Christmas Quiz 2022

Published: 17 February 2023

A wonderful time was had at the 2022 SCMH Christmas Quiz!


Christmas Quiz

Well, I think we can all agree that it was great to be back in the GCRC for the quiz on Friday and HUGE congratulations to the “Quizmas Crackers”( John, Lara, Erin B, Arun, Maia, Fiona, Alan, Narinder) on scooping the much coveted golden pipette and title of “SCMH Quiz winners 2022”. Very well deserved after what turned out to be another table turning pointless round.

Winners of the Christmas quiz

A HUGE thank you to Lorraine for organising a great SCMH event and to our quiz master Scott.

Lorraine thanks all involved in making the Christmas quiz a huge success:

  • Firstly, thank Scott for putting together yet another fantastic quiz which really tested the grey cells fully. That movie round was a killer without being able to see who those names belonged to (or maybe that was just me!).
  • Thanks to Steven for helping set up the room and to Josie, Becca, Martin and Philipp for getting the supplies downstairs.
  • To Margaret, Ruth and Dot for squirreling away tablecloths and sandwich platters all year round so we have those to use on the day. And also donating the plastic cups.
  • Thanks to Nic, Josie, Wai and John for collecting entry fees from people across the various sites.

Scott Mackenzie running the Christmas quiz

  • Thanks to Wai for sorting the pizzas with Little Italy and to him and Nic for helping me get them over for the break.
  • Thanks to those who were unfortunately unable to attend but let me know in enough time that meant others got to take part in your place – I’m sure Narinder is particularly pleased given that she ended up on the winning team!!
  • To Josie for periodically filling the “beer bucket” with ice over the morning on Friday. Also for emailing every drinking establishment the length of Byres Road (and beyond) to try and find us somewhere to go after we’d finished up here. The Basement Bar was perfect, and I think it would be fair to say that we took over that karaoke!! We have a lot of talented singers in our midst.

As you can see – there are a lot of elves behind the scenes who help to make the quiz what it is.

And finally, thanks to all of you who came along and made the quiz the huge success it has been for as long as it has. We provide the place and the props but it is the people that make it. For some of you this may be your last one before you move on, for others your 1st – but I hope that everyone had a great time.

The 2022 quiz files are now available for download from OneDrive at this link here:

Total file size is 110MB and the 'movie-based' rounds are also included as audio-only mp3 files.
There was £150 remaining from entry fees collected and it was decided to donate this to Social Bite, a Scottish-based charity working with the homeless through their “Christmas of Kindness” scheme 

The donation is enough to pay for 5 people to receive their Christmas of Kindness – a hot Christmas dinner, a Christmas gift, a pack of essential items, and a bed for the night:   Which is tremendous. 

Thanks to the kind little elves who didn’t want their entry money back and added it to the pot to raise us to £150!

First published: 17 February 2023