The Head of School is assisted in the discharge of safety responsibilities by the Health & Safety Committee, whose responsibility is to advise on general safety matters in the School, in conjunction with the University Safety Committee and the Safety Committee of the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board.
Within each site, Safety Advisors have been appointed to implement and advise on all aspects of Health and Safety. School Safety Co-ordinators have also been appointed to advise on specific safety issues that include Biological, Genetic modification and Radiation throughout the School. If you have any questions please contact your Local Safety Advisor or School Safety Co-ordinator.
Chair - Dr Wai Kwong Lee
Dr Wai Kwong Lee - 0141 330 2393
Deputy - Mrs Fiona Jordan & Mrs Nicola Britton
School Safety Co-ordinators
Genetic Modification Safety
- Dr Fiona Leiper – 0141 330 2757
Clinical Research Facilities
- Dr Katriona Brooksbank - 0141 330 2418
Display Users
- Miss Jillian Blair - 0141 330 2045
Radiation Protection
- Mr John McAbney - 0141 330 8102
Guidance on Use and Decanting of Liquid Nitrogen
- Davidson Building (Lab 309), Mr John McAbney - 0141 330 8102
- Wolfson Link (Lab 535), New Person to be appointed
- West Medical Building (Lab 427), New Person to be appointed
- West Medical Building (Lab 409), Aileen Rankin - 0141 330 4612
- BHF-GCRC (Lab 405), Elaine Friel - 0141 330 4962
Fire Safety
Local Area Fire Officer (BHFGCRC)
- Mrs Nicola Britton – 0141 330 2393
- Mrs Elaine Friel (Deputy) – 0141 330 4962
Fire Wardens
- Mrs Elaine Butler (BHFGCRC Level 2)
- Dannie.Fobian (BHFGCRC Level 3)
- Mrs Nicola Britton, Dr Wai Kwong Lee (BHFGCRC Level 4)
Local Safety Advisors
- Level 2: Mrs Elaine Butler - 0141 330 7327
- Level 3: Mrs Wendy Beattie – 0141 330 8015
- Level 4: Mrs Nicola Britton – 0141 330 2393 or Mrs Gillian Lappin 0141 3301670 or Dr Erin Higgins 01413304737
Joseph Black Building
- Dr Sheon Samji – 0141 330 2627
Davidson/Sir James Black
- Davidson : Miss Michelle Lee – 0141 330 5628
- Sir James Black : Ms Emma Dunning – 0141 330 7744 or Mr Michael Dunne 0141 330 2489 or Mr John McAbney 0141 330 2489
- Wolfson Link : Mrs Fiona Jordan – 0141 330 8223/8343 or Miss Elaine Brown 0141 330 6388
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
- The Labotory Medicine Building, Level 1, /065-066 : Mrs Elaine Butler - 0141 330 7327
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
- New Lister Building: Miss Ann Harold - 0141 201 5810
First Aiders
(Level 2) Elaine Butler – 0141 330 7327
(Level 2) Ellen MacDonald – 0141 330 7327
(Leve 3\Level 4) Wendy Beattie – 0141 330 1933
(Leve 3\Level 4) Nicola Britton – 0141 330 2393
(Leve 3\Level 4) Gillian Lappin – 0141 330 1670
(Leve 3\Level 4) Fiona Leiper – 0141 330 2757
West Medical Building
(Level 2, Rm 211) Emma Dunning – 0141 330 6287
(Level 4, Rm 408) Mike Dunne – 0141 330 2489
(Level 4, Rm 440) John McAbney – 0141 330 4483
Wolfson Link Building
(Level 5, Rm535) Fiona Jordan – 0141 330 6132
(Level 4, Rm 416) Michelle Lee - 0141 330 4483
GCRC Building - Level 2, Entrance Hallway, Past Secure Doors
Davidson Building - Level 2, West Medical Building, Opposite 240B
Emergency Contacts
Critical contact numbers in the event of an emergency are:
Gilmorehill Campus ext. 4444 (0141 330 4444)
Garscube Campus ext. 2222 (0141 330 2222)
Emergency Services
Fire Brigade 999 (Office 0141 302 3111)
Police 999 (Office 0141 532 3500)
Ambulance 999
Minor Injuries at West Glasgow MIU (Yorkhill) - 201-0290 (located at Dalnair St., Glasgow G3 8SJ)
Accident & Emergency (QEUH) 201-1100
University of Glasgow Safety & Environmental Services ext 5532 (0141 330 5532)
Estate & Buildings
Helpline ext. 6000 (0141 330 6000)
General Office ext. 3577 (0141 330 3577)
What To Do When Faced With An Emergency Situation
If you become aware of an emergency situation, you should immediately phone 999 if necessary and then inform Security Control (4444), saying
(a) where you are speaking from, your name and telephone number;
(b) the nature and exact location of the incident;
(c) how you have come to know about the emergency;
(d) information re any casualties, if known; and
(e) any other relevant information
Security Staff will assume immediate responsibility for the initial response to the situation, liaising with senior university staff and the emergency services.
On their arrival, the emergency services (Police, Fire and Ambulance) will take control of the situation. The University will provide support services and facilities as required.
Our Security Staff have a vital role in supervising the initial response to an emergency situation.
The University has an Emergency planning and Incident Control Group who will assume responsibility for coordinating the University's management of an emergency situation