Image of heart failure members

Heart Failure congress is an annual meeting of the heart failure association of the ESC and is about going in-depth with scientific presentations by leading global experts, covering the entire spectrum of heart failure during exciting symposia, Guidelines in Practice sessions, how to- and case-based sessions, as well as debates.

We are proud of SCMH staff for their contributions and great discussions at the Heart Failure Congress.

Professor John McMurray - presented "The war on heart failure: Are we winning?"

John McMurray presentation at heart failure

Watch Exciting comment from John McMurray in the "Ask your question Heart Failure2022" initiative commenting on how he would like to be treated for HFrEF (which he luckily does not have).

Congratulations to Dr Joanna Osmanska who's project was selected as one of the highlights of heart failure congress. She presented "A novel, small-volume subcutaneous furosemide formulation delivered by an abdominal patch infusor device in patients with heart failure: results of two phase 1 studies".

Image of Dr Joanna Osmanska

Congratulations to Dr Kieran Docherty who won the Young Investigator Award - Clinic Research.

Image of Kieran Docherty

Watch Kieran Docherty commenting in the "Ask your question Heart Failure 2022 initiative on his research for which he won the Young Investigator Award (Clinical Research)


First published: 16 June 2022