Following the sad news of the passing of our esteemed Music colleague Dr David Code, students, alumni, friends and colleagues share their fond memories of him

An image of Dr David Code

Dr Drew Hammond, Lecturer in Music, University of Glasgow, writes:

David gave to the world through his generous and incisive intellect, and, as a dear friend, he invested deeply in my most complex and cherished intellectual and creative pursuits.

I loved talking to David, who taught me so much about the beauty of music and of the written word. I'll never be able to express how much I miss him.

Dr Eva Moreda Rodriquez, Reader, Head of Music, School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow, writes:

David was a fine thinker, scholar and colleague. His writing, research and questioning certainly shaped profoundly the ways in which I relate to our shared discipline of Musicology.

When I arrived at Glasgow as a junior scholar, I appreciated enormously that David – then a more senior member of staff - would always find the time to ask about my research projects and offer his always intriguing insights. I learned a lot from him, and I will miss him deeply.

Professor John Butt, Gardiner Chair of Music, University of Glasgow, writes: 

I probably knew David before most in Glasgow, since he was a graduate student in musicology at UC Berkeley, where I taught during the 1990s. I had a key role in recruiting him to Glasgow, just after I arrived in 2001, and have absolutely no regrets that we chose him from what was quite a strong field at the time.

I believe he was one of the most talented musicologists of his generation, and I feel proud that we had him as a colleague for 20 years. His legacy is to set a model for close reading of music (and musical elements in other media, particularly film) that is marked by its critical depth, intellectual and historical heft, and ‘musical’ insight (however that might be interpreted).

Iain Findlay-Walsh, Lecturer in Music, University of Glasgow, writes:

David, my colleague and friend, came along to my 40th birthday party in January 2020 and danced all night. Sometimes others danced with him, and sometimes he danced alone.

This is how I'll remember him - passionate, vital, and enthralled by the power of music. My deepest condolences to all of David's family. Sincerely, Iain Findlay-Walsh.  

Professor Björn Heile, Professor of Music (post-1900), University of Glasgow, writes:

David had a unique attitude to life and work. He was one of the most honest and generous people I have met.

I feel privileged for the profound insights that he revealed to me over the years. He will be sorely missed.  

Professor Marjorie E. Rycroft, Emeritus Professor of Music, writes:

David will be sorely missed by all of you in Music and more widely in SCCA & the College of Arts, also by the many students that he taught and supervised.

Since coming to GU in 2002 his contribution to Music's teaching and research has been substantial with new undergraduate and postgraduate courses linked to his various research interests. His published work, internationally acclaimed, will be his lasting legacy.

Aside from his academic expertise I will remember his smile, his quick wit and the twinkle in his eye. I always enjoyed being in his company and it was a privilege to have known him.

Professor Karen Lury, Head of the School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow, writes:

I would like extend my deepest sympathies to the family, friends, colleagues and students of Dr David Code.

We remember David’s contributions within Music and across the School in both teaching and research and most recently his work as chair of the Cultural and Collaborations Committee.

David will be greatly missed by everyone, particularly his students who were inspired by his teaching, research and love of Music.

Ruairidh Pattie, PhD student, Music, University of Glasgow, writes: 

David's enthusiasm when I met him at the open day was a huge factor in my choosing to come and study at Glasgow, his input as a supervisor has changed the way I think about music and approach my work, he will be sorely missed.

Professor Minty Donald, Professor of Contemporary Performance Practice, University of Glasgow writes:

I wasn’t a close friend or colleague of David’s, but we shared some friends, and I was also on one or two committees with him.

Whenever we met on campus, or around Glasgow, we would spend time chatting and I was always pleased to have bumped into him.

I found David very funny, with a cheeky sense of humour. He always seemed warm, open, and generous. I was so sorry to hear about his passing. My warmest thoughts and sympathies to his friends and family.

Isla Hellewell, a former Music student of David's, writes:

I have been so shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of one of my former Music lecturers, Dr David Code. His courses at Glasgow were extremely intellectually stimulating and enriched by his energy, wit, eloquence, inquisitiveness and sense of humour.

David was always generous when helping his students. His feedback simultaneously pushed me to develop my critical thinking skills and gave me confidence in my ideas. He played a key role in my musical education and his memory will stay with me as I go on to postgraduate study.

Shortly after starting my degree at Glasgow, I discovered a video of David's 2015 TEDx talk about the power of music. I feel that it perfectly showcases the intelligence, passion for his subject and sense of humour that we all admired him for.

Dr Hilary Macartney, The Stirling Maxwell Research Project, writes: 

I didn't know David at all well. However, we spent a pleasant afternoon together at a Zoom session on preparing and focusing a research funding application! This was sometime during the recent strange Covid years.

David was so positive, constructive, imaginative and supportive (and no doubt other -ives I can’t think of right now). He was thinking about a project on Debussy, whose music was obviously so important in David’s life and work. He became so animated when talking about it – so inspired and inspirational!

My thoughts are with everyone in Music and CCA who knew David well and worked closely with him. And I can personally vouch for the usefulness of the services you suggest, such as PAM Assist, in times of stress.

Dr Iain Garwood, Senior Lecturer in Film and TV Studies, University of Glasgow writes: 

I work in Film and TV Studies so didn’t work closely with David all the time, but I did get to know him through a PhD co-supervision and various research initiatives – we had a shared interest in film music.

David was really lovely to work with and I always ended up chatting to him at School social events. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Professor Christina Young, Professor of History of Art, University of Glasgow, writes: 

I have been a member of the Cultural and Collaborations Committee since it started and David took on the chair. It was always a pleasure to be on a committee whose chair gave time for ideas and free thinking- David chaired it with a quiet flare and a sense of humour.

I also miss the banter when we bumped into each other around campus and sadly missed him when he was looking for new home out Killearn way. I am deeply saddened by the news but have fond memories.

Jeanette Berrie, Project Assistant, University of Glasgow, writes: 

I am deeply saddened to hear about David and please send my sincere condolences to his sister. The last time I spoke to David was at my retirement party in 2019, and have a couple of lovely photos of that event, which he is in.

I worked with David on various school committees and events from 2010 when we restructured. He will be so missed by his colleagues in Music and the School. A lovely man xx

Professor Timothy Barker, Professor of Media Technology and Aesthetics, University of Glasgow, writes:  

I am writing to express my sympathy for your loss as well as my deep respect, admiration and friendship for David.

I had the pleasure of serving on a number of committees with David, as well as offering teaching on one of his courses and sharing the stage with him at some research events (where he discussed sound in Kubrick’s films, a subject on which he was an expert).

David was an exceptional scholar and a wonderful colleague – highly intellectual, witty, compassionate, and caring (a rare combination), and this tragic loss, I am sure, will be felt acutely by the School and University, as well as personally by all the colleagues that he helped, supported, or collaborated with over the years, including myself.

Davina Smith, Student Support Officer Team Leader, University of Glasgow, writes:  

I am very saddened to hear of David's untimely end and would like to pass on my sincere condolences to his family at this very sad time.

Dr Lizelle Bisschoff, Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies, University of Glasgow, writes:  

I had the pleasure of working with David on various projects - the Cultural and Collaborations Committee, the School's Athena Swan application, and the School's EDI (Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion) Committee.

I always appreciated David's drive and enthusiasm, which often went beyond the call of duty, and always enjoyed our meetings and his dry sense of humour, his genuine interest in people and his caring nature. My deepest condolences to his family during this tragic time.

Brendan Moon B.A. M.A. PhD Researcher and GTA, Music, University of Glasgow & Associate Lecturer, University of the West of Scotland, writes:  

It's with great regret that I read about David’s passing. I worked as a GTA with David and will be sorely missed. With deepest sympathy.

Professor Raymond Boyle, Professor of Communications, University of Glasgow, writes:  

David was a valued colleague with a quick wit and ready smile. A gentle soul who I will remember fondly in my thoughts. Deepest sympathy.

Professor Kate Oakley, Professor of Cultural Policy and former Head of the School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow, writes:  

I was very sorry to hear this sad news. David was always a very warm person, interested in ideas and often quick to laugh. He was supportive and kind to me when I started my job as Head.

Professor Dimitris Eleftheriotis, Professor of Film Studies, University of Glasgow, writes: 

Just to say that I knew David well and appreciated his honesty, intelligence and sensitivity. I am devasted by the news and I will miss him.

Professor Nick Fells, Professor of Sonic Practice, University of Glasgow, writes: 

Deepest condolences to the family. David was an inspiring, generous and respected colleague and a well loved, warm-hearted friend. I will miss him greatly. With sympathy.

Professor Carl Lavery, Professor of Theatre Studies, University of Glasgow, writes: 

I would simply like to pass on my condolences to David's family and friends. I knew David, and liked him.

First published: 7 September 2022

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