorbing Problem. An Investigation into the Impact Conservation Wet Cleaning Treatments have on Historic Woven Viscose Rayon Fabrics; with a Supplementary Analysis of Current Techniques for Identifying Man-Made Fibres. In: North American Textile Conservation Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 12-15 Nov 2013, pp. 54-71.

Han, J., Quye, A. , Chung, Y. and Pearce, N. (2013) Dyes and Dyeing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1820?) in China: Preliminary Evidence Based on Primary Chinese Sources. In: 32nd Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, La Rochelle, France, 2-5 Oct 2013,

Quye, A. (2013) The Chemist and the Cellulosic Plastics: When Breaking Up is not so Hard to Do. In: 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-24 Aug 2013,

Quye, A. (2013) Joining Forces to Tackle Sticky Situations: The Conservation Science of Adhesives. In: Institute of Conservation Icon2013 Triennial Conference: Positive Futures in an Uncertain World, Glasgow, UK, 10-12 Apr 2013,

Quye, A. , Kiefer, J., Meller, N. and Thompson, K. (2013) Going to Waste? Opening a New Conversation with Historical Dirt. In: Institute of Conservation Icon2013 Triennial Conference: Positive Futures in an Uncertain World, Glasgow, UK, 10-12 Apr 2013,

Quye, A. and Staubermann, K. (2013) ReINVENT: Reconnecting and Recreating 19th Century Scottish Textile Manufacture. In: 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-24 Aug 2013,

Wertz, J. , Quye, A. , France, D. and Richmond, L. (2013) Resurrecting Turkey Red: Adapting an Historic Process for Modern Re-creation and Analysis. In: 32nd Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, La Rochelle, France, 2-5 Oct 2013,

Wertz, J. , Quye, A. , France, D. and Richmond, L. (2013) Textile Dyeing in Late Nineteenth-Century Glasgow: Interpreting and Re-Creating the Dye Chemists’ Experiments from Lab to Manufacture. In: 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-24 Aug 2013,


Quye, A. (2012) Investigating the Colourful Past: Applications of Scientific and Historical Research yo Textile Dyes. PICS 2010, Glasgow, UK, 10-13 July 2012.


Quye, A. , Littlejohn, D., Pethrick, R.A. and Stewart, R.A. (2011) Accelerated ageing to study the degradation of cellulose nitrate museum artefacts. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96(10), pp. 1934-1939. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.06.008)

Quye, A. , Littlejohn, D., Pethrick, R.A. and Stewart, R.A. (2011) Investigation of inherent degradation in cellulose nitrate museum artefacts. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96(7), pp. 1369-1376. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.03.009)

Quye, A. (2011) Let Glasgow Flourish: Dyes Research in the New Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History. In: 30th Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, Derby, UK, 13-15 Oct 2011,


McNab, H., Ferreira, E.S.B., Hulme, A.N. and Quye, A. (2009) Negative ion ESI–MS analysis of natural yellow dye flavonoids — An isotopic labelling study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 284(1-3), pp. 57-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2008.05.039)

Quye, A. (2009) Monitoring of damage to historic tapestries (MODHT): a newly initiated EU project. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 21, pp. 109-118.

Quye, A. , Hallett, K. and Herrero Carretero, C. (2009) 'Wrought in Gold and Silk': Preserving the Art of Historic Tapestries. NMS Enterprises Limited: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781905267156


Peggie, D.A., Hulme, A.N., McNab, H. and Quye, A. (2008) Towards the identification of characteristic minor components from textiles dyed with weld (Reseda luteola L.) and those dyed with Mexican cochineal (Dactylopius coccus Costa). Microchimica Acta, 162(3-4), pp. 371-380. (doi: 10.1007/s00604-007-0866-0)

Quye, A. and Cheape, H. (2008) Rediscovering the Arisaid. Costume, 42(1), pp. 1-20. (doi: 10.1179/174963008X285151)


Surowiec, I., Quye, A. and Trojanowicz, M. (2006) Liquid chromatography determination of natural dyes in extracts from historical Scottish textiles excavated from peat bogs. Journal of Chromatography A, 1112(1-2), pp. 209-217. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2005.11.019)


Hulme, A.N., McNab, H., Peggie, D.A. and Quye, A. (2005) The application of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and accelerated light ageing for the analytical identification of yellow flavonoid dyes in historical tapestries. In: Janaway, R.C. and Wyeth, P. (eds.) AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textile Studies: First annual Conference, 13-15 July 2004: Scientific Analysis of Ancient and Historic Textiles: Informing Preservation, Display and Interpretation: Postprints. Archetype: London, pp. 208-216. ISBN 9781873132791

Quye, A. (2005) FTIR microanalysis of residue on vessel 4. In: Crone, A., Campbell, E. and Batey, C. (eds.) A Crannog of the First Millenium AD: Excavations by Jack Scott at Loch Glashan, Argyll, 1960. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 135-138. ISBN 9780903903363


Berstan, R., Dudd, S. N., Copley, M. S., Morgan, E. D., Quye, A. and Evershed, R. P. (2004) Characterisation of 'bog butter' using a combination of molecular and isotopic techniques. Analyst, 129(3), pp. 270-275. (doi: 10.1039/B313436A) (PMID:14978532)

Eremin, K.A., Quye, A. , Edwards, H.M.G. and Jorge Villar, S.E. (2004) Colours of ancient Egyptian funerary artefacts in the National Museums of Scotland. In: Cleland, L., Stears, K. and Davies, G. (eds.) Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Series: BAR international series (1267). Hedges, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781841713731

Ferreira, E. S. B., Hulme, A. N., McNab, H. and Quye, A. (2004) The natural constituents of historical textile dyes. Chemical Society Reviews, 33(6), pp. 329-336. (doi: 10.1039/B305697J) (PMID:15280965)


Burnett, J., Mercer, K. and Quye, A. (2003) The practice of dyeing wool in Scotland c. 1790-c.1840. Folk Life, 42(1), pp. 7-31.

Quye, A. , Cheape, H., Burnett, J., Ferreira, E., Hulme, A. and McNab, H. (2003) An historical and analytical study of red, pink, green and yellow colours in quality 18th and early 19th century Scottish tartans. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 19, pp. 1-12.


Edward, H. G.M., de Oliveira, L. F. C. and Quye, A. (2001) Raman spectroscopy of coloured resins used in antiquity: dragon's blood and related substances. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 57(14), pp. 2831-2842. (doi: 10.1016/S1386-1425(01)00602-3) (PMID:11789884)


Rawson, H., Burnett, J. and Quye, A. (2000) The import of textile dyes to Scotland: the case of William Wilson and Son, tartan weavers of Bannockburn, 1780-1820. Review of Scottish Culture, 13, pp. 18-29.


Hulme, A.N., McNab, H., Peggie, D.A. and Quye, A. (1999) The analytical characterisation of flavonoid photo-degradation products: a novel approach to identifying natural yellow dyes in ancient textiles. In: ICOM Committee for Conservation: 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyon, France, 29 August-3 September 1999: Preprints. James and James: London, pp. 221-227. ISBN 9781873936924

Quye, A. and Williamson, C. (1999) Plastics: Collecting and Conserving. NMS. ISBN 9781901663129


Quye, A. and Ritson, S. (1998) Gas chromatographic analysis of organic residues from vessels found in the period 4 Pithos building at Kissonerga-Mosphilia. University of Edinburgh, Department of Archaeology, Project Papers, 19(2), pp. 169-171.


Edwards, H.G.M., Farwell, D.W. and Quye, A. (1997) 'Dragon’s blood’ I — characterization of an ancient resin using fourier transform raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 28(4), pp. 243-249. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199704)28:4<243::AID-JRS91>3.0.CO;2-W)

Charters, S., Evershed, R.P., Quye, A. , Blinkhorn, P.W. and Reeves, V. (1997) Simulation experiments for determining the use of ancient pottery vessels: the behaviour of epicuticular leaf wax during boiling of a leafy vegetable. Journal of Archaeological Science, 24(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1006/jasc.1995.0091)

Quye, A. , Wouters, J. and Boon, J.J. (1997) Fading hopes for dyes analysis. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 14, pp. 55-69.


Quye, A. , Wouters, J. and Boon, J.J. (1996) A preliminary study of light-ageing effects on the analysis of natural flavonoid-dyed wools by PDA HPLC and by DTMS. In: ICOM Committee for Conservation: 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 Sep 1996, pp. 704-713. ISBN 1873936508


Evershed, R. P., Charters, S. and Quye, A. (1995) Interpreting lipid residues in archaeological ceramics: preliminary results from laboratory simulations of vessel use and burial. MRS Proceedings, 352, (doi: 10.1557/PROC-352-85)


Quye, A. (1991) Dye analysis undertaken in the National Museums of Scotland between October 1989 and September 1990. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 9, pp. 27-31.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 21:43:06 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 92.


Soares, I., Viana, C., Bartoletti, A., França de Sá, S., Quye, A. , Shashoua, Y., Casimiro, T. and Ferreira, J. L. (2024) Assessing the use of supercritical carbon dioxide as a carrier for alkoxysilanes to consolidate degraded PUR ester foams: an alternative to traditional methods. Sustainability, 16(11), 4375. (doi: 10.3390/su16114375)

Ferreira, J. T., Bartoletti, A., França de Sá, S., Quye, A. , Shashoua, Y., Casimiro, T. and Ferreira, J. L. (2024) Proof-of-concept study on the feasibility of supercritical carbon dioxide-assisted consolidation treatment for a pair of goalkeeper gloves on synthetic latex-based foam mock-ups. Sustainability, 16(4), 1562. (doi: 10.3390/su16041562)

Bartoletti, A., Soares, I., Ramos, A. M., Shashoua, Y., Quye, A. , Casimiro, T. and Ferreira, J. L. (2023) Assessing the impact and suitability of dense carbon dioxide as a green solvent for the treatment of PMMA of historical value. Polymers, 15(3), 566. (doi: 10.3390/polym15030566)

Cardon, D., Brémaud, I., Quye, A. and Balfour-Paul, J. (2020) Exploring colors from the past: in the steps of eighteenth-century dryers from France and England. Textile Museum Journal, 47, pp. 9-28.

Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2020) The Crutchley Archive: red colours on wool fabrics from master dyers, London 1716-1744. Textile History, 51(2), pp. 119-166. (doi: 10.1080/00404969.2020.1799731)

Shahid, M. , Wertz, J. , Degano, I., Aceto, M., Khan, M. I. and Quye, A. (2019) Analytical methods for determination of anthraquinone dyes in historical textiles: a review. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1083, pp. 58-87. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2019.07.009) (PMID:31493810)

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. and France, D. (2019) Turkey red prints: Identification of lead chromate, Prussian blue and logwood on Turkey red calico. Conservar Património: Studies in Historical Textiles, 31, pp. 31-39. (doi: 10.14568/cp2018019)

Sato, M. and Quye, A. (2019) Detergency evaluation of non-ionic surfactant Dehypon® LS54 for textile conservation wet cleaning. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 42(1), pp. 3-17. (doi: 10.1080/19455224.2018.1556719)

Wertz, J. H. , Tang, P. L., Quye, A. and France, D. (2018) Characterisation of oil and aluminium complex on replica and historical 19th c. Turkey red textiles by non-destructive diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 204, pp. 267-275. (doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.05.109) (PMID:29936224)

Wertz, J. H. , France, D. J. and Quye, A. (2018) Spectroscopic analysis of Turkey red oil samples as a basis for understanding historical dyed textiles. Coloration Technology, 134(5), pp. 319-325. (doi: 10.1111/cote.12343)

Han, J. and Quye, A. (2018) Dyes and dyeing in the Ming and Qing dynasties in China: preliminary evidence based on primary sources of documented recipes. Textile History, 49(1), pp. 44-70. (doi: 10.1080/00404969.2018.1440099)

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. and France, D. (2017) Taking historical chemistry to the bench: A new perspective for modern chemists through the re-creation and analysis of 19th-century Scottish Turkey red dyed textiles. Mitteilungen: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, 25, pp. 302-328.

Han, J., Wanrooij, L., van Bommel, M. and Quye, A. (2016) Characterisation of chemical components for identifying historical Chinese textile dyes by ultra high performance liquid chromatography - photodiode array - electrospray ionisation mass spectrometer. Journal of Chromatography A, 1479, pp. 87-96. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2016.11.044) (PMID:27986289)

Quye, A. (2014) Factors influencing the stability of man-made fibers: a retrospective view for historical textiles. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 107, pp. 210-218. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2014.03.002)

Quye, A. (2013) Textile conversation. Education in Chemistry, 50(3), pp. 16-19.

Littlejohn, D., Pethrick, R. A., Quye, A. and Ballany, J. M. (2013) Investigation of the degradation of cellulose acetate museum artefacts. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98(1), pp. 416-424. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.08.023)

Quye, A. , Littlejohn, D., Pethrick, R.A. and Stewart, R.A. (2011) Accelerated ageing to study the degradation of cellulose nitrate museum artefacts. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96(10), pp. 1934-1939. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.06.008)

Quye, A. , Littlejohn, D., Pethrick, R.A. and Stewart, R.A. (2011) Investigation of inherent degradation in cellulose nitrate museum artefacts. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96(7), pp. 1369-1376. (doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.03.009)

McNab, H., Ferreira, E.S.B., Hulme, A.N. and Quye, A. (2009) Negative ion ESI–MS analysis of natural yellow dye flavonoids — An isotopic labelling study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 284(1-3), pp. 57-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2008.05.039)

Quye, A. (2009) Monitoring of damage to historic tapestries (MODHT): a newly initiated EU project. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 21, pp. 109-118.

Peggie, D.A., Hulme, A.N., McNab, H. and Quye, A. (2008) Towards the identification of characteristic minor components from textiles dyed with weld (Reseda luteola L.) and those dyed with Mexican cochineal (Dactylopius coccus Costa). Microchimica Acta, 162(3-4), pp. 371-380. (doi: 10.1007/s00604-007-0866-0)

Quye, A. and Cheape, H. (2008) Rediscovering the Arisaid. Costume, 42(1), pp. 1-20. (doi: 10.1179/174963008X285151)

Surowiec, I., Quye, A. and Trojanowicz, M. (2006) Liquid chromatography determination of natural dyes in extracts from historical Scottish textiles excavated from peat bogs. Journal of Chromatography A, 1112(1-2), pp. 209-217. (doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2005.11.019)

Berstan, R., Dudd, S. N., Copley, M. S., Morgan, E. D., Quye, A. and Evershed, R. P. (2004) Characterisation of 'bog butter' using a combination of molecular and isotopic techniques. Analyst, 129(3), pp. 270-275. (doi: 10.1039/B313436A) (PMID:14978532)

Ferreira, E. S. B., Hulme, A. N., McNab, H. and Quye, A. (2004) The natural constituents of historical textile dyes. Chemical Society Reviews, 33(6), pp. 329-336. (doi: 10.1039/B305697J) (PMID:15280965)

Burnett, J., Mercer, K. and Quye, A. (2003) The practice of dyeing wool in Scotland c. 1790-c.1840. Folk Life, 42(1), pp. 7-31.

Quye, A. , Cheape, H., Burnett, J., Ferreira, E., Hulme, A. and McNab, H. (2003) An historical and analytical study of red, pink, green and yellow colours in quality 18th and early 19th century Scottish tartans. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 19, pp. 1-12.

Edward, H. G.M., de Oliveira, L. F. C. and Quye, A. (2001) Raman spectroscopy of coloured resins used in antiquity: dragon's blood and related substances. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 57(14), pp. 2831-2842. (doi: 10.1016/S1386-1425(01)00602-3) (PMID:11789884)

Rawson, H., Burnett, J. and Quye, A. (2000) The import of textile dyes to Scotland: the case of William Wilson and Son, tartan weavers of Bannockburn, 1780-1820. Review of Scottish Culture, 13, pp. 18-29.

Quye, A. and Ritson, S. (1998) Gas chromatographic analysis of organic residues from vessels found in the period 4 Pithos building at Kissonerga-Mosphilia. University of Edinburgh, Department of Archaeology, Project Papers, 19(2), pp. 169-171.

Edwards, H.G.M., Farwell, D.W. and Quye, A. (1997) 'Dragon’s blood’ I — characterization of an ancient resin using fourier transform raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 28(4), pp. 243-249. (doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199704)28:4<243::AID-JRS91>3.0.CO;2-W)

Charters, S., Evershed, R.P., Quye, A. , Blinkhorn, P.W. and Reeves, V. (1997) Simulation experiments for determining the use of ancient pottery vessels: the behaviour of epicuticular leaf wax during boiling of a leafy vegetable. Journal of Archaeological Science, 24(1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1006/jasc.1995.0091)

Quye, A. , Wouters, J. and Boon, J.J. (1997) Fading hopes for dyes analysis. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 14, pp. 55-69.

Evershed, R. P., Charters, S. and Quye, A. (1995) Interpreting lipid residues in archaeological ceramics: preliminary results from laboratory simulations of vessel use and burial. MRS Proceedings, 352, (doi: 10.1557/PROC-352-85)

Quye, A. (1991) Dye analysis undertaken in the National Museums of Scotland between October 1989 and September 1990. Dyes in History and Archaeology, 9, pp. 27-31.


Quye, A. , Hallett, K. and Herrero Carretero, C. (2009) 'Wrought in Gold and Silk': Preserving the Art of Historic Tapestries. NMS Enterprises Limited: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781905267156

Quye, A. and Williamson, C. (1999) Plastics: Collecting and Conserving. NMS. ISBN 9781901663129

Book Sections

Quye, A. (2024) Colour creation for wool fabrics in London, 1736–44: new evidence from the Crutchley dyehouses. In: Riello, G., Hayward, M. and Rublack, U. (eds.) Revolution in Colour : Natural Dyes and Dress in Europe, C. 1400-1800. Bloomsbury Publishing. Bloomsbury Academic: London, pp. 158-175. ISBN 9781350405622

Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2023) Dye-house notes from the Crutchley Archive, 1716 to 1728: detailed descriptions of the five stages of ‘grain’ dyeing for red colours on woven wool fabrics. In: Kirby, J. (ed.) Dyes in History and Archaeology. Archetype Publications: London, pp. 106-118. ISBN 9781909492929

Han, J. and Quye, A. (2021) A comprehensive study of textile dyeing techniques of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China. In: Kirby, J. (ed.) Dyes in History and Archaeology 33/34. Archetype Publications, pp. 82-91. ISBN 9781909492806

Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2021) The Crutchley Archive. A dyers’ legacy. In: Ligon, L. (ed.) Nature’s Colorways: Conjuring the Chemistry and Culture of Natural Dyes. Long Thread Media: Colorado, pp. 6-23. ISBN 9781735008820

Quye, A. (2020) Chromatography. In: Howell, D. and Snijders, L. (eds.) Conservation Research in Libraries. Series: Current topics in library and information practice. De Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 197-236. ISBN 9783110375251 (doi: 10.1515/9783110375374-009)

Hulme, A. N., McNab, H., Peggie, D. A. and Quye, A. (2017) The chemical characterisation by HPLC–PDA and HPLC–ESI–MS of unaged and aged fibre samples dyed with sawwort (Serratula tinctoria L.). In: Atkinson, J. K. (ed.) The Diversity of Dyes in History and Archaeology. Archetype Publications, pp. 374-382. ISBN 9781909492530

Quye, A. (2017) Quality matters for historical plastics: the past-making of cellulose nitrates for future preservation. In: Teissier, P., Mody, C. C.M. and Van Tiggelen, B. (eds.) From Bench to Brand and Back: The Co-Shaping of Materials and Chemists in the Twentieth Century. Cahiers François Viète, pp. 45-68. ISBN 9782869392443

Hulme, A.N., McNab, H., Peggie, D.A. and Quye, A. (2005) The application of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and accelerated light ageing for the analytical identification of yellow flavonoid dyes in historical tapestries. In: Janaway, R.C. and Wyeth, P. (eds.) AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textile Studies: First annual Conference, 13-15 July 2004: Scientific Analysis of Ancient and Historic Textiles: Informing Preservation, Display and Interpretation: Postprints. Archetype: London, pp. 208-216. ISBN 9781873132791

Quye, A. (2005) FTIR microanalysis of residue on vessel 4. In: Crone, A., Campbell, E. and Batey, C. (eds.) A Crannog of the First Millenium AD: Excavations by Jack Scott at Loch Glashan, Argyll, 1960. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: Edinburgh, pp. 135-138. ISBN 9780903903363

Eremin, K.A., Quye, A. , Edwards, H.M.G. and Jorge Villar, S.E. (2004) Colours of ancient Egyptian funerary artefacts in the National Museums of Scotland. In: Cleland, L., Stears, K. and Davies, G. (eds.) Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Series: BAR international series (1267). Hedges, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781841713731

Hulme, A.N., McNab, H., Peggie, D.A. and Quye, A. (1999) The analytical characterisation of flavonoid photo-degradation products: a novel approach to identifying natural yellow dyes in ancient textiles. In: ICOM Committee for Conservation: 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyon, France, 29 August-3 September 1999: Preprints. James and James: London, pp. 221-227. ISBN 9781873936924

Book Reviews

Quye, A. (2018) The Dyer’s Handbook: Memoirs of an 18th-Century Master Colourist by Dominique Cardon. Textile History, 49(1), pp. 135-136. (doi: 10.1080/00404969.2018.1440799)[Book Review]

Research Reports or Papers

Shahid, M. and Quye, A. (2019) Turkey Red – Annotated Bibliography. [Research Reports or Papers]

Quye, A. and Strlič, M. (2019) Ethical Sampling Guidance. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Quye, A. , Cardon, D. and Balfour Paul, J. (2021) Dyehouse notes from the Crutchley Archive: ‘grain’ dyeing practices with alum and tin ‘spirits’ for red woollen cloth, 1716 to 1728. Dyes in History & Archaeology (DHA40), Online, 15-19 November 2021.

Iuliano, A., Soler, L. and Quye, A. (2019) Chemistry for Cultural Heritage. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Shahid, M. and Quye, A. (2017) Historical Re-creation of 19th c. Turkey Red [Oral Presentation]. Chemical Reconstruction Workshop, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, 13 Dec 2017. (Unpublished)

Degano, I., Sabatini, F., Wertz, J. and Quye, A. (2017) Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Arylcarbonium Blue, Violet and Green Dyes: Unlocking Structural Differences through Data Mining [poster]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. (2017) Patterns of Early Synthetic Dyes: Analytical Chemistry Investigations of Textile Samples in 19th C. British Dyeing Manuals [oral presentation]. 11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway, 29 Aug -2 Sept 2017.

Quye, A. , Cardon, D., Paul, J. B., Moss, L. and Han, J. (2017) The Crutchley Archive of Early Eighteenth Century Pattern Books and Dyeing Manuals: Colour Investigations for Historical Significance and Preservation Needs [oral presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. and Shahid, M. (2017) Turkey Red: History, Mystery and Chemistry [oral presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. , Wertz, J. and Degano, I. (2017) Dye Analysis of Textile Patterns for Aniline Colours in Nineteenth Century British Dyeing Manuals by UHPLC-PDA and LC-ESI MS [poster]. 36th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA36), London, UK, 26-28 Oct 2017.

Quye, A. , Cardon, D., Balfour-Paul, J. and Moss, L. (2016) Assessing the Crutchley Archive of an Early 18th Century Dyeing Family from Southward, London. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Quye, A. , Han, J. and Innes, M. (2016) The Chemical Effects of Filtered Visible Light on Light-Sensitive Dyes. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Quye, A. and Han, J. (2016) Disguises, Surprises and Identity Crises for 19th Century Early Aniline Dyes. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Wertz, J.H. , Quye, A. and France, D. (2016) Natural or Synthetic? The Identification of Anthraquinone Dyes on Historical Turkey Red by UHPLC-PDA Analysis. 35th Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA35), Pisa, Italy, 05-08 Oct 2016.

Quye, A. (2016) Dye-Versity. Researching 19th c. Dyeing Manuals. Icon Scotland Paper Conservators in Scotland News and Ideas Exchange Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, 25 Apr 2016.

Quye, A. and Staubermann, K. (2015) The ReCREATE Network and the Experimental Culture of Scotland’s 19th C Textile Production. Weaving Communities of Practice Meeting, London, 13 May 2015.

Quye, A. and Staubermann, K. (2015) The ReCREATE Network and the Experimental Culture of Scotland’s 19th C Textile Production. Remaking History, London, 27 Jan 2015.

Quye, A. (2014) Conservation of Modern Materials in Medical Archives [keynote paper]. Conserving Condoms Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 28 Nov 2014.

Staubermann, K. and Quye, A. (2014) Reinvent - Researching 19th Century Scottish Textile Heritage. XV Universeum Network Meeting "Enhancing University Heritage-Based Research, Hamburg, Germany, 12-14 June 2014.

Quye, A. (2012) Investigating the Colourful Past: Applications of Scientific and Historical Research yo Textile Dyes. PICS 2010, Glasgow, UK, 10-13 July 2012.

Conference Proceedings

Hunter, M. and Quye, A. (2018) Let there be light? An investigation into light-induced changes of the early synthetic aniline dye magenta under indoor lighting conditions. In: American Institute for Conservation (AIC) 46th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA, 29 May - 02 Jun 2018,

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. , France, D. , Tang, P. L. and Richmond, L. (2017) Authenticating Turkey Red Textiles through Material Investigations by FTIR and UHPLC. In: ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 Sept 2017,

Quye, A. (2016) The Power of Two: Uniting Chemical and Historical Research of 19th C. Early Synthetic Dyes for Conservation. In: Institute of Conservation Triennial Conference (Icon2016): Turn and Face the Change, Birmingham, UK, 15-17 June 2016,

Wertz, J., Quye, A. , France, D., Richmond, L. and Tang, P. L. (2016) Unravelling 19th Century Turkey Red Textiles: Approaches for Heritage Science Through Historical Re-Creation and Chemical Analysis. In: 2nd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage, and Archaeology, Oxford, UK, 20-21 June 2016,

Quye, A. and Han, J. (2015) Typically Variable? A Chemical Study of Commercial Aniline Dyes in a 19th C Sample Book. In: 34th Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA34), Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 Oct 2015,

Quye, A. and Lennard, F. (2015) Materialising Conservation Science Research for Historical Textiles. In: 1st International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, 14-15 July 2015,

Quye, A. , Tang, P. L., Wertz, J. , Sato, M. and Ojeda-Amador, R. (2015) A Little More Reflection, a Little More Depth: Applications of Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) in Heritage Textile Conservation. In: 1st International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), London, UK, 14-15 July 2015,

Sato, M., Foskett, S. and Quye, A. (2015) Effectiveness of Soil Removal by a Non-Ionic Surfactant for Textile Conservation in the UK. In: 37th Annual Conference, The Japan Society for the Conservation of Cultural Property, Kyoto, Japan, 27-28 June 2015,

Wertz, J. H., Quye, A. , France, D., Tang, P. L. and Richmond, L. (2015) Shining a Light on Turkey Red: Applying FTIR for Non-Invasive Identification of Heritage Textiles. In: 34th Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA34), Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 Oct 2015,

Han, J. and Quye, A. (2014) Dyeing Practice and the Society: A Study of Historical Chinese Dyes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911) by Chemical Analysis and History of Art. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Quye, A. , Scholler, E.-A. and Wieber, S. (2014) Identifying Fuchsine Visually in Dress and Textile Collections. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Quye, A. , Wertz, J. , van Bommel, M., Joosten, I. and Carruthers, K. (2014) All in the Mix at the 19th C Blantyre Dyeworks: Synthetic Violets and Coloured Pigments. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Wertz, J. H. , Quye, A. , France, D. and Richmond, L. (2014) Creation and Analysis of Synthetic Alizarin and Replication of Turkey Red. In: 33rd Annual Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 29 Oct - 1 Nov 2014,

Gamper, C., Thompson, K. and Quye, A. (2013) Viscose Rayon: An Absorbing Problem. An Investigation into the Impact Conservation Wet Cleaning Treatments have on Historic Woven Viscose Rayon Fabrics; with a Supplementary Analysis of Current Techniques for Identifying Man-Made Fibres. In: North American Textile Conservation Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 12-15 Nov 2013, pp. 54-71.

Han, J., Quye, A. , Chung, Y. and Pearce, N. (2013) Dyes and Dyeing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1820?) in China: Preliminary Evidence Based on Primary Chinese Sources. In: 32nd Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, La Rochelle, France, 2-5 Oct 2013,

Quye, A. (2013) The Chemist and the Cellulosic Plastics: When Breaking Up is not so Hard to Do. In: 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-24 Aug 2013,

Quye, A. (2013) Joining Forces to Tackle Sticky Situations: The Conservation Science of Adhesives. In: Institute of Conservation Icon2013 Triennial Conference: Positive Futures in an Uncertain World, Glasgow, UK, 10-12 Apr 2013,

Quye, A. , Kiefer, J., Meller, N. and Thompson, K. (2013) Going to Waste? Opening a New Conversation with Historical Dirt. In: Institute of Conservation Icon2013 Triennial Conference: Positive Futures in an Uncertain World, Glasgow, UK, 10-12 Apr 2013,

Quye, A. and Staubermann, K. (2013) ReINVENT: Reconnecting and Recreating 19th Century Scottish Textile Manufacture. In: 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-24 Aug 2013,

Wertz, J. , Quye, A. , France, D. and Richmond, L. (2013) Resurrecting Turkey Red: Adapting an Historic Process for Modern Re-creation and Analysis. In: 32nd Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, La Rochelle, France, 2-5 Oct 2013,

Wertz, J. , Quye, A. , France, D. and Richmond, L. (2013) Textile Dyeing in Late Nineteenth-Century Glasgow: Interpreting and Re-Creating the Dye Chemists’ Experiments from Lab to Manufacture. In: 9th International Conference of the History of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-24 Aug 2013,

Quye, A. (2011) Let Glasgow Flourish: Dyes Research in the New Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History. In: 30th Annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, Derby, UK, 13-15 Oct 2011,

Quye, A. , Wouters, J. and Boon, J.J. (1996) A preliminary study of light-ageing effects on the analysis of natural flavonoid-dyed wools by PDA HPLC and by DTMS. In: ICOM Committee for Conservation: 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 Sep 1996, pp. 704-713. ISBN 1873936508

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 21:43:06 2025 GMT.


  • Getty Guest Scholar, 2022. J.P. Getty Trust, £16,000 ($21,500).
  • Principal Investigator, LightFasTR, 2017-2019 EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Research Fellowship (Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.2; Grant agreement ID 708740) for Dr Mohammad Shahid. £130,000 (€183,454,80).          
  • Principal Investigator, Dye-versity, 2016-2017. Carnegie Trust for Scottish Universities Research Initiative Grant. £7,500
  • Principal Investigator, ReCREATE, Research Network, 2016–2014. Royal Society of Edinburgh. £13,300.
  • Principal Investigator, ReINVENT Knowledge Exchange Network, 2013-2014. Royal Society of Edinburgh. £10,000.
  • Principal Investigator, Crutchley Archive, Southwark Archives, 2016-2017. Worshipful Company of Dyers and Textile Conservation Foundation. £7,500.
  • Principal Investigator, Filtered Light Project, 2015. Textile Conservation Foundation. £7,000.
  • Co-Investigator, Dirty Stories, 2012-2013. Scottish Crucible Project Award, Royal Society of Edinburgh. £1,500.
  • Principal Investigator, Dye Analysis Laboratory Equipment for UHPLC-PDA, 2011-2012. Textile Conservation Foundation. £52,000 total.
  • Principal Investigator, Dye Analysis Laboratory Equipment, 2011. Company of Dyers. £5,000.


I welcome enquires for Doctoral and Masters research in my interest areas of provenance, interpretation, significance and preservation studies by heritage science, material history and conservation science:

  • dyed textiles
  • decorative art artefacts
  • social history material culture
  • natural and early synthetic dye history
  • plastics and synthetic fibre history
  • commercial historical modern materials
  • chemical analysis 
  • museum object and collection research
  • archival research
  • experimental recreation

Current supervision

Identification of Commercial Plastics and their Implications for the Conservation of Modern Materials in Mixed Media Decorative Arts. MLitt Research 2020-

  • McClure, Kathryn Raeburn
    Synthetic Caledon textile dyes: development of analytical protocols for identification and colour preservation in heritage collections
  • Spence, Alison
    Archivally-embedded textiles, digitisation and digital materiality

Completed PhDs

  • Turkey red dyeing in late-19th century Glasgow: Interpreting the historical process through re-creation and chemical analysis for heritage research and conservation. 2012-2016. Lord Kelvin-Adam Smith Doctoral Scholarship
  • The historical and chemical investigation of dyes in high status Chinese costume and textiles of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). 2012-2015

Doctoral research supervision at National Museums Scotland

  • The development and application of analytical methods for the identification of dyes on historical textiles.  Academic  partner: University of Edinburgh. 2002-2005
  • Identification of yellow dyes in ancient textiles. Academic partner: University of Edinburgh. 1999-2002
  • Analytical studies of the degradation of cellulose nitrate artefacts. Academic partner: University of Strathclyde. 1994-1997
  • Analytical studies of the degradation of cellulose acetate artefacts. Academic partner: University of Strathclyde. 1991-1994
  • Anglo-Saxon and Medieval pottery lipid residues. Academic partner: University of Bristol. 1991-1994


  • History of Art Level 1
  • History of Art Level 2
  • Textile Conservation MPhil
  • Art History MLitt
  • Dress and Textile Histories MLitt
  • Chemistry (undergraduate and MChem project supervision)

Programme Convenor

  • Modern Material Artefacts MSc

Course convenor

  • Preventive Conservation
  • Deconstructing the Artefact

Professional activities & recognition

Grant committees & research advisory boards

  • 2016: Southwark Local History Library and Archive, Crutchley Archive Advisory Group

Editorial boards

  • 2004 - 2019: ePreservation Science
  • 2006: Dyes in History and Archaeology

Professional & learned societies

  • 2015: Heritage Science Group Treasurer, Institute of Conservation
  • 2011: West of Scotland Local Section Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
  • 2012 - 2017: Analytical Division Scottish Region, Royal Society of Chemistry

Selected international presentations

  • 2019: 1st Bienniel of Natural Dyes (BoND) (China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou)
  • 2019: Plastics Heritage Congress Young Historians in Plastics Research Summer School (Lisbon)

Research datasets

Jump to: 2018 | 2017
Number of items: 2.


Wertz, J. , France, D. and Quye, A. (2018) Characterisation of Turkey red oil by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy: Research on historical Turkey red dyeing for re-creation, conservation, and understanding. [Data Collection]


Quye, A. and Wertz, J. (2017) Dye-versity. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 20:26:12 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Academic Background

  • BSc (Hons) Chemistry (University of Strathclyde)
  • PhD Forensic Toxicology (University of Glasgow)
  • NSVQ Level 4 Cultural Heritage CHN TO Unit G3
  • PG Certificate in Academic Practice, University of Glasgow

Posts Held

  • Head of History of Art, University of Glasgow 2017-2021
  • National Museums Scotland 1989-2010: 
    • Principal Scientist (Organic Analytical Chemist), Department of Conservation and Analytical Research
    • Royal Museum Project Resource Manager (secondment)

Academic and Professional Memberships

  • Member and Chartered Chemist of the Royal Society of Chemistry CChem MRSC
  • Associate of the Museum Association AMA
  • Fellow of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts (science) FRSSA
  • Fellow of the Scottish Society of Antiquaries FSA Scot
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Authority FHEA
  • Institute of Conservation
  • Scottish Cruciblist (2012), Royal Society of Edinburgh-NESTA 

Recent Invited Lectures and Blogs

  • 2020 The Crutchley Archive: A Colourful Textile History, Society of Dyers and Colourists
  • 2020 Conservation Together At Home Webinar
  • 2019 Biennial on Natural Dyes (BoND), China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou
  • 2019 Young Historians in Plastics (YHiP) postgraduate research workshop, Lisbon
  • 2019 Phoenix Renewed conference, Church of England and 20th Century Society, Coventry
  • 2019 Icon Modern Materials Network, London
  • 2018 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh
  • 2017 Research Libraries UK, Glasgow and Edinburgh
  • 2017 Scottish Council on Archives, Glasgow
  • 2017 Dye-versity guest blog International Archives Day
  • 2015 Full STEAM Ahead CrucibleIRL, Dublin

 Research Consultation and Knowledge Exchange


  • 2022 Getty Guest Scholar for attained distinction in heritage science research of dyes and modern materials
  • 2000 NASA recognition award for technical expertise and endeavour in historical plastics preservation
  • 1998 ‘The Classic Plastics Clinic’: Museum & Galleries Commission/Jerwood Foundation ‘Communicating Conservation’ Award Winner


  • Icon Heritage Science Group: committee member and treasurer 2015-
  • Russell Group Culture Network: 2019-
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Local Section West of Scotland: 2011-2017
  • Modern Materials in Collections: Scotland (MMiC:S): Founder and Coordinator 2004-2006 
  • Historical Plastics Research Scientists Group (HPRSG): Founder and Coordinator 1994-2000
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Scottish Analytical Division: 2014-2017
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry Week Working Party: 1994-1996