School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health Executive Group
Appointed by the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences College Management Group (MVLS CMG), the School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health School Executive Group (SCMH SEG) is chaired by the Head of School and supported and advised by the SEG members.
Group Remit
The Group shall:
- Provide cohesive and unified leadership to the School, developing and ensuring the delivery of the University’s and the College’s strategic plans and ambitions
- Provide clarity across the School community regarding strategic priorities and direction; prepare and monitor the Annual Strategic Planning Report (SPR)
- Assure operational delivery of learning and teaching, research, innovation, and internationalisation activities, providing updates to MVLS CMG on financial, people and estates related issues
- Monitor all KPIs and targets set by MVLS CMG, including student recruitment, research, innovation, and internationalisation strategic goals
- Ensure that effective policies and procedures are in place, consistent with College and University policies and procedures, for all aspects of the School’s business, including (but not limited to):
- Assure adherence to and communication of the Health and Safety (H&S) policy; review all H&S risks, threats, occurrences and provide appropriate mitigation
- Assure all data collation processes are completed in line with University processes, including (but not limited to) HESA, REF and ELIR
- Assure all regulatory policies are adhered to, including GDPR, equality, fraud and conflict of interest, escalating to MVLS CMG any breach of such policies
- Identify, assess and mitigate strategic risk at a School level, ensuring minimal risk exposure to the College and the University
Scheme of Delegation
The following details the delegated authority for the SCMH SEG and shows how it is placed in the overall University Scheme of Delegation with escalation to MVLS CMG:
Area of Responsibility |
Limit |
Decision Making Delegated Authority |
Escalation To |
Prior to MVLS CMG, approve School specific strategies |
N/A |
Head of College |
Approve, as required, all School specific policies |
N/A |
Head of College |
Prepare and pre-approve School SPR |
N/A |
Head of College |
Provide input to College Capital Plan |
N/A |
Head of College |
Group Membership
This is an executive chaired Group with the following core membership:
- Head of School
- Deputy Head of School
- Head of Professional Services
- Director of Education
- Director of Research
- Director of Innovation
- PGR Convener
- ECR representatives x2
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion representative
- Finance Business Partner
- Human Resources Business Partner
- Clerk
Substitutions and Quorum
Substitutions may be made with prior notice given to the clerk subject to approval by the Head of School. There must be a minimum of 50% of its members in attendance for decisions or approvals. In the event of a consensus not being reached, the decision will be made by the Head of School.
Group Member Responsibilities
Each Group member has a responsibility to:
- Provide scrutiny and challenge to all strategic documents, policies and papers
- Apply current thinking and subject matter expertise in relevant fields to SEG topics
- Foster a culture that promotes cooperation, compromise, collegiality and collective ownership of decisions
- Openly and constructively challenge where proposals do not meet key criteria for regulatory, business continuity or sustainability requirements
- Take ownership for specific risks and actions in the SEG Risk Register. All risks must have a group member as overall owner
- Embody the University’s values in activity and behaviour (click here for details)
Conflict of Interest
The SCMH SEG will follow the UofG procedure for the management of any conflicts. The procedure defines the declaration of conflicts as a standard agenda item at the start of the meeting, the maintenance of a register of conflicts, and a process for managing all conflicts which are declared.
Format and cadence
Meetings will be held monthly. Weekly and extraordinary meetings may also be scheduled as required.
- University Strategy 2020-2025
- All thematic and enabling strategies
- College specific strategies and roadmaps
- School Financial Reports and Statements including SPR
- Minutes/reports of School Committees
- CMG update
- Agenda, action log and previous minutes
- Papers to be presented
- Action log
- Minutes (closed to SEG members only)
School Leadership
SCMH Executive Committee
Prof Christian Delles - Head of School
Prof Stuart Nicklin - Deputy Head of School
Prof Godfrey L Smith - Director of Innovation
Dr Graeme Sills - Director of Education
Prof Colin Berry - Director of Research
Ms Jillian Blair MBA - Head of Professional Services
Dr Delyth Graham - PGR Convener
Dr Lorraine Work - Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Representative
Mr John Richmond - Finance Business Partner
Ms Claire Finnan-Brown - Human Resources Business Partner
Mrs Margaret Kinninmont - Clerk
SCMH Scientific Steering Committee
Research Knowledge Exchange and Impact Committee
SCMH Operations Committee
Open Forum
C. Delles (Chair)
- Committee Chairs/representative of committees will report to SCMH staff. The format will be an open forum between SCMH staff and leadership.
- Minutes will be taken and action plan sets.