XR Life Science is a new internal service (and potential spin-out) based within SCMH.  The service is offered by Prof. Craig Daly and helps colleagues from across MVLS to fully exploit their 3D image-based data (www.xrlifescience.com).   This could be construction of 3D models, 3D prints, animations or interactive VR apps.   Some example of 3D models created by the service can be viewed on a dedicated sketchfab page

The service has created a variety of VR apps for teaching and public engagement and these include a fully immersive VR escape room game funded by the Physiological Society (Cell:The Genesis).  The VR app component of the service was recently selected as one of 50 Scottish University-based ideas to be part of the 2024 KickStart Cohort.  This represents the first steps towards forming a spin-out company focussed on creating VR apps for Life Science teaching and the Health Care industry.  Prof. Daly has partnered with recent graduate Mirja Koponen (MSc Medical Visualisation) on the spin-out idea.

First published: 4 July 2024