Research & Teaching
Abdulla, Dr Sharifa
(Lecturer in Global Majority Theatre & Performance)
Adkins, Dr Kirsten
(Lecturer (LTS Track) in Screen Production & Practice)
Andronikou, Dr Anthi
(Lecturer in History of Art)
Archibald, Professor David
(Professor of Political Cinemas)
Atkinson, Dr Justine
(Lecturer in Media, Culture and Society)
Bachmann, Dr Michael
(Senior Lecturer)
Banks, Professor Mark
(Professor of Cultural Economy)
Barker, Professor Timothy
(Professor of Media Technology and Aesthetics)
Barr, Dr Kenneth
(Research Associate)
Bisschoff, Professor Lizelle
(Professor of Film Studies)
Bonehill, Dr John
(Lecturer in History of Art)
Boyle, Professor Raymond
(Professor of Communications)
Brennan, Professor Matt
(Professor of Popular Music)
Champion, Dr Katherine
(Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries and Cultural Policy)
Coughlan-Allen, Dr Joe
(Lecturer in Music)
De Montfort, Dr Patricia
(Senior Lecturer)
Declercq, Dr Dieter
(Lecturer in Medical Humanities (Narrative Medicine) (Research and Teaching (R&T) Track))
Delgado-Garcia, Dr Cristina
(Lecturer in Theatre and Performance)
Dickinson, Dr Kay
Donald, Professor Minty
(Professor of Contemporary Performance Practice)
Doyle, Professor Gillian
(Professor of Media Economics)
Eatough, Dr Graham
(Senior Lecturer)
Eikhof, Professor Doris Ruth
(Professor of Cultural Economy & Policy)
Eleftheriotis, Professor Dimitris
(Professor of Film Studies)
Emadi, Dr Azadeh
(Senior Lecturer)
Fells, Professor Nick
(Professor of Sonic Practice)
Findlay-Walsh, Dr Iain
Foskett, Ms Sarah
Garside, Dr Paul
(Lecturer in Conservation Science)
Garwood, Professor Ian
(Professor of Screen Studies)
Goode, Dr Ian
(Senior Lecturer)
Greer, Professor Stephen
(Professor of Theatre and Performance)
Hackett, Ms Joanne
Hammond, Dr Drew
Harris, Professor Louise
Heddon, Professor Deirdre
(James Arnott Chair in Drama)
Heile, Professor Bjorn
(Professor of Music (post-1900))
Heinrich, Professor Anselm
Holdsworth, Professor Amy
(Professor of Television, Film and Cultural Studies)
Jenkins, Dr Abigail
(Lecturer in Film & Television Studies)
Kane, Dr Nikki
Kelly, Dr Lisa
(Senior Lecturer)
Khosroshahi, Dr Zahra
(Lecturer in Film and Television Studies)
Lavery, Professor Carl
(Professor of Theatre and Performance)
Lewer, Dr Deborah
(Senior Lecturer in History of Art)
Lim, Dr Michael Kho
(Lecturer in Creative Industries and Cultural Policy)
Lury, Professor Karen
(Head of School and Professor of Film & Television Studies, Head of School, Culture & Creative Arts)
Madden, Dr Allan
(Lecturer in History of Art)
Martin-Jones, Professor David
(Professor of Film Studies)
McCluskey, Dr Ann
(Tutor- Centre for Cultural Policy Research)
McGuinness, Professor David
(Professor of Practical Music)
Miller, Professor Lesley
(Professor of Dress and Textile History)
Moreda Rodriguez, Professor Eva
(Professor of Musicology)
Nedelkopoulou, Dr Eirini
Neely, Professor Sarah
Nichols, Dr Tom
(Reader in History of Art)
Nunoda, Dr Erin
(Lecturer in Film & Television Studies)
O'Neill, Dr Erica
(Lecturer in History of Art)
Oakley, Professor Kate
(Professor of Cultural Policy)
Osborne, Dr Richard
(Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries and Cultural Policy)
Paterson, Dr Dominic
(Senior Lecturer)
Persson, Dr Disa
Quye, Professor Anita
Richter, Dr Mark
(Lecturer in Technical Art History)
Roodt, Dr Christa
(Senior Lecturer)
Ross, Dr Alexandra
(Lecturer in Contemporary Art and Curation)
Saleh, Dr Farah
(Lecturer in Global Majority Theatre & Performance)
Schlesinger, Professor Philip
(Professor in Cultural Theory/Co-I Policy and Evidence Centre)
Selfe, Dr Melanie
(Lecturer in Cultural Policy)
Sorensen, Dr Inge
(Senior Lecturer)
Stanley, Dr Jane
(Senior Lecturer)
Steedman, Dr Robin
(Lecturer in Creative Industries)
Strickland, Professor Debra
(Professor of Medieval Art History.)
Tang, Dr Joyce
(Research Assistant)
Thompson, Mrs Karen
(Senior Lecturer)
Tomlin, Professor Elizabeth
(Professor in Theatre and Performance)
Tuckett, Dr Sally
(Senior Lecturer)
Whitaker, Dr Lynn
(Lecturer in Cultural Policy and Creative Industries)
Wieber, Dr Sabine
(Senior Lecturer)
Williamson, Dr John
Willsdon, Professor Clare
(Professor of the History of Western Art)
Wolkowicz, Dr Vera
(Lecturer in Musicology)
Young, Professor Christina
(Professor of Conservation and Technical Art History)
Tutors & Demonstrators
Alashqar, Mr Akram
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Aljohani, Mrs Jumanah
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Anderson, Mr Jack
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Androvik, Miss Marisa
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Atkinson, Mr Jonathan
(GTA - Film & TV)
Bailey, Mr Gabriel
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Baird, Mr Alan
(PhD Student (Tutor))(PhD Student (Tutor))
Barr, Miss Samantha
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Bertram, Ms Joanna
(GTA - Music)
Blackburn, Mr Rhobet
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Music)
Capaldi, Ms Eleanor
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Dokey, Ms Teresa
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Ettinger, Ms Emma
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Fang, Mr Kun
(GTA - Cultural Policy Research)
Forrest, Mr Scott
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Fyfe, Miss Chloe
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Gallacher, Mr Darren
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Gelbelman, Ms Eugina
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Green, Miss Nic
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Theatre Studies)
Hart, Dr Katie
(Tutor in Theatre Studies)
He, Miss Rong
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Holdsworth Quinn, Mrs Ashley
(PhD Student (Tutor))
James-Beith, Ms Rosemary
(GTA - Creative Arts & Industries)
Jin, Ms Yujia
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Khan, Mr Nomaan
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Kitzman, Mr Danny
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Music)
Lapid-Mashall, Mr Kfir
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Li, Miss Wenjing
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Music)
Lu, Mr Jun-Wei
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Mackay, Mr Andrew
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History of Art)
McClure, Miss Katie
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History of Art)
McGlynn, Ms Amanda
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Metoikidou, Ms Maria
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Moniotte, Miss Lea
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Theatre Studies)
Moon, Mr Brendan
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Moore, Miss Kachine
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Oweis, Ms Zein Almaha
(GTA - Cultural Policy Research)
Paolantonacci, Mr Joseph
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Paul, Ms Esme
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Theatre Studies)
Pintado Zurita, Dr Mariana
(Tutor – Film & Television)
Prentice, Miss Katherine
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Roy, Miss Sarah
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Film & Television Studies)
Sebastian, Ms Olivia
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Song, Ms Ningning
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Vale, Miss Francesca
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Walker, Miss Freya
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - History of Art)
Wu, Mr Bowen
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - Music)
Yalcin, Miss Gonca
(GTA - Theatre Studies)
Zhao, Ms Wei
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Professional, Administrative & Support
Allan, Mrs Karen
(Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Administrator)
Beven, Ms Caroline
(Production Editor of 'Screen' Journal)
Bradburn, Mr Andrew
(Learning and Teaching Administrator)
Brown, Mrs Amy-Jo
(Screen Journal Office and Conference Administrator)
Coll, Mrs Julie
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Cox, Mr Peter
(Postgraduate Research (PGR) Administrator)
De Souza Gandra Camilo, Mr Victor
(Knowledge Exchange Assistant)
Emanuel, Miss Samantha
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Gallagher, Miss Lisa
(Operations & Finance Administrator)
Jamieson, Ms Elaine
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Kewell, Miss Morag
(School Operations Administrative Assistant)
McCann, Mr Michael
McDermott, Mr Neil
(Resource Development Officer in Music)
Mckay, Mr Tony
(Postgraduate Support Administrator)
McLachlan, Mrs Pauline
(Head of Professional Services (School of Culture & Creative Arts))
Minervini, Miss Sophie
(Administrator – Partnerships Project)
Nicholl, Ms Michelle
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Paterson, Mrs Helen
(Executive Support Assistant to Head of School)
Scott, Mr Calum
Shaw, Ms Susan
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Smith, Ms Carol
(Learning & Teaching Administrator)
Sweeten, Mr Anthony
Willens, Ms Kathryn
(Partnerships Manager)
Abbott, Ms Daisy
(Affiliate - Glasgow School of Art)
Anderson, Mr Robert
(Music Affiliate)
Arauna Baro, Dr Nuria
Bailey, Mr Stuart
(GSA Lecturer)
Black, Ms Nicola
Blake, Ms Marion
Botticelli, Dr Michela
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research)
Braden, Dr Laura
Butucea, Dr Vlad
Cao, Dr Qin
Caughie, Prof John
Charters, Mr Mark
(GSA Affiliate)
Chinake, Miss Muratiwa Nyasha
(Student Helper Creative Futures)
Chung, Dr Yupin
Clive, Dr Rachel
(Affiliate Research Associate)
Cloonan, Professor Martin
Cuming, Ms Jocelyn
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre)
Dorney, Dr Katharine
(Affiliate External Examiner)
Einert, Mr Tilo
(GSA - Lecturer)
Evans, Miss Catrin
Flynn, Dr Adam
Foster, Mrs Janice
Geraghty, Professor Christine
(Affiliate - Film & Television Studies)
Gonzalez Fernandez, Ms Clara
(Affiliate - Stirling Maxwell Project)
Herriges, Miss Marina
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research)
Hetherington, Mr Lewis
(Affiliate Theatre Studies)
Hibberd, Miss Isla
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre)
Hughes, Dr Alicia
Hush, Dr Gordon
Jacob, Dr Roger
(Affiliate in Music)
Jeffrey, Dr Stuart
(GSA Affiliate)
Johns, Dr Richard
Kealy, Dr Oisin
King, Miss Rose
Kirk, Miss Erin
(Student Help - Creative Futures Event)
Lawrence, Dr Michael
(Affiliate EE)
Livingstone, Dr Daniel
(Programme Leader (Glasgow School of Art))
Macartney, Dr Hilary
MacDonald, Professor Alastair
(GSA Affiliate - Senior Researcher)
Macinnes, Mr Ranald
Mantho, Mr Robert
(GSA Affiliate)
Martinez-Ramirez, Miss Laia
(Student Helper Creative Futures Eent)
McAra McWilliam, Professor Irene
(GSA Affiliate - Head of School (Design))
Minu, Miss Adriana
Moffat, Miss Gillian
(GSA Affiliate - Lecturer)
Mohaupt, Mr Holger
Olender, Dr Jacek
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre)
Pace, Miss Claire
Paterson, Mr Richard
Radley, Ms Lynda
(Affiliate - Theatre Studies)
Rae, Dr Caroline
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research)
Rice, Mr Callum
Robertson, Ms Frances
(Affiliate - Glasgow School of Art)
Rodger, Mr John
(GSA Affiliate - Lecturer)
Runkel, Ms Annie
(Affiliate Film & TV Studies)
Rush, Dr Sally
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research)
Saunders, Mr Andy
Shreeve, Ms Helen
Smith, Dr Margaret
(Affiliate Researcher - Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research)
Stutter, Mr Joshua
Sweeney, Professor William
Tang, Dr Kebing
(Affiliate - Visiting Researcher)
Teal, Miss Gemma
(GSA Affiliate - Researcher)
Thomson, Dr Amanda
(Lecturer/Researcher (Glasgow School of Art))
Urban, Dr Florian
(Head of Architectural History)
Visser, Miss Tess
Wilson, Dr David
(Affiliate - Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research)
Wright, Mr Allan
Honorary & Visiting
Butt, Professor John
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Compton, Ms Ann
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Cura, Ms Nixi
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Daily, Ms Mary
(Honorary Professor in Media Management)
Dasgupta, Dr Rohit
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Delaney, Ms Michelle
(Honorary Professor)
Dick, Mr David
(Honorary Professor)
Edwards, Dr Warwick
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Greg, Mr Andrew
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Hancock, Mrs Elizabeth
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Hewes, Mr James
(Honorary Professor)
Hopkins, Professor David
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Lennard, Professor Frances
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
MacDonald, Professor Margaret
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Mclean, Dr Donald
(Honorary Lecturer)
Michael, Dr Michael
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Milosch, Ms Jane
(Honorary Professor)
Moignard, Professor Elizabeth
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Murray, Dr Simon
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Pearce, Professor Nick
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Petri, Dr Grischka
(Honorary Research Fellow)
Rycroft, Professor Marjorie
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow in Music)
Silber, Dr Evelyn
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Torma, Dr Minna Katriina
(Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
Townsend, Dr Joyce Helen
(Honorary Professor)
Trusted, Dr Holly
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)
Wegener, Ms Corine
(Honorary Professor)
Yarrington, Professor Alison
(Honorary Professorial Research Fellow)