Ken MacQuarrie, the Controller of BBC Scotland, delivers the second keynote speech at the forthcoming CCPR event “Scotland, Public Service Broadcasting and the Broadcasting Landscape”, which is being held in the Senate Room, University of Glasgow, 2-6pm on January 13. He follows Bill Matthews, the BBC Trustee for Scotland.

CCPR hosts the event jointly with the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), SMCA (Scottish Media and Communication Association), and the VLV (Voice of the Listener and Viewer): Prof. Philip Schlesinger and Dr Lynn Whitaker join representatives from those bodies in the opening panel, ‘Policy perspectives’. The second panel, ‘Industry perspectives’, has a line-up of senior representatives from STV, MG Alba, and key BBC Scotland departments including Radio and Online.

The event is free but registration is essential.

First published: 24 December 2015