Dr Mengyuan Feng
- Lecturer in Accounting (Accounting & Finance)
Adam Smith Business School, Room 417, 2 Discovery Place, Glasgow, G11 6EY
Mengyuan is a Lecturer in Accounting at Adam Smith Business School. She obtained her PhD in Accounting and Master of Accountancy (Macc) from the University of Glasgow.
Mengyuan works on interdisciplinary perspectives on management accounting and accountability, focusing on technology, society, and governance perspective. Her research has drawn from a Foucauldian perspective on control and governmentality to theorise practices of a digital platform. She engages with social theory to develop appreciation of accountability and control in digital platforms/digital offices and has a key ongoing project on the role of silence in counter account.
She is also interested in developing a regime of critical scholarship in accounting education.
Research interests
Mengyuan is a member of the Accounting research cluster.
Areas of expertise:
- Management accounting
- Critical perspectives on accounting
- Accountability in digital platform/society
- Social and environmental accounting
- Qualitative methodologies in accounting research
Mengyuan would be interested in co-supervising in the following areas:
- Accountability practised in digitalised economy/society
- Social and Environmental Accounting
- Cultural political-economy of accounting and governance
- Sociological and interdisciplinary approaches to accounting research
- Wandono, Rhoni Tanjung Marji
Big Data Analysis and Accountability: A Case Study of Taxpayer Compliance Risk Management System in the Indonesian Tax Authority
Courses currently taught:
- Management Accounting 1: A Business Decision Emphasis (UG)
- Management accounting 2: Organisational performance (UG)
- Accounting for Management (PGT course coordinator)
Previously taught:
- Financial Accounting 2 (UG)
- Financial Information Management (PGT)
- Management Accounting and Control (PGT)
Additional information
Mengyuan is currently an Adviser of Studies and an Assessment Officer for the Accounting & Finance subject group.