School of Culture & Creative Arts
Date: Friday 28 June 2019 - Sunday 30 June 2019
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Venue: University of Glasgow
Category: Conferences, Films and theatre

The 29th International Screen Studies Conference organised by the journal Screen will take place 28-30 June 2019 at the University of Glasgow, programmed by Screen editors Alison Butler and Alastair Phillips.

For full details please visit the conference website.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:

  • Professor Laura Marcus (University of Oxford)
  • Professor Haidee Wasson (Concordia University)

This year’s line-up includes a panel aimed at early career scholars, ‘How to Get Published in Screen Studies’; the premiere of essay film Passages; and a combined panel/gig/screening, in the form of performance project, the Glam Rock Dialogues.


Registration is open now:

All attendees, including speakers, pay a registration fee of £200 (standard), £120 (unemployed/unaffiliated) or £95 (student), which includes entrance to all conference talks, lunches and refreshments over the weekend and a Friday evening civic reception, courtesy of The Rt Hon The Lord Provost of Glasgow. A Saturday evening conference dinner (£33) and university accommodation may be booked during registration. The student residences are located 15 minutes’ walk from the venue, with a choice of standard and ensuite options (c. £24, £42). In both cases, clusters of 3-5 private bedrooms share a kitchen space.

Standard registration will close on Sunday, 16 June. Registrations after that point will be subject to a late charge of £50; registration will fully close on 20 June.

Speakers and Papers

The panel schedule, speakers and paper titles can be downloaded here: SSC2019 schedule updated 31 May 2019SSC2019 papers and speakers.

The final programme will be circulated to delegates in soft copy one week before the conference, and in hard copy at registration.

More information