On the 7th of November, I spent the morning at St Ninian’s High School, Kirkintilloch, representing SCMH at their annual Career’s Fayre. Pupils from S2 up to S6 took part scheduled sessions to talk to a variety of employers / employees about their work. This provided an opportunity for the students to think about and get some inspiration for their futures. It was great to see a number of students who hadn’t necessarily considered science take a real interest in our work, and many who felt their futures would be in a different field still came forward with excellent questions. It was great to hear that many aspired to study here at the University of Glasgow. The students were particularly concerned by the amount of plastics set out on my stall, but were surprised and impressed to hear about the LEAF scheme and the focus on sustainable science we have here in SCMH.

This was my third visit to St Ninian’s, having previously attended this event. Earlier this year I was invited to talk to a class of students who were keen to pursue a career in biological science, about my own route to scientist and the various decision points along the way. I finished the session with a grant funding exercise, where each group of students were given a funder and their research priorities (such as the BHF, Diabetes UK and the Chief Scientist’s Office), a hypothetical £10,000 budget and short lay summaries of ongoing projects in SCMH from the Baillie and Freeman laboratories. This is an important part of research science that the students hadn’t thought about before and they had great fun both learning about current research and deciding who would receive their money!

Thanks to St Ninian’s for inviting me and I hope the students had as much fun as I did.

Jack Beazer, Glasgow Biomarker Research Unit.

First published: 19 November 2024