This week we celebrated Glasgow Pride with our LGBTQ+ coffee catch up. We had a great turn out with lots of homemade rainbow inspired sweet treats to enjoy. This was the first of several planned LGBTQ+ events within SCMH organised by our SAT members Sara Baumert, Alex Riddell and Caitlin Cosgrove.  If you are interested in getting involved in the organisation of these events then please contact Sara, Alex or Caitlin.  

People at Coffee Catch UpAs part of the coffee catch up the team also wanted to raise awareness of how to add pronouns to your staff profile. Using someone’s correct personal pronouns is a way to respect them and create an inclusive environment.  Often, people make assumptions about the gender of another person based on the person’s appearance or name.  As well as being able to state your own pronouns without fear, having your pronouns on your contact page tells people that you are unlikely to assume their gender, and that you are an ally.  We want to provide the information for those who may want to update this on their staff profile.  Correct use of pronouns is an area that was highlighted in our culture survey earlier this year and will be as action point in the renewal action plan to improve. 

Currently the options are 

  1. she/her/hers 
  2. he/him/his 
  3. they/them/theirs 

There is no obligation to do this, but if you feel comfortable, please do consider adding your pronouns to your profile. If you change your mind, you can easily remove them!  To do this, open up your HR self-service portal, go to your profile -> Diversity -> Background, and the option to add is there. It rolls over overnight, so you should see it on your page the next day. 


First published: 22 July 2024