GMAC Film Partnership

The GMAC Film partnership aims to nurture the next generation of film and TV talent while addressing important social issues via the Applied Dissertation in Community & Collaborative Practice programme. It’s a first-of-its-kind course, bringing together senior honours students of Film & TV Studies with local community organisations.

Over the academic year, students and community members attend workshops hosted by GMAC Film, agreeing on a shared vision to co-produce, film and edit impactful films and campaigns, culminating for students in a celebratory event to showcase the co-created films and campaigns. The films can also be used by the community partners to raise awareness of social issues and build support for their charitable and activist causes.

14 students participated in the inaugural year (2023-24), working alongside six community groups based in Glasgow: Plant Grow Share; Food Not Bombs; Dress for Success Scotland; Marie TrustSimon Community and Active Life Club.

The innovative programme emphasises co-design, co-creation, and co-evaluation to enhance project outcomes and foster a sense of belonging among all stakeholders. It aims to improve students' employability skills, agency, and self-awareness while providing valuable exposure for community partners.

Applied Dissertation in Community & Collaborative Practice

Discover the work produced by students of the Applied Dissertation in Community & Collaborative Practice (GMAC Film partnership) in 2023-24.

Active Life Club (Joely Lerpiniere & Oriana Pooles 2024)

Dress For Success (Sophie Hargadon Gonzalez, Jessica Hodgart & Sara Lombardo 2024)

Food Not Bombs (Rosie Bowyer & Morgan Hare 2024)

Marie Trust (Beatrice Lent & Robert McShane 2024)

Plant Grow Share (Claire Hunter, Lindsay Maybury & Julia Pujals Antolin 2024)

Simon Community (Antony Fury & Megan McGee 2024)