Professor Mario Cerrato
- Professor of Finance (Accounting & Finance)
678a, ABS (South) Gilbert Scott Building, Glasgow g12 8qq
Mario joined the University of Glasgow as a Lecturer in Financial Economics in March 2008 before becoming a Professor of Finance. He previously held posts at London Metropolitan University, Banca del Salento and Expedia Capital Management Ltd. He holds a PhD in Financial Econometrics (2003) and an MSc in Economics from London Metropolitan University, and a first degree in Economics from the University of Salerno. Cerrato’s fields of specialisation include fx microstructures, derivatives and banking. He has published in leader journals such as The Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Money Credit & Banking and the Journal of Banking & Finance. Cerrato’s serves regularly as a consultant of leader financial firms in the City of London and Scotland.
Research interests
Mario is a member of the Finance research cluster.
Areas of expertise:
- Derivatives
- Asset pricing
- Banking
- Forex microstructures
- Securitization
- Consal Team s.r.l, Salerno, Italy (2014) (company valuation), Award €1,500
- Scottish Enterprise and Structured Credit Investor/Cold Fountain Media (2010) - (liquidity risk), Award £5,000
- UBS Investment Bank, London (2010) (risk management), Award £10,000
- Scottish Government with the Chinese Ministry of Education (2009) - (risk management), £153,336,Grant Number 63024
- John Robertson Bequest (2009) - (option pricing), Award £1,500
- University of Evry, France (2007), Award €3000
- University of Evry, France, (2006), Award €3,000
- Regional Convergence and Divergence in Euroland: the Role of the Financial Sector (2003-05), (The Italian Ministry for Higher Education), Award €3,500
Current PhD students
- Wang, Tongtong
Currency Excess Return and Volume in FX Market
Completed PhD student topics
- Exchange Rate Forecasting
- Essay in FX Market Microstructure
- Hedge Fund Seeding Innovation and Management
- Risk Management and Optimal Security Design under Asymmetric Information
- The Impact of Securitization on US Bank Holding Companies Performance before and after the Crisis
- Economic Significance of Empirical Exchange Rate Models: an Investigation of the Empirical Exchange Rate Models Conditional on Economic Variables
- Econometric models in financial economics
- Dividend smoothing and risk shifting by banks under information asymmetry
- Fiscal policy and business cycles
- Credit risk modelling
- Machine learning in quantitative finance
- Exchange Rates and Non-Linear Models
- Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets (completed-full time job as a Lecturer in Finance at the LondonMet Business School)
- Financial markets microstructures
- Derivatives
- Banking
Additional information
CV: Mario Cerrato (pdf)
Working papers
Working papers and revise and submit:
- Quantitative Easing, Banks’ Funding Costs and Credit Line Prices, by Mario Cerrato and Shengfeng Mei, March 2025
- European firms, Panic Borrowing and Credit Lines Drawdowns: What did we learn from the COVID-19 Shock? by Mario Cerrato, Hormoz Ramian and Shengfeng Mei, February 2024
- Foreign exchange order flow as a risk factor, by Craig Burnside, Mario Cerrato and Zhekai Zhang, January 2023
- Default Risk and the Cross-Section of UK Insurance Firms’ Returns , by Mario Cerrato, Paolo Coccorese and Xuan Zhang, June 2022
- Foreign exchange order flow as a risk factor, by Craig Burnside, Mario Cerrato and Zhekai Zhang
- Factor Investing and forex Portfolio Management, by Mario Cerrato, Danyang Li and Zhekai Zhang
- “No Good Deal-No Bad Models”, by Boyarchecko, N., Cerrato, M., J., Crosby and S., Hodges, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Staff Report (under review Journal of Economics, Dynamic and Control).
- Cerrato, M., ,C., de Perretti, R., Larsson, N., Sarantis, “A Non-Linear Panel Unit Root Test Under Cross Section Dependence”, University of Glasgow Business School, working papers (R/R Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics)
Policy notes
- Mobility and the Economic effect of COVID-19 in United Kingdom, by Joseph P. Byrne, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University; Mario Cerrato, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow; and Xuan Zhang, Institute of Economics and Finance, Nanjing Audit University; October, 2020
- The COVID-19 Pandemic And The Economy: We Are Fighting A New War, by Mario Cerrato, Adam Smith Business School and Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Brunel University, London (April 2020)
- The Rise and Fall of the ABS Market, by Mario Cerrato, Adam Smith Business School