Students at Walking ChallengeThe Opening Ceremony for the second annual Athena Swan 'Walk Across the World'  Walking Challenge (this year's theme is 'Walky Balboa') went off with 'the thrill of the fight' on the 30th of May! Just like the Eye of the Tiger, colleagues from the GCRC, the Wolfson Link and the Royal Infirmary went the distance and came back on their feet to come together to kick off the Athena Swan event.  

Taking place throughout the month of June, staff can compete face to face, out in the heat, and record their steps/amount of exercise and to see who will have the guts to earn the glory and come out on top.  Participants at the event made map markers and name tags so we can track their progress across our map, currently situated on the whiteboard outside the tea room. 

Walking Challenge MapKeep an eye on our social media where we will be also be posting bi-weekly updates.  

It is not too late to rise up to the challenge of your rivals, get a team and compete together or rise up straight to the top and walk your own race in our individual competition.  Map markers and name tags can be picked up from room 209.  

First published: 30 May 2024