Professor Ninian Lang

Professor Ninian Lang has been successful in an application to establish and lead a ‘Cardio-Oncology Theme’ in the NIHR-BHF Cardiovascular Partnership scheme (

’This theme in the NIHR-BHF partnership will be an important platform to bring together experts in cardio-oncology in the UK. This will allow us to generate better quality evidence and make the most of the inherently collaborative nature of people working in this growing area’.

This theme will bring together clinical and academic oncology and cardiology across the UK and has three main aims:

  1.   To create a UK cardio-oncology registry
  2.   To establish a UK research network for multi-centre clinical trials in cardio-oncology
  3.   To form a national cardio-oncology patient and public involvement and engagement panel 

First published: 9 May 2024