18/8/17  Michael Barrett, Diane Harbison and Norbert Bakalara

Mike Barrett (30 mins):
“Polyomics approaches to cancer research”
Mike Barrett is Director of Glasgow Polyomics and he will present an overview of how Polyomics approaches are being used to address questions in cancer biology and medicine

Diane Harbison (10 mins):

Diane is from the Stratified Medicine Innovation Centre and will give an overview of what the SMS-IC is doing
Norbert Bakalara (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Chimie Montpellier, Montpellier, France) (20 mins)
“Phostine based drugs:  a novel approach to the therapy of glioblastoma”
Norbert Bakalara is developing a series of compounds known as “phostines” which have demonstrated remarkable activity against glioblastoma in vitro and in mouse models of disease, with clinical trials in man now set to start.

15/9/17 Christina Halsey - "Developing personalised approaches to reduction of chemotherapy-related toxicity"


29/9/17 Daniel Murphy - "Colorectal tumours require NUAK1 for protection from oxidative stress"

27/10/17 David Bryant - "How cells know top from bottom: The phospholipid Pl(3,4)P2 is an apical identity determinant"


23/11/2017 - In line with November as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, there will also be a special seminar on Thursday, November 23rd, at 1 pm in the WWCRC seminar room.  Maarten Bijlsma from AMC, Amsterdam, will be speaking on “Identification and non-invasive detection of a poor-prognosis subgroup of pancreatic cancer”.


01/12/17 Peter Bailey - “Targetting subtypes of pancreatic cancer"

First published: 18 July 2017

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