Dr Lisa Kelly and Dr Katherine Champion hold first RSE-funded workshop on ‘Talent in the Screen Industries’   The first workshop in an RSE-funded series ‘Shaping Scotland's Talent: Change, Flexibility and New Pathways in the Screen Industries’ was held this week at Citizen M in Glasgow. The workshop entitled ‘Conceptualising Talent: Privileging Change and Flexibility Onscreen and Off’, brought together invited speakers from across academia, policymaking and industry to discuss conceptualisations of talent, issues around diversity and stimulating talent in the nations and regions. On the day there were contributions from BBC Scotland, STV, Channel 4, the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Creative Skillset, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Women in Film and TV, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Roehampton and the University of East Anglia. As a comparator to the Scottish context, there was also a group of academics from the University of South Wales who are researching Roath Lock drama studios and network production in Wales.

To access the programme and list of attendees, click here..

Workshop 2, due to be held in May in Edinburgh, is concerned with the role of higher education and cultural bodies in developing talent, examples of specific talent initiatives in Scotland, the UK and internationally and the role of digital in creating new pathways in the screen industries. 


First published: 2 April 2014